E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2002 No. 42 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was REFLECTING ON TAX DAY, APRIL total tax burden. This serves as an ex- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- 15 ample that we have made great strides pore (Mr. CULBERSON). Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, this reducing the Federal income tax bur- week we again come to view one of the den on all American taxpayers. f things Americans dread most, that is, However, there remains much to be tax day. It is a dreaded and feared day, done. The Federal tax burden continues DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO a day on which taxpayers all across the to make up two-thirds of the total tax TEMPORE country are concentrating and reflect- burden. Individual income taxes and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ing on America’s frustrating and com- payroll taxes are the primary culprits. fore the House the following commu- plex system of taxation. We also face, Mr. Speaker, hidden taxes nication from the Speaker: We in Congress should take time our- such as sales and excise tax on bev- erages. In fact, we are still paying a WASHINGTON, DC, selves to reflect on our Nation’s Tax April 16, 2002. Code and the problems it imposes upon Federal telephone tax instituted during I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN the taxpayers of this country. April 15 the Spanish-American War. ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- serves as a stark reminder that my In addition, the taxpayer faces State pore on this day. constituents, and, in fact, all Ameri- and local taxes, which include property J. DENNIS HASTERT, cans, have paid entirely too much in taxes, sales taxes and additional in- Speaker of the House of Representatives. Federal taxes, more than food, clothing come taxes in most States. Wherever and shelter combined. The Federal tax one turns, he can expect to pay a tax f burden is the highest since World War on something. II. Finally, the taxpayer faces a cost of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Also Americans are paying taxes at complying with our Tax Code. Accord- A message from the Senate by Mr. the same time they are trying to pay ing to the Tax Foundation, in 2002 indi- Monahan, one of its clerks, announced off personal debt. Yes, we seem to for- viduals, businesses, and nonprofit orga- that the Senate has passed a concur- get that Americans have a debt to pay nizations will spend an estimated 5.8 rent resolution of the following title in down as well. They have mortgages, billion hours complying with the Fed- which the concurrence of the House is auto loans, credit card debt, and school eral income tax code with an estimated requested: loans. compliance cost of over $194 billion. S. Con. Res. 101. Concurrent resolution ex- We have stated time and time again This amounts to imposing a 20.4 cent tending birthday greetings and best wishes that Americans deserve tax relief; and tax compliance surcharge for every to Lionel Hampton on the occasion of his with the assistance of President Bush, dollar the income tax system collects. 94th birthday. we have given them just that relief. We We have kept our promise, Mr. passed the Economic Growth and Tax Speaker, in working with the President f Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, pro- to give Americans the tax relief they viding the economy a much-needed need. Later this week we will have the MORNING HOUR DEBATES boost with the rebate check provided opportunity to make that relief perma- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to all American taxpayers. In addition, nent. The Economic Growth and Tax ant to the order of the House of Janu- the bill decreases the marginal tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 unfor- ary 23, 2002, the Chair will now recog- rate, reduces the marriage penalty, and tunately contained sunset provisions nize Members from lists submitted by eliminates the death tax. It increases which would end the tax relief after 10 the majority and minority leaders for the child adoption credits and the child years. We will have the opportunity to morning hour debates. The Chair will tax credit. We also passed the Job Cre- correct this oversight and give Ameri- alternate recognition between the par- ation and Worker Assistance Act, pro- cans permanent tax relief. ties, with each party limited to not to viding for additional tax decreases. In conclusion, in this country there exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, As a result of our efforts, Mr. Speak- are seven traits that really define who except the majority leader, the minor- er, according to the Tax Foundation, we are as Americans, cultural traits. ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- the average taxpayer will work 2 days One of those traits is we like reform. ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. less this year to pay off their total tax We are willing to change things. We are The Chair recognizes the gentleman bill. The so-called Tax Freedom Day, just not satisfied with the status quo in from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) for 5 min- April 27, represents an identifiable this country. We are always trying to utes. mark for Americans to gauge their improve. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1291 . H1292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 16, 2002 Mr. Speaker, we are making progress. Without real payment-limitation re- b 1400 Let us continue to work harder and do form, we will continue to weaken the AFTER RECESS more for the American taxpayers of same farmers we claim to want to this country. help.’’ The recess having expired, the House f I want to just mention what that was called to order by the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. PENCE) at 2 p.m. AGRICULTURAL BILL PAYMENT loophole is. There are price-support LIMITATIONS benefit limits on a couple ways a farm- f er can derive those benefits, specifi- PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cally the loan deficiency payment and ant to the order of the House of Janu- the marketing loans. But what is left The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. ary 23, 2002, the gentleman from Michi- out of that payment limit, which tends Coughlin, offered the following prayer: gan (Mr. SMITH) is recognized during to hoodwink a lot of people when we ‘‘O the happiness of the heavenly morning hour debates for 5 minutes. brag there are some kind of payment Alleluia sung in security, in fear of no Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- limits in the House bill, is non-recourse adversity!’’ These words of Your serv- er, this afternoon I will introduce a loans. You can do an end-run and farm- ant Augustine from the fifth century motion to instruct conferees on the ag- ers can have a non-recourse loan that sound melodious, as from another ricultural bill that suggests that we they can forfeit, or the government world, when read in the springtime of need to incorporate payment limita- will give you the certificate that re- our conflicted lives. tions. sults in the same kind of subsidy ben- Lord, many Americans wonder if we Payment limitations now in effect efit payments for price supports as do have lost an innocence never to be re- are not binding simply because there is the loan deficiency payments in mar- gained. In the midst of war and unpre- a loophole in the law which allows keting loans. dictable terrorism, evil sometimes many farmers to receive $1 million- seems more creative than goodness. plus in farm benefit payments. One rea- It gets rather complicated, Mr. Speaker; but the fact is that we are Fear not only reveals the most fragile son I feel so strongly that it is reason- ones around us, uncertainty can cause able to have some kind of payment calling for, and we are going to have, a debate in this House tomorrow on the the strong to be hesitant and slow limits is that the public thinks that down a Nation’s progress. farmers are just being given a great reasonableness of having some kind of price limitations. Reassure us by Your presence, Lord. deal of money, regardless of their need, Out of compassion for Your people, regardless of their size. If we are going I am a farmer from Michigan. I grant a glimpse of Your glory so that to have farm program policy in the served as deputy administrator of hopefulness springs eternal and con- United States, then I and many others Farm Programs in the USDA in the fidence is restored. suggest that we focus our efforts on early seventies. Currently 82 percent of With hearts fixed on lasting values, those farmers that need that kind of the farm program payments go to 17 give the Members of Congress practical help. percent of the largest farm operations. wisdom to address the substantive We talk about the family farm, and, If we do not control this, if we do not issues which truly affect the lives of of course, we can get in arguments have some kind of a cap, some kind of their constituents.
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