t"eErankJin news reCorD Vol,26, No.22 Twosections, 42 pages Phone:(20l) 725-3300 Thursday,’June I, 1978 Secondclass postage pald at Manville, N.J.08835 $4.50a year115 cents per copy Council strikes code from agenda "SPOntaneouscomment’ more than on mostissues bySteveGoodman itemfrom the agenda. The fifth ’yea’ despitethe vote to withdrawthe issue, ownerof theapartment complex has a MauaglngEdltor vote was from Joe Martins, who Housing and Urban Development arrived at the meetingafter the MR. METTLERreported the tHUD)mortgage. According to Mr. FranklinTownship Couni:il aborted tablingvote hadhecn taken. "spontaneouscomment" hc received Mettler, the federal governmentcan Its effort to introduceon Interior DeputyMayor Charles Duraod,a woamorsthanonmcateeunclllssuen.Overrule a townshipdecision on propertymaintenancecedeportalnlng" staunch opponent to the ordinance, Althoughhe votedto introducethe Edgemereto "safeguardtheir mor- to single family homesas well as molionedthe ordinancebe withdrawn measureIn Tuesday’sstraw poll, he tgagewith Mr.Weincr." apartments and other multiple- and Mr. Benchemseconded the indicatedas tlmepnssed, "the more l Acknowledgingthc need for some dwellingunits by voting 8-0 to strikeit motion, thoughtabout" it the moreI felt I formof cede,Mr. Mettlet said Council fromthe agendaat last Thursday’s couldn’t’supportit in the end." shouldnot forgetabout It entirely. publicmeeting. TIlE AFTERMATllof the Council Healso questionedwhether the code "Atleast the actionwe have taken, Thetabled ordinance would have sct actionelicited a claimof politicsfrom wouldhe effective whereit was in rejectingit for singlefamily homes, up regulationsrequiring homeowners MayorCullen and .diverse ex- needed "the most, which is helpsusalittlcbitindefiningwhatthe to opentheir front doorsto township planatiens fromthe three Council Edgemere,",because Tex Weiner, eventualcede might be like," hesaid. codeenforcement inspectors checking memberswho shifted their position. for hazardouselectrical¯ wiring, deficient heating systems and explainingwhat happcned Thursday, inadequateplumbing. The inspections "it"Wh°teveritts’"themay°rsaid’ becamcpsi t col all of a sudden.", DJversJtyJS t wouldbe requiredin orderto receivea trodu~thcordinsncetoHesaid he had beenwilling carry to in- out tO Certificate of Occupancyafter pur- chasing a newhome or signing a Council’sorigirm/intent to listen to the rental agreement. public. Healso indicatedCouncil had ’lnfo Franklin’ Followingalmost two hours of promised Edgemereat Somerset ¯ heateddebate at its agendasession on . residents a property’maintenance "InfoFranklin’78,;’tobeheldatthevices, civic andcultural groupsand May2,1, Councilagreed in a 5-4 straw codeduring the governingbody’s tour Franklin Township Mtinicipal environmentalplanning. tally to introducethc proposedor- throughthe complexlast November. Buildingthis Fridayand Saturday, Alsofeatured are someaudio/visaal dinsncawith the intentto solicitpublic "I still feel it ~ghtto beconsidered, June2 and3 from10 a.m..3p.m., will presentationsof the township’shistory comment. but [don’tthink thc’votes are there," feature d numberof displays, in- and future developmenttrends. A However,in the 48 hoursfollowing he said. "I amstill interested in eludingeight modelsof someof the specialfeature will bea filmtape of the Tuesdayvote, DemocraticCouncil havingan ordinancethat wouldapply new industrial and commercial severalresidents discussing what to membersNancy Henry and Phil to multipledwellings. I thinkthere projects under way, such as the themare the uniqueand attractive Boachem,and Republican member mayhe votesfor that." Marriottand the Park PlazaHotels. aspectsof FranklinTownship. BobMettler withdrew their support Otherprojects under consideration, Thetownship’s newest piece of fire- for the comprehensivecode. CALLINGCode EnforcemcntOf- such as the Princeton/Franklin fightingapparatus, a snorkeltruck, ¯ Accordingto the townshipclerk’s ricer PaulNyitrais’ salary and ex- Athletic Club, the BonnerPUD, the will be fully extended to form a records, MayorJack Cullen, another peaseestimates "unrealistic," Mr. new township library and the greetingarch over the drivewayof the supporteralso votedto removethe Benchemindicated banksand mor- HamiltonStreet RedevelopmentPlan municipalbuilding. Elsewhere in the tgage companieshave interior parkinglot will be displayedother maintenance requirements suf- Willalso he on display. townshipvehicles for performing ficiently stringent that it wasun- A numberof displays have been safety rescue operations, road Boardtells DOTnecessary for the township to designedto presentkey elements of maintenance,snow removaland other duplieatethcirinspections, the township which appeal, to firefightingfunctions, demonstrating Whilethe mayor’said he favors a residentialinterests.Among these are ’ Franklinis adequatelyequipped to landis not 4-F: multipledwelling code, Mr. Beachem the towaship’seducational system, the handleany emergency. :. Woodedacresge to the rear of said he !s having "very serious variousreBgious groups, recreational ’" Forfurther information,call Peter -:’Elizabeth Avenue School does not meet doubts"about enforcing such a code facilities andprograms, health sea-. ’. Winchat 828-2843. ."the state Department of’Tran’withoutpossibly generating claims of . ": ’ : " ’ ’. !’ " : - ’ " ’ spor~tlon~s ~DOT discrimination. " - I a situation’ residents.... can.use ioartment complexes in"609 the : . , -i towiishtp/’hesaid.;"For’,thesake.ofa",::,.:-,~ . ’ ’.~ IIII Ir " board’sevalutitlon ’:, the School ¯ couple I can’t see l~utting through’an" ~]~ ~ WTOll. lrrm eXc"! ~ h Boardalsotold DOTconstruction of ordinance that wouid penalize the. " ".w" " =.~ -- "= w" ~ . Ollg e the proposed1-95 interchangewith majorityof them.,’ ¯ Imagineliving in a townwhere a call the 297-5480number free of Route"287 on the land wouldbe a residentis chargedfor a longdistance charge. "hardship"for the board,according to MS.IIENRY now agrees with Mr., call to the municipalbuilding. "Unfortunale]y,we’re not quite hoardpresident Sondra Sulam. Beachem,although she had beenthe No, it is not a townin Texasor .readyto go withour plansfor a toll "Wereally don’t wantit to go most outspokenproponent for the Ataskabut it happensevery dayin free emergencynumber. Residents of throughthere," she explained,"hut ordlnanccduring Council’s Tuesday FranklinTownship. At least it usedto the southern end of the township wereally can’t use as a reasonthat debate. happenevery day. shouldcontinue to use {201)873-2300 (RichPipeling photo} "It hurt me,"she explained, "it hurt that’s 4-Fland." "Accordingto Townshipblsnagor for pollcc~andfire scrvicas,"he ex- Warm,sunny days .... Accordingto DOTgu|dellnes, 4-F mebad, becauseit wassomething I HarryGecken, effective immediately, plained. landis landused for public recreation. truly believedin." "NewJersey Bell is workingwith us ...bringFrankttn Township residents flocking to thecool green Art Showand Sale this Sunday,June 4. Theexhibit area will "It becamevery elear to the board," She immediatelypointed out the residentsfrom the southernportion of on a similarplan for emergencycalls acresof ColonialPark in EastMillstone. The county park witl beopen from 11 a,m. - 4 p.m.and additional special events Mrs.Sulam said, that the woodedland township has n conglomerate of the townshipin the 609area code, can .whichshould be readyin twoor three bethe site of theFranklin Arts Council ninth annual Outdoor arebeing planned. did notqualify. existing regulations whichcan be call 297-5480without a charge. months," the township manager: DOT"officials will’ conductpublic morefully enforcedand take the place "Asthe result of our nowDlmenston emphasized. informationsession on Tuesday,June of the tabledcomprehensive code, 400 PBXSystem, we added a special fn addition to residents saving I Mr. I 13 slurringat 7 p.m.in the Franklin BothMs, IfcnWand Bnachem line Just for peoplein theKingston moneyon toll calls, the newphone TownshipMunicipal Building on acknowledgedreceiving publio area, Thtsline will be direct to the systemwill saveabout $2,000 per year DeMottLane, commenton thn proposedordinance municipalhulldtng and hopefully save for the taxpayersof the township, ’Morethan a single vote’ our residentsthe cost of a fewphone "Weare very pleasedwith the new calls everyyear," he sold. system.It appears asthough everyone FranklinPark youth’is a Bell volunteer Mr, Gerken indicated those is savingmoney and our availability to residents In area code609 with the residents is expanded,"Mr. Gerken prefixes452, 683, 734, 921 and 924 can said. Ily SteveGaodman enrolledin a newLivingston College believesthe Senatorial challenger is blauaglngEditor course called "Political Cam- presentinga "forumfor theIssues so paigning,"to be taughtin the fall hy the party can decide whichway It RepublicanSenatorial hopeful AssemblymanDavid Schwartz (D- really wants to turn," Jeffrey Bell has at least oneardent 17th),be said at this pointpolitics is Sofar his volunlenrenergy has been Thousandsexpected supporter In FranklinTownship -- "morethen a hobby,but less than a devotedto ’!u lot of oddsand ends," LorryJensen. carenr." Mr,Jonson said the clerical workal~d Mr,Jonson, the 20-year.oldson of WhutIs the motivationbehind his Boband Ililda Jonsonof 26 Bennlngtonpoliticalinvolvement’/ ’forum/or the Issues for annualreunion Parkway, Franklin Park was "Aperson who wants to get Involved recently namedco-chairman of the so the party can decide’ Reunionsgranted a capitol R by Little ’01
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