INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 THE INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION MONACO Publication P-1 No. 20 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 © Copyright International Hydrographic Organization [2018] This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted in accordance with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886), and except in the circumstances described below, no part may be translated, reproduced by any process, adapted, communicated or commercially exploited without prior written permission from the Secretariat of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Copyright in some of the material in this publication may be owned by another party and permission for the translation and/or reproduction of that material must be obtained from the owner. This document or partial material from this document may be translated, reproduced or distributed for general information, on no more than a cost recovery basis. Copies may not be sold or distributed for profit or gain without prior written agreement of the IHO Secretariat and any other copyright holders. In the event that this document or partial material from this document is reproduced, translated or distributed under the terms described above, the following statements are to be included: “Material from IHO publication [reference to extract: Title, Edition] is reproduced with the permission of the IHO Secretariat (Permission No ……./…) acting for the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), which does not accept responsibility for the correctness of the material as reproduced: in case of doubt, the IHO’s au- thentic text shall prevail. The incorporation of material sourced from IHO shall not be construed as constituting an endorsement by IHO of this product.” “This [document/publication] is a translation of IHO [document/publication] [name]. The IHO has not checked this translation and therefore takes no responsibility for its accuracy. In case of doubt the source version of [name] in [language] should be consulted.” The IHO Logo or other identifiers shall not be used in any derived product without prior written permission from the IHO Secretariat. 2 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 □ Editorial by I. HALLS, Editor □ Articles - Competitive analysis of current Ocean Webb-Mapping Applications. by M. PADILLA-RUIZ, I. CHURCH, E. STEFANAKIS (Canada). □ Notes - Establishing Hydrographic Services in Mauritius. by Mauritius. - Semi-automated generation of depth contours for ENCS. by P. RUSTOMJI (Australia) . - Assessing Gaps via Bathymetric Sounding Density. by M. WESTINGTON, J. VARNER, P JOHNSON, M. SUTHERLAND, A. ARMSTRONG, J. JENCKS (USA) . □ General Information - Obituary: Rear Admiral Kenneth BARBOR by Vice Admiral A. MARATOS 3 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 Page intentionally left blank 4 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 Editorial This edition comprises one article, several notes and general information. The article from Canada describes their research efforts through a competitive analysis study of a number of current web-mapping applications that deliver ocean related data to the scientific community. Their analysis of the data types, uncertainty, time, basemaps, operators and technologies should provide useful information to other groups establishing web mapping capabilities. As more data becomes available to the open community, finding the right balance to meet a wide user expectation of web map data content and presentation will be challenging. The establishment of a hydrographic service in Mauritius through the IHO Capacity Building program along with the support of several national Mauritius government agencies is a terrific success story and a good model for other nations who are in the early stages of establishing their own hydrographic service. The establishment of this organisation and the work that has been under- taken in the last 5 years is a positive testament to the goals and aspirations of IHO capacity building and what can be achieved. A further note from one of my Australian colleagues describes some innovative development to improve the generation of depth contours particularly when compiling Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs). Having spent many hours compil- ing contours for charting myself, it is satisfying to know that automated processes to improve the near-final depiction are available. Contouring within the nautical cartographer community will always present a variety of opinions, but the work undertaken within the AHO, I hope will be of interest may be considered by other HOs wanting to improve productivity whilst not compromising quality or aesthetics. The USA has provided an update on their program to evaluate the bathymetry holdings within the IHO’s Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry that is hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The authors presented a comprehensive paper at the 2018 Joint Hydrographic and National Surveyor’s Conference and the link to this paper is provided in the Reference section of the Note. Finally, we include an obituary for Rear Admiral Kenneth Barbor, USN (USA) who was a past Director of the IHB Directing Committee. It is always sad to farewell a fellow professional but it is pleasing to recognise his achievements. On behalf of the Editorial Board, I hope this edition is of interest to you and may inspire you to submit a future paper on the work that you have done or are currently engaged in. Thank you to the authors for your contributions and to my colleagues who provided peer reviews for the article in this edition. Ian W. Halls Editor 5 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 Page intentionally left blank 6 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF CURRENT OCEAN WEB-MAPPING APPLICATIONS By M. Padilla-Ruiz 1 , I. Church 1 , E. Stefanakis 2 1 Department of Geodesy and Geomatics, University of New Brunswick (Canada) 2 Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary (Canada) Abstract A competitive analysis study is a usability engineering method administered to critically analyze and compare a set of similar applications according to their relative merits. This paper presents a competitive analysis study of current ocean web-mapping applications that deliver ocean related data to the scientific commu- nity. The analysis is part of a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach that was applied to develop the Ocean Web-Mapping Application of the Ocean Mapping Group (OMG) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), a web mapping applica- tion to deliver ocean mapping data to ocean modellers. A total of twenty-four existing applications were critically analyzed and compared across two broad themes in cartography: (1) representation and (2) interaction; adding topics to consider the potential needs of ocean modellers. The results helped to establish trends and gaps and to discover new opportunities for ocean web-mapping development. Using the conclusions drawn from this study, an online survey was prepared to be conducted by ocean modellers and continue the UCD methodology of the Ocean Web-Mapping Application. Résumé Une analyse concurrentielle est un procédé d’ergonomie informatique appliqué afin d’effectuer une analyse critique et une comparaison d’une série d’applications similaires selon leurs mérites respectifs. L’article qui suit présente une analyse concurrentielle des applications existantes de cartographie en ligne des océans fournissant à la communauté scientifique des données relatives à l’océan. Cette analyse entre dans le cadre de l’approche axée sur l’utilisateur (UCD) qui a servi à développer l’application de cartographie en ligne des océans du groupe de cartographie océanique (OMG) à l’université du Nouveau Brunswick (UNB), application de cartographie en ligne dont l’objectif est de fournir des données de cartographie océanique aux spécialistes de la modélisation des océans. Un total de vingt-quatre applications existantes ont fait l’objet d’une analyse critique et ont été comparées à travers deux thèmes généraux de cartographie : (1) représenta- tion et (2) interaction ; d’autres thèmes ont été ajoutés pour évaluer les besoins potentiels des spécialistes de la modélisation des océans. Les résultats ont permis d’aider à dégager des tendances et à déceler des lacunes, ainsi qu’à découvrir de nouvelles opportunités de développement de la cartographie en ligne des océans. A partir des conclusions tirées de cette étude, une enquête en ligne a été élaborée pour être effectuée par les spécialistes de la modélisation des océans et en vue de la poursuite de la méthodologie UCD des applications de cartographie en ligne des océans. 7 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC REVIEW NOVEMBER 2018 Resumen Un estudio de análisis competitivo es un método de ingenieria de la usabilidad utilizado para analizar y comparar de forma crítica un conjunto de aplicaciones similares según sus méritos relativos. Este artículo presenta un estudio analítico competitivo de aplicaciones de mapas web actuales que ofrecen datos relaciona- dos con las ciencias oceánicas a la comunidad científica. El análisis forma parte de un enfoque UCD (User-Centered Design - Diseño Centrado en el Usuario), que fue aplicado para el desarrollo de la Aplicación Web de Cartografía Oceánica del OMG (Ocean Mapping Group - Grupo de Cartografía Oceánica) de la Universidad de New Brunswick (UNB), una aplicación de mapas web que ofrece datos de cartografía
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