AM the News ol BED BAKU WE DO and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Bins. OUR PART hnuad Weakly, Entered as Second-Clan, Mutter at tho rout- S.ili»cr!f,(li.n Ojo Y ,,r Jl.flj VOLUME LVII, NO. 1. office at Ued Dunk, K, J., under Hm Act of March 3, 1879, RED BANK, N. J., .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27,-1934. e Six Month 1 Liimlo Car/ 4c. PAGES I TO 12,, & Liquor, A & P Tea Co., Hcba«tiano For Sea FOURTH OF JULY Thirty-Seven lilzzaro, Tony Pingliorc, Jo.wi>h K.to co, Schulte Department store, Mnt- Several Accidents Fair Haven GranST* 9 thews & Forbes, Louis rrntc, Her- • Scoots Belief it lows Next Wednesday, .July 4th, Liquor Licenses bert L. Heneberg and James jlutler. Independence Hay, is ono of the Beautiful Painting, Made and J. Crawford Compton and J. lepil holidays which In oliscrved Fl vc Charles C. Kahlert, Publisher of That Many Granted by the May- Five Per£ons Injured in Mishaps | " Renewed at Council Meet for tho full day by Th« Hcd THAT NEW FOLK'KMA.V, in Donated hy Mrs. Elisabeth Craig Finnegan to Place Bank Kcglstor.' , Perth Amboy News, Chosen or and Council Monday -JNi#ht on Red EanU Streets Dunne % Monday Niffht—Liquor Lnndidell Hammell, Noted Il- Homes on the Market to Sell Thoreforo tliero will bo no President of New Jersey Press —Globe Hotel Application Talarico to B« Appointed If lie Past Few Days—Child Cross! "Kc'solulio • • •' n Adopted—Ofiicinl" " s ', lustrator, to bo Disposed Of. for $2,100 to $2,200 Each. edition of Tlie Register next Association. Not Granted. VitBfies IVxaminntlon. ing Street Badly Hurt. Praise Firemen. Wednesday. Tho paper will btr 'Tho Question of appointing a po- As part of a campaign tn support Application has been mado by J. Col. Charles C. Kahlcrt, publisher Red Bank will receive 510,260 an ,,. Applinalion:, tar r.-ncwnl of flvn Issued next Tuesday, July 3d, a liceman to succeed Osborn H'UTis'in, . (.]n,,nl . njin p tho activities of tho Monmouth coun- Crawford Compton nnd J. Craig Fln- of tho Perth Amboy News, waa a result of Jtconscj. granted for the ] i 1 iiiir"l"°r In™-'.-.! w(.-rt- artcil upon hi- day earlier than usual, tuid ad- who was recently rftiirr-d on a pen- ji; |,.('M.. '.' ,'i-'''i/'/i i!'.'' " '' f •••...' cil. Sea Scout divJolon, Boy Scouts ot, ncgnn for tho Incorporation of tho fleeted president of the New Jersey f-filc of alcoholic beverages by the l in vcrtlsertj tm<i correspondents sion because of poor health, wna < ' " '" • i-io I'.air ll-ivirn mayor n,,d roiineil America, a valuable wnlnr color paint- Belfoid Supply company. Favorablo are requested to .-> endeavor to Press Association at its seventy- mayor and council at a special meet- ill nts owiurril last AiiiiHiiy ni;;lit. Tho (ipplicanta wrrf ing", tho work of Mrs. KJlzaboth L-nrm- action on tho application will enable cij'hth annual convention at Shawnec- ing Monday night.. Thirty-fjcvcn' li- again discussed by tho mayor 'and , Thl tzct tholr matter to Tlw Register council of Ked Bank Monday ni^ht. lay nh.'ht. In f.np Jn::-hri|» two il'irry A. llubbnn], Andrew Dolicriv doll Hammcll of Spring street, noted tho company to engage iivvarloufi euloo earlier than la customary ! un-Delaware, Saturday. He succeeds censes were issund, nineteen for barn •H i-s'tiprd v.r:t!i iniiioi- injuiii!.^. «nd f-'rc.i Maffro for retail oiinaump- magazine Illustrator, will bo tlinpoRRd kinds of business, hut the chief ac- (Jnrven P. Taylor, publisher of the Recently it was voted to appoint Sam- hi ortler to Insure Ifca publlcai-- and eighteen for the sale of bottled i WE hint, in th" iji her. w!iir|. linn hr,n:i.."i; Janwa Butk-r compa.lv g tivity of the concern will be to build Montclair Times, who was elected goods at stores. The fees are theuel C. Talarico to the position in the of on tho co-oporatlvo plan on tton In ncoordanoo with the event that ho qualified by passing a •M •'.. iiit-.ii: l-nm rlrivor. Roth i"i- .-. ri-tail ili-:lrlbution license, anil and noil bungalows. Mr, Compton vice president. Colonel Kahlert last liomc as in the past—$R00 for a bar im Play<r..j' Rout club for, n club Wednesdayednesy,, AR 1. nbovo selifvdillo. physicial and written examination. irvo.Mi;;;it,.,l l,v I'..,l iivmiii. Tho painting, which wan donated and Mr. Finnegan are tho owners of year served as president of the Newlicense, nnd $240 for n. store license. f C'liiyiDl; )'!K no '*h;jr;:/>?J V/Ofi liffns?. Upon tlio. recommendation nl tho Bnysido Heights development at Jersey Associated Press organization. In addition there is something hew Councilman Christian L. IWgo plated hy Mrs. Hamraell, in on tflsplay In that if Mr. Talarico passed th<> ex- inn (l ami tliei 'ony Hunt in,;, rliMlrman nf (he po~ tho window of tho Red Bank book Belford. They plan between now John W. CJift ol the Summit Her- —a club licRn.se foft of $150 to be The lii:-: onunv.l i !»•<• rommiltpo, nil the licence;; werft and next spring to build on this granted to organizations which eell amination, he .should be appointed store on Linden place. Tickets nro ald waa re-elected {secretary for his without delay. Mayor Charlei-i R.'Eng- nuc A rar IINV.'TI by l)nroll ::i mi! r-(i, )m: will not li(! isauod until also on sale, there. Tho picture, onotract about 100 bungalows to be Bold twenty-sixth term, and W, 13. R. Ma-only tn members anrl not for profit. (J. Erl) nf Ivi;; Oran>; '"'• 'iv.- !n>],lic;inta have filed rc- at prices from $2,100 to $2,200. Es\ch lish mado remarlco of a similar Forf. wr,n p of tho artist's beat' pfeces of work, son of the Bound Brook Chronicle Sinco repeal nf prohibition went illK scjiitli mi Mud Urn I'"ll'; Wilh the ..;ln|n | ) <\ „„ bungalow will be of framo construe into effect lrint January 44 places for Thomas M. Gopsill, chairman of Mm An ax vmv depicts fievcml tulips In a vase. was re-elected treasurer lor his thir- police committee of the council, y,aUl Mi . |*';f|U-::t.'fl in a hw^v from tins State tion, with four rooms and a bat.il- ty-second term. tho Halo of alcoholic beverages have - Mrs, Hammcll la ono of tho coun- this "waa satisfactory to him. "ilfi .va ;j 'ax c(iminu:;ioni:r rt-ad at. the mefit- try'fl leading magazine. Illustrators. •oom and with running water, elec- The, seven named tn the executive boon in operation ai Rod Ban!*, and tricity, gas and a heating eydtem. said the examination would be held ].;,-!, f:n.;in:r. \\. vinyi\ Smith, bormiRh clerk, Though imo sttirtcd her career aa a Thirty-Seven Entries in Exhibi- hoard were: Rudolph E. Lent, Jersey the number will remain about the I 1 i rU li Tho dwellings will bo on lota 60-100 flame afj a remit of the action taken soon. slowed down and ilv.- nf[,, mae-hir.f: | "' ' " ' "uit no nhjoctionn tn prant- designer of fashions lor Buttcrlck Journal; Miss Mabel Brown, Kcyport iiii-; ;ln. ]i.:Mn,:,,H bn(1 h(i(,n fiiflf[ ^^ feet. tion of Neighborhood Garden cr<ialic:U )n:o i\:; rc:ir. Flu and McCall'B, eho now almost solely Weekly; Jame3 Kerney, Jr., Trenton by the mayor and council Monday hiuj, Tho first bungalow of the 100 was Club—Two Prizes to Mrs. night. Councilman Thomas M. Gop- Hell of Belleville uW\ }hir Times Newspapers; Fred S. Hayes, 1. i] reproduces garden ficones. Both she of Bloomll.Md, j.;i.-;;i t in Ihc: A •ejoliii'nni Kovrrninp;"thfi pale of and Mr. Hammoll Btudicd at the Artatartod last week on Ocean View Red Bank .Register; Kenneth Q. Jen- fitatcd thnt a measure known as il 1 John Carey. Iiohn car, wri o !.;r •ll t i: vt-r- li [• aii'l benr w;i:j ndopted. The avenue. Negotiations are already a limited beer license was before the 1 Ktudonta league in New York. Tho nings, New Brunswick Sunday Times; viow hospibil for fiit mr 1 ! latter Is al3o an ardHt and served for under way for Its sale. Mr. Finne- Mrs. John Carey of Middlctown William J. Paul, Mcrchantsvllle Com- legislature, for consideration, where- )rui. •<•- !>i-;- .-.re $201") for rGtail enn- gan, In talking with a Register re- won two prizes with a total of nine- by beer in quantities of not ICKH than The ot her af.-cuiim*. oci i an 'i.'-n, .SL'OO fnr rr-tall distribution ten yearH iiu art director for ono of munity News, and Chauncy S, Stout, hour lator at lh'> tMtni'T <•£ pr>:u • nnd Now Yorlc'a largest advertising agen- porter Monday, stated that there- was teen points nmong 37 entries Friday Plainlleld Courier News. K bottles might be sold. Mr. Gop- '•••',() To,- club, Liquor and beer a big demand for homes at modest afternoon In the Neighborhood Gar- sill stated that inasmuch as this law He Comments on the Action Chestnut streets, Ifr.;. l^lvira lircrn- be KOI.J w.-Trkdfiy.-i from 7:00 A. cies. Ho 1B now head of his own firm. Revision of the New Jersey codes ycr of Chaprl Hill n-jmrtrMl tli:, t •M. i! ii'il l:ti'» A.
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