gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite III pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b y Q u i N n o Editor-in-Chief: t t r f e o ssence W. R. Laney Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants Section Editors: N. Broggini D. Buser D. L. Cochran L. T.Garcia W. V.Giannobile E. Hjørting-Hansen T.D. Taylor Co-Editors: J. A. Cirelli K. Dula R. E. Jung R. T.Yanase Quintessence Publishing Co, Ltd Berlin, Chicago, Tokyo, Barcelona, Beijing, Istanbul, London, Milan, Moscow, New Delhi, Paris, Prague, São Paulo, Seoul, and Warsaw gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite V pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b y Q u i N n o t t r f e o Foreword ssence The preparation of the Glossary of Oral and Max- Implants is sure to become an indispensable illofacial Implants represents a crucial step to- tool for every professional fascinated by the vast wards harmonizing the terminology employed array of terminology in the field and who also worldwide by clinicians, researchers and aca- has the desire to employ it accurately and mean- demics who work in this field and establishing a ingfully. solid basis for mutual understanding. This volume does not aspire to the impossible The International Team for Implantology (ITI) task to cover all terms in this field. It has, how- has no hesitation in endorsing this valuable ever, selected around 2000 of the most com- work and congratulates its author, Prof. Dr. monly used terms from various areas of implant William R. Laney, his co-contributors and advi- dentistry. sors on producing such an extensive, accurate and considered work. The ITI is proud to have been involved in the de- velopment of this volume and is happy to recom- The aim of the ITI is to promote and disseminate mend it as a standard work from which every knowledge on all aspects of implant dentistry professional in the field can benefit. and related tissue regeneration. As it demon- strated with the ITI Treatment Guide series, the Congratulations on a job well done. ITI is keen to support the development of prac- tical tools for professionals in this field. As a Dieter Weingart Daniel Buser work that lays the foundations for a shared vo- ITI President Chairman, cabulary, the Glossary of Oral and Maxillofacial ITI Education Committee V gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite VI pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b y Q u i N n o t t r f e o Preface ssence As the field of implant dentistry has grown inter- Closely related to the expansion of implant clin- nationally, so has the need for a common im- ical practice has been the competitive technical plant language. With new developments and development and marketing activities by manu- technology has come an increasingly diverse facturers of implant system components, instru- and complex literature.For clinicians,educators, ments, and devices. While acknowledging that and researchers alike, it is time to bring univer- these products are essential to the expansion of sal consistency to the terminology of implant implant dentistry,it is important to note that the dentistry. intended aim of this glossary is to focus on col- laborative science and art as the basis for im- One component of the multimedia, multi-lan- plant therapy advancement and to minimize guage series by the Quintessence Publishing emphasis on commercial hardware technology Company, entitled Dynamics in Implant Den- and terminology. tistry, includes an illustrated glossary that pro- vides a broadly based multidisciplinary introduc- The dedicated members of the Editorial Board tion to scientific terminology pertinent to the who have compiled and written this first-edition field. From a thorough review of implant text- represent the expertise of essential disciplines books and peer-reviewed periodical literature, comprising the broad spectrum of implant den- some 5000 terms were distilled for considera- tistry. To the following contributors, I extend my tion. Approximately 2000 of these were selected heartfelt thanks and appreciation for their par- for inclusion and defined by co-authors repre- ticipation,cooperation,and especially their well- senting an interdisciplinary variety of implant- recognized expertise: Prof. Dr. Daniel Buser, Dr. related interests, including surgery, radiology, Nina Broggini, Dr. Karl Dula, Prof. Dr. Erik Hjørt- hard and soft tissue biology, periodontics, ing-Hansen,Prof.Dr.William Giannobile,Dr.Joni prosthodontics, implant componentry, research Cirelli, Prof. Dr. Lily Garcia, Dr. Roy Yanase, Prof. methodology and statistics, biomechanics and Dr. David Cochran, Dr. Ronald Jung and Prof. Dr. ceramics. Thomas Taylor.In addition, Drs. Peter C. O’Brien VI gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite VII pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b y Q u i N n o t t r f e o ssence and Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.have contributed con- rector of Quintessence Berlin.Mr.Bernd Burkart, siderably to the glossary in support of the co-au- head of the Quintessence Berlin production de- thors. partment, coordinated and directed all produc- tion activities.The dedication,perseverance,and Without the profound interest and support of cooperation of the entire Quintessence Publish- the International Team for Implantology, this ing Company staff have been exemplary. glossary could not have progressed. It is anticipated that the Glossary of Oral and A work of this complexity and magnitude must Maxillofacial Implants will become a practical involve the collaboration of capable support per- education and communications tool for those sonnel.Ms.Ute Drewes has contributed her artis- students and practitioners who have or will have tic skills to the creation of illuminative illustra- an interest in implant dentistry. Nonetheless, tions. The daily tasks of compiling and editing this print resource should be considered a work database input have been timely and extraordi- in progress. New knowledge will continue to narily accomplished by Ms.Elizabeth Floyd Davis emerge and with it the need for additional (USA) and Ms. Änne Klebba, Quintessence Pub- terms, revision of those existing, and deletion of lishing, Berlin. Ms. Sandra Fielitz provided secre- those that are redundant or obsolete. tarial support in Quintessence Berlin and effi- ciently managed the laborious task of preparing William R. Laney, DMD, MS the initial database from which the included terms were selected. The final review, coordina- tion and editing of terms was superbly accom- plished by Ms. Lisa Bywaters, Senior Editor, and her staff at Quintessence Publishing, Chicago. This publication was conceived and very capably managed by Mr.Alexander Ammann, Project Di- VII gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite VIII pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b y Q u i N n o t t r f e o Editor and Authorsssence Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Diagnostics/ Biomedicine/Biomaterials Anatomy/X-Ray Authors Author Daniel Buser, DMD, Prof., Dr. med. dent. Erik Hjørting-Hansen, Prof., Dr. odont. Professor/Chair, Department of Oral Surgery Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology School of Dentistry and University Hospital School of Dental Medicine (Rigshospitalet) University of Bern University of Copenhagen Freiburgstrasse 7 Norre Alle 20 3010 Bern, SWITZERLAND 2200 Copenhagen N, DENMARK [email protected] [email protected] Nina Broggini, DMD, MS, Dr. med. dent. Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology Periodontics School of Dental Medicine University of Bern Author Freiburgstrasse 7 William V.Giannobile DDS, D. Med. Sc. 3010 Bern, SWITZERLAND Najjar Professor of Dentistry [email protected] Director Michigan Center for Oral Health Research Private Practice: University of Michigan Studio Borsa Broggini Lanfranchini 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive Via Stazione 1 Lobby M, Box 422 6828 Balerna, SWITZERLAND Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA [email protected] [email protected] Co-Author Co-Author Karl Dula, PD, Dr. med. dent. Joni Augusto Cirelli, DDS, PhD Chair, Section of Dental Radiology Research Fellow, Department of Periodontics Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology and Oral Medicine School of Dental Medicine School of Dentistry University of Bern University of Michigan Freiburgstrasse 7 1011 N. University Avenue 3010 Bern, SWITZERLAND Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA [email protected] [email protected] VIII gomi_frontmatter 09.08.2007 14:16 Uhr Seite IX pyri Co gh Not for Publicationt b Prosthodontics Biometry/Statistics/Research/Methodology y Q u i N Author/Editor-in-Chief Author n o t t r f e o William R. Laney, DMD, MS David L. Cochran, DDS, MS, PhD, MMScissence Professor Emeritus Professor, Department of Periodontics Division of Prosthodontics MSC 7894 Department of Dental Specialties University of Texas Health Science Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Center at San Antonio Rochester, MN 55905, USA 7703 Floyd Curl Drive [email protected] San Antonio, TX 78229-3900, USA [email protected] Contributors Peter C. O’Brien, PhD Co-Author Professor of Biostatistics Ronald E. Jung, Dr. med. dent. Division of Biostatistics Assistant Professor, Clinic for Fixed Department of Health Sciences Research and Removable Prosthodontics Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Center for Dental and Oral Medicine Rochester, MN 55905, USA and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery [email protected] University of Zurich Plattenstrasse 11 Thomas G. Wilson, Jr., DDS 8032 Zurich, SWITZERLAND Private Practice of Periodontics [email protected] 5465 Blair Road, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75231, USA [email protected] Biomechanics/Ceramics Author Implant Componentry Thomas D. Taylor, DDS, MSD Professor/Chair, Author Department of
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