UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA JEW§ Bierman Field Athletic Building 516 15th A venue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 554~ar r~-ft~?Jk~tS~r<W,~ 991 FOOTBALL BASKETBALL - HOCKEY 9/14 UM 26, San Jose 20 11/9 Brazil National- Team 10/12 U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game 9/21 UM 0, Colorado 58 11/18 Athletes in Action UM 5, No. Michigan 7 10/18 UM 7, Minnesota-Duluth 3 9/28 UM 13, Pittsburgh 14 11/25-27@ Maui Classic 10/5 UM 3, Illinois 24 10/19 UM 4, Minnesota-Duluth 7 11/30 Howard 10!25 @ Denver 10/12 UM 6, Purdue 3 12/2 Youngstown State 10!26 @Denver 10/19 UM 12, Michigan State 20 12/11 Akron 11/1 @ St. Cloud State 10/25 Michigan, 7:00p.m. 12/14 @ Alabama-Binn. 11/2 St. Cloud State 11/2 @ Indiana, Noon 11/8 @ Michigan 12/17 Detroit 11/9 @ Michigan 11/9 Ohio State, 1:30 p.m. 12/19 @ Memphis State 11/15 Wisconsin 11/16 Wisconsin, 1:30 p.m. 12/23 Weber State 11/16 Wisconsin 11/23 @ Iowa,):()() p.m. 11!22 @ Alaska-Anchorage ' ......::·::::::.: ..::.;::·>>>":'·:·:::<:· .. 12/27-28@ Far West Classic 114 Iowa State 11!23 @ Alaska-Anchorage COMING EVENTS!· 1l/29 North Dakota Fridaj~ (kt()~r 25' >< 1/9 @ Indiana 1l/30 North Dakota 1/11 Michigan 12114 Northern Michigan Football vs. Michigan < .. 1/15 @Wisconsin 12115 Northern Michigan 7:00p.m., Melr()dome .. 1118 Michigan State 12121-22 Mariucci Classic Tournament 1/22 @Ohio State 12/30 Czech Touring Team .key@ Denver .. <•·· ........... 1/3 @ Michigan Tech 1125 lllinois 8:05 p.m,. Denver. CO 1/4 @ Michigan Tech .. · . ·. .. 1129 Northwestern 1110 Minnesota-Duluth Swimming & Diving hOldShuta:.squad· 2/1 @Iowa 1111 Minnesota-Duluth meet, 7:00 p;m. U of M Aquatic Center 2/5 @Purdue 1117 Michigan Tech 1118 Michigan Tech 2/8 @ Northwestern Tennis @ SQutbemUlillQiS University 1/24 @ Colorado College 2/12 Indiana lnvitatiorull 1!25 @ Colorado College 2/15 @ illinois l/31 @ Northern Michigan Saturday,. October 26 2/19 @ Michigan 2/1 @Northern Michigan 2/25 Iowa 217 @Wisconsin 2/8 @Wisconsin Hockey @ Denver 3/4 Wisconsin 2/14 Colorado College p.m., Dener. CO 8:05 317 Purdue 2/15 Colorado College 3/11 @Michigan State 2/21 Denver Cross COuntry holds .Marathon Spans · 2/22 Denver Invitational. 10:00 a.m .• U Golf Cotll'Se 3/14-15 Ohio State 2/28 St. Cloud State 2!29 @ St. Cloud State Tennis.@ Southern lllinois University 3/6 @North Dakota Invitational·· 317 North Dakota Sunday, October 27 GOLDEN GOPHER HOTLINE (612) 625-7887 Mon. 10!21 -Scouting report on Michigan with Graduate Assistant Mike Sofio Tennis@ Southern illinoiS University Tues. 10/22- Head Coach John Gutekunst on the Big Ten teleconference Wed. 10/23- Hockey Coach Doug Woog previews the series with Denver .vitational Thurs. 10!24 - Cross Country Captain Doug Milkowski previews Marathon Invite Fri. 10/25- Basketball Captain Dana Jackson discusses the upcoming season UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWO-DEEP FOR MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 26, 1991 OFFENSE FIRST UNIT SECOND UNIT 89 • Patt Evans (6-6, 255, Sr) TE 87 • Eric Dalen (6-6, 210, Fr) 71 • Keith Ballard (6-S, 294, Jr) LT SO - Ron Mertz (6-4, 280, Sr) 73 - Robert Rogers (6-1, 283, Jr) LG 53 - Chris Stogdill (6-1, 279, Jr) 61 - Scott Hendrickson (6-3, 275, Jr) C 58 - Rick Thome (6-4, 276, Fr) 78 - Ted Harrison (6-4, 281, Jr) RG 53 - Chris Stogdill (6-1, 279, Jr) 77 - Pat O'Brien (6-4, 290, Fr) RT 67 - Toby Anderson (6-8, 295, Fr) 12 - Keswic Joiner (S-10, 182, Sr) SE 85 - Paul Hopewell (6-2, 202, Sr) 14 - Marquel Fleetwood (6-1, 195, Jr) QB 15 - Scott Schaffner (6-2, 202, Sr) 32 - Mark Smith (6-1, 203, So) TB 39 - Antonio Carter (6-1, 226, So) 22 - James King (S-9, 198, Sr) FB 33 - Chuck Rios (6-1, 210, So) 4 - John Lewis (S-7, 170, So) FL 8 - John Bentley (6-2, 193, Sr) DEFENSE FIRST UNIT SECOND UNIT 38 - Ben Williams (6-2, 245, Sr) LE 74 - Arthur Layton (6-3, 255, So) 51 - Dennis Cappella (6-3, 223, So) LT 99 - Kraig Hackbarth (6-2, 260, Sr) 75 - Gary Isakson (6-4, 277, Sr) RT 90 - Ed Hawthorne (6-2, 275, Fr) 95 - Anthony Bryant (6-3, 260, Sr) RE 92 - Andy Kratochvil (6-4, 240, So) 55 - Joel Staats (6-2, 231, Sr) LB 48 - William Collins (6-1, 219, So) 93 - Andre Davis (6-0, 230, Jr) LB 57 - Marty Mathis (6-1, 220, Jr) 91 - Russ Heath (6-2, 218, So) LB 45 - Lance Wolkow (6-1, 227! So) 9 - Drinon Mays (S-10, 173, So) LC 42 - Simpson Sartin (5-8, 185, Sr) 26 - Sean Lumpkin (6-1, 213, Sr) ss 34 - Dan Li Santi (6-1, 194, Fr) A 1 - Andre Thaddies (6-0, 195, Sr) FS S - Jeff Rosga (6-1, 195, So) w 13 - Derek Fisher (S-10, 182, Jr) RC 17 - Ken Sebree (6-1, 193, Jr) SPECIALISTS Punt • 49 Kaufman KO/PAT/FG - 6 Piepkorn, 24 Chalberg Long Snaps - 89 Evans, 75 Isakson Holder - 49 Kaufman P/Return - 28 R. Smith, 81 Garrison KO/Return - 12 Joiner, 33 Rios, 39 Carter GOLDEN GOPHER SWIMMING & DIVING TEAM TO HOLD INTRA-SQUAD MEET The Golden Gopher swimming & diving team will compete in their annual co-ed intra-squad meet, on Friday, October 25, in the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center. The meet also takes place with the women's intra-squad meet as well. The meet is scheduled to begin at 7:00p.m. and is open to the public. The remaining fall University of Minnesota Swimming and Diving Schedule: Day Pate Meet Site Sunday Nov. 2 Manitoba U ofMINN Sunday Nov. 10 Nonhwestem UofMINN Saturday Nov. 16 Wisconsin/Michigan Madison, Wis. Fri.-Sat. Nov. 22-23 Minnesota Invite U ofMINN Fri.-Sat. Nov. 30- Dec. 1 U.S. Open UofMINN LITTLE BROWN JUG DUEL FRIDAY NIGHT Minnesota's annual battle for headed for what would have Big Ten favorite." the Little Brown Jug is set for been a key touchdown. Then Michigan holds a command­ Friday at 7 p.m. in the Hubert they promptly gave up an 88- ing bulge in the series. The H. Humphrey Metrodome. That yard touchdown run to Michigan Wolverines lead 2-0 at neutral schedule variation was made State. Throw in four penalties, sites, 30-11-1 at Ann Arbor, 24- because of the Minnesota Twins one of which nullified an appar­ 12-2 in Minneapolis and 54-23-3 participation in the World ent 43-yard touchdown run by overall. Michigan is 4-0 in the Series and a potential conflict in Marquel Fleetwood (Jr, QB, Metrodome, and it has not lost to the dome on Saturday. Decatur, GA), ineffective kick the Golden Gophers since Rickey The invading Wolverines coverage and a pair of missed Foggie and Chip Lohmiller led will bring an overall record of conversions and Gutekunst's Minnesota to a 20-17 triumph at 5-1 and a Big Ten Conference analysis becomes obvious. Ann Arbor in 1986. mark of 3-0 into Friday night's "We don't give ourselves a While Minnesota suffered game after they downed Indiana chance to win when we commit additional bumps and bruises at 24-16 last weekend. It was their mistakes like that," Gutekunst Michigan State, it is not expected third straight victory. stressed. "I can't fault our that any additional Golden Minnesota, meanwhile, will people for their effort, and they Gophers will be lost for the risk a 2-4 overall record and a hit right to the end. But we had invading Wolverines. Chip 1-2 Big Ten log after it dropped our chances, and we just could Brixius (Sr, C, Excelsior) a disappointing 20-12 decision not put Michigan State away." however, missed last weekend's at Michigan State last Saturday. Now the Golden Gophers contest with a knee problem and "Once again we made too face the unenviable task of is not expected to be ready by many mistakes," Coach John squaring off with a team that Friday. Gutekunst lamented. "We have stands in frrst place in the con­ The big question, then, is can said all along that turnovers, ference and looms as the highest Minnesota bounce back against a penalties, long yardage plays, ranking team remaining on Min­ national power. "It is always the kicking game and goal line nesota's 1991 schedule. difficult to get ready after a loss," defense were key factors in win­ "To say that Michigan is an Gutekunst admitted, but he has ning or losing. The goal line outstanding team is somewhat of maintained all along that the defense was the only one of an understatement," Gutekunst Golden Gophers were fighters those that didn't play a part in said. "They have outstanding and that they had character. our loss to Michigan State." individual athletes like Desmond Those characteristics are ex­ Minnesota had two turnovers Howard (he scored three times in pected to be tested to the maxi­ against the Spartans including a last weekend's win over Indi­ mum in the battle for the Little fumble at the MSU five when ana), and they've lived up to Brown Jug at the Metrodome the Golden Gophers appeared their pre-season ranking as the Friday night. T H E UNIVERSITY 0 F M I N N E S 0 T A 1991 Minnesota Golden Gopben 6 Game Football Statistics Overall 2- 4- 0 League 1-2-0 Date UM Opp An All Puroote GP RUSliRECVI<ffi PR am 1UI' PERGM 20 47,914 09/14 26 San Jose Slate Smith, M•rk 6 178 61 0 0 0 239 39.8 51,147 09/21 0 Colorado 58 Rios, Cluck 6 184 147 134 0 0 465 77.5 09/28 13 Pittsburgh 14 39,511 Joiner, Keswic 6 -3 245 130 0 0 372 62.0 24 57,981 10/5 3 illinois Carter, Antonio s 278 40 19 0 0 337 67.4 e 3 31,939 10/12 6 Purdue Evuts, Pan 6 0 256 0 0 0 256 42.7 10/19 12 Michigan State 20 75,097 10/26 Michigan Scoring GP 1DR IDP 100 PAT 2PT FG SAF I'TS 11/02 Indiana Reetwood, Marque! 6 2 0 0 0- 0 0- I 0- 0 0 12 11/9 Ohio State Piepkom, Aaron 6 0 0 0 0- 3 0- 0 3- 4 0 9 11/16 Wisconsin Evuts, Pan 6 0 I 0 0-0 1- I 0- 0 0 8 11/23 Iowa Olalberg, Michael 3 0 0 0 I • 2 0- 0 2- s 0 7 Garrison, Lewis 6 0 1 0 0-0 0- 0 0- 0 0 6 UM Opp T earn Statistics Davis, Andre 6 0 0 1 0- 0 0- 0 0- 0 0 6 107 119 First Downs Carter, Antonio 1 0 0 0-0 0-0 0- 0 0 6 43 60 s Rushing Rios, Oluck 6 1 0 0 0-0 0-0 0- 0 0 6 Passing 53 51 11 8 Other Total 6 4 2 1- s 1- 2 5- 9 0 60 1880 2478 Total Net Yards Opponents 6 12 3 1(>.
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