Gesamtliste JOURNALS Abkürzung JOURNAL JOURNAL - vollständige Bezeichnung ACCOUNT BUS RES Accounting and Business Research ACCOUNT REV Accounting Review ACTA OECON Acta Oeconomica ACTUAL PROBL ECON Actual Problems of Economics ADV APPL PROBAB Advances in Applied Probability ADV DATA ANAL CLASSI Advances in Data Analysis and Classification AGR ECON-BLACKWELL Agricultural Economics AM ECON J-APPL ECON American Economic Journal-Applied Economics AM ECON J-ECON POLIC American Economic Journal-Economic Policy AM ECON J-MACROECON American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics AM ECON J-MICROECON American Economic Journal-Microeconomics AM ECON REV American Economic Review AM J AGR ECON American Journal of Agricultural Economics AM J ECON SOCIOL American Journal of Economics and Sociology AM LAW ECON REV American Law and Economics Review AM STAT American Statistician AMFITEATRU ECON Amfiteatru Economic ANN APPL PROBAB Annals of Applied Probability ANN APPL STAT Annals of Applied Statistics ANN ECON FINANC Annals of Economics and Finance ANN I H POINCARE-PR Annales de l Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilities et Statistiques ANN I STAT MATH Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics ANN PROBAB Annals of Probability ANN STAT Annals of Statistics ANNU REV ECON Annual Review of Economics ANNU REV FINANC ECON Annual Review of Financial Economics ANNU REV RESOUR ECON Annual Review of Resource Economics APPL ECON Applied Economics APPL ECON LETT Applied Economics Letters APPL STOCH MODEL BUS Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry ARGUM OECON Argumenta Oeconomica ASIAN ECON J Asian Economic Journal ASIAN ECON PAP Asian Economic Papers ASIAN ECON POLICY R Asian Economic Policy Review ASIAN J TECHNOL INNO Asian Journal of Technology Innovation ASIAN-PAC ECON LIT Asian-Pacific Economic Literature ASTA-ADV STAT ANAL AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis ASTIN BULL Astin Bulletin ASTIN BULL Astin Bulletin AUST ECON HIST REV Australian Economic History Review AUST ECON PAP Australian Economic Papers AUST ECON REV Australian Economic Review AUST J AGR RESOUR EC Austrian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics AUST NZ J STAT Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics B ECON RES Bulletin of Economic Research B INDONES ECON STUD Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies BALT J ECON Baltic Journal of Economics BAYESIAN ANAL Bayesian Analysis BE J ECON ANAL POLI B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy BE J MACROECON B E Journal of Macroeconomics BE J THEOR ECON B E Journal of Theoretical Economics BERNOULLI Bernoulli Page 1 Gesamtliste JOURNALS BIOMETRICAL J Biometrical Journal BIOMETRICS Biometrics BIOMETRIKA Biometrika BIOSTATISTICS Biostatistics BRIT J MATH STAT PSY British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology BROOKINGS PAP ECO AC Brookings Papers on Economic Activity CAMB J ECON Cambridge Journal of Economics CAN J AGR ECON Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie CAN J ECON Canadian Journal of Economics CAN J STAT Canadian Journal of Statistics-Revue Canadienne de Statistique CEPAL REV Cepal Review CESIFO ECON STUD CESifo Economic Studies CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems CHINA AGR ECON REV China Agricultural Economic Review CHINA ECON REV China Economic Review CHINA WORLD ECON China & World Economy CLIOMETRICA Cliometrica COMB PROBAB COMPUT Combinatorics Probability & Computing COMMUN STAT-SIMUL C Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation COMMUN STAT-THEOR M Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods COMPUT ECON Computational Economics COMPUT STAT DATA AN Computational Statistics & Data Analysis COMPUTATION STAT Computational Statistics CONTEMP ECON POLICY Contemporary Economic Policy DEFENCE PEACE ECON Defence and Peace Economics DEV ECON Developing Economies E M EKON MANAG E & M Ekonomie a Management EASTERN EUR ECON Eastern European Economics ECOL ECON Ecological Economics ECON CHIL Economia Chilena ECON COMPUT ECON CYB Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research ECON DEV CULT CHANGE Economic Development and Cultural Change ECON DEV Q Economic Development Quarterly ECON EDUC REV Economics of Education Review ECON GEOGR Economic Geography ECON HIST REV Economic History Review ECON HUM BIOL Economics & Human Biology ECON INQ Economic Inquiry ECON J Economic Journal ECON J WATCH Econ Journal Watch ECON LETT Economics Letters ECON MODEL Economic Modelling ECON PHILOS Economics and Philosophy ECON POLICY Economic Policy ECON POLIT-ITALY Economia Politica ECON REC Economic Record ECON SOC Economy and Society ECON SOC REV Economic and Social Review ECON SYST RES Economic Systems Research ECON THEOR Economic Theory ECON TRANSIT Economics of Transition ECONOMET J Econometrics Journal ECONOMET J Econometrics Journal Page 2 Gesamtliste JOURNALS ECONOMET REV Ecometric Reviews ECONOMET REV Econometric Reviews ECONOMET THEOR Econometric Theory ECONOMET THEOR Econometric Theory ECONOMETRICA Econometrica ECONOMETRICA Econometrica ECONOMICA Economica ECONOMIST-NETHERLAND Economist-Netherlands EKON CAS Ekonomicky Casopis EKON ISTRAZ Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research EKONOMISTA Ekonomista ELECTRON COMMUN PROB Electronic Communications in Probability ELECTRON J PROBAB Electronic Journal of Probability ELECTRON J STAT Electronic Journal of Statistics EMERG MARK FINANC TR Emerging Markets Finance and Trade EMPIR ECON Empirical Economics ENERG ECON Energy Economics ENERG J Energy Journal ENVIRON ECOL STAT Environmental and Ecological Statistics ENVIRON PLANN A Environment and Planning A ENVIRON RESOUR ECON Environmental and Resource Economics ENVIRONMETRICS Environmetrics ESTUD ECONOMIA Estudios de Economia EUR ECON REV European Economic Review EUR J HEALTH ECON European Journal of Health Economics EUR J HIST ECON THOU European Journal of the History of Economic Thought EUR J LAW ECON European Journal of Law and Economics EUR J OPER RES European Journal of Operational Research EUR J POLIT ECON European Journal of Political Economy EUR REV AGRIC ECON European Review of Agricultural Economics EUR REV ECON HIST European Review of Economic History EUROPE-ASIA STUD Europe-Asia Studies EXP ECON Experimental Economics EXPLOR ECON HIST Explorations in Economic History EXTREMES Extremes FED RESERVE BANK ST Federal Reserve Bank of ST Louis Review FEM ECON Feminist Economics FINANC MANAGE Financial Management FINANC STOCH Finance and Stochastics FINANC STOCH Finance and Stochastics FINANZARCHIV FinanzArchiv FISC STUD Fiscal Studies FOOD POLICY Food Policy FUTURES Futures FUZZY SET SYST Fuzzy Sets and Systems GAME ECON BEHAV Games and Economic Behavior GENEVA RISK INS REV Geneva Risk and Insurance Review GER ECON REV German Economic Review GLOBAL ECON REV Global Economic Review HACET J MATH STAT Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics HEALTH ECON Health Economics HIST POLIT ECON History of Political Economy HITOTSUB J ECON Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics IEEE ACM T COMPUT BI IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Page 3 Gesamtliste JOURNALS IMF STAFF PAPERS International Monetary Fund Staff Papers IND CORP CHANGE Industrial and Corporate Change IND INNOV Industry and Innovation IND LABOR RELAT REV Industrial and Labor Relations Review INDEP REV Independent Review INF ECON POLICY Information Economics and Policy INFIN DIMENS ANAL QU Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics INSUR MATH ECON Insurance Mathematics & Economics INSUR MATH ECON Insurance: Mathematics and Economics INT ECON REV International Economic Review INT ENVIRON AGREEM-P International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics INT FINANC International Finance INT J AGRIC STAT SCI International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences INT J ECON THEORY International Journal of Economic Theory INT J FORECASTING International Journal of Forecasting INT J GAME THEORY International Journal of Game Theory INT J GAME THEORY International Journal of Game Theory INT J HEALTH CARE FI International Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics INT J IND ORGAN International Journal of Industrial Organization INT J RES MARK International Journal of Research in Marketing INT J TRANSP ECON International Journal of Transport Economics INT LABOUR REV International Labour Review INT REV ECON FINANC International Review of Economics & Finance INT REV LAW ECON International Review of Law and Economics INT STAT REV International Statistical Review INT TAX PUBLIC FINAN International Tax and Public Finance INTERFACES Interfaces INVEST ECON-MEX Investigacion Economica INVEST ECON-SPAIN Investigaciones Economicas INZ EKON Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics J ACCOUNT ECON Journal of Accounting and Economics J ACCOUNT RES Journal of Accounting Research J AFR ECON Journal of African Economies J AGR BIOL ENVIR ST Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics J AGR ECON Journal of Agricultural Economics J AGR RESOUR ECON Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics J AGRAR CHANGE Journal of Agrarian Change J AM STAT ASSOC Journal of the American Statistical Association J APPL ECON Journal of Applied Economics J APPL ECONOMET Journal of Applied Econometrics J APPL PROBAB Journal of Applied Probability J APPL STAT Journal of Applied Statistics J ASIA PAC ECON Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy J AUST POLIT ECON Journal of Australian Political Economy J BANK FINANC Journal of Banking and Finance J BEHAV FINANC Journal of Behavioral FInance J BIOPHARM STAT Journal of Biopharmaceutical
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