Spelling and Abbreviation Guide (Revised: February 12, 2013) In general, use The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (2010). For spelling, use Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed. (2008) References such as 8.110 refer to entry numbers in The Chicago Manual of Style. A Apostle to the Gentiles Bible, the (8.102) Abba (8.100) biblical (8.102) Acts of the Apostles, the Apostles, the [when Biblical Commission (8.102, 104) [no italics] referring to the Twelve] bio (as prefix, typically no AD 68, but 68 BC or 621 (8.100) hyphen, 7.79) BCE [full caps and no Apostles’ Creed (8.115) bishop, Bishop Jones [see periods] (9.35) Apostolic Fathers also the pope] ad hoc Apostolic See ( = Rome) Body of Christ (8.107) ad hominem (8.108) bread of life Adoptionism, Adoptionists apostolic age, community, bread-of-life discourse (8.96, 8.107) letter, succession, synod, etc. Bultmannian Advent (the coming of appendixes Christ) (8.116) archaeology [avoid, use C Advocate (the Holy Spirit) archeology] ca. [ca. 1850, not c.a] (7.53) (8.99) archeological [prefer this canon (the Jewish canon) a fortiori spelling] canon, a canon from the aeon Aristotelian Code; e.g., in canon 526 aesthetic [avoid, use ark of the covenant (8.119) (see below Code . ) esthetic] article, in this [avoid Captivity Epistles 8.105; see African-American (noun & expression “in this essay”] also Pastoral Epistles adj.) Ascension, the (8.107) catalogue agape Assumption, the (8.107) cataphatic [avoid, use Age of Reason, atonement, the (8.107) kataphatic] Enlightenment, etc. (8.79) Catholic Church Annunciation, the B catholicism, early Antichrist (the great baptism, the sacrament of century, centuries (8.70, antagonist) (8.109) 9.33, 9.34) [see also anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic baptism of Jesus, the numbers] apocryphal (of doubtful 68 BC (but AD 68), 68 BCE as adjectival, use this authority) (full caps) (9.35) form: the late third- Apocrypha (deuterocanon) Baptist, the; the Precursor century Fathers; the apologetic (8.92) fifth-century Apologists (Justin Martyr, Beatitudes, the (8.107) controversy; first-century etc.) Beloved Apostle (8.92) idea; but the 20th- apostasy Benedictus, the century book; also: a posteriori bi (as prefix, typically no during the 1890s, the a priori hyphen, 7.79) 1990s, etc. cf. [avoid, use see] (CCE = Codex Canonum Day of Judgment chapters Ecclesiarum de (as prefix, no hyphen: “In chapter 1 of his Orientalium) = CCEO decontrol; but de-emphasize) book.” (chapter is lower coequal Dead Sea Scrolls, the scrolls, case); in notes and Commandments, the Ten the Qumran scrolls parenthetical references, Commandments Decalogue chapter(s) is abbreviated common era = CE [full caps, de facto as chap. or chaps. In a no periods] (9.35) defense (n.) = American footnote, e.g.: (. Communion (sacramental usage [avoid defence (n.) = Fortress, 1970) chap. 3. Eucharist) British] charism (not charisma) communion of saints Deism cherubim COMPOUND WORDS (see de iure chosen people 7.85) Demiurgedemotic City of God confirmation (sacrament) demythologize, Christ event cooperation demythologization Christian (but unchristian) coordinate Deutero-Isaiah Christocentric council, councils, the Deuteronomic Christomonism Christology, council, but Second Vatican Deuteropauline Christologies, Council (8.101, 7.85) devil Christological Counter-Reformation, diakonia church (but capitalized when covenant, the; new covenant; Diaspora (in biblical sense used as a proper noun, covenant theology only, 8.107) e.g., the Roman Catholic coworker Diatessaron Church); Creation, the [as the event] Didache church, local church and (8.107) Dionysius (Dionysian) state, church and throne; Creator [when referring to Dionysus (Dionysiac), the the universal church, the God] Greek god Third Church creedal, intercreedal [avoid Divine Liturgy (Eastern church as adjectival, credal] Rites) lower case, e.g., church cross, the (but the Cross [as divine presence politics, church-state the event]) divinity (but the Divinity, as relations (8.97) Cross, the [when = a name for God) city of David Redemption; this usage is Docetism, Docetic, Docetist Code of Canon Law [the rare] Doctor of the Church [see 1983 Code vs. the 1917 Crucifixion, the also, Father, Church] Code] Curia, the = Roman/Vatican Donatism Codex Iuris Canonici = Curia CIC (canon 915, or c. E 1012 of the 1917 Code; D early Christian cc. 1110–11). Dark Ages (8.72) early catholicism Code of Canons of the data (plural) early church (8.97) Eastern Churches Day of Atonement East, Eastern (cultural), east, [promulgated in 1990] Lord’s Day, the (Sunday) eastern (directional) East-West dialogue et al. [no comma before, First Person (of the Trinity) Easter Day 6.20] Flood, the [unless context ecumenical Eucharist (sacrament), makes capitalization ecumenist eucharistic unnecessary] “ed.” When used in a Evangelical Lutheran florilegium, florilegia bibliographic reference Church focused, focuses, focusing after a title = “edited by” Evangelist, the (one of the form criticism, form critic, and so is used with one four, e.g., the Evangelist form-critical [when used or more editors. Mark) adjectivally] When preceding a title, evangelist, an (a preacher of formulas (plural) “ed.” or “eds.” = editor, the gospel) Fourth Gospel, the editors. Exile, the (as the event, Fundamentalism (8.98) [caps e.g. [always followed by a 8.107) only when used as the name comma, 6.43. avoid Exodus, the (8.107) of a specific religion or sect] abbreviating such ex cathedra expressions except in excursus, excursuses G footnotes and embedded extrabiblical Galilean parenthetical notes] extra-Christian Gentile (biblical sense) elect, the eyewitness Gethsemane elect gnostic (adj.), gnostic(s) encyclical (individual titles: F (noun, Divino afflante Spiritu) fall (season) (8.87) gnosticism second, third words are Fall, the (the biblical event, gnosticizing lower case unless 8.107) gnosis referring to God (as in fascicle God as creator Dei Verbum). the Father (= God) God-man Enlightenment, the Fathers of the Church, God’s people Enquiry [avoid, use inquiry] Church Fathers, the Council gospel (the teaching of Jesus epiclesis Fathers, Alexandrian Fathers and apostles) Epiphany, the Feast of Tabernacles Gospel (Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn) episcopal feast of the unleavened Gospel harmony Epistles of the New bread grace Testament (8.105) Festschrift (no italics) Greco-Roman Pauline Epistles ff. [as in 134ff.] [avoid f. and Pastoral Epistles, etc. ff.; if used, no space follows H Epistle to the Hebrews the number] Hades (8.108) Letter to Philemon final judgment haggadah, haggadic Epistles of Paul (see first-century [when used as Hagiographa Gospels) preceding adj., 7.85]; BUT: halakah, halakic, halkot eschatology, eschaton “In the first century, the hand (of God) essay, in this [avoid; say “in church. .” hapax legomenon/legomena this article”] first edition health care (n.), health-care firstfruits institutions (adj.) heaven (8.108) incarnate Word kenosis, kenotic Hebraic Incarnation, the kingdom of God/Christ hell indexes Koran [avoid; use Qur’an] Hellenic, Hellenize, Infancy Narratives, Infancy Hellenization Gospel of Thomas L Hellenist inquiry Lamb of God Hellenistic-Jewish (adj.) in regard to [not in regards last day high priest to] Last Judgment High Priest (= Christ) insofar, insofar as Last Supper high holy days institution of the Eucharist late Judaism, late Jewish higher criticism intertestamental Latinize history, historian: a history, a Irenaeus of Lyons, Law, the (the Torah, Mosaic historian [NOT an historian] Irenaeus’s view Law), Law of Christ historical-critical (adj.) Israelite Lent (8.88) history-of-religions (adj.) Isaiah Scroll Letter to the Corinthians [see Holocaust, the (the Shoah) iure, de Epistle] Holy Bible lifestyle Holy Land J locus, loci holy of holies Jesus’ name (always omit logion, logia holy orders final s after apostrophe—an Logos ( = Christ; otherwise Holy Sacrifice (Mass) exception to 7.20) lower case) (8.109) Jesus event, the Lord’s Prayer, the Holy See (8.99) Jewish Christianity, a Jewish Lord’s Supper, the (8.107, Holy Spirit Christian, Jewish-Christian 8.109) Holy Scripture (adj.) lordship holy souls Johannine love feast Holy Week (8.88) 1 John, 1 John 5, 1 John 5:3 Lukan [avoid Lucan] Holy Writ (but when in parentheses: 1 house church Jn, 1 Jn 5, 1 Jn 5:3) M Humanists (e.g., Erasmus, Josephus’s Magi, the 16th cent.) Jr./ III/ Sr. etc. [no comma magisterium HYPHEN, use of, 7.77–85, before, 6.47, 10.19] Magnificat, the 5.91–92 Judah Manichean, Manicheism hypostatic union Judaic manna Judaism, Judaize, Judaizer, Markan [avoid Marcan] I Judaizing Marian Ibid. [no comma after, when Judeo-Christian Mariology, Mariological citing a page no.; no Judea, Judean, Judean Desert Mass (as in “attending italics]; in a sentence Judgment Day Mass”), but a mass, three “ibid.” is lower case: masses (8.109) e.g.: See ibid. 3. K Matthean inasmuch as [prefer because kataphatic [use this form; Melchizedek or since] avoid cataphatic] Messiah ( = Christ; New Covenant, the our Lord (8.91) otherwise lower case) new hermeneutic Our Father, the messiahship, messianic, Nicaea, Council of (8.101) outdated messianism Nicene Creed overall messianic secret no. (= number, e.g., no. 12 over (as prefix, no hyphen, mid-20th century philosophy [as in Lumen gentium no. 7.79, 7.85) Middle Ages 12] [n. = note; see overemphasis, Middle Platonism above]) overgenerous, midrash, midrashic Noah oversimplification midrashim non (as prefix, no hyphen, milieu 7.85; but non-Christians) P millenarianism, millenary numbers, inclusive 9.60, paleo-Christian millennium, millennia 6.78 [refers to pagination] paleography, paleographic minuscule less than 100: use digits, papacy, papal Mishnah e.g., 3–10 Parable of the Good Modernism, Modernists, the 100 or multiple: 100– Samaritan Modernist controversy/crisis 104, 600–613 Parable of the Unjust modernity 101 thru 109 or Steward moral law multiples: 107–8, 505– Paraclete Mosaic Law, the Law of 17 paradise Moses 110 thru 199 or parenesis Mother of God multiples: 321–25, 415– parousia, parousiac return ms. and mss. 532.
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