CH21 bus time schedule & line map CH21 Butt Lane - Cardinal Heenan High School View In Website Mode The CH21 bus line (Butt Lane - Cardinal Heenan High School) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Gamble Hill <-> Meanwood: 7:28 AM (2) Meanwood <-> Gamble Hill: 3:40 PM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest CH21 bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next CH21 bus arriving. Direction: Gamble Hill <-> Meanwood CH21 bus Time Schedule 64 stops Gamble Hill <-> Meanwood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 7:28 AM Butt Lane Mcdonalds, Gamble Hill 2 Butt Lane, Leeds Tuesday 7:28 AM Henconner Lane Gamble Hill Dr, Gamble Hill Wednesday 7:28 AM Henconner Ln Poplar Way, Bramley Thursday 7:28 AM 94 Henconner Lane, Leeds Friday 7:28 AM Henconner Lane Bus Depot, Bramley Saturday Not Operational The Elms, Leeds Bramley Town End, Bramley A657, Leeds CH21 bus Info Eightlands Lane, Bramley Direction: Gamble Hill <-> Meanwood Stops: 64 Aston Road, Bramley Trip Duration: 62 min Line Summary: Butt Lane Mcdonalds, Gamble Hill, Bramley Centre E, Bramley Henconner Lane Gamble Hill Dr, Gamble Hill, Henconner Ln Poplar Way, Bramley, Henconner Lane Waterloo Lane, Bramley Bus Depot, Bramley, Bramley Town End, Bramley, St Michael Court, Leeds Eightlands Lane, Bramley, Aston Road, Bramley, Bramley Centre E, Bramley, Waterloo Lane, Bramley, Westover Road, Bramley Westover Road, Bramley, Bramley Park, Bramley, 296 Town Street, Leeds Newlay Lane, Bramley, Wood Lane, Bramley, Wellington Grove, Bramley, Waterloo Lane Broad Ln, Bramley Park, Bramley Bramley, Waterloo Lane Landseer Rd, Bramley, Raynville Rd Landseer Green, Bramley, Raynville Rd Newlay Lane, Bramley Landseer Avenue, Bramley, Raynville Rd Lancastre Broad Lane, Leeds Grove, Bramley, Raynville Road Raynville Dene, Kirkstall, Wyther Lane Wyther Dri, Kirkstall, Kirkstall Wood Lane, Bramley Bridge Sp, Kirkstall, Kirkstall Lights, Kirkstall, Wellington Garth, Leeds Commercial Road, Kirkstall, Gilbert Mount, Kirkstall, Burley Wood Mount, Burley, Woodside View, Burley, Wellington Grove, Bramley Kirkstall Road Asda, Burley, Haddon Road, Burley, Cardigan Fields, Burley, Cardigan Road, Hyde Park, Waterloo Lane Broad Ln, Bramley Burley Medical Ctr, Burley, St Michael's Lane, Burley, Talbot View, Burley, Burley Hill Drive, Burley, Eden Westmoreland Mount, Leeds Road, Kirkstall, Kirkstall Lane Church View, Kirkstall, Waterloo Lane Landseer Rd, Bramley Kirkstall Lane Headingley Station, Kirkstall, Eden Drive, Headingley, Queenswood Road, Beckett Park, Raynville Rd Landseer Green, Bramley Woodbridge Place, Beckett Park, Woodbridge Crescent, Beckett Park, Ghyll Road, West Park, Raynville Rd Landseer Avenue, Bramley Beckett Park, West Park, Spen Ln Queenswood Drive, Raynville Approach, Leeds West Park, Lea Farm Drive, Hawksworth, Vesper Road Surgery, Hawksworth, Broadway, Hawksworth, Raynville Rd Lancastre Grove, Bramley Hawkswood Avenue, Hawksworth, Hawkswood 14-16 Raynville Road, Leeds Crescent, Hawksworth, Butcher Hill, Hawksworth, Butcher Hill Abbey Grange School, Moor Grange, Raynville Road Raynville Dene, Kirkstall Butcher Hill Fillingƒr Walk, Moor Grange, Butcher Hill Old Oak Drive, West Park, Butcher Hill, West Park, Wyther Lane Wyther Dri, Kirkstall West Parade, West Park, Ring Rd Spen Gardens, West Park, Lawnswood School, Weetwood, Ring Rd Weetwood Lane, Weetwood, Valley Farm, Weetwood, Kirkstall Bridge Sp, Kirkstall Ring Rd Scotland Mill Lane, Meanwood, St Urbans School, Meanwood, St Urban's Primary School, Kirkstall Lights, Kirkstall Meanwood, Cardinal Heenan Turning Circle, Commercial Road, Leeds Meanwood Commercial Road, Kirkstall Gilbert Mount, Kirkstall Burley Wood Mount, Burley Woodside View, Burley Kirkstall Road Asda, Burley Haddon Road, Burley Cross Evanston Avenue, Leeds Cardigan Fields, Burley Milford Place, Leeds Cardigan Road, Hyde Park Willow Road, Leeds Burley Medical Ctr, Burley St Michael's Lane, Burley Talbot View, Burley Burley Hill Drive, Burley Eden Road, Kirkstall Kirkstall Hill, Leeds Kirkstall Lane Church View, Kirkstall Glebe Place, Leeds Kirkstall Lane Headingley Station, Kirkstall The Cricketers, Leeds Eden Drive, Headingley Langdale Terrace, Leeds Queenswood Road, Beckett Park Woodbridge Place, Beckett Park Woodbridge Crescent, Beckett Park Ghyll Road, West Park Beckett Park, West Park Queenswood Green, Leeds Spen Ln Queenswood Drive, West Park Lea Farm Drive, Hawksworth Vesper Close, Leeds Vesper Road Surgery, Hawksworth Broadway, Hawksworth Vesper Road, Leeds Hawkswood Avenue, Hawksworth Hawkswood Crescent, Hawksworth Butcher Hill, Hawksworth Lea Farm Road, Leeds Butcher Hill Abbey Grange School, Moor Grange Butcher Hill, Leeds Butcher Hill Fillingƒr Walk, Moor Grange Butcher Hill Old Oak Drive, West Park Butcher Hill, West Park West Parade, West Park Ring Rd Spen Gardens, West Park Lawnswood School, Weetwood Ring Rd Weetwood Lane, Weetwood Valley Farm, Weetwood Ring Rd Scotland Mill Lane, Meanwood St Urbans School, Meanwood St Urban's Primary School, Meanwood Cardinal Heenan Turning Circle, Meanwood Direction: Meanwood <-> Gamble Hill CH21 bus Time Schedule 62 stops Meanwood <-> Gamble Hill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 3:40 PM Cardinal Heenan Turning Circle, Meanwood Tuesday 3:40 PM Cardinal Heenan Sch, Meanwood Tongue Lane, Leeds Wednesday 3:40 PM St Urbans School, Meanwood Thursday 3:40 PM Friday 3:40 PM Ring Rd Scotland Mill Lane, Meanwood Saturday Not Operational Valley Farm, Weetwood Ring Rd Weetwood Lane, Weetwood Weetwood Lane, Leeds CH21 bus Info Lawnswood School, Weetwood Direction: Meanwood <-> Gamble Hill Stops: 62 Ring Rd Spen Gardens, West Park Trip Duration: 65 min Line Summary: Cardinal Heenan Turning Circle, Ring Rd Spen Gardens, West Park Meanwood, Cardinal Heenan Sch, Meanwood, St Urbans School, Meanwood, Ring Rd Scotland Mill West Parade, West Park Lane, Meanwood, Valley Farm, Weetwood, Ring Rd Weetwood Lane, Weetwood, Lawnswood School, Weetwood, Ring Rd Spen Gardens, West Park, Ring Butcher Hill, West Park Rd Spen Gardens, West Park, West Parade, West 293-295 Spen Lane, Leeds Park, Butcher Hill, West Park, Butcher Hill Old Oak Drive, West Park, Butcher Hill Abbey Grange School, Butcher Hill Old Oak Drive, West Park Moor Grange, Butcher Hill, Hawksworth, Hawkswood Crescent, Hawksworth, Hawkswood Butcher Hill Abbey Grange School, Moor Grange Avenue, Hawksworth, Broadway, Hawksworth, Butcher Hill, Leeds Vesper Road Surgery, Hawksworth, Lea Farm Drive, Hawksworth, Beckett Park, West Park, Ghyll Road, Butcher Hill, Hawksworth West Park, Woodbridge Crescent, Beckett Park, Woodbridge Place, Beckett Park, Queenswood Road, Hawkswood Crescent, Hawksworth Beckett Park, Eden Drive, Headingley, Eden Drive, Lea Farm Road, Leeds Headingley, Kirkstall Lane Headingley Station, Kirkstall, Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall, Eden Road, Hawkswood Avenue, Hawksworth Kirkstall, Burley Hill Drive, Burley, Talbot View, Burley, St Michael's Lane, Burley, Burley Medical Ctr, Burley, Broadway, Hawksworth Willow Road, Hyde Park, Cardigan Fields, Burley, Kirkstall Road Asda, Burley, Woodside View, Burley, Vesper Road Surgery, Hawksworth Burley Wood Mount, Burley, Gilbert Mount, Kirkstall, Commercial Road, Kirkstall, Kirkstall Morrisons, Lea Farm Drive, Hawksworth Kirkstall, Kirkstall Bridge Sp, Kirkstall, Wyther Lane Wyther Dri, Kirkstall, Raynville Road Raynville Dene, Beckett Park, West Park Kirkstall, Raynville Rd Lancastre Grove, Bramley, Raynville Rd Landseer Avenue, Bramley, Outgang Ghyll Road, West Park Lane, Bramley, Raynville Rd Landseer Green, Bramley, Waterloo Lane Landseer Rd, Bramley, Woodbridge Crescent, Beckett Park Waterloo Lane Broad Ln, Bramley, Wellington Grove, Bramley, Wood Lane, Bramley, Broad Lane Upper Town St, Bramley, Bramley Park, Bramley, Westover Woodbridge Place, Beckett Park Road, Bramley, Waterloo Lane, Bramley, Aston Road, Queenswood Drive, Leeds Bramley, Bramley Town End, Bramley, Henconner Lane Bus Depot, Bramley, Henconner Ln Poplar Way, Queenswood Road, Beckett Park Bramley, Henconner Lane Gamble Hill Dr, Gamble Hill, Jaques Close, Leeds Butt Lane Mcdonalds, Gamble Hill Eden Drive, Headingley Langdale Terrace, Leeds Eden Drive, Headingley Kirkstall Lane Headingley Station, Kirkstall The Cricketers, Leeds Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall 1-3 Morris Lane, Leeds Eden Road, Kirkstall Kirkstall Hill, Leeds Burley Hill Drive, Burley Talbot View, Burley St Michael's Lane, Burley Burley Medical Ctr, Burley Willow Road, Hyde Park Kirkstall Road, Leeds Cardigan Fields, Burley Allerton Street, Leeds Kirkstall Road Asda, Burley 385 Kirkstall Road, Leeds Woodside View, Burley Burley Wood Mount, Burley Gilbert Mount, Kirkstall Gilbert Mount, Leeds Commercial Road, Kirkstall Commercial Road, Leeds Kirkstall Morrisons, Kirkstall Savins Mill Way, England Kirkstall Bridge Sp, Kirkstall Bridge Fold, England Wyther Lane Wyther Dri, Kirkstall Raynville Road Raynville Dene, Kirkstall Abbey Mount, Leeds Raynville Rd Lancastre Grove, Bramley Raynville Rd Landseer Avenue, Bramley Raynville Approach, Leeds Outgang Lane, Bramley Snowden Approach, Leeds Raynville Rd Landseer Green, Bramley Landseer Rise, Leeds Waterloo Lane Landseer Rd, Bramley Waterloo Lane Broad Ln, Bramley Back Westmoreland Mount, Leeds Wellington Grove, Bramley Wood Lane, Bramley Bellmount Place, Leeds Broad Lane Upper Town St, Bramley Broad Lane, Leeds Bramley Park, Bramley Ashlea Green, Leeds Westover Road, Bramley Upper Town Street, Leeds Waterloo Lane, Bramley Aston Road, Bramley Bramley Town End, Bramley Henconner Lane Bus Depot, Bramley Henconner Ln Poplar Way, Bramley 94 Henconner Lane, Leeds Henconner Lane Gamble Hill Dr, Gamble Hill Butt Lane Mcdonalds, Gamble Hill 2 Butt Lane, Leeds CH21 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an o«ine PDF at moovitapp.com. 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