ow available paperback, Wednesday November 2, 1977 Vol. 110, No. 90 Iowa CitY's © 1977, Student Publications Inc., 10 cents ·Morning newspaper Sturgis bullies witness GlASS BEADS. AND BRACEl£lS tying him to Oswald NEW YORK (UPI) - Convicted years In prison. blatt, argued that the allegations against Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis was Sturgis, a Cuban with ties to the CIA Sturgis were based "a hearsay statement held in $25,000 baU Tuesday on charges of and anti-Castro groups, was arrested by a psychotic woman who is interested threatening a government witness who shortly before midnight Monday on a only in selling her book." He called the reportedly told a congressional com­ complaint sworn out against him by charges ridiculous. mittee she went with Sturgis and Lee Marita Lorenz, who reportedly was in­ Lorenz was Castro's lover in the Harvey Oswald to Dallas three days volved in a botcbed CIA plot to 1950's and later allegedly was involved in before President Kennedy's assas$lna- assassinate Fidel Castro. a plot to polson the Cuban leader. In her complaint, Lorenz alleged However, she bungled the job when she that Sturgis "instilled in her a fear that put the poison in a jar of cold cream and she would be kiI1ed." it melted before it could be used to kill the Police said Sturgis telephoned threats Cuban president, congres:lional sources to Lorenz In an attempt to frigbten said. her from testifying before the House Lorenz, a former CIA and FBI Committee on Assassinations. operative, reportedly told the committee Assistant District Attorney Alan that she accompanied Oswald, Sturgis Broomer had asked for bail of $100,000, and others to Dallas on Nov. 19, 1963, saying that Sturgis is a resident of three days before President Kennedy Miami, has a previous felony conviction was assassinated. and there was a threat that he might Sturgis, a member of the five-man attempt to flee. team caught trying to bug Democratic Broomer said in the past eight months National Headquarters at the Watergate Sturgis had been in "many diverse complex in 1972, was arrested II t a a places, including London and Paris, and Manhattan apartment by the police he had the means of carrying out his Intelligence Division. Police said the threat" against Lorenz. apartment was rented to Sturgis. At the arraignment, Sturgis gave his On Sept. 15, 1972, Sturgis was indicted occupation as "New York lecturer," but on eight counts of conspiracy, burglary, Broomer said that occupation could not wiretapping and unlawful possession of be verified at this time. He quoted il)tercepting devices in cOlUlection with Sturgis as saying, "I don't know," when the Watergate bugging plot. Watching fBll go by he was asked the name of his agency, its phone number and the hours he worked. Defense lawyer Ronald Goldfarb told the court that Sturgis has never missed a Council: north side construction to halt tlon. court appearance anywhere. By RHONDA DICKEY City clerk's office on Oct. 18, four days Responding to White's presentation, stability of the neighborhood, and look at Sturgis, 52, was arraigned in "There is no corroboration to the what's happening now," he said, adding Manhattan Criminal Court on charges of Staff Writer after a published note in the Iowa City City Atty. John Hayek said although he charges against him," Goldfarb said, was concerned about the discrepancy of that In the area there Is construction that attempted coercion and aggravated adding that the charges were made by Press-Cltizen indicated copies were Before a large crowd of North Side ;~vailable. However, White said, copies dates White mentioned, he did not think it is "incompa tible" with existing struc­ harassment of a government witness. "someone who has a great deal to gain" tures. If convicted on the charges, Sturgis Iowa City neighbors favoring a proposed 'were not available there and he received would render the moratorium invalid, by the publicity. since the city has substantially complied Eckhardt said he agreed with White could be sentenced to a maximum of four Another defense attorney, Henry Roth· building moratorium and developers who a draft of the ordinance from Asst. City opposed it, the Iowa City Council Atty. Angela Ryan. with the law concerning the procedure. that ~e city must be careful in following unanimously , adopted a moratorium The final copy of the ordinance bears He added that since the Planning and proper procedures for enactment of the which will halt the construction of aU the stamped date of Oct. 14, but the or­ Zoning Commission did not recommend moratorium, because falling to follow the ILO warns of cutbacks, multiple family housing units in the area dinance was not available for inspection against the ordinance, the ordinance proper steps would aid the moratorium's for a maximum of six months. until Oct. 18, White said. White also noted would not be invalidated because of that. opponents. The moratorium was adopted despite that the city's Planning 3Ild Zol'ling City Clerk Abbie Stolfus told the Jeanne .smithfield said she spoke in questions about its legality as well as the Commission included in its recom­ council that after being unable to find a favor of the mora torlum as a tenant. "We fe r Soviet domination procedure followed prior to the vote mendation of the moratorium to allow copy of the ordinance for White, a copy live on the North Side for reasons of Tuesday night. the conversion of single-family was located in the councilors' packet of lifestyle," because it is a quiet neigh­ GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) - The is no distinction on the basis of Oct. 14. borhood and because a variety of people, International Labor Organization nationality," an ILO official said. The moratorium would halt aU con­ residences to duplexes, while the or­ N€R~. struction except for Single-family dinance does not specify that. The Rev. W.E. Eckhardt, a proponent including elderly people and children, Tuesday warned of heavy cutbacks live there. "As a tenant, I recognize the The ILQ took some heart in President residences and duplex conversions. White urged that the council both delay of the moratorium, asked that the council because of U.S. withdrawal and ex­ maintain the areas included in the need for more housing," she said, but pressed fear that the Soviets would try to Carter's statement that it hopes to see "a J. Patrick WJtite, a local attorney consideration of the ordinance, and then stronger, rededicated, more purposeful representing a property owner in the defeat it after later consideration. moratorium under the present density. Smithfield said she aiso recognized the lake control of the U.N. agency. need for preservation of the North Side The United States provided one quarter ILO in which the United States will be North Side area, told the council he "You're dealing with people's property He called the controversy over the III1I believed that a date discrepancy on a rights protected by the Constitution of the moratorium a struggle of "private neighborhood. of the lLO's Income and the American appropriately a member." residents vs. profit" made by those who withdrawal, Imounced by President copy of the ordinance would invalidate United States," White said, and told the Woody Stodden, a UI student and Officials said this means the United Carter in Washington, will mean sharp the ordinance. White said he tried to council it should treat the matter with do not live on the North Side. Student Senator, said he is "somewhat States might rejoin the ILO later. "Look at the neU(hborhood. Look at the cuts in the ILO's programs to train obtain a copy of the ordinance from the care. bothered" by the moratorium and by the people In developing nations, the agency possible effect on the shortage of low-cost said. housing in Iowa City. He was concerned, "Who is going to train all the blind he said, that the moratorium inclulted beggars around the world?" one ILO Reaction mixed over minimum wage hike land adjacent to the UI campus. Stodden official asked. asked the council to consider amending Some officials also said they feared the By THERESA CHURCHILL The bill represents a victory by the Mark Smith, program director for the Although state agencies are not subject the moratorium to exclude some areas Soviet Union would try to dominate the Staff Writer Coalition for a Fair Minimum Wage, UI Center for Labor and Management, to minimum wage legislation, the UI will that do not contain homes of historical organiza tlon, once the United States made up of labor unions, civil rights does not think a high minimum wage will revise its salary schedule, as in the past, value and already contain buildings with withdraws, with the effect of jeopar­ President Carter's signing of groups and church groups. The increase unemployment. to comply with increases in the minimum conunercial use. dizing ILO efforts to monitor workers' legislation Tuesday to raise the American Federation of State, County "There's not any real agreement as to wage, according to Edward JelUllngs, But Mary Neuhauser said the rights in Communist and other totalitari­ minimum wage to $3.35 an hour by 1981 and Municiapal Employees (AFSCME), whether there will be an effect on vice president of finance and university states. moratorium "is not going to make that an produced mixed emotions in Iowa City as part of this coalition, supported the unemployment, and I don't think there services. big a difference" in relation to the At the United Nations, an official for minimum wage bill.
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