COMMUNITAS Official Publication of the Bard Colleae~ Communit-v~ Vol. 1, No.7 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, NEW' YORK May 20. 1954 E.P.C. Pulls Through Crisis-­ "Bard Will Go On," Faculty Students Participate Actively ALBEE SOCIAL, May 17 - What Effort Applauded by T rutees looked like a family row in public GYMNASIUM, May IS-President turned into an interesting session of Psychology East what we call the laws of the mind Case stoated in his Convocation ad­ EPC with long-awaited student par­ and What we call the laws of nature Top I-Jat dress, tonight. three historic events ticipation. and West Extra-sensory perception can be took place this week; the Supreme by WERNER WOLFF trai~ed that is telepathy, prophecy, The "best musical of its genera­ Court decision on school segregation The Monday meeting called by Swami Akhilananda of the Rama conjuration sem to be normal re­ tion" TOP HAT, starring Ginger President Eisenhower's secrecy di~ Dan Klubock, acting-chairman since rective, and thirdly, "that despite Krishna Order, founder of the Ved­ action of atma, the self, whihc as­ Rogers and Fred Astaire, will be Louise Odes' resignation, began with sociates itself with brahman or the unfinished business . progress anta Societies in Boston and Provi­ shown at the Lyceum Theater in shown here . justifies the state­ committee members sharply criticis­ absolute; or in Western concepts: dence and author of several books, the individual with his psychological Red Hook on Wednesday, June 2, ment that Bard will go on." ing each other and the committee. evoked a great deal of discussion energy can contact the "powerhouse at 7 and 9 p.m., for the benefit of Over two hundred members of the During the fracas a letter from Dean Community gathered at the meeting, with his talk on "Hindu Psychology" of world energy". In this way the the 95th Anniversary Fund Drive. Gillard was read in which she ex­ Hindu-psychologist can change the announced early this afternoon, to recently given at Bard. Due to the limited seating capacity hear President Case's report on the pressed her concern over the two laws of nature. He can, as has This writer, introducing the Swami, been demonstrated, walk on fire and the large demand for tickets New York city meeting with Bard resignations submitted last week. Trustees. He s'aid that they had commented upon the difference be­ without burning and w·alk over water before they were even printed. tickets Statements by students and fa­ without sinking. It was stated that reviewed the progress made here on tween our conception of Hindu psy­ are being sold in advance for a sub­ culty members added a more op­ he even can float in air and be three fronts by the faculty and were chology and the Hindu conception scription of $1.00. The management pleased with their accomplishments timistic tone to the meeting when buried with suspended animation of American psychology: The Hindu and revive. of the Lyceum has cooperated with in preparing the budget, fund rais­ the differences between EPC and ing, and in admissions work. He psychologist draws rabbits out of the staff women and faculty wives Council were outlined by a student Without discussing here how much revealed that the Trustees passed hats-and the American psychologist at Bard, sponsors of the event, to who stated that EPC's work was of of these reported phenomena could all but three points in the budget draws habits out of rats. But Hindu be explained by_the use of sugges­ bring this hit film to Red Hook. submitted by him. The three points, a creative nature which required psychology, as the Swami presented tion and mass hallucin'ation, how All proceeds from the showing will not speCified by Case, are scheduled much deliberation and thought. The it, is not magic in the Western much could be explained by self­ go to the fund drive. for review in the near future. problems that EPC concerns itself induced hypnosis, catatonia - there Students' Loyalty to Bard Applauded sense but it deals with other dimen­ TOP HAT, a re-issue of the film with are not of a routine n.ature nor sions of thought. In India, psy­ are definitely enough phenomena The Pre3ident said that the trus­ carefully investigated and proven made in 1935, is still considered one does it deal with immediate prob­ chology is neither a branch of phil­ tees were most impressed with" ... the ?sophy as it was, and still largely which indicate that Western man of the best musicals ever made. It evidence of faith and loyalty to this lems as does Council. Bard is an only lives part of reality, he only IS III Europe, nor is it a branch of features tunes that many of us will college shown by the stUdents." He academic community and EPC is lives his reality. Eastern man lives mentioned that a report from the applied science as it tends to be in remember and gives us a look at an academic committee. Such type the U.S.A., but psychology in India another part of reality; to under­ Registrar's Office said that in the stand him we have to modify our two stars as they were almost twen­ committees on other campuses: are Is lived and applied philosophy. A past two months there have been p.sychological training of introspec­ model of the universe. ty years ago and who are still fewer requests for transfers than in rare. In dissolving EPC, a student any other year. tIOn leads to a direct experience of Hindu psychology could only de­ tremendous box office attractions in said he felt that it would be objective values. At one point of the meeting Presi­ velop with attitudes basically differ­ 1954. dent Oase committed a lapsus lin­ showing to the faculty that we were ent from those of Western man. In­ Such a concept must frighten an Tickets for the event, in addition guae that raised hopes momentarily either too apathetic or too much American audie~ce . Introspection, trospection demands inaction and to personal solicitation, will be avail­ when he said that the Anniversary like contented cows feeling that there we are taught, IS of no scientific meditation which Eastern man values Drive had reached a total of 74 is no longer any need for change or value since it is subjective and not as highly as Western man values able at a few places in Red Hook thousand dollars. He immediately v.erifiable. .The existence of objec­ extraspection, namely. looking out­ and Rhinebeck. Members of the corrected himself, amid sighs from ameliora tion. ward, and acting. The Eastern unity tive values IS denied by our cultural community desiring tickets may pur­ the audience, stating tbat the cur­ :-elativism .and psychological sceptic­ of psychology, philosophy and re­ These sentiments buttressed by chase them at the Bard Store and rent figure for the Drive was 54 other students present, seemed to Ism. A dIrect experience of objec­ ligion is opposite to our separation thousand. He later clarified ('he change the tenor of the meeting tive values is not understandable to and specilization of the various as­ Coffee Shop. Mrs. Robert J. Kob­ error explaining that the errant 20 and discussion w.as insisted on the those who believe that all psycho­ pects of man. Their mainly spirit­ litz, Chairman, Mrs. Gerard DeGre thousand was money collected by the ual values clash with our mainly Senior Project and the changes to logical processes are based upon and Miss Betty Shea, are the com­ Trustees before the Drive had begun learning and conditioning. How can materialistic ones, their internaliza­ be proposed by COAS. It was de­ mittee arranging the Bard Benefit as part of their regular duties and cided that each division be consulted we have learned what we have not tion is opposed to our externaliza­ belonged to another account. perceived by our senses nor taken tion. Their absolution contrasts with Movie. on how the new and still unofficial Faculty and Staff Contracts proposal would effect their members. from our environment? This does our relativism and their submission not make sense for a psychology of the body to the laws of the mind Renewed Louise Odes' f,ormer EPC chair­ based upon emeiricism. But it also (Continued on Page 3) Case stated that "definitive con­ man has returned to serve on the does not make sense for a psychol­ Scotch Masons tracts" with the faculty have been committee as representative of the ogy based upon pragmatism. What renewed " ... on terms no less favor­ Art Division. can we do with a direct experience able than last year." Moreover, staff of objective values? What's the use Meet at Bard members would have their contracts The subject of the Senior Project of it? Community Chorus The tranqUility of a Bard week­ renewed on the same basis except will be taken up again next week Hindu psychology proves to be for several members who are retir­ end was broken last Saturday even­ ing. He again stressed that the trus­ when the committee meets in South neither daydreaming nor magic Plans Concert Series ing after supper when 500 Masons Hall on Tuesday. trickery. Hindu psychology changes tees ". recognized with apprecia­ Under the direction of Clair Leon­ descended on the campus to use the tion the role the faculty has played ard, the Bard Community Chorus is gym to confer degrees on members in the campaign. Good spirit was characteristic throughout the Drive." planning to give a series of concerts of the Hendrick Hudson Lodge.
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