2 -- ft' " : jtntwiw ... r-- r t, - CENTS. VOL. XLII. NO. 13,092. PORTLAND, OREGON,illTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1902. PRICE FIVE ered Impregnable, and his blows He ANY SIZE. LATEST STYLES. ANY QUANTITY. are not only alarmed at the prevailing hurt. MONEY COINED conditions on account of their Far East- BESTS ERN z I PARDON FOR DURAwD LESS ern trade, but alao on account of their RiTT j&'&ss sss xd sjs RAIN MACKINTOSHES large commerce with India. I did to win the fight. As for my future COATS, Rumors were rife recently that this plans, I can say nothing at this time, but decline, these you can state positively for me than I will was the cause of the but any RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES . find no credence among the larger Anglo-Americ- not fight Joe Gans, or other colored firms. man. I am open to meet all comers in my Clothing And Gold Is Piling Up in the Californian Is Now the Light- claro, but they must be white men." Serves Less Than Half His, Rubber and Oiled Among those who saw the fight were SILVER LOtVEST EVER KNOWN. United States Treasury. weight Champion, - Jeffries and Fltzslmmons. Penitentiary Sentence, Causes Uneasiness Anions Blercliants The Flcrht by nonntls. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY Dealing "Wiih Orient. Round 1 Both men advanced quickly to President. R. H. Pease. NEW Nov. 25. Today's further the center and sparred cautiously. They 73 75 STREET. PORTLAND. OREGON. YORK. and FIRST declines in the prices of silver fixed a new went Into a clinch. Eritt was first to BARS BEST FOR FOREIGN TRADE low record In the history of the world. It SEVEN ROUNDS TELL THE STORY assume the aggressive and sent a left for PORTLAND ORGAN SWINDLER PRESENT v&0 much commented upon in banking cir- the head, but Erne neatly blocked the A FINE CHRISTMAS cles, causing much uneasiness among exT country blow; Erne sent a right hard to the porters and merchants of this do; body. Jlmmie .put In a left and right ing business with. China and other points hard to the body and face, and escaped a Home Demand Is Paper, Whicli in. the far East. To the bankers, how- Buffalo Boy Up a Game Flsht, counter. He tried with left for the body, Was Convicted of the Crime of For- for ever, the most significant news of the day Put POCO but-Ki- Erne got inside it. jabbed Erne POCKET Bet- but Britt THE Co Antagonist geryGovernor Says Be Against Bullion, Hntl the lie Thinks aid Issued were the cable advices to the effect that to and followed It A Pocket Camera for Dry Plates with a left the face , as Well as Against Coin Xcw the Siamese government had Instructed the ter of It Froiii'tfce Start Solar with a right to the body. Frank jabbed the Prisoner lias Been pneumatic MAKES mint to cease immediately the free coin- on three Sufficiently Punished. With extra rapid rectilinear lens and shutter, 9H Orleans Mint to Quit. age Plexus KnocUoct. Eritt with a right the face PICTURES AS A LARGE CAMERA. Price.. (y of silver. times, but the blows- - lacked force. Britt AS GOOD Coincident also With this development to the face and then fol- oS Bombay drove his left We have the largest assortment of Cameras. andrKodaks in the city. was the decline today silver at lowed with a hard left swing over the to a level several points below London. He jabbed Erne Hghtiy with left Of the drop In sil- heart. Wholesale Importing Druggists An interesting feature as the bell sounded. Britt appeared to SALEM, Nov. 2G. (Special.) Governor BLUMAUER-PRAN- K DRUG CO,9 and ver v?as advantage reaped by laundry-me- n the SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25. Frank Erne, have the advantage in the round, and today granted a pardon In of of the Mott-strc- et Geer favor U. S. COINAGE OP TEX YEARS. anil small merchants of Buffalo, lost his hold on the world's Erne went to hiscorner looking serious. being able to pur-chs- Ezra Durand, who has been .servlnjr a district through lightweight championship in his contest Round 2 Britt led for the head, but was go a They ar silver bills at low rate. young Jimmy city, who i scnt.Mn to sentence in the penitentiary for Gold. Silver. today, In hand, with Britt, of th!o ehort. He his left twice the America's 1803 .5 50 007.020 S.S02.707 Socked down town cash.. knocked Erne out in the seventh round at body and a right to the head. They forgery. Durand was the organizer and isr)4. 70,540.150 9.200,351 sending heavy remittances to friends at the Mechanics' Pavilion tonight. The con- sparred carefully. missed a left and manager of the Durand Organ Company, ORIGINAL 1893 . D0.01G.25S 5.603,010 surprised the Britt home. TiIo3t of them Vere at test was the fastest ever witnessed In this right for the bedy. He drove In a vicious Portland, the beginning the, HAW MALT 1896 . 47.033,060 23.0S0.5JOO large sum! allowc." 'for the amount in and at of 1307 . 76.02S.J85 18.487.207 city. Britt, while not vo clever as the Buf- left and right to the jaw. Erne tried hard hard times forged some notes in an effort WHISKY 1S0S . 77.0S5.757 2:5.034,033 turned In. falo man, was the more aggressive and for the bedy. but the youthful Californian 1800 . 111.S14.220 26.061.320 men way. in to save his company from failure. He Without a Rival . 00.272,043 landed the most telling blows. The was cut of harm's Britt sent a 1000 30.3i5.321 fol- has served less than six years of bis Todav 1001 . 00.003.715 IN UTAH went at It from the sound of the bell in hard straight right to tho face and COUPLE FROZEN 1 SHyJZ 1002 . C1.0S0.072 S&MG.105 'the flrot round, and for nearly aeven low? it with a left to the body. They t'me. be- an- se- PURE - rounds it was a contest mixeii It. no blows being struck. In Several efforts have been made to Wandered- in the Mountains "Without Jim-mie- 's tween them. Britt proved himself far the other mix Erne put his left hard to cure his pardon, but protests were made BLUMAUER & HOCH Food or Fire. In jaw, cleverer the clinches, and ncjver missed head. He tried a left for the pardon granted. Re- 108 and 110 Fourth Street. a chance to use his right or left to advan- but Britt blocked it neatly. Britt sailed and the was not ' SAIT LAKE. Nov. 26. A special to cently tha persons who formerly objected Oregon "Washington. "WASHINGTON, Nov. 2G. George E. tage. The Eastern lad showed hl3 superior in with two rights to the head and an Sole Distributers for and MALT the Tribune from Mbunt Pleasant. Utah,N bell" pardon was generalship many tight places, and kept to The sounded signed the petition and the Roberts, Director of the Mint, in his says D. and his wife in tmoercut the Jaw. the that Edward Cox Britt off with straight lefts durinc the with the men fighting hard. Britt had the granted today. annual report, says that the coinage mints were found In an almost frozen condi- couple early part of the battle, and later In the better of this round both in offensive and Durand is an excellent musician and at Philadelphia, New Orleans and San tion near Round Hills today. The conteot discovered that he could uppercut defensive work. JT. DAVTBS, already heen engaged by a promi- T. Pres. C T. BELCHER. Sec. ead'Treas. Francisco were In operation throughout had started from Scoflcld for Mount the Californian snicoessfully. On one or two Round 3 Britt tried a right swing for has cn November 19, but were over- ' manufactory In to tune the fiscal year. In number of pieces Pleasant occasions he had the San Francisco boy at the head, but Erne ducked It neatly. nent the East taken by a terrible blizzard. Their horses disadvantage. Erne was In a bad plight jaw. instruments. While confined in the peni- the coinage of the year has never been wan- a Erne also blocked a left for the gave out and for several days they several times, but fought back with 3uperb Erne put in his left lightly to the jaw, but tentiary Durand made a musical Instru- exceeded, aggregating 191,419.506, but in without food dered about the mountains gamenesw and succeeded In keeping the Britt scored heavily with a left to the ment cut of an ordinary cracker box and St. Hote value it has fallen from 5135,340,781 In or fire. This morning the woman fell to Californian off most critical point3. In body in retaliation. Jlmmie swung vi- Charles at 62 was unable a piece of binding wire.' He ic years CO. Hf CORPORATED). 1901 to $94,526,678, this being due to the the ground exhausted and only one round did Erne have a decided ciously with right and left for the body, greater demand for the small denomina- to rise. Mr. Cox managed to reach town advantagt! the fifth. Early in this round but Erne cleverly kept out of range. cid. had his FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS tions. Gold coinage dropped from and after telling when: he left Erne landed a stiff left on Brltt's Jaw and Britt swung fiercely with his right, and The pardon was recommended by wife became uncohsclo:?.
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