J i FOCLS : \ ‘Ahwcr auflier Sox not looMIng vtsHs Bolton at podt faiuroo ... png* 0 I w 9 m 0 tfm b ig p t f e h 0e k M f F vow iMvo Moat oxporlonc# (portOfMl Inlury fMlotW bwt net roqufrotf, but knowlotfoo of court otoodlnvi a musf> iHauflirfitrr H m lh ) v^ncbe'^le'" A City of Village Charm I F vow art a oootf typist I F vow wont fop oelorv with vnllmlfedootenflel I F vow wist* to bo ooproclototf 30 Cents WE WANT YOU W# novo roconflv adOad porsonnof, bwt duo to oxcoptlonol orowfb, aro dosirous of add­ "Tiarasaf™* 0 ing m art. Yoorlv bonus, modleol bonofits ond Donslon offorod. Coll Doris Luotlon, CsiHsr, o « MOM Superpowers Ebonstoln & Ebonsfoln, P.C. StS4)t66. ttr, CT to iMor onO cotwidSr m« Miowino itoWtimM: yi!?i!V“ Aww»* Pwtwiriais - sesctsi •sessnse- ls tm sv gy.*!OCfEfl rTy.'nTr'yr,*rMUffllM nfMWtfffklll Mllftip #Ai%tamntmtcmttf^ WSMPftiM MAIUMB Ain ItMe^ known OT M V Jollant Tvrnpike, else known os porcef t N CUSTOMER SERVICE union Fontf industriol Fork. * to talk again i m i f u m m C Snhw 2Krn«»r<mfremjSSTSSdbnSfe $ REPRESENTATIVE Soles Person/Plorol At- C Moncbester-For sole by m Oer«Ker*Sfr»er**^ idewtWied « tn M i( 0pp«tMNr slstont. Full or port time owner,? room Cope. Mint All reed esfote advertised 3 and 4 room oportmenls, for flower ond offt shop. In Ihe AAeeichesfer Herald condition. 3 bedrooms, Is subfeef to the Fair no oppltanc«s,no pets,se- Appiv In person of Flower flrepioce, rec room with curftv,call 848-2438. Week­ A r« you onxlouo for an oxcttlng Job. but hovo Foshlon 85 Eost Center H ^ ln p Act of 1888, which M ri^en^or^free (fon«fwbvildlneonos«r^eftand on arms cuts bor, vinyl sldlnp, new days 8-5. In... tneenteyr ft)sw# wvfaetM wm rvwwsnvhevlwm^etfmsixty rrrvrv rrvwv : (48*00X1^ into Of no work oxporlonco? Do you enjoy Street Monchester. mokes N lllepal to odver- roof, 2 ear porope wtih N » any preference, lim­ loecM located at mSA Tolland Turnelke. public contact work? If so, you will enjoy be­ Amesite drivewav, wllh Two bedroom apartment Fort time matvrt person itation or ditcrimfnotfon Mewebsitor Sports Copter, Ipc. • aeociet RacopWop - Tewead ing a Cuetomer Service Repreeentetive at turn orownd arto. Call based on race, color, rell- for rent. DIshwesher, dls- • M»!*t*^1f*"SL.**'*** Aopiieonon under ArJfciVu Soctfap By Oaorpa Gedda Geneva and were expected to take tor busy store. Eost Kort- 647-97S9or669-73$3. posol, poof, tennis courts. f. 15.01 to allow the construction ot perklne In oxeets of w up some of the proposals that bad HPC. You will perform a variety of intereet- ford/Monchester town plon, sex or notional f KK T . * . 1 ijroy Ihon (our (4) acres identmedos 1184V, Thp AMOclofad Frass orlpfn, or on Intention to Near 84. Coll 28M908 otter 1172V, I174V Tollond Turnpike ond M and IS Adorns Street. been on the table at Reykjavik. Ing Branch Office duties and iM rn to use line. Alternotlnp niohts If SparklesI immoculoteS ?:00 pm. or (817) 884-5770 T 5-T1. Dolry Mort 36$ moke any such vrtTtr- x42b4days. jwcheies Lepente end Feet cerrenti - lene Ckeppe • e ie WASHINGTON - Prasidant As for Reagan’s relationship our atate-of-the-art computer ayatem, room Raised Ranch on snee, IlmNatfon or dis­ Toctionge the soninp ciessinceflonfrom a” with Gorbachev, Regan said he Spencer Street Monches- Impeccobly molntolned B etgm ’e top advisars. following which enables ue to provide fast efficient Itr 569-3046. crimination. The Herald •Idwe* A to Residence t tor a parcel of land Identified os IS thinks the two men now "have prounds In Vernon. Spa­ will not knowlnplv occept Foirviww SfrwwT. op on his upbaat aaaaaamant that service to our customers. Typing Is re­ cious rooms, fonfostlc an arms control braaktbrough ia more of a common bond — and Port time help wontedi any advertisement which ICONDOMMIUMS quired. We offer a good starting salary with fomlly room, 2 flreploces Is In vlofotlon of the low. •fin within reach, said foflay that eventually they’ll be able to see DIRoso Cleoners. Apply In and lots morel Mint condi­ fWHENT how to break through this apparent regular merit Increases. Sound exciting? person ot S34 east Middle high-level diacuaaiona with the tion. 8148,800. Jockson ft Monchester chormlnp 2 Soviet Union will reaume next impasse.” Then get In touch with ue to learn more Tpke.. Jackson Real Estate. 647- Vernon-Trl level 2 bed­ about this Interesting position. bedroom Ranch, com- month. Shultz said he felt a ‘ ‘tremendous 8400 or 8484848.0 plefelv renovated. Just room condominium, 1'/i amount was accomplished” at Plostlcs-We will troln Indl- boths, finished basement, Interestedpersons may be heard and written Secretary of State George Shultz vlduols who wont o coreer move Ini Low 9V» Apent comrnunlcallons recelvOw. of in«wihese uvmionspeiitians navehove aaM he’s certain to meet with Reykjavik" in that, had it not been FfcMnM CcrpgratlM Brand New llstlnpl Ade- 848^5403. deck off dininp area. All In the excltlnp field ot lolde Street-teuthend ot appliances, freshly d ^ n j n‘?rmoTgtn?rhouM.'' * Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard for the Star Wars impasse, the two plastics. Complete paid sides would have agreed to a SO K-Maft Shopping Center Hortford. Owners have 30 Locust Street. 2 FOmlly pointed. Immedlote occu- Flonnlnp and Zanlnp Cammisslan Shevardnadze when the two attend 205 Hartford Turnpike medical Insurance, with occupied this 3 fomlly for poncy convenient loco­ an International conference In two percent reduction In strategic other trlnpe benefits. It 4 rooms each, 8138,800. Leo Kwash, Secretory Vernon, CT i many years ond hove Prlnclpcrfs only. Coll 848- tlon. $700 per month plus Dated In Manchester, CT, this IJth day at October, 1488 weeks In Vienna. Austria. arms, to deep ctNs in Intermediate- you hoye the aptitude for token excellent core In Hs security. Coll 8484352 or range missiles and to limits on EOe-M/P production and plastics. 2438. Weekdovs 85. o»-ie With that, said presidential Oilef upkeep. 3-5 room h ^ , no 843-2283 and ask for Rick. of Staff Donald T . Regan, the nuclear testing. Please call call Oovld leases, separate utilities, 2 Allen Plastics. 282-0821 be­ Oevernment Homes from irms-control process “ will start "We didn't get the full closure cor porope. 8175,800. Jack- $1 (U repoir). Dellnouent tween 9om-12pm or apply son At Jackson Real Est­ iBOATt/MAINNE Jigain.” that we might have liked.” Shultz In person, 45 Connecticut fm property. Reposses­ EQUFMENT Shultz and Regan, appearing on said, "but a tremendous amount, ate. 8474400 or 8484848.0 sions. Coll 808887-8000 ext Avenue, South Windsor., the "CBS Morning News" and much more than we thought was Ct. OH 8885 tor current repos­ STAFF ACCOUNTANT Price Reduction I The session list. Manchester 8 room 18 foot Mod River canoe, N B C -TV ’s "Today” show respec­ possible, was achieved." price ot this unloue Invest­ house, near hospital. paddles Included. Used tively, maintained the optimistic The secretary noted that both East of the river manufacturing ment property has been Brand New I Available November 1st. tour times. Excellent con­ assessment of the prospects for Reagan and Gorbachev said after Tl reduced to $135400.3 unitt $72S/month plus, utilities. dition. $800. Pleose coll 1888 Chevy Cavaller-2 arms control that Reagan offered the summit ended that "proposals company seeks a degreed accountant plus 3 cor porope, 8 room 2W both home. 1st 843-4842 otter 8pm or 847- oil WANTED 0 floor fomlly room, fire­ Security, leose references door, automatic transmis­ in his nationally broadcast address are on the table and we want to with manufacturing cost experience. opollonces, no looses. Ex­ required. Write Box U ^ 8:30 - 5:30. Ask tor sion, sun roof, air condl- move forward and make as much Qi cellent locotlon In Eost place. 180's. "We Guaran­ Bob. Monday night. I Position Involves all aspects of ac- tee Our Houses!"□ C/0 Manchester Herald It tlonlnp, om/fm cassette, The president out of this tremendous opportunity ENb WIebbI Is flankBd by hiB wtf§, Markm, and son, Active elder woman In Hortford. Near rt. 2. Coll Brolnord Place. 8700 miles. $8530. 848-5115. — r ________spoke Just a day I counting, financial statements, and excellent health Inter­ for the flpures. Jackson A after he and Soviet leader Mikhail and achievement as possible." Ejlaha, Nila morning In tila Now York City apartmant account analysis. Reports directly to ested In sharinp someones Jackson Reol Estate. 847- Glastonbury Home for I PETS AND 1870 Olds Royals loaded, S. Gorbachev ended two days of Regan made much the same l«r iMYntng hs had won Lha 1000 N<jobai FWiOB the controller. Competitive salary and home. References availa­ 8400 or 848-8848.0 Rontols Rent. 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms hlph mlleope, needs tires, meetings In Reykjavik, Iceland. point, telling an Interviewer: ble. Call Prelect Home and on In-law apartment. SUPPLIES coll 848-4741 otter 5pm. At that time, Shultz had said he "I ihink that eventually we will excellent benefit package. Respond In Shore, 23M511. 521-5334. have an agreement because the 1 Better than o Bonk I was “deeply disappointed" that complete confidence by resume only, ________ _ 7 free kittens, box trained Ford 1878 Ronchero with a wide-ranging arms control agree­ Soviets want one and we want Wonderinp where to ploce and checked by a vet. cover, V4 enplne 303, one." Including salary history and require- ||93| EstStO your money? Look no STORE AND Variety ot colors.
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