THE ROLLEIFLEX: MODEL BY MODEL These green pages deal with the individual Rolleiflex cameras in detail. Self-contained sectionsfor each group of model coverpoints of loading, unloading, shooting, and specific controls. For afuller explanation of aspectscommon to all Rolleiflex cameras, compare these sections with the main text under the same headings. The Rolleiflex F and E Series The Rolleiflex Automat Series Loading 6 Loading 29 Unloading I Unloading 30 Shooting g Shooting 30 Using the Rolleiflex E Special Controls 34 Exposure Meter I0 Installing the Exposure Early Rolleiflex Models Meter II Loading 38 Special Controls It Unloading 38 Shooting 38 The Rolleiflex T SpecialControls 39 Loading I4 Unloading I6 Lens Attachments and Accessories Shooting I5 Tele and Wide-angle $ Using the Rolleiflex T Close-up Work 40 Exposure Meter t8 Earlier Close-up Lens Sets 42 Installing the Exposure Soft Focus Lenses 42 Meter ,8 The Lens Hood 43 Special Controls I9 The Rolleilux 43 Filters 43 The Rollei-Magic I,II The Rollei Micro Adapter 44 Loading 20 Unloading 22 Yiewing Accessofies Shooting 22 The Binocular Focusing Special Controls 22 Hood 45 The EyeJevel Prism TheRolleiflex4x4 Finder 45 The Rolleigrid 45 Loading 25 Rolleiclear Screen 45 Unloading 25 The Rolleimeter 45 Shooting 25 The Extension Focusing SpecialControls 26 Knob 45 fl ililt Carnero Cases and Holding The Rolleikin Cine Film Accessories Adapter 54 Ever-Ready Cases 48 The Rolleikin II 54 The Metal Ever-Ready Case 48 Installing the Release The Rolleifix Tripod Head 50 Knob 56 The Pistol Grip 50 Assembling the Rolleikin II 56 The Panorama Head 50 Loading 56 The Stereo Slide 50 Film Transport 58 The Rolleimarin Rewinding 58 Underwater Housing 52 The Rolleikin I 58 Rolleimot, remote control 52 Assembling the Rolleikin I 58 Film Loading and Alternatiae Picture Sizes Transport @ The Rolleiflex Mask Set 53 Rewinding 60 The Plate Adapter 53 Early Designsof Rolleikin 62 Note: Various items of equipment mentioned in the following pages are no longer manufactured. These items are denoted by the sign O t2 THE ROLLEIFLEX F and E SERES THE ROLLEIFLEX 3.5F is equipped with either the 3 in. (75 mm.) or 03 in. (75 mm.) SchneiderXenotar/3.5 lens with .6I' '- Zeiss Planar the an angleof view of 56o.The viewing lensis a 3 in. (75 mm.) Heidosmat, r'Dt ., ' f 2.8. The camerahas a built-in photo-electricexposure meter(coup!"dj/( to aperture and shutter speedcontrols with control wheels permitting' individual adjustment of both settings. Filter factor correction can be -) fed directly into the meter. This model is also available without its built-in meter, which can be easily fitted at any time. The shutter is the Synchro-Compur MXV. The camera further has an automatic depth of field indicator, film feeler, and rloqhlE.exposure lock yith provision for intentional double exposures.The cameraback ha5 a two-position Ti6"sure plate.E-"additioh to th^6position for 2]x.21in. nlcturesthere rs a second one for 35 mm. film when used with the Rolleikin II attachment. The focusing hood is removable and can be replaced by an eye-levelpentaprism unit. An optical glass film plane can be fitted with a three-position pressureplate, to obtain absolute flatness of the film. A back for single exposures on plates or cut film can be fitted. * The Rollei-Marin 4 underwater housing is designedfor use with this Rolleiflex model for underwater photography. The finder hood is interchangeablefor an eye-level pentaprism. This model takes size II bayonet accessories(filters, close-up lenses, lens hood) to fit the bayonet lens mount. O TIIE ROLLEIFLEX 3.5E3 is similar to 3.5F but has no exposure meter built in. It has cross-coupledaperture and speedscale with expo- sure values. However the expoiure meter as in Rollei T can be installed later (see ! tB T) 3e.,r-,, THE ROLLEIFLEX 2.8F is equipped with the 3$ in. (80 mm.) .k Zeiss Planar or O Schneider Xenotar / 2.8 lens and is otherwise the same as the Rolleiflex 3.5F. No Rollei-Marin underwater housing is available so far for this model. It takes size III bayonet accessories (filters. close-up lenses,lens hood) to fit its bayonet lens mount. O THE ROLLEIFLEX 2.8E3is similar to the 2.8F but hasno exposure meter builtin. It has cross-coupledaperture and speedscalewithexpo- sure values. Flowever the exposurerneter as in Rollei T can be installed . later(seeIf8T). ---> is similar to the Rolleiflex 2.8F"but the ' O THE ROLLEIFLEX2.SEI? ., ^ , ,Ni+ built-inphoto-electricexposuremeterisnotcoupledtotheapertuie-speed ynf t 'setting. ' - The shutter has an exposure value scale. The same accessories are ulable on it as for the 2.8f and the camera also takes size III bayonet accessories.A special film counter and film release knob is built in for use with the Rolleikin II outfit. THE TELE-ROLLEIFLEX is basically the same as the Rolleiflex 2.sBl2 in designand handling. The taking lens is a 58 in. (135 mm.) Zeiss Sonnar f 4, with an angle of view of 33o.The viewing lens is also a 5 $ in. (135mm.) ZeissSonn ar f 4. The exposuremeter is either built in, F,E 3l THE ROLLEIFLEX 3.5F Synchro-levcr Hood Pccp window DOF rrngc Distancer Scrccn Focusknob Sctting marker Metcr nccdlc Fllter factoF Shutter speeds Apcrturcl Film spcedr Double cxpo3urc! Releasc Flashsockct Back block Thc synchronizing lever selects flash scttlngs and tcnslons thc sclf-timcr. The focusing hood ls rcmovabfc.The geepwindow indicatcs the shuttcr specd and aperturc scr. Thc de1thoffield indicotor automatically shows the sharp zone opposite the distoncescole, and is coupled with the oqerture control. Thc focusing knob moves the wholc lens pancl forwards and backwards. Lining-up thc setting morker with the meter needlescts thc corrcct exposure. A separate knob carries filter factor . correctionsand film speedsettings. Cross-coupled whcels set the apertures and shutter speeds.The +,tronsDort cronk incorporates a double exposurereleose. Thc releosebutton with cable release socket -+' tlso carriesa safetyand time cxposure lock. Thc above details apply to the Rolleiflex 3.5F; apart from the larger dlametcr of the lenses,the Rolleiflex2.8F is idehiiial. :i.t. r.i .'.'*.....,...,..........'.**'*- .jrr:! i,z.ii:'iiiii:.:N'ii:.i.:.:,:.t t' :'i.'e. iiiii:i;:iii:i:ii:iii t:l:,ffi1ill*S";...(GDFffi iiiiii:iiiii:i iiiii iliilliii iiB.tIilH iiiffimii, eill fi$ Shooting with the Rolleiflcx 3.5F. From left to right: Swlng thc crank to advance the film; turn rhe aperture wheel to line up the setting marker and meter needle while taking an exposure reading; select an alternative aperture-speed combination if required; focus the image on the screen; press the release to expose. | 4 FrE \ THE ROLLEIFLEX 3.5E Peepwindow Hood Exposurevalues Self-timer Apertures DOF range Distances Focus knob Setting marker Meter needle Relcase Double exposures Synchro-lever The pccp window indicatcs thc rpcrturcs rnd shutter rpccdr ectually sct. The focusing hood incorpoiates a mirror for eye-levcl viewing, but is not removablc. The shutter speedwheel carrics an cxpoiurc value scale and is cross-coupledwith operturcwheel. Thc automatic depthof B:ld indicotor sh6wsthe zone of sharpncssat all distancesand is coupledwith thc aperture control. The exposure meter conrrols in the focusingknob comprise che setting marker and the meter needle.Super mposing thc two yiclds correct expoiurc valucs. Thc rcleosebutton incorporates a cable releasesockct, and a rcfcase and time lock. The film tronsportcrdnk carries z doubleexposure,releose. Thc synchronizing leyersurrounds the flash socket and is tombined with the retaining catch for the flash cable. These details apply to the Rolleiflex 3.5E; the fcatures of thc 2,8E are slmilar, cxce.pt for thc provisionof a fiim tounter knob for 35 mm. films and a combinedsynchronizing lever and self-timcr (inset, top). The 2,8E12 model is similar ro thc 2.8E, but has a rcmovable focusing hood like the ffiiffiffiffiN3.5F(oPposite Poge). Shootf ng wlth the Rolleiflex 3.5E. From left to right: Advance the film and tension the shutter with the transporg crank; set the exposure value with the aperture wheel uncoupled; select alternative aperture-speed combinations if necessary with the shutter speed wheel; focus the image on the screen; press thc release button to expose. F,E 5 I o-rthe^-camera is pre-wired for its subsequentinstallation. The optical glassfilm plane with appropriate 3-position pressureplate is a standard fitting. The Tele-Rolleiflex takes the same accessoriesas the 2.8F and if accepls size III bayonet mount attachment. The focusing range is from infinity to 8+ ft. and a special Rolleinar 0.35 near lens set in ligged-gt1 mount is available extending the near range to 5 ft. and a 0.7 Rolleinar set further extending it to 3.3 ft. Theie lenses can be used in c_oniunctionwith the standard Rolleinar close-up lenses. THE WIDE-ANGLE ROLLEIFLEX is basically the same as the Tele-Rolleiflex in design and handling. The taking lens is a 2[ n. (55 mm.) ZeissDistaEgnr4 yrlh an angle of view of 71.. The viewing lens is also a 2$ in. (55 mm.) Zeiss Distagon. It takes the same acces- sories as the 2.8F and accepts size IV bayonet mount attachments. The focusing range is from infinity to 2ft. O THE ROLLEIFLEX 2.8E is siririlar to the Rolleiflex 2.BF,l2but the hood is not interchangeable. In place of the ultra fine focusing screen a normal ground glass screen is fltted. This model is available also without the built-in meter, but fitted suitably wired for subsequent installation of the meter if required. No facility for installation 6f an optical flat glass accessoryis available but the camera can be used with the Rolleikin II for.35 mm.
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