诗巫南无布达佛寺筹建计划书 SIBU NAMO BUDDHA BUDDHIST MONASTERY PROJECT 尊圣的第十七世大宝法王 最尊贵的第九世堪千 噶玛巴邬金钦列多杰 创古仁波切 Namo Buddha Buddhist Society Sibu Lot 1721, Block 9, Seduan Land District, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia 2 main points of the Buddhist philosophy is to show us that Buddhahood is not something to be found outside ourselves. Rather, it is something we can achieve by looking inside. The Buddha turned the wheel of the Dharma three times, meaning that he taught in three different ways. The first turning of the wheel is called the Hinayana, which consists of the teachings on the Four Noble Truths, Meditation, and developing an understanding of the emptiness of self. The second turning is called Mahayana, which involves the study of BUDDHISM & KAGYU LINEAGE Since the Buddha developed all the qualities of meditation to the utmost stages, he was able to reach enlightenment. He did this to demonstrate that all sentient beings also can reach enlightenment. Once of the 3 the emptiness of phenomena and practicing the bodhisattva path. The third turning is the Vajrayana, which involves the understanding that everything, while empty, is also pervaded by Buddha nature. From the Buddha to his principal disciples, to their disciples and so on, the turning of the wheel of Dharma continued from generation to generation. In the 9th century, Buddhism came to Tibet when King Trisong Detsen invited Guru Padmasambhava and Khenpo Bodhisattva Shantatrakshita there. Since that time, many lineages developed in Tibet, the main ones belong the Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug. The Kagyu Lineage was brought from India by Marpa in the 10th century and continued through the activities of his principal student Milarepa, the great yogi. Milarepa’s main student, Gampopa, passed the lineage on to many student, the foremost being Düsum Khyenpa, the 1st Karmapa. The lineage of Karmapas, successive 4 reincarnations of Düsum Khyenpa, protected of Dharma. Finally, the ultimate path taught and expanded these teachings in an unbroken in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition is the line down to His Holiness, the 1st Gyalwang Vajrayana, the diamond-like vehicle, which Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. teaches the methods for attaining liberation Tibetan Buddhism, and particularly the in this very lifetime through directly seeing Kagyu Lineage, is built on the foundation of the nature of mind. the Hinayana, the first turning of the wheel Through the blessings and teachings of of Dharma, and the renunciation of samsara. the Kagyu forefathers, this lineage has both Based upon that, and seeing the suffering an extremely powerful monastic and lay of all sentient beings, it includes many tradition. From this point of life, whether in skillful means to alleviate that suffering, a monastery or driving to work. both for oneself and for others, which is the Mahayana, the second turning of the wheel Very Venerable the Ninth Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche 5 hrangu Rinpoche was monastic refugee camp in Bengal and H.H. Tborn in Kham in 1933. Dalai Lama awarded him the degree of Geshe At the age of four he was Lharampa. On his return to Rumtek he was formally recognized by the appointed the Abbot of Rumtek monastery Sixteenth Karmapa and and the Nalanda Institute for Higher Buddhist the previous Situ Rinpoche studies at Rumtek. He has been the personal as the ninth incarnation of teacher of the four principal Karma Kagyu the great Thrangu tulku. Entering Thrangu tulkus: Shamar Rinpoche, Situ Rinpoche, monastery, from the ages of six to sixteen he Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, and Gyaltsab studied reading, writing, grammar, poetry, Rinpoche. Because of his vast knowledge and astrology, memorized ritual texts, and of the Dharma, Rinpoche was appointed by completed two preliminary retreats. At H.H. the Dalai Lama to be the personal tutor sixteen, under the direction of Khenpo for the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa. Lodro Rabsel, he began the study of the three Since 1976, Thrangu Rinpoche has vehicles of Buddhism while staying in retreat. begun giving authentic Buddhist teachings At twenty-two, Rinpoche received full extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and ordination from the Karmapa. When he was North America. Rinpoche has now taught twenty-seven he left Tibet for India at 1959. in over 25 countries, and in 12 of them there He was called to Rumtek, Sikkim where the are around 7 monasteries and 20 centers. Karmapa had his seat in exile. He is especially known for making complex At thirty-five, Rinpoche took the geshe teachings accessible to Western students. examination before 1500 monks at Buxador Thrangu Rinpoche is a recognized great master of Mahamudra meditation. 6 A Brief Biography of Vajra Master Ngawang (the resident master of the centre) Vajra Master along with other aspects of performing pujas Ngawang was born in and practicing. He studied Sutras, Tantras, 1966, at Dzongkha, a and traditional sciences with Khenpo Ngedon small village in the Rinpoche, with his efforts; he made it a northern Tibet, near successful completion. He received the Great the birthplace of the Empowerment of Kalachakra, the Bodhisattva Great Yogi Milarepa. vow, and teachings on Entering the Action of a His parents Chimé Bodhisattva (the Bodhicaryavatara) from His and Sangchok have Holiness the Dalai Lama. Likewise, from the extreme faith in Lord of Refuge Kalu Rinpoche, he received Buddha, Dharma and Shanga, so, they sent the empowerment and transmission of the him to a monastery and become a monk at his Treasury of the Discoveries of the Awareness- age of 7. That was the time of Civil Revolution Holders (Rigdzin Terdzö) along with 40 in China, Vajra Master Ngawang found that Tulkus, Lamas and a sangha of 500 monks. He it was very difficult to practice Dharma and received empowerments, transmissions, and rituals, to attain his aim of Boddhi input, he instructions from several important Lamas of moved to Nepal. At his age of 15, he entered the Sakya, Geluk, and Nyingmapa schools. Thrangu Monastery, Namo Buddha and After that, Vajra Master Ngawang received his Dharma Teaching as well as the completed the traditional three-year, three- practice training. month, three-day retreat of the Karma There, he learned the liturgies and rituals Kamtsang (Kagyu) lineage at Namo Buddha, 7 Nepal, one of the most holy places where once vow, empowerments and transmissions. our Teacher the Lord Buddha in previous He continues to give spiritual training, lives offered his body to a starving tigress, discourses how to realize in everyday life the in case to save the cubs. During the retreat quintessence of Vajrayana Buddhism. he learned the practices of Mahamudra, Vajra Master Ngawang wishes to instructions, śamatha and vipaśyanā from accumulate all his merits and dedicate them Retreat Master Sonam Rinchen. He studied to salvage all sentient beings from misery by Tantra and practiced the common and giving them the Joy of Dharma. He performs uncommon preliminaries thoroughly. He life-stocks release ceremonies, visits elderly received the teaching of Six Yogas of Naropa home with gifts and fruits to those seniors. and the empowerments, transmissions and He blesses those suffering difficulties instructions from his root guru, the Precious and having obstacles, releases them from Lord of Refuge V.V Thrangu Rinpoche. sorrow and helps them overcome their When the retreat ended, he remained in the pains by rituals services. He inspires people monastery as a Vajra Master, disciplinarian, around him with his great compassion and a counselor to the monastic Sangha. In order encourages them to practice Bodhicitta, the to propagate the genuine Buddhist Dharma only way to be awakened. to various countries, in accordance with the Vajra Master Ngawang is now the Resident wish of the Lord of Refuge Thrangu Rinpoche, Vajra Master of Namo Buddha Buddhist he starts his propaganda in Dharma by giving Society in, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia, where teaching to the student oversea. He gives he brings love and joy to the community. instructions to Dharma groups and students on kindness and compassion, the refuge 8 A Letter from Vajra Master Ngawang about the Construction of a New Monastery In 2006, a Buddhist centre was founded religions even though Malaysia is a Muslim in Sibu, Sarawak, to spread and develop country. We aim to build a Buddhist monastery Buddhism and the Karma Kagyu tradition in whereby we have engaged an architect, Mr particular. It was named Sibu Namo Buddha James Sie together with an engineer, Mr Buddhist Society by V. V Khenchen Thrangu Hwang Lee Siw who has offered for their free Rinpoche. One of my disciples sponsored services in drafting and submission of their the centre, and has also since completed the drawings to the relevant local authorities for preliminary practice for Mahamudra. approval. Hence, on behalf of our Society, I From that time onward, many people have humbly request sponsors to support and help benefitted and received the rich blessings our undertaking either in kind or effort. of the Buddha’s teachings; and I now have We would be most happy to accept any numerous disciples far and near. monetary help; small or big; or in way of Malaysians are multi-cultural good providing the cost of purchase of building people. The members of the centers treat me materials or by way of other means of respectfully and are very co-operative and contribution would be greatly appreciated. kind helping at the centre with full dedication. May we all be blessed with the presence The government of Sarawak hasof both His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang graciously granted us a piece of land to build Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje and the Very a monastery in Sibu. We are all very thankful Venerable 9th Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche to the government for showing us their great to grace our opening ceremony. generosity; respecting the practice of all Warmest Wishes 9 The Main Objective and Reasons for Establishing a Monastery in Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia Sibu Namo Buddha Buddhist Society was of Malaysia.
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