f . ■ THURSDAT, JANUARY *7,1944 fAnE rWJSLVB Manchester Evening Herald WAR BONDS Are the Safest Investment in the Wide World T boards, lamps (there are only ceU- Members of the Senior dub of Please Hold Your Hat, ing lights in the rooms), round Storekeepers • ll St M a#’s Girls’ Friendly Society Plans Drafted Here’s the First Robin Group Issues dining tables, which are flne for Roofing—Asbeetoe Average Daily Circulation The Weather About Town will meet Friday evening at the card-playing - and other games, For Um Month o f December, 1848 Foreoaai et U. S. Weataw Bureau home of Mrs. Aldo Pagant, 38 Lo­ From Buckland came the re­ books, playing cards, stiff chairs, Attend Rally Siding and Rock Another Plea radios and bookcaaes. Such amall ' TccOinlcal Sergaant Clraimt cust street For New Hotel port this morning of the first 8,504 Cloudy, fonowed by light rain sign of spring. George W. articles ss coat hangers, clothes­ Wool Insulation ♦ ^ I Q\iey, »on of Mr. and Mra. Frank pins, score pads and pencils can toiright; Saturday light rain; ron* Ouey of 404 Hartford Boad. haa Bari O. Seaman, administrator Ewing of 640 North Main Local LiQuor Retailers Expert worfcBUUMhlp. AB MemlW-af the Bindlt tlnned nnodemtely cold. of the estate of the late Mrs. Eva street, reported that he saw a Used Furniture Needed be used in numbers. There is licen promoted from staff ser­ Sheridan to Be Tliree hardly an item of furniture or rec­ gwaranteed. BeeaeiiaMe Pi Bureau o f Clieulatlona geant. He m aUtkmed at the Great White, haa sold the five room cot­ robin In his yard. Furthermore, To Provide Comfort reational eQuipment that cannot Buy Nearly $10,000 Ne ebUgatloa for aa eeUi tage house on Middle Turnpike, Stories High and Con­ he said, the robin looked fat Manche*ter-~-A City o f Village Charm le n d X n a y A ir Field. Kansas, as be put to use. .Worth of War Bonds. Write. h gamier with-a bomber crew. west, to Ignazio Ottone <rf Maple and while it waa 4lone when he For Soldiers Hero. The chairman of the Camp and street Mr. Ottone plans to tain 48 Rooms. saw it he expected that there Hospital committee, Mrs. Philip Burton Insulating Co. VOL. LXIIL, NO. 100 (ClaaeUlM Adverttalug ou Page It) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS move to his new home at once. were others in the vicinity. ' Contributions to the Red Cross Cheney, 50 Forest street, phone The Manchester Pseksge Store Wesley Kubrt of **’'1^?!** The house was built by the late Plans have been drawn and ap- ^ Aasocistion wss well represented IM Oxford at. IbrtfeH l WiU teach the adult class of the Camp and Hospital committee 3311, will be giad to receive any Plioae Hartford aMSlB Charles Bloom. plication mada to Washington, offers, and wiliprovide trifisporta-1 at a Bond Rally held at the Hotel South Methodist church school have been very few and far be­ Sunday at »:S0 a. m.. In the ab­ for priorities for the new hotel to tion. It is well to bear in mind, Bond In Hartford last night. It tween since Christmas, and the included the distributors, whole- Detectives Inspect Furnace sence o f Lewis Haskins. Mr. Because of a Red Cross con­ be built at the corner of Main and News Broken however, that only things in good Kidut la a research engineer at ference to be held In New York committee Is having a hard time condition can be used, for, while salora and retailers in the Central next Monday and Tuesday, whlrt Pearl streets by the Sheridan cor­ volunteers can freQuently manage Connecticut ares. AUOB OOBmAM Attack by Germans ttie Pratt * Whitney Aircraft to carry on the work. Aerial Might Turned poration. small carpentry and painting jobs, Over >200,000 worth of war (KaowB As Raoea ABoe) ylant sevenal of the Manchester Board To Other Son As is generally • known, this members plan to attend, thi The plana call for the erection the committee has no funds nor bonds were sold at ths meetlng- a r ia m iA L is b u iv m committee of the Red Cross is the facilities for real repairing. and of this the retailers from Beveath Daughter of a Beveath Sea, First Lieut. Mortimer Iger of monthly meeting of the Manches­ of a three-atory building of brick connecting link or channel be­ 18 Hawthorne street received his ter Chapter Board of Directors to take up the entire front of the Manchester bought noarly $10,000 Bora With a VeU. Sad Duly of Mm. Ellen tween civilian groups or indivi­ worth. Beadlaga Dally, laeladlag Baa lay, M.D. degree at New York Univer­ will be postponed from its regiilar land on the Main street aide and duals, who wish to do somsUilng Repulsed by British; sity. He was one of a large c'®*® • A .M .te S P . M. Or By Appolat- On Admiralty Isles; first Tuesday to the following will contain 16 rooms on each Anderson to Tell of for ths men and women in the LUUlUlTlitllK ^ Mt. la the Berf lca m the Ba^ of officers graduated from the Tuesday, February 8. floor or 48 rooms in all. service, and the military organ­ Club to Mark Medical Field Service school, Ow- pie for Veara. There will be elevator service Death o f William. izations thsmselvss. ffO M P r-i te Usle Barracks, Pa., today, ^ e provided, the first of the kind in­ IM Ohareh Street, Hartfsre, Oeaa Hose and Ladder Company No, In this particular area, of Pheae #-$084 course prepares the men of the 1 haa postponed Its monthly meet­ stalled In Manchester. It Is characteristic of mothers— course, the main service is to the Special Event Medical Corps to carry out medi­ ing, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb­ It is expected that the reQuest especially mothers of war time— men stationed in the vicinity. Japs Face Isolation Allies in Air Victory cal preventive measures aiid care be for the hotel will be granted by to share every joy with their kin While the Army provides all the for the sick and wounded under ruary 1, one week. It will held on Tuesday, Febniary 8. the Washington authorities, as but when it comes to disseminat­ eseentials for the men, it Is natur­ Iritish'American Organ- " k " ■ ■ ■ — ‘ ■' ■■■' ■ ■ war conditions. Manchester at preeent la without ing grievous, sorrowful news—she al that there should be other ar­ ization to Hold Dinner | SOMETHING hotel. is reluctant to reveal It. ticles which would add much to AMBUUNCE SERVICE Sixth Raid Made in j Nazi 10th Army Strikes Such an episode came to light ths conrfort or pleasure of the On Saturday. At Allies^ Nettuno today when a local mother, al­ troops. These are the things that Nine Days as Bombers | Berlin Again Hit ready burdened with grief over the Camp and HoeplUl oommlttee Officers Report Beachheafl B(ut Is De­ Praise Earned the loss of a soo gloriously in air tries to furnish, at the reQuest of At a dinner to be held Saturday I ,0’D U R K E © NEW! Pour 120 Tons of| PINEHURST battle, could not bring herself to the Red Cross Field Director who evening at their club house on Ma- I We’re Now Serving Explosives into Jap­ feated in Battle Near reveal ♦he fact of his brother’s passes on the reQuests mads by pie street the members of the I Ir asUP ’ CHOWDER CLAMS For North End death to another son returned on the officers. British-Amerlcan Club plan to I Breakfasts anese Positions; Pres­ Japs Atrocities In Night Attack Carroceto; Big Bomb­ furlough for the first time in many bum the mortgage on the p ix ^ r - At Popniar Prices! months. Fumtili Dny Rooms ers Raid Air Fields (In the Shell) . , . The chief project is the furnish­ ty In a apecial ceremony. As an­ sure May Spell Virtual War Loan Booth There Killed In Aerial Fight nounced some time ago the local I All the Fish we are featuring this absolutely ing of Day Rooms where the men ^ OPEN AT Isolation for Foes at 1? J Uxka^^aefo Army and Navy Break Bombers Set Fields of And Crip|de Bases Fresh__just In from the Fish Pier. The first we have This heroic mother is Mrs. Ellen club paid off the remaining en- FOR TOP VALUE Sells More Bonds Than Tedford Anderson of 10 Beech may relax, read, play cards or Wewak and Madang. ^den KcpOrtS j Decision Splits write letters during their leisure cumbrancee on its property which I Rigid Censorship to Flame in Possible For German Planes. had in many weeks. street, mother of Lieut. William L. included a comer lot on Maple and I IN A NEW HOME 7:3 0 A. M. One in South End. Anderson, USAAF, who died hero­ hours. Ths standard eQuipment for these rooms, provided by the Spmee streets as well as the land I See the Onee Being BniH By Release Story About Coup de Grace to FILLET OF HADDOCK — SOLE PERCH ically in an air battle over New upon which the club hoiiae stands. I Advanced Allied HeadQuar­ Prisoners Die Federal Ballot Allied Headquarters, Al­ FRESH COD AND POLLACK Guinea in the South Pacific after military authorities, is a long Abuse of Prisoners. giers, Jan. 28.—(iiP)—The If anyone hears a noise Hke wooden table -with a bench on Starting with a handful of mem- GREENBROOKE ters, New Guinea, Jan.
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