TOM BRENNAN TAKES DICK SCHILLING TELLS RAM'S-EYE VIEW OF THE INSIDE STORY THE THEATRE OF G. U. TRIP fVol. 26 NEW YORK, N. Y., OCTOBER 18, 1946 No. 3 Ram Tangles With Gael at P. G. Tomorrow Fr. Gannon to Say Phantom Phlankers Trans-Continental Memorial Mass Phi/ to Phace Ram Rivalry Renewed For War Dead Galloping Gaels Herded After War Lapse Into Concourse Plaza Veterans Association Squirmin' Herman Set By Coach Phelan To Sponsor Service To Throw The Book Nov. 3 In Chapel Without the slightest trace of fan- At Danowskimen re or ballyhoo, St. Mary's highly- The Reverend Robert I. Gannon outed and widely-publicized band When the Rams of Fordham and the Gaels of' St. Mary's line, up be- S.J. President of Fordham Univer- f pigskin prodigies arrived in New fore a sellout crowd for the initial sity, will be the celebrant of a Sol- York early Wednesday afternoon to kick-off at the Polo Grounds tomor- emn High Memorial Mass for Ford- jegin preparations for tomorrow's -ow afternoon, it will mark the thir- ham's war dead, sponsored by the ussle with the Maroon. The Gaels teenth time that these two old rivals Fordham U. Veterans' Association, anded at La Guardia Field at 1:40, have met in pigskin combat under the heights of Coogan's Bluff. In at 9. A. M. on Sunday morning, No- nd immediately bussed up to the twelve previous encounters Fordham vember 3, in the University Church. Concourse Plaza Hotel where they has sliced a share of the victory cake Assisting at this Mass will be the JIM LANSING checked in before departing for seven times, while St. Mary's has Reverend Stephen J. Meany, S.J., Ram Co-Captain heir initial practice at Iona Prep come out on top in four of the en- counters. One battle, the 1935 thril- Assistant President, and the Rev- n New Rochelle. erend Thomas A. Duross, S.J., Unr ED RYAN ler, ended in a 7-7 deadlock. Rated Head Coach Jimmie Phelan and St. Mary's End on their season record, St. Mary's versity Veterans' Moderator. Freshmen Resume his entourage, which consisted of lacking neither in quality nor in forty-two players, and a group of depth, is a top-heavy favorite to Following the church service' there Class Activities Fr. Barrett Holds win. will be an informal Communion assistant coaches, trainers and Ath- etic Assn. personnel, departed from The Gaels came from behind in Breakfast in Keating Hall at which their opening game and scored two Father Gannon and Dr. Francis X. For New Term San Francisco at 9:30 Tuesday eve- Opening Meeting last quarter touchdowns to defeat a Connolly, head of the English de- ning, with brief stop-overs made at strong University of . Washington partment at the college, will be the Forum, Sodality Start Kansas City and Chicago. Phelan Of Scriveners squad, 24 to 20. The following week- guest speakers. The Veterans' Asso- mentioned that several of the visi- end they ran up a 73-0 score against As Math, Glee Clubs tors "are just along for the ride,11 The first scheduled meeting of the Alameda Naval Station and, last ciation has asked that tickets for the Saturday the Moragans went down referring mainly to Joe Ferem, sec- Scriveners, the Freshman literary breakfast be purchased before Oc- Take Members ssociation on the campus, was held to defeat at the hands of the Univer- tober 25, due to the difficulty of the ond string quarterback, and Frank Wednesday, October 9, with Father sity of California, 20-13, in a major food situation. The tickets are priced With the largest number of stu- Callen, one of the starting tackles, Alfred J. Barrett, S.J., presiding as upset. at two dollars each and may be ob- dents in its history, the Freshman both of whom are 'on''.the injured moderator. Meetings will be held Center of attraction and motivat- list. each Wednesday in Dealy. Hall, ing force behind the powerful West tained any day at lunchtime at the Class of Fordham College this year Coast delegation is the Hawaiian booth in the cafeteria. As the ca- Approached on the subject of the room 4, at three p.m. is playing an important role on the Father Barrett outlined the pur- Hurricane, All-American Herman pacity of the Keating Hall Cafeteria stage of Rose Hill. To date, freshmen encounter with the Rams, Coach Wedemeyer. The bells of praise at Phelan preferred to reserve his com- poses of the Scriveners and their is limited, they suggest that all who in both the morning and evening plans for the coming year. He em- St. Mary's are ringing loud and long f ments for after the game, but did for this triple-threat halfback of wish to attend the breakfast ge sessions have shown great interest state that the Moragans have a great phasized the fact that the Scriveners their tickets as early as possible. s not founded only for those with theirs and rightly so; for Wede- 1 in many extra-curricular activities respect for Fordham and "know meyer has come East this year with The Fordham University Veterans in addition to carrying on a full class only what we saw at the George- exceptional talent for writing, but is a reputation far outstripping that of Association invites all veterans now town game." The soft spoken Gael an organization for all who are in- any of his Coast predecessors. schedule. terested in turning out essays, short attending the University, as well as The Freshman Forum, which mentor also mentioned that his out- "Wedey" can punt, pass, plunge or those who Wave graduated, or who fit "is not an outstanding team, bu stories, poems and plays. The Scriv- skirt the ends and, in an open field meets every Tuesday at 3 p.m. in eners and the Monthly are separate for some reason were unable to re- the Council of Debate room of Keat- does possess a lot of speed and col- his speed and deception make him a turn to Fordham after the war, to or." Asked to what he attributed.last units but it is expected that the for- pretty elusive target. When the ing Hall under the guidance of Rev mer will be a "farm system" for the become members of the organiza- James E. Hennessey, S.J., instructor week's upset at the hands of the Gaels have possession of the ball, lion, which meets monthly. The nex' University of California, Phelan re- latter. As a result members of the number 11, which Herman sports on of Latin and English, welcomed Scriveners will have an excellent meeting will be Wednesday evening, fifty-five new members at its firs' plied that the Gaels • had run up his jersey, is the one to keep your November 6, at 8 P. M. against a mighty tough football opportunity to become members of eye on. Last month's get-together was a meeting held this week. Over half the Monthly staff. of these prospective debaters are team which had cashed in on the Wedemeyer's three running mates great success, with Ed Danowski few misplays that St. Mary's made, The informal headquarters of the veterans, whose experience in the (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 5) Athletic Director of the F.U.V.A., as services have convinced them of the "We had them in the figures, bu the guest speaker. Plans are being not in the score," he said. made for a dance after the N.Y.U. necessity of a forceful presentation game, a basketball team and for the of their ideas. The Moraga Maestro skillfully more important business which falls At this first meeting a temporary avoided questions relating to the Duffy Named to Head Sodality under the group's motto: "Pro God chairman, Edward Charbonneau of nature of the famous "Phelan Phan- Pro Country and Pro Fordham." (Continued on page 6) tom Phlanker," leaving it up to Ed Danowski and his pupils to figuri out for themselves tomorrow after Schilling, Geiringer to Assist noon. Staff Readies October Monthly The eye-filling group of physica: In its first meeting of the current ites in the field of Catholic action specimens from the Pacific Coasi scholastic year, the Sodality last in the past is the new Prefect. Since were to work out twice at Iona anc week began its activities as an im- his return to Fordham, Duffy has Featuring New Departments will test the turf at the Polo Grounds portant factor in the Fordham distinguished himself as a leader in at 2 P. M. this afternoon. scheme. Selected to lead the Sodali- many activities, including the Mimes ty this year is John Duffy, '47, Busi- and Mummers, The RAM, the Ma- roon staff. His most praiseworthy The other new feature of tin ness Manager of The RAM, who has With an introduction of two new been chosen Prefect, with the assist- accomplishments, however, have features and revival of three old forthcoming Monthly is a depart' Campus Altar Society been realized outside of the Ford- ment entitled "Veteran Vignettes.' ants to be Robert Geiringer, '47, and traditions the Fordham Monthly Under this heading vets at Fordham Revived By Mr. Sealy Richard Schilling, '47. ham scene. He has devoted much of under the editorship of Donald A. will be given an excellent opportu- This year the Sodality for the Up- his time in the past to the furthering Drennen, '47, will make its first ap- nity for reliving Service experiences, After a three-year lapse, the perclassmen will operate in two sec- of Catholic Action by teaching cate- and for sharing with their fellow St.
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