State of California -The Resources Agency Ser. No. --------"""'c:::=- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HABS___HAER __ Loc ___SHL No. __ NR Status 3/30 UTM: ·A c _______ HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY s o ______ IDENTIFICATION Variety Har_ clware Buil_dinq 1. Ccmmonname: --~~==~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------~--------~~----- 2. His-toric name: __· Y::. o'"un=q,. "'H~·a"'-· r=.;dwa=· "'-r"'e"-'S'"t'"o~rwe"---'('-'1'-9"'3'-'7-'l--.--------~------------ 3. Street or rural address: --=3~2'"8"-'So:;-,;,:8'"7!....-'A:!d~aJ]lS"'.!!2-A=v:=e..:.. ------------------------'-.------'-------------- CitL....:::;S::;a~n...;D::;L::::·e::;q;lO· 0::_~--,..------- Zip 92116 Ccuntv ....... ......:Sa=n.:....=D:::i:::e:::q~::O:....,:, ______ 4. Parcel number:4~3:.:;9:_-.::4~3:.::2:..-..::0::;4:._ _______________________________ 5. 'Present Owner: ....::Y.:::o:::un::..:.:;q!.!,~Ma~r:v::..~._ _______________________ Address: 3453 Cromwell Pl. City San Diego Zip 92116 Ownership is: Public _____ Private __x:.;:.. ___ 6. Present Use: Commercial \1( Att. D.vellinq Original use: ---------------------------- DESCRIPTION 7a. Architectural style: Spo.nish Colonial 7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: Legal Desc: Blk 38 Lot #l Normal Heights This two-story Spo.nish Colonial_ Revival style building is topped with a 3/4 pent red tiled roof l:ordering a flat wood truss' roof. The stucco sided walls are divided into seven bays by full-length pilasters. The second story's \'lindol-ls are framed behind Spo.nish Romanesque-like double arches. The arched window al:ove the north1-1estern corner is open, with surrounding balconettes fonninc an airy recessed balcony. The ground floor's storefronts originally had folding glass panels 1-lhich opened to reveal a walk-in market. Since the advent of the harcnvare store (1937), the folding panels have been replaced with fixed glass pones. The northeast storefront has been sealed. The original glass-paneled transom remains, though, as 1-lell as five of the original hanging decorative lamps. Construction date: Estimated 1925 Factual ---- Architect Louis J · Gill Builder B.J. Carterj Approx. property size (in feed Frontage 178 Depth---- or approx. acreage.~. ..1.1 :J.5£,2.J.l _____ Oate(s) of enclosed photognrph(s) 1989 13. ·Condition: Excellent _X,_ Good __ Fair __ DeteriOrated __ No longer in existence .14. Alterations: Modern era sianage anQ awning; g} azt::.Q ti 10 foot.i"_'lg· rc.TTV)Va1 of fcjJ djnq glass panels in front of corner store - 15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if nece=ryl Open land _Scattered buildings __ Densely built-up_ Residential _Industrial __ Commercial_ Other: 16. Threats. to site: None knoYtn...XPrivate development__ Zor>ing _ Vandalism __ Public Works proiect -.- Other: 17. Is the str~cture: On its original>ite?-'.X,_ __ Moved? ___ Unkno>V!l? ---- 18. Rela-t.ed feature.t: The structure was built as .a rnrt Qf Cartpri Co.nt-or SIGNIFICANCE 19. Briefly st<:te historical and/or architectural impcrtance (inclede dates, ev.ents, and persons asso<:iated with the site.) The building was designed by noted San Diego architect Louis J. Gill for Bertram J. Carteri, the prime developer of Normal Heights in the 1920's. Carteri b.lilt the combination stqre/apartment building c. 1925 as part of his Carteri Center development, Which was the area's.first commercial and residential district (1920-1933). The building represents the optimism of the 1920's development of the Normal Heights area. Architecturally, it represents the then highly popular Spanish Colonial Revival style of architecture. The structure originally housed a neighborhood comer grocery, butcher, and green grocer, as well as a ba"kery on the ground floor. The original brick­ lined oven is still located within the building. The upper floor is occupied with apartment units. The present hardware store has been in this location since 1937. Locational sketch rmp (draw and label·site and. surrounding streets, roads, and prominent landmarks): 20. Main theme of the historic resource: {If more than-one is ... /\ TH checked, number in order of importance.) Architecture --'"-·--Arts & Leisure ------- Economic/Industrial __ Exploration/Senlement ---- k: Government Military --------- . , .( ....... Religion Social/Education -----~ 21. Soutc.e:s (Li.sl books, doa.~ments. surveys, ~rsonal interviem and their dat~). S.D. City Directorie's 1887- 1971; Sanborn Fire Insurance Mapbocks 1921-50, 195~-70; S.D. Proaress: c. l/28/1925; Gebhard, David, A Catalog of the Architectural Drawing Collection. BANCROFT 22. Date form prepared =t~L/f-2-'3'"-(-"q"-o'-...,....--------- By (name) Alex D. Bevil OrganizationCity of San Diego P1annina Dept. Address: 202 "C" Street CitY San DJ.ego ZiP _-.:..9=2=1-'-0=-1 \619) :J33 '7::>33 Phone'-----~------------------------- ::;"' <c o( " 32NO ST State of California - if'he Atneurctls Agttncy Ser. No.---------- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HABS__J-IAER __ Loc ___SHL No. __ NR Status ___ UTM: ·A c _______ HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY. B D~------ IDENTIFICATION 1. Common name: Carteri District 2. Historic name:--'-----------:-----------.....;.___________ _ 3. Street<Jr rural address=-------'-------------------------- Citv.._...... __.:;:S.::.a:.:.n-'D"-1"'. e""'g'-'6"--------- Zip --i!.9=.2._11,..6.:_ __ County San Diego 4. Parcel·number: _ _;.-------------------------------- 5. 'Present Owner: ___. .:..~1:_::u~l.::t.:..i ~P.:..le::_ ____________ Address: ____________ City ____,...---,--,---....,-,--.,. Zip -.,---,"'"Ownership is: Public Private _...;X:,:.__~- Commercial; residential, primarily Commerical; residential, primarily 6, Present Use: _s;,.li.J.n.I..IQI..Jlu;e;....J.f.JlaliJmw.j .Ll:t..V-------·Original use: S j n Q] e fa mil y DESCRIPTION 7a. Architectural style: Spanish Colonial Revival, California Bungalow 7b. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or structure and describe any major alterations from its original condition: The Carteri District consists of eight one to two-story Spanish Colonial and one 1940s Moderne commercial buildings within a four block area running east to wesLalong Adams A~enue, between 33rd and 34th Streets in the Normal Heights area of San Diego. Also included in the district are twelve one-story Spanish Colonial Revival and California Bungalow style single-family residences running north of Adams Avenue, between 33rd and 34th Streets. The commercial buildings are uniform in design, scale and setbacks, though most have been remodeled over the years. The original Spanish Colonial Revival facade of the theatre building at 3325 Adams Avenue had been completely remodeled sometime in the 1940s in the Art Modern style. The houses, constructed betHeen 1920 and 1926, are a 1 so uniform in scale and setback, and are all compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. These too have all undergone slight to heavy remodeling.·· · Attach Photo Envelope Here ' 8. Construction date: Estimated] 923-26 Factual ___ 9. Architectloujs ,J Gill and B. J. Carteri (designer) 10. Builder B. J. Ca rteri 11. Approx. property siz~ (in feet) vg. Frontage 40-100 Deptt>50-] DO or approx. acreage. ______ 12. Date (s) of enclosed photognrph (s) 1990 13. Condition: Excellent _X_Good _lL_ F~ir ..JL Deteriorated _.No longer in existence _ 14. Alterations: various remodeling of facades 15. Surroundings: (Check more than one if necessary) OP<!n land ___Scatteredbuildings:...__,;__Densely built-up J_ Residential _X_Industrial __ Commerciai_X_Other: · 16. Threats to site: None known_Private development_X __ Zoning:___:._ Vandalism·_ Public Works project _ Other: Moved? ___ 17. Is the s-tructure:,, On its original site? X Unknown? -.....,..-- I - 1a Re I at ed features : -"-a,_1 ,_1 -'o"'f'--'t"'h"'e"'-"s"'i"'n"'g,_l::,e -_f,_a..,m.,_l,_· 1'-'y'--'h"'o"'m'"e"'s-'-'h ,a v,_e..._t"'h"'e""i'-'r_,o"'r""i""g..:.i .:..:n,_a ..,1 ..;Q::ca,.r:..:a::;:g.:e:.;:s:,_ _____ SIGNIFICANCE 19. Briefly s-tate historical and/or architectural importance (include dates, events, and P<!rsons associated with the site.) The commercial and single-family buildings located within Carteri Center represent an early 20th century effort to combine multi-use commercial and residential buildings within an adjoining single-family residential neighborhood. The under­ lying cohesive nature of the development is its unifying use of a single archi­ tectural style (Spanish Colonial Revival) and a single architect (noted San Diego architect Louis J. Gill) in its commercial buildings and their arrangement.: along Adams Avenue, taking advantage of an electric streetcar line (since removed). The various SpaniSh Colonial Revival (one of them designed by Louis J. Gill) and California Bungalow homes serve -as a reminder of the early development of the community. They were the first housing tract built in the area by the initial developer of Normal Heights,.Bertram J. Carteri. Mr. Carteri's development of the area was the nucleu~ for the subsequent development of Normal Heights in the middle to late 1920s by other developers. Locational sketch map_(draw and label site and surrounding streets. roads. _and prominent landmarks): 20. Main theme of the historic resource: (If more·than one is checked, number in order of importance.) ~'O'T" Architecture __1__ Arts & Leisure------::--­ Eccnomic/lndus-trial _Exploration/Settlement _2=-.__ Government Military -------- Religion Social/Education ------ 21. Sources (List books, do.cuments, surveys, P<!rsonal
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