Thursday, Oct 3, 2019 Since Sept 27, 1879 Retail $2 Home delivered from $1.35 THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF MID CANTERBURY Parents Nothing party P3 to fear P10 Tennis stars’ holiday fun FULL STORY P24 PHOTO JAIME PITT-MACKAY 011019-JPM-0001 Cat shot in Hampstead BY JAIME PITT-MACKAY “After clipping back the hair and “The SPCA have been notified “We are also awaiting to hear in this way is an offence under the [email protected] bathing the area in an iodine solu- to form a case and another lady more from another person who Animal Welfare Act. A Hampstead cat owner has been tion it revealed a perfect hole,” she had her cat a block over from us has reportedly had their cat shot “Generally speaking, if, as a re- left upset and concerned after her said. turn up with a similar wound a in Ashburton,” she said. sult of an investigation for a re- cat came home this week with Unfortunately for Oscar, this couple of days ago. “We ask anyone who witnessed ported complaint, SPCA inspec- what appeared to be a wound has not been his first time as a vic- “Cats roam but you don’t take to this incident, has further informa- tors were able to gather sufficient from an air rifle. tim of an air rifle. them with pellet guns to remove tion about this incident, or anyone evidence to prove a particular per- After being in and out of the He was hit a similar time last them from properties or shoot at in the surrounding area whose cat son was shooting cats, we could be house all day on Tuesday, Annette year, and Whyte’s other cat Monty them for joy.” has been injured in a similar way looking at either an ill-treatment, Whyte’s cat Oscar was last seen had also received two similar inju- A SPCA spokeswoman con- to please call SPCA and lodge an reckless ill-treatment, or wilful unharmed at 6pm. ries on his back. firmed they had received a com- animal welfare complaint. ill-treatment charge, depending When he returned home at “No wounds were from other plaint and that the inspectorate “It’s worth noting that shooting on the intent of the person shoot- around 8pm, he was bleeding. animals,” she said. team is currently investigating. an animal and causing it suffering ing, and the outcome for the cat.” Gluyas Motor Group 79 Kermode Street | (03) 307 5800 Ph 03 307 7900 to subscribe! $ Chris Hart Vehicle Sales Manager FORD FOCUS Mob 027 439 0887 Ray McLaren Vehicle Sales +GST per week Mob 027 602 3311 Adam Banks Vehicle Sales 9999 Mob 027 312 0028 RSP FROM Based on a 45 month term, a 13,333km allowance per annum and on a non-maintainedRRP $71,990 (client maintained) operating lease contract. For a limited time only we have the Ford Focus Trend auto on Lease for just $99 Per Week + GST, O er applicable to Business Clients only, “T’s & C’s apply. www.gluyasford.nz News 2 Ashburton Guardian Thursday, October 3, 2019 www.guardianonline.co.nz Candidates signal intention for increased support for EMC A potential change in the way that to the closure of the i-SITE build- Experience Mid Canterbury is cur- ing in Ashburton and some ini- rently funded by the Ashburton tial fears around a potential clo- District Council could be in the sure for the Methven location as pipeline following a robust period well, that contentious issue was of discussion at a Meet the Can- still clearly evident on the minds didates evening in Methven on of many people who were at the Tuesday night. meeting. At the end of the evening’s event “This is a tourist area, it’s impor- in which 10 candidates – four tant that we have all the options mayoral, three Western Ward and needed available to anyone who three ECan – addressed a crowd comes into our town,” Barrett said. of around 45 residents, questions Urquhart, speaking to the were thrown from the floor and Guardian yesterday, said EMC current EMC board chair, James have been impressed recently Urquhart put it bluntly to those in with the effort and understanding front of him. of council bosses and their staff on “My question is actually a two- the subject and have felt a notice- part question,” he said. A new look council could show full support for increased financial support from the Ashburton able shift in understanding. “The first part is a simple yes or District Council for Experience Mid Canterbury. PHOTO SUPPLIED He added that it was pleasing no answer. Do you support tour- to see a change in mindset from ism in this district and the second they were in support of more fi- economy, that’s not a number or, Donna Favel said was being those at the candidates evening part is also a yes or no. If elected nancial support being given to the plucked from the sky either, it’s a looked at. when it came to the support EMC will you support more funding for organisation. cold, hard fact, he said “We have spoken to Audit NZ currently gets. Experience Mid Canterbury?” The three Western Ward can- “But the contribution we are and there is general agreement “To hear that first-hand from Through a show of hands, all didates; Evan Chisnall, Rodger getting from council to sit along- that it is too high of a cost and those that were there was very those sitting in front of the crowd Letham and Liz McMillan also side that economic boost is off the that’s something that council is encouraging and told us that per- signalled their support for tourism signalled that they too would also mark.” going to have to support EMC haps we are going to be listened to for the district and the consen- support it if elected. EMC is currently funded to the around,” she said. and that there is a better under- sus was the same when it came Urquhart’s line of questioning tune of $371,000 a year to operate, The questioning from Urquhart standing of some of the struggles to increased financial support for comes directly from experience but that amount will continue to was met with plenty of murmurs we are facing.” EMC. through his role with the coun- decrease by $10,000 per year until of agreement from those at the A meeting last month between All eyes however were focused cil-controlled organisation (CCO) 2025. meeting and long-time Methven council members and EMC has on the four mayoral candidates and the frustrations he’s felt re- In becoming a CCO, the audit resident Viv Barrett also stated his resulted in a document being pre- Leen Braam, Neil Brown, Donna cently in regards to a lack of sup- costs associated with that change support for the future of tourism pared currently which will be pre- Favel and Tony Todd for the sec- port. have grown from around $3000- in the district and in particular sented to the new council when ond part of the question and all “This is an industry which is $4000 to 10 times that amount, Methven. they first meet following next four took the opportunity to agree adding $185 million to the local now, which incumbent may- While not directly in relation week’s local body elections. Urban-rural divide and water both prominent topics BY MATT MARKHAM day evening and the district’s four throughout the evening, but also water proposal. zie, John Sunckell and Sarah Wal- [email protected] contenders for the mayoralty, the brought forward a strong knowl- The entire group spoke with ters all expressed their passion for The apparent divide between ur- three candidates for the Western edge of the Ashburton District passion and enthusiasm across all the environmental impacts facing ban and rural life in Mid Canter- Ward and three ECan candidates and wasn’t afraid to add her two subjects. the district, in particular current bury and the hot topic of the mo- took the time to come and speak cents worth to the evening on the Western Ward candidates Liz issues around water, and spoke ment, water, were both prominent directly to a crowd of around 45 important matters. McMillan, Evan Chisnall and with strong knowledge of the sub- topics when a collection of candi- for the evening. All 10 candidates were given a Rodger Letham all spoke of the ject. dates for this year’s local govern- The night took a light-heart- three-minute time slot to put their importance of having the out-ly- Mayoral candidates Leen ment elections came together in ed theme under the guidance of case forward to those who attend- ing areas of the Ashburton District Braam, Neil Brown, Donna Favel Methven on Tuesday night. Dame Lynda Topp who played ed before tackling some more well represented and their desire and Tony Todd also addressed the A Meet the Candidates evening, the role of host in one of her most pointed questions including the to become strong advocates for room, outlining their intentions organised by the Methven Com- popular characters, Ken. rural and urban divide, challenges those areas and the district as a if elected and spoke of the desire munity Board, was held in the Mt She didn’t hold back on the for youth in the Ashburton Dis- whole. for a strong, forward-thinking and Hutt War Memorial Hall on Tues- gentle ribbing of all candidates trict and the Government’s fresh- ECan candidates Ian Macken- logical-led council for the future.
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