SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 46,600 ✦ 32 PAGES ✦ SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 2004 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND PROTEST CAUSE FOR CONFLICT DOMINATING Greenpeace Tribunal into officer’s Dolphins live speaks out conduct begins in the end zone News, 7 News, 3 Sports, 23 Everyone Backhanded shotmaker gets a say Energy reform need the services it produces," she said. powers Bill 100 She pointed to a picture from consultations 'Wired' magazine that was in- cluded in documents she provid- DURHAM – It wasn't just about ed to politicians on hand, depict- what corporations and the gov- ing a room full of people on sta- ernment had to say. Average tionary bikes pedalling to gener- folks with big ideas also took ate electricity. part in a public meeting to ad- "It's not about where we have dress a bill on energy production been, it's where we're going," she reform. said, quoting science fiction The purpose of Bill 100 is to writer Gene Roddenberry, who change the way the industry ap- she said was a visionary. proaches energy production, Ms. Elston, who also served creating more competition, two terms as an elected public greater reliability while reducing utilities commissioner for the debt load and cleaner genera- Town of Clarington and has tion. As well, the bill encourages served on the board of directors conservation and efficient use of for Veridian Corporation, where electricity. she was chairwoman of the envi- Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo A committee put together by ronmental committee, pressed PICKERING – Mary Barlow works on her game at the Sandy Beach Club courts recently. the ministry of energy listened forward with less conventional to various speakers on Thurs- concepts for the committee to day, Aug. 26 at Oddfellow & Re- consider. beka Hall in Orono. "Instead of paying for electric Suzanne Elston of Courtice water heaters, let's pay for solar Funding shortfall 'stinks,' spoke as chairwoman of the water heaters on our electricity Durham Nuclear Awareness As- bill," she said, adding she is not sociation, challenging the com- impressed with the performance mittee to broaden its scope of nuclear generation in the says school trustee when looking at energy prob- province. lems in the province. Ministry's special-ed budget at a special meeting The Ajax Wards 1 and 2 "We don't need electricity, we ✦ See Residents page 2 Tuesday night. But it required trustee and education finance clawback angers $1.5 million in special education committee chairwoman doesn't board members (SE) reserve funds after the think the board can get the Province failed to deliver $2.8 money back, even though the Blaisdale million in expected funding. In- Province has created a new, $50 MONTESSORI By Mike Ruta stead, the board received rough- million effectiveness and equity Sat., Sept. 18th School Staff Writer ly $1.3 million from the Province. fund for the coming school year 10am - 2:30pm DURHAM – The Education Min- The board had been counting to address unmet, SE needs. Best Private School istry has short-changed Durham on the $2.8 million windfall and But, Trustee Crawford noted the Customer Appreciation Day As voted by Ajax/Pickering students about $1.5 million in has spent a year on a SE review recent tone from Education Min- Win a $2,500 Vacation Voucher Readers’ Choice Awards special-education funding, say to determine how best to use the ister Gerard Kennedy has been, meet former Limited spaces available public school board trustees. money. 'we're spending too much on spe- 239 Station St., Ajax Maple Leaf Call 686-2445 Glenn Healy The Durham District School "It stinks," Marilyn Crawford Call Head Office 905-509-5005 ✦ FREE BBQ • REFRESHMENTS • FACE PAINTING 12 mths - grade 8 Board approved its $493.7 million said after the meeting. See Proven page 4 * Some conditions apply. Call for details. 5 Campuses in Durham www.blaisdale.com A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 29, 2004 www.durhamregion.com Residents call for phase-out Durham’s Sleep ✦ Residents from page 1 asthma rates have gone Guaranteed up 35 per cent," she said. Specialists Since 1982 Best Price! Referring to the recent "It's an increased cost to Ontario Power Genera- our health system and SSale!!!S Sale!!!aallee!!!!!! tion Report Cards re- there's an increased cost leased on the perfor- for drugs and in emer- mance of Darlington and gency rooms. I'm very Pickering nuclear power pleased coal is being plants, Ms. Elston noted phased out." that both are performing Ms. McKee-Bennett re- below the world industry quested that the commit- benchmark. tee phase out nuclear and "If we predict renew- coal generation and make able energy is a sustain- renewable energy produc- able industry, then that's tion a priority. what we'll get," she said. There is still time for "Nuclear energy is not the committee to collect Off Can’t Sleep reaatt SSeelleeccttiioonn O sustainable. To date, information from the GreatG Gre Selectionitee sOfs!! At Night!!! there's no solution for public. Consultation ma- BedroomBeeddrroooomm Suites!SSuuit high-level waste. We're terials that include docu- B creating a legacy for the ments regarding Procure- future. I'm a mom with ment Processes, Integrat- three kids and I want ed Power System Plans them to grow up in the and Generators and Fa- same world with the cilities to be prescribed B Backack TToo SSchool!chool! same opportunities I had for price regulation can BBackack TToo SSchool!chool! as a kid." be accessed at www.ener- Port Hope resident gy.gov.on.ca/index.cfm?fu Alexandra McKee-Ben- seaction=electricity.regu- nett, a registered nurse lations. for 24 years, spoke out Those without Internet about the future of chil- access at home can use dren when exposed to en- computer equipment at vironmental hazards she their local library, or can said may be the product contact the Angie Rob- of current energy produc- son at the Ministry of En- tion practices. ergy at 416-327-6747 for "In the last five years, more information. $ 9955 $ 9955 D-Metal & Futon From 117979 D-Pine & Futon From 224949 SSKIKI & SSNOWBOARDNOWBOARD TTENTENT SSALEALE Bunk From 550-70%0-70% OOFFFF Desk 5-Drawer Mate & HD All Ski & Snowboard Equipment $ 9955 $ 9955 $ 9955 $ 9955 Clothing & Accessories 3 38989 1199 9 1166 9 2277 9 Thousands Of Items Priced To Sell Your Choice Firm Perfect Sleeper SSTARTSTARTS FFRIDAYRIDAY AAUGUSTUGUST 227th7th 10:00am10:00am ttoo 88:00pm:00pm OR Soft H.P. Coil Pillow Top PPillowillow TTopop $ 95 EENDSNDS TTHURSDAYHURSDAY SSEPTEMBEREPTEMBER 330th0th Great For Back To School MMattressattress 110:00am0:00am toto 88:00pm:00pm Single Set 499 $ $ Single 298 Set 398 $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 Set $ $ Double Set 599 Single 239 329 Double 348 Set 488 $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 $ $ Double 269 Set 379 Queen 388 Set 548 Queen Set 699 $ $ $ 95 $ 95 $ 95 King 478 Set 778 ••••••••••••••• King Set 969 ••••••••••••••• Queen 299 Set 399 Now Available!!! All Sets On Sale 495 Taunton Rd E. Oshawa L1H 7K5 ((905)905) 4432-778932-7789 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 29, 2004 PAGE 3 A/P Chief causes conflict, defence claims Police hearing Inspector with Peterborough OPP Inspector Greg Connolley, evidence on a complaint against under way was ordered by the Police, worked with Chief asked for a formal written mo- Sgt. Griepsma, originally filed Ontario Civilian Commission on begins with McAlpine when he led the Peter- tion from Mr. Williams and his several years ago by Mr. Police Services (OCCOPS) after call for change borough force. lawyer before he makes a deci- Williams. Mr. Williams appealed Chief "My under- sion on the prosecutor's status. Mr. Williams was charged with McAlpine's decision that the of prosecutor standing is In- Bill MacKenzie, the lawyer sexual assault in 1994; the complaint could not be substan- spector Vander- representing Durham Regional charge was stayed in 1996. He al- tiated. By Jeff Mitchell velde worked Police Sergeant Jim Griepsma, leges that, in the fall of 1994, he During Wednesday's session, Staff Writer under Chief said he has no objection to Insp. attended a polygraph interview Mr. MacKenzie indicated Sgt. DURHAM – The tribunal hearing McAlpine while Vandervelde continuing as the conducted by Sgt. Griepsma. Griepsma's desire to get on with allegations of misconduct at the Peterbor- prosecutor when the tribunal Mr. Williams alleges Sgt. Grieps- the hearing. He said the veteran against a veteran Durham Re- ough office," Mr. begins hearing evidence. ma tampered with evidence by cop is entitled to an expeditious gional Police officer started Zekavica said "I simply can't understand altering a videotape of that ses- hearing. Wednesday with the com- during the brief KEVIN how a witness called on behalf of sion. The tape is missing more Mr. Williams and his lawyer plainant seeking removal of the hearing, held at McALPINE a complainant could create any than two and a half minutes of indicated they intend to call a lead prosecutor. a police office in Worked with conflict with regard to the pros- dialogue, Mr. Williams contends. number of witnesses from the Donald Williams and his Whitby. prosecutor in ecution," Mr. MacKenzie said. Sgt. Griepsma has denied Durham Regional Police ranks, lawyer, Dragi Zekavica, told a "One of the Peterborough. Wednesday morning's brief tampering with the tape, and a including the chief. Mr. Zekavica hearings officer the prosecutor's major witnesses hearing was held to cover ad- series of internal investigations acknowledged the chief would former association with that will be called on behalf of ministrative matters before the by Durham Regional Police be "a hostile witness." Durham Chief Kevin McAlpine Mr.
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