Prlvate Prlesthood Record of Presldent Warren $, Jêtf,s Record Januany 2OOT - June G, ZOOT DEPOSITION /. Ilistory of Events of President Warren S. Jeffs while in Prison in Washington County Utah Tuesday, January 1612007 through Saturday, January 2012007 fg@: Iretiredtobed perform woÌks of darkness, even to murder last night having been up since l:15 a.m. and and defile many of the pure in heart. The expøienced the heavenly session from 7:30 Lord sentfire from heavento liftupthose\ilho p.m. until 6:00 a.¡n. The Lord sfiowed rne in were lull of the l{oiy (ìhost. vision my family in a disorganized state and There were many of tire l'aithfui rvho without order. TÏeir lives rve.re becoming were taken who r¡"ere $FÐointsd unto denth- carkencd in unbeiief, a¡rd ¡irere was nú way ot They wlro lvould not compromise \ære l€ro!$ry exi:e.9t lhe l¡rcl $cßd thr greatsr diligcntly sought after by traitors and i:"øi I <1 1¡ri1 ! til!:lr!¡t i +r_l g t{¡ ::rr,ri:t=r..t t!.¡Ðt.n- T!'i,.rt !:e-¡s+r.,rlt=r- The geo*le in ç¡eneml fel! intrr we.re httmbied anri soaft¡'¡eii, a,rrcl the-re !!'as ¡1{r i<Ioiairv imd cri¡rufiturn and wcrç dar'¡r,e¡retl t+ ;,-t:----^.--.," f^-_ +ì^-.__ ^""_:nt i h^ .-ll.¡i,;^,,--,- ¡i,.:r.,',.¡y. ¡ (.¡^¡*"...,,^ +,.1 i,''¿.,'---..i'í'¿,*..-, rlçlrVçrllJll.;{: }àrr {l.l¡-;t.ir çÀr.i - ij:c., ì,crii ¿ir(.. L-,v : r¡L. Ì íy i.! !, rw1. i_.a¡ ar È.j ¡it.l¡v.-¿ ì i, t*¡ ç f--¡--.-,-,-- l--.rr,'-..1,,-i.-!-r-.,T-.L-- a:-.:-¡1,n-a <r¡:=.^ 'ì-i-.-- .. : ; r ;ir--. :;.-,-r- : : ¡. .._.,.:.: :¡: ',--irr, n.a .-.-,.+,-1., :n¡1f¡¡t-^._. ,-r, ? c,, i : :.,. i'- :'. i..; I ¡ r_.ji:ii, t;Lr r... -¡-i¡-"i.ìJ,, ^:i* .+UJ:+!..- .i,i! J -. lll.,i 4:;*= ¿-.f d+ii','ii:.:ni,: :-¡:r.:d li-'lthen:. eLrj hal¡Jc::,?r':r.l in iheir hr:arte trrat rn;.rolÊ r¡¡tlu -=,¡.'¡= ..r q{.rl i;, i,;:r:: ;'+i',; gìil:sii:í! äiÌe!-r. i !:i;s-::+,J i+ -r¡:fl ! n vr-r i i.., i n ì>;.! ¡ 5!!1.¡¿,1i! becrlfîre iir=rgrlr -.,. : i : :;-; : "r:::. ¡ !'.-iç-:,; ,_, lri 1-jl¡.ì:1-1: ¡¿; i,¡ ¡l;-: ! ii'; ìi.; !:: : ¡;i [ ¿¡ ! r-r¡i i; ;i::ì'iì i ì*i ir :i::] ;: ii.aJ¡!'.,ti-,i,_,¡.r: ij.-i':rç!.-:i.ri_i-i.:.:¿'-,i-t',i,,'.,, ü1:ì;:;;.i-)..i¿j:: ill 7!t,tl1 .--....:.q -.-. ,-. .-.-*.1.- .f¡.... r+!.Jì,r i ilE1.; i.Äi;Ëi'Çn ta;+ijV i-i.ì ,çd*L! vË u,rt¡311 i-l¡É ¡.i.i:L.. iC¡,tii¡Lr-: :!: !¿aa¿Iii'ii-i¿i!;i¡-i--=-.-..-.8,-:.-. ii.li:: $r¡ii!i..-i¡¿ -,.-...-+(,i'i; j", ,=--.ir"---.-,-.1 '!':-,- f ...! t.-,.,!. *:":.-, .1:.-..,.... ì,-,r W.t¡t¡,f-',j r.;f,t: :+li",j :¡ ii rr ¡*',.-, i¡,,1.-t ai i]ir;.:; T,i:.: g,ai,.,¡t-.r_f..t. ¡ ¡!i-. ¡-{trrf^ iiiiiÀ ii.¡::; ;iii;ia i;¡i;."..-. irii¡ Lord provided ways of escape from the revealed it later by His power. enemies that came to destroy them. The Lord I arose at 6:00 a.m. ånd the Lord led , had to send His heavenly powers to provide me in each task to think of Him in a constant protection, and there were none thatremained devotion of inspired love through the rejoicing who were not purified. The way opened up prayer of oneness. He guided me in inspired for the pure in heart to be gathered again. thoughts how to listen to the Spirit of peace 'i ner: Eere ma$y who ha¡.i t¡ccome hardened without inserting earthlyjudgment. llhe Lord rlre-l.'Ées:Tne19-,,-..Ii::ln._rhailfrelter!?.F_.în-c M¡nd+_.¡ {ìct::ting qr¡q¡r r-r.r¡q{. traini¡g me in rt:F¡r4-a-.--. .- -l-- I .-.... .l-.,! _.ì _-_ l¿_- _.1 j ..Ìr_- t./.tf-¡ 'ìts!'1+tr!+.:tJ/rrg..!tPar :¡af¿, I¡li ?iiii Ii'a;rtj-tr' i:';.,.¡ì,.'-¿! rriirri'lir.lq ¡ ¡i'¡i'. i -lì ¡ii ^ øa¿incl l-_!1.,=1 an41 i1,¡ø {--alø+Iiol I,¡¡¡.. 'Ì'}.o'. 'Jt'_- À!gr.r'1gï+_ 1¡u'rær rr¡qg t¡r,'r:rrr+ .{-ir¡r::,:iir:.itìics i..iË$iri ."1i ì.ì:i:i .,tr¡1i4.'iili: i-.i;.i¡^i lir:j.,_¡¡+ :x,¡r:u- i.rt.ti il-rc i-i.,r,,'l iii:itj ì1i¡t¡ r.¡o¡i. .=--+ i,,..{^.--r*r: {.-r o+..:^¡-.-. +L- *.,-^ i- L^^*+ úLrtL Luêi¡illÅrJ Y ,-,"*i-,.,,-+ll a.fin .. ,,,L:i.. rr.. ,.,,.-L-r ., aV JJÀçJI/^ 9 ¿i¡W t/ç¡W ¡À¡ ¡¡iRa, Lv¡À¡¡¡aõ va¡!a: 4rrvr^*^- ù.vw ^v.rti. vyru¡ú ¡rt Ti.irr¡we n'l¡i¡ rr¡j¡v llîir.d up ;¡¡r.l s*i'uauk úclv¡r. iJ¡ç¡c wiíli ¡¡iv iri ùvrr¡.;i.r¡iiirrg rity yeäiitili¡ls itui .lt1:r.,/ ..a',..--- ¿b.-ì? ::rf,r.r atlirr. È;-.{ -r-.-.,-,trJT:Jl rÌ jirr(^. ..-,{- f tr1'-. i.i... +}:....r¡,..¡i .n,, í i,r ,.., J,r\¡}/l:\l''¡t¡,:¡.,.r.*ii (.1. .jr 'r...,r - . raKen ratü'trur.^..: lfle lillcKeü werü ues[{oy{üû conhr.¡i afici ¡;at.¡ uuide *ii riringl' ru açcricruiisir wiro came asains;i lirÐ',o-rrrk oi {-incl, Flis purooses. '!'h¡-¡ i,ord had rc+ rç-rË{ìd Ðiìú ....-.-,..i .r'.3=--.=.- i--1-, i-ì-.: --: !> --'- ---'...-.-- r:i lí:-:= ¡¿::r;:.-...r. i-, ¡*...i ;- ??:;?:jl +i-..: r=,,¡t.." L=- = "..-; .:¡ ¡¡¡q, e!.¡tlrr! i< (;, -..,,¡.É,r v:r¡rii.t ;Ìil: iiiii.i¡i, !.i? .',,v we¡t tittr¡ c¡tr ¿r lti r¡* ¿'seil ¡.rrs,ii i l-il ur ¡ rci cnd ng iraci rcveaieti nl r¡rc. He iurci rne íe-rË¿d rile rililq*nc* i-¡r.. ç.rr¡ï ðr-ìr:.errÈ5. J'i-ic l,eiri iiirr.t t$ r:irîr'.nl..] ;i ft {ì v ßi ñr }fi t i c¿:r rrec! i i} n ì.rì)rjtì rfi * rrr(i r-'.,-;i,ì-' .'.'--'. .' -,", i -.i¡:-).::ri' í,-'-" ¡i...1--- ..,,.--ì-,,-.r ,,{... .i:,- r¡= ...,1 .,r.1.-., /; i.iir ¡ i rii ; ::- -: ìr; :j: ii..; -.''-. i. j:-:::;. i "-r-t-lJil:i iìl a 7 ï::;: i 'lVÈeK Tiiev iiaci ¡naú], tsyÈìarir-rn crí r:¡nâ.¡r crruie ¿19ü iAS¡. ¡ttniliw rlecriátlÏiìg l)lgSrilntl:- (!rì iilllung lii¡:t:i i*<rdiiig t;i+ -líííiï¡à(jÉfiÈii îr: ¿ile ;¿iiiftiiii . -.ii pr^vr) i.rii: í,t :i*'(ì.i-ìq ?rål¡¡:Í¡ through the burning peace of His Spirit that with her will be preserved, and that she would the vision concerning my deliverance and the go quickly and without blood being shed, and ordinances being performed by Sepæmber without a police investigation. She will go shall be tulfilled. peacefully in the Lord. Her testimony will be Tho Nevada attorney was able to meet preserved to help establish Zion among the me in the couference room in private so I thithful a.s a witness on earth that the Lord is could transferthe rccord and notes without the amürg His peuple and with Flis servant with guards interference. The [.ord showed me to power from on high. have the brethren leave tonight and drive the I reiired to bed by 10:40 p.m. documents to the land ofrefuge by tomorrow moming, so the Lord's directives would be lVcdncsd¡L JanuarÏ 17. 200?: I ca¡ried out. The Lord showed me while with experienced the heavenly session through the the attomey to not allow him to participaæ in night with times being awake and praying. reporting the Willie Jessop incident to the The Lord gave me a vision showing me the authorities, but to just instruct him how to deal condition of many ofthe Priesthood people in with the FBI. I hesitated at first and as the the time of greater nibulation. They were lawyer was leaving, the Spirit said: "Just tell scattered and in want and destitute, and their him." I did so and the lawyer agreed to do as suffering was great, even unto starvation. instructed. They were in need of every necessity of life I returned to my cell, and the Lord and were in danger from their enemies. They continued to lead me what to do, in walking, had been driven from their homes by violence eatiog, andmakingphone calls; Eaining me to without let or hindrance. They were being go His pace. He had me call the family at the pursued and had to hide among the wicked. land of refuge and give them training on how They were not able to gather together to assist to abide in the Lord through a continual one anotåer. They had fo clepend cn the rej oicing prayer, dedicating the increase of His miracles of heaven ûo swtain them, Tiiev ïìit r¡¡ill ,.r,.illt <!et.qatt:.r¡È¿i ¡.h+ñ 'í'he Y ,rr¡l Ìr,:¡/i ,¡¡. r -__: :r...' .: -: _-, I r4fr.rrnarl tn ¡.n)¡" ?.íìfì n ñ1 qmíì!1È r^!.i "t - âñr{ ih4ttr f.r a4fhnt fh^ca rrihc Éf* r-rr^qlp¿I fh.-.' I r¡rri c¡rtinned fo guìde rne u,'hal trt dn. trrrre rcady t¡ ¡¡çe1!r_r51 tlre hlecoings of Tion ! -----j--- +- ìj-r-,- --- .¡ ¿r-11 ---. I l.:- ^ - -!-t--: .--=---'.!.= Á- -- :i;;;¡¡iì;2 iìt ;;:rì.!-:: å¡i¿f ;itìir-;ìa ; ii:i r:ì:;iì-;t;i;;ll--t,-------,-.tj-- , ¡r- i;aaiiiia :!----+ii;.¡ì =-.-..i{t::I ìt;:ì:--:j;Èii:..- .,----r.- - ::í-:j;ii- :¡;:ii:-:- --- - --.
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