November 2007 dfa NowYour voice to be heard Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, with her Ghanaian counterpart, Mr Kofi Osei-Ameyaw and High Commissioner, Dr Lindiwe Mabuza at the Diaspora Conference Editorial Note DeAr COlleagues The dfa Now is an internal newsletter of Department of Foreign elcome to the November issue of DFA Now. Our Affairs published by the Directorate: Content Development. focus this month is an article on the Diaspora WConference that was held in South Africa and editor-in-Chief: Ronnie Mamoepa hosted by our Minister Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma plus editor: Paseka Mokhethea many interesting articles from head office as well as some from our Missions. We also take this opportunity to whish editorial Committee: all DFA employees a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous Khoza, G: Dir: Operations Centre; New Year. May those of you who are going on leave enjoy Moloto, J: Dir: Office of the Deputy Minister; this time spent with family and loved ones, and if you are Dikweni, NL: Dir: Economic Policy and Programming; travelling, please be safe. Our Minister and the Department Mashabane, D: Dir Humanitarian Affairs; appreciate your contribution towards the achievement of a Mashigo G: Dir EWC; better Africa in a better world and need you back next year. Shongwe, LV: Dir: Office of the DG; Mabhongo, X: Chief Dir : United Nations; Thank you also to those who have contributed articles and Malawana XL: Media Liaison inputs throughout the past year to help make DFA Now a viable publication for the entire Department’s staff. We are sub-editing and Proof reading: looking forward to receiving your inputs in 2008! Elion Von Wielligh and Tirelo Makgeledisa Festive Greetings! Design and layout: Shaune van Wyk, Zimele Ngxongo and Seja Mokgawa. Pictures: Jacoline Prinsloo, Sanjay Singh and Unathi Ngamntwini Creative Corner The views expressed in this newsletter do not neccessarily Dear Mama, reflect those of the DFA or the editors. The deadline for contributions is 25 January 2008. Contributions may be sent Your image is still on my mind, although I forgot your name. to cbe300 or [email protected] Sorry for that, but it is 16 years ago now that I saw you in All enquiries: Paseka @ Tel: (012) 351-1569 ‘Soweto at the sea’. Fax: (012) 351-1327 I think they also called it ‘the red location’, because of the color of its houses in very rusty corrogated iron. Were they not old army baracks before? Not only de houses, but every- thing was red: the soil, the sunset, the water. But not the children. They went to school in clean costumes and dresses, with white socks and collars, as white as can lrP be. How did you manage Mama? As you had to go to the tap for water on a distance of half a kilometer? I was wondering. And then I saw you demonstrating, together with other wom- en. Demonstrating for better houses. The first life toyi-toyi march I saw. You seemed so full of strength and energy, as you were marching to the municipallity building. You moved Tour your heavy hips so free. Policecars and guns could not im- press you, but you impressed me. etter to mama toyi-toyi. mama to etter I carried your image with me for years, but only last sum- l mer I felt like finalising a series of paintings and drawings about you. I needed to look back on your strength in order to strengthen myself, as I felt sick and week in that period. 2007 Some people say toyi-toying-times are over now. I doubt it and I am sure that we will always need you, Mama. I charish your strength and your determination to fight for a life for all the children and all human beings. By Toos Van Liere 2 DFA Now • November 2007 International relations Minister Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma hosted the African Diaspora sOuTH ArICA HOsTeD Ministerial Conference that took place at Gallagher Estate in Mid- THe AFrICAN DIAsPOrA rand on 16-18 November. The Min- isterial session was preceded by a MINIsTERIAl CONFERENCe meeting of senior Officials held on By elion von Wielligh 14-15 November. The African Diaspora Ministerial Conference represented a culmination of 18 months of work where Regional Consultative Conferences were held all over the Diaspora, from Latin Amer- ica, North America, Europe, the Carib- bean and the African Union members meeting on the Diaspora held in Addis Ababa. A consolidated outcomes re- port was compiled from all these Re- gional Consultative Conferences and was presented at the Conference in Midrand. This document served as a basis to develop a programme of ac- tion in preparation for the African Di- aspora Summit, to be held in 2008. President Thabo Mbeki also ad- dressed the Conference and stated that South Africa is pleased to be part of a process where together as Africans we have taken another step ‘towards building a system of coopera- tion among ourselves that will increase our capacity to confront and solve the common problems we share, enabling us to assert our dignity as human be- ings’. President Mbeki also stressed the importance of cooperation be- tween the African Diaspora in knowl- edge sharing and economic develop- ment, and made specific mention of development programmes of the Af- rican Union and NEPAD, stating that President Thabo Mbeki addressing the African Diaspora Ministerial Conference knowledge sharing can fast-track the implementation thereof. by all. The Conference recognised mentality transformation, economic that the Diaspora consultation proc- development, energy resources and The following themes were dis- ess cannot only be an emotional and economic development. cussed at the conference; Global Dia- spiritual journey but also needs to be a logue, Peace and Stability; Economic transparent and concrete process with The Programme of Action to be Development, Regional Development tangible and measurable results. Thus further developed after this Ministerial and Integration; Women, Youth, Chil- the Ministerial Conference produced a Conference is to be adopted by the dren and Vulnerable Groups and His- solutions orientated programme of ac- African Diaspora Summit next year to- toric, Social, Religious and Cultural tion to develop partnerships between gether with a declaration outlining the Communalities. Africa and the Diaspora. These part- way forward in this process of strength- nerships will include co-operation in ening ties between Africans globally. An The conference was held in plena- political, economic and social spheres. implementation plan will also be part of ry sessions where all the themes could More detail was given to discussions what is envisaged for the summit. be discussed by all the members and on tourism, culture, remittances and thus lend itself to broad participation communication to issues of image and Conference Sponsored by MTN & ABSA DFA Now • November 2007 Mission Activities 16 DAYs OF ACTIVIsM CeleBrATeD IN BelGIuM By Mpho Boshego Ms Frieda Groffy, a poet and staunch womens’ rights activist during Ms Mantsaye Ngwaila responsible for Culture and Tourism in the the celebration Brussels Embassy also participated in the celebration he south African embassy sations supporting women and chil- of women and children demanding in Brussels observed the dren’s rights across Belgium and the that abuse they have endured and are T16 Days of Activism for no diplomatic corps in Brussels. The at- continuing to endure be stopped. Ms. Violence Against Women and Chil- tendance demonstrated how the peo- Van Liere who is also an acclaimed dren Campaign on the 23 November ple of the world feel about the abuse artist and painter also exhibited her 2007. This is a global campaign that that some women and children in the 2007 painting repertoire entitled let- South Africa has been a part of for 10 world are subjected to. They came to ter to mama toyi-toyi. It speaks of the years. The Campaign started on 25 join South Africa in saying enough is women she met during her many visits November (International Day of No Vi- enough. to South Africa; strong, unselfish and olence against Women) and it will run progressive in spite of the hardships through to International Human Rights The event also focused on women they face on a daily basis. It speaks Day on 10 December. While the glo- not as victims but as pillars of strength about the continuation of the struggle bal campaign focuses on violence not only for their children and com- by women for complete emancipation against women, South Africa added munities but for themselves as well. from a society that continues to define children to its campaign because of Ms. Frieda Groffy who is an old friend them as weak and persists to break the realisation that children are also of the democratic South Africa and a them. soft targets for abuse and the failure staunch women’s rights activist spoke to protect them would be tantamount about the wonderful women she met The message that evening was to disregarding its future. in South Africa and how their experi- simple and clear; let all of us stand ences and hardships inspired her to together, men and women to stop the The South African Embassy ob- write one of her books entitled Uni- abuse of women and children in order served the start of the campaign by versal Woman. She spoke about the to build a secure world. hosting a cultural night filled with mu- similarities between the women of the sic, poetry, art and a play illustrating world and the importance of them hav- The guests were not only treated the power and beauty of women and ing one voice in addressing the injus- to an art exhibition, a play and poetry children.
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