The materials listed in this document are available for research at the University of Record Series Number Illinois Archives. For more information, email [email protected] or search http://www.library.illinois.edu/archives/archon for the record series number. 15/35/51 Liberal Arts and Sciences Russian and East European Center Philip E. Mosely Collection, 1922-1972 Box Page Contents 1-2 Vita 3 Provenance 4 Subject Index 5-10 Name Index 11-23 Personal 1 24 College, trip to USSR and Eastern Europe, marriage to Ruth Bissell, World War II Memberships, Awards 2 25 Clippings, Photographs, Obituaries 3 25-26 General Correspondence, Chronological, 1951-70 4-7 26-34 Russian Institute Correspondence, alphabetical, 1963-70 7 34-36 Individual Correspondence 7-9 37-39 Curriculum vitae 1960-68, and recommendations, 1954, 1956-65 10 39 Government Service War Documentation Project 11 40-41 Eastern Industrial Security Board, 1954 12 41-43 Armed Forces 13 43-45 State Department 14 45 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 14 45 Chamber of Commerce 15 45 Council on Foreign Relations 15 45 Bilderberg Group 15 46 Dartmouth Conferences 16 46-47 U.S. - Soviet Exchange 17 47 Travel 17 47-48 Ford Foundation 18 48-49 Social Science Research Council 18 49 Rand Corporation 19 49-50 Rockefeller Foundation 20 50 East European Fund 21-23 50 Chekhov Publishing House 23 53 Chekhov Books 24-34 53-56 Communist Party of the Soviet Union Research Project 35-39 56-64 Invitations 39 64 Lectures 39-40 64-65 Course Materials 41 65 American Council of Learned Societies 42 65 European Institute 42-43 65-66 Columbia University 43 66 Articles and Reviews 43-44 66-68 Bibliography and Publications 45 69-84 15/35/51 2 Box Page Research General, Sack-Seligman, Romania, 46 84-85 Balkans Travel, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Zudrugas 47 85 Baker-Bliss, Miller 47 85 Photographs 48 85-86 Oversize photographs, awards, diplomas OS-5 24 and 87 OS-25 15/35/51 3 Vita: Philip E. Mosely Sept. 21, 1905 Born at Westfield, Massachusetts - son of Arthur C. & Eliza Rust Mosely 1926 A. B. Harvard 1933 Ph. D. Harvard 1929-30 Instructor, Princeton 1930-32 Historical Research, Moscow 1933-35 Instructor, Union College 1935-36, 1938 Research, Balkans 1936-40 Assistant Professor, Cornell 1940-43 Associate Professor, Cornell 1942-46 Officer, U.S. State Department Assistant Chief, Division of Political Studies Chief, Division of Territorial Studies 1943 Advisor, Moscow Conference delegation 1944-45 Political Advisor, U.S. delegation, European Advisory Commision 1945 Potsdam Conference 1945-46 Council of Foreign Ministers, London & Paris 1946 U.S. representative, Yugoslav-Italian Boundary Investigation Commission 1946-55 Professor, International Relations, Russian Institute, Columbia 1951-55 Director, Russian Institute 1955-63 Adjunct Professor 1955-63 Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations 1963-72 Professor, International Relations, Columbia Director, Instutute on Western Europe Associate Dean, Faculty of International Affairs April 3, 1939 Married Ruth Bissell children - Patricia, Ann 1952-61 President, East European Fund 1951-61 Director, Research Program on USSR 1961-70 Trustee, Foreign Policy Association Trustee, Rand Corporation 1956 LL.D. Notre Dame 1959 LL.D. Union College 1964 LL.D. Middlebury College 1969 D.I.L. Susquehanna University January 13, 1972 Died. 15/35/51 4 Provenance August 1, 1977 Mrs. Philip E. (Ruth) Mosley signed the agreement giving the Philip E. Mosely Collection, 1922-72 to the University Archives. October 28, 1977 Maynard Brichford signed the agreement for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. October 28, 1977 Collection arrived in Urbana. March 9, 13, and 17, 1978 Additions arrived. January 23, 1978 Processing began. July 30, 1978 Indexing completed. December 1978 Finding aid mailed to Mr. Irving Halpern. February 1, 1979 Finding aid completed. September 1, 1994 Entry and editing of finding aid into word-processor completed. 15/35/51 5 Subject Index Subject Box Air Force, Industrial Security Board 13 Albania 17, 46, 48 American Council of Learned Societies 42 American Council of Learned Societies, Newsletters 2 American Foreign Policy Studies Fund 18 American Institute of Pacific Relations 12 American Museum of Natural History 46 American Philosophical Society 2 American Political Science Association 2 American Slavic Review 1 Andover 16 Armenia 36, 38 Arms Control & Disarmament Agency 12, 14 Army War College 13 Articles 43-46 Asian Students 2 Atlantic Institute 2, 43 Atlantic Policy Studies 15 Atlantic Studies 10 Atomic Energy Commission 12 Atomic Energy, Joint Commission on 13 Austria 1 Awards 2 Azerbaidjan 18 Babies 2 Baker-Bliss Letters 48 Balkan Bibliography 48 Berlin 2, 3 Berlin Conference 1 Bibliography 2, 38 Bilderberg Group 15 Biographical data (Mosely) 2 Book Reviews 2, 43, 44, 46 Books 43, 44 Bulgaria 47, 48 Central Intelligence Agency 13 Chamber of Commerce, U.S. 15 Chekhov Publishing House 20, 23-34 Chinese Language 18 Church World Service 21 Clippings 3 Columbia University 2, 12, 18, 42, 43 Commendations 2 Commerce, Department of 13 15/35/51 6 Subject Index Subject Box Communist Party, Soviet Union 35-39 Community Integration Project 21 Conferences 17 Contemporary Cultures 1 Coordinated Country Studies 18 Council on Foreign Relations 2, 15 Course Materials 41 Crimea 16 Cultural Exchange 42 Cultural Relations with USSR 17 Curriculum vitae 10 Czecholsovakia 18, 47 Daily Worker 12 Dartmouth Conferences 16 Defense, Department of 13 Defense Analysis, Institute of 12, 13 Eastern European Studies, Committee on 4 Eastern Industrial Personnel Security Board 12 East European Fund 20, 21, 22, 23 Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes 43 Economic Development, Commission on 13 Education, Office of 13 Emigre Scholars, American Commission for 18 Estonia 36 Europe 17 European Institute 42, 43 Exchange Programs 17 Fellowship Programs 18 Ford Foundation 17, 18, 22, 35 Foreign Affairs 43, 44 Foreign Policy 13, 20 Foreign Policy Committee, Senate 13 Foundations 44 Franklin Institute 13 Free Russia Fund 20 Friends Neighborhood Guild (Philadelphia) 21 Geneva Institute 18 German Occupation - Administration in USSR 11 Germany 1, 2, 14, 17,43,47 Government Operations Committee, Senate 13 Grade Books 41 Guggenheim Foundation 4 15/35/51 7 Subject Index Subject Box Harvard College 1 Health, Education and Welfare, Dept. of 13 Herzen Letters 23 Honorary Degrees 2 Hoover Institution 3, 23, 3 Houghton, Mifflin Co. 4 Hudson Institute 15, 18 Human Resources Research Institute 11, 13 Hungary 43 IBM Lectures 40 Industrial College of the Armed Forces 13 Information Agency, U.S. 12, 13 International Exchange, Commission on 17 Inter-University Committee 42 Intervention 1 Invitations 39 Italy 17 Japan 17 Japanese-American Round Table 17 Jewish Community Council 4 Jewish Vocational Service 36 Johns Hopkins University 2 Johnson Foundation 17 Justic, Department of 13 Kharkov 11 Kirghiz 35 Labor Education, National Institute of 5 Latvia 35 Lectures 40 Lenin Library 23 Leningrad 16 Libraries 36 Library of Congress 4, 13 Life Magazine 40 Macedonia 47 Memberships 2 Microfilms 36 Miller Diary 46, 48 Moscow 17, 35 National Defense College 4 15/35/51 8 Subject Index Subject Box National Planning Association 13 National Security Council 13 NATO Defense College 5 New Jersey 21 New Republic 4 New York City 21 New York Library 4 NKVD 11, 35 Norway 36, 38 Notre Dame University 2, 44 Novosibirsk 17 Nvoye Russkoye Slovo 4 Novy Zhurnal (New Review)21 Obituaries 3 Ralph E. Ogden Foundation 43 Operations Research Office 13 Overbook Foundation 6 Overseas Training and Research, Board of 18 Oxford University 1 Paris 17 Partisan Activity 11 Photographs 3 Placement 10 Poland 35 Police Controls 11 Praeger Controls 36 Pravda 46 Prentice Hall 4 Princeton University 2 Princeton University Press 4 Psychological Aspects of Strategy 11 Psychological Warfare 13 Publications 43 Pugwash Conferences 17 Quotations 43 Radio Free Europe 13 Radio and Television 17 Rand Corporation 3, 4, 12, 19 Random House - Vintage Books 44 Recommendations 10 Red Army 11 Reece Committee 23, 43 15/35/51 9 Subject Index Subject Box Reid Hall 43 Research Notes 46-48 Research Program (EEF) 22 The Review 6 Rockefeller Brothers Fund 20 Rockefeller Foundation 20 Rumania 1, 14, 47, 48 Russell and Russell 44 Russia 1, 2, 17 Russian Civil War 48 Russian Institute 7, 10, 36 Russian Research Center 36 Russian Scientific Dictionary 11 Rye, New York 11 Ryska Institute 36 St. Seraphim Foundation 21 Saxons 47, 47 Schenectady Letters 46 Security Clearance 12 Shevchenko Scientific Society 21 Slavic Studies 18 Slavic Studies, Comm. for the Promotion of 2 Slavic Studies, Joint Committee on 42 Social Research, Bureau of Applied 43 Social Science Research Council 18 Social Sciences, Council for Research in 2 Soviet Agents 11 Soviet-American Relations, Institute of 42 Soviet Army 22 Soviet Exchange Program 17 Soviet History 35 Soviet Housing 22, 23 Soviet Literature 22, 36 Soviet Moslems 18 Soviet Peasantry 11 Soviet Police 22 Soviet Press 2 Soviet Science 21 Soviet Secret Police 18 Soviet Studies 18 Soviet Theater 22 Sovietological Conference, International 17 Sovremennik 5 Special Operations Research Office 2 Stanford University 2 15/35/51 10 Subject Index Subject Box State, Department of 4, 12, 14 Development Planning, Office of 14 East-West Exchange Programs 14 Educational and Cultural Affairs 14 European Affairs, Bureau of 14 External Research Staff 14 Foreign Relations 14 Foreign Service Institute 14 Historical Office 14 Policy Planning
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