2017Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴ (April 2017) Issue No: 2/2017 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin பੋнЗԡ㔀ѪͣЗ㔀ͤ ㅢ 106 ѫ Government Announced the Implementation of EmploymentEmployment InsuranceInsurance SystemSystem JointJJooint DiscussionDissccuussssioon bbybyy ChambersCChhambbeerrss oofoff CommerceCCoommerrcce andandd TradeTTrradde OrganisationsOOrrganisatioons ᩫᏈጯ 㥩ᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒ ੲఎѿघᐬ㖀ፙц䃚䃔䃦 ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation ͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ of Malaysia for the 2nd half of year 2016 ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц Bulletin 2017Ꭰ4ᰴܦ❴(April 2017) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛 Issue No: 2/2017 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ106Issue No.106 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) Contents ͙䭱䉤ᬿӯ䔇ༀц༈්ыц䪫⢳Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫 27 Ⱊᒁ Visit by Delegation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) led by its Chairman Dr. Jiang Zengwei ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆⡚䃹Message by 28 ͙侘Ბ㺫φ㖀ऴੲߍ⤲ηцᎠᏒц䃚 1 MCBC-CCPIT Annual Joint Business Council Meeting 2017 Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM 29 ⁎䓺͙侧侘䶲η࣮䊊݄͈⎼ຟทͷࡴრLuncheon in 2 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉Notes by Chairman of the Editorial Honour of Mdm. Liu Dongyuan, Counsellor for Consular and Publication Committee Affairs, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia 仂Ⱔ㒞ℽఎ㏿ࣶ㲹ऴᅬЧᕧ⯽ݜ䃫͙ᕧ 30 Courtesy Visit by Tuan Baharin bin Idris, Newly Appointed Director-General of Department of National Unity and ᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒ Integration (JPNIN), Prime Minister’s Department to ACCCIM 3 Employment Insurance System 313 ͙ᄻಷЭ͆ᝬ䲎͠ͷ䭱∁ᒷ䄪䷄䃞Ꮣц 7 โߟ䄪䷄ Seminar on Practical Legal Issues Facing SMEs Foreign Workers Issues 32 ͙ᕧ䊠͙↋㟻ⰭসႵᓩⰭЏ㶔ఎ ͙ᕧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ACCCIM Delegation to Jiangsu and Anhui, China 8 ACCCIM Survey Report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd half of year 2016 35 ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䊠㤞ᒷც侘ᅨ៵࣮䃫ఎACCCIM Young Entrepreneurs Delegation to Manila, Philippines ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䃫䬚䊶ࢃࣶᄚACCCIM Young Entrepreneurs 36 Delegation to Vietnam and Lao PDR 38 ͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊠͙Ꭻጊ࣮ߌじᅶ͙䔇ܦएੲ৭ϐᬿц ACCCIM Delegation to Guangzhou, China in Participation of the 121st Session of China Import and Export Fair ᕧੲц̺侘Ბ㺫φ䭱䉤ᬿࣶ͆䘔䪫ᠫⲏڔ侘Ბ㺫φ ● 1313 䛸ᚁ䓪∁ᮆრϐ≭ NCCIM Dinner Interaction with 䆸᠈цじθ䉎ᩫ䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏᱺᔃϚCourtesy Call on YB YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Dato’ Lee Chee Leong, Deputy Minister of Finance II Trade and Industry, Malaysia (MITI) 39 ᠈ц侘Ბ㺫φ㗍⺔ϐᬿᝬ ᕧੲц䊠࢜Ꮢ Courtesy Visit to Bursa Malaysia Berhadڔ䙹ऴ侘Ბ㺫φ仂ⰤჄ䃫࢜Ꮢ侘Ბ㺫φ ● 14 ᓣ䛸Џ㶔ఎNCCIM Delegation to New Delhi, India in 䆸᠈цᭋ≞ᬑ៑Courtesy Visit to Sin Chew Daily conjunction with YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia Offi cial Visit to India 䆸᠈цࢃ∷ੲ៑Courtesy Visit to Nanyang Siang Pau Visit by The Japanese Chamber ᕧੲц̺ጠ᳃ੲцオ㒞䄱㼏ำᔄᒁ侘Ბ 40 ๓侘ᬑ᱘䉤ᬿ̺͆ੲцݜ䃫ڔ侘Ბ㺫φ ● of Trade & Industry, Malaysia (JACTIM) 㺫φ仂Ⱔࣶጠ᳃⢷㻭䃭 NCCIM and Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) signed Memorandum of ͙⊅↋๓႒Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫͙ᕧ Courtesy Visit by Delegation Understanding (MOU) – Witnessed by YAB Prime Minister from Zhejiang University, China of Malaysia and His Majesty King of Bahrain 㤞ᒷც侧侘Ბ㺫φੲߍ࣮䊊ݜ䃫͙ᕧVisit by Commercial Attaché of Philippines Trade and Investment Center 㺫侧侘Ბ㺫φੲߍ࣮䊊ݜ䃫Visit by Trade Commissionerු 41 of Embassy of Mexico in Malaysia 15 Ꭰტ䨢㵸Ꭰ៑þ㏻≺㶔⣜᭛॒Ϛⱨ喢 Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 2016 – Is The Economy ͙叽哅↋Ⱝੲ͆㖀ऴцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫͙ᕧ Doing Well? Visit by Delegation of Heilongjiang Federation of Industry & Commerce, China აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫͙ᕧژ͙叽哅↋ⰭϦℽᩫᏈโηߊ Visit by Delegation of Foreign Affairs Offi ce, Government of सᣔߔᐦ䃪Ą侘Ბ㺫φ݇ Heilongjiang, Chinaڝ͙ᕧ̵̺ᱦᲰオ㒞ऴ҈䄱㼏ำᔄᒁ 26 ąACCCIM Signed MOU with 3 Parties to Jointly Promote 42 ͙ᕧरᆊцͧߊ⮰ͧ㺭≧ߔ “Malaysia Innovation Cluster” Major Activities Organised by ACCCIM Constituent Chambers ܦ❴ Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdviserdviser ޛͧ㑂Deputy Chief Editor 䯰 ⊒᪳⥨Christine PooٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ䛸ᠫⲏႷ COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor Chairman 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ͧЧ 䭴䠮Tan Chiew Ling ❵Dato’ Low Kian Chuan ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾڔᠫⲏࢎ 258, Jalan Ampang, ߕ㑂Assistant Editors Cover design and Artwork : ЧDeputy Chairmen ֱ⥘ࠐPoh Wan Kh’ng Lin Graphicͧޛ .Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 50450 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ ͥ䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ 台᪳ᚓ Kelly Wong 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. 3094/3095 Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok 䅎ᓣᱯ Felix Cheah Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 Fax: 603-4260 3080 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ ᳃䯭⣞Lim Yen Ling ឫ࢜Printed by: E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Michael Chai 䴕ҟᚿHon Jia Hui Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, Homepage: www.acccim.org.my ͧ㑂Chief Editor 䅎㢏Sia Kok Eng 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. facebook: www.facebook.com/acccim ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun Seong ҁ㪅ᮠHoo Hui Ching Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ 总总会长会 长 拿拿督戴良业督 戴 良 业 献献词词 Message by Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM Ꭰᰴ喏И㻭䃭β๓侘Б͖ᰴ⮰ᬢ䬠喏⣜Ąႃ㜖⩝䉤ᬿࡦą䃍ܾ喏ႃ㏻≺ ऒ̬͖⮰䛸⼷ⶽȠڑϺₐ䓴 ᝂ䃤ᰵϦ䃐ͦႃ㏻≺䔄᭛͖凈⮰䃹ⅳ喏䭱̶喏⣜๓ტᏀ䄑䓺䊢̶ࣧ႒Όসβ㼏ҁ 䄿ႃ㏻≺喏БࣶႯᝬፒᲑ⮰᭛̬͖ᔺᵣ䷌㺲ь㐋㏻ੲὍᐻ⮰䓼҈ᐻসጮ౦Ƞ䔅ᵣИ 㘩ᰠᛮᓃຮҁࣧាᤍȟર⩔সᰬ๓ࡂႃ㏻≺ͦЭ͆ፒᲑ⮰ᩥऄসӫݕȠ 䃪⿷⮰⩡ၼ͂⩸䉤ᬿज喋F851喌喏ᄲ᭛䭫䛸ጠጠ䯲ఎ͙ Бโ⮰じ̬͖䄁侸 ࡂጮ౦喏䃕䓳⤯ڔ䉥㜖⩝ᒬᲑ喏⾭ⵠβࡦͷ䬠⮰ᅬ䭼喏Ӈ⊵⤯ڔࡦȠF851⮰㥩ᄲӯҫ 䉤ᬿȠ͙ᕧ ͼ㻭F851⮰䃪⿷喏ጸ᱇цੲ⤯ڔโ⮰͙ᄻЭ͆喏ᰵᱦц࣮̺⊢ܦࣧ⇍ᰵ㘩߇۞ ტИ㘩ֆຩ۲ำ喏䓺ᣑᬢЏ⮰Ბ͠Ƞ ͙ᕧⴎ㼬ц㐓㐙ࡻߕцੲტ喏ᢸᤍⴑ䃲喏ҷຮᰴͪ㵸⮰Ą͙ᄻಷЭ͆ᝬ䲎͠ͷ䭱∁ ᒷ䄪䷄ą䃞Ꮣц喏ͦцੲტӇ∁ᒷ䄎সԍᖛ喏ຮҁ⩡ၼੲߍ≧ߔ䲎喏Ꮐᄥੲ͆∁ ᒷ䄪䷄ȠনभцੲტИ喏⼛Ჭ࣮̺͙ᕧͪߊ⮰≧ߔ喏ᢸᤍᰠๆᰬ䉰䃛Ƞ ₐโ喏ႃ㏻≺ⱬ䛹Ą̺݇݇ᘻą喏ᬓᰵ⮰㏻㥑ὍᐻᝂẮᔡ๓ᢚᬢЏጞ̹ऴᬢ喏ఌ ጯ϶Ꭰ ⮰ߟߔ㞮ͧژₐੲტИᏀᰠ∔䛹Э͆⮰݇ࣽᆁ喏ᐬ⮰⒈㘩̺ੲᱦȠऒโ喏ᩫᏈ ䷄Ą ݇ ӯ 䔇 䲕 ą喏 䄠 ᬺ ݇ ᄥ ᣔ ߔ Э ͆ ᝂ ტ ࣽ ᆁ ⮰ 䛹 㺭 ᕓ Ƞ भ䄣๓ტֆຩ۲ำ喏䓺ᣑႃ㏻≺ፒᲑ⮰ᩥऄ喏Ꭲ̀ឿ۲ࣽᆁ⒈㘩Ƞ⌝ԍ喏㏻≺϶ऺ ߫ᓱᰠ㨘߯Ƞ 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 ጯᄲᎠ㥩ᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒȠژᏈ϶Ꭰᰴ ᩫ ͙ᕧ̺ๆ͖ੲఎѿघᐬ㖀ፙц䃚喏㶔䓪ੲЭ͆ 䕿喏Ӈ䄧㔱࣮䬱Ƞ៑ڟ㜠⮰⿷౦Ƞ᱘ц䃛ܶ⮧Ⱔ̬⩸ ጯβȧ̷ࡶᎠ๓侘㏻≺⟢ۡ䄯ᴑ៑ژ͙ᕧᰴ ⮰䄪䷄Ƞसᬢ 喏∔ڟ⩸ქ⋡Ⰲๆ䶥ᑿݹੲڱॶȨ喏䄯ᴑ ᱘ц 䃛ܶ⮧ц ㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯᅝტ䨢㵸៑ॶ 喏Б ࣶ โ ߟ 䄪 ䷄ ⮰ ᰬ 䔇 ᆁ 喏Б ݕ ᘌ 䄧 㔱 Ƞ ܲ ܦ Β҈ ᕧੲцڔ䓳͖ࣧᰴ䬠喏͙ᕧ㐓㐙⼛Ჭ࣮̺侘Ბ㺫φ ⮰≧ߔ喏ᠭ㐙ͪߊๆ䶥䃞Ꮣцȟ䊠 โ Џ 㶔 ఎ 䔇 㵸 ੲ ᱦ 㔯ᄋࣶߌᑦ̺ ⊣ โ ఎѿ⮰ϐ≭ȟᣑᒱݜ䃫⮰ᩫᏈᱦᲰ স ੲఎふ喏᱘ц䃛ᩢᒁβ䔅χ≧ߔ៑ᄨ喏䄣 䄧㔱࣮䬱Ƞ Dato’ Low Kian Chuan 拿拿督卢成全督卢成全 Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Committee n March, the Government has announced that the Employment Insurance ISystem will be implemented in 2018. ACCCIM together with various chambers of commerce and trade organisations had a joint meeting and expressed our collective standpoint. This issue of ACCCIM Bulletin published the related article for reference. ACCCIM announced the Report on Economic Situation of Malaysia for the 2nd half of year 2016 in March, of which covered substantial current issues facing the business sector. An analysis on Bank Negara Malaysia 2016 Annual Report by SERC Sdn. Bhd., and an update on foreign workers issues were also reported. In the past two months, ACCCIM continued to actively participate in NCCIM’s activities, organised various seminars, delegations abroad to explore business opportunities and enhance interaction with overseas organisations, reception of numerous visiting Government agencies and trade organisations. These activities were also reported in the Bulletin. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M3 ਅ̀мⓡՕ Employment Insurance System સϗة⒖إߓϵᨇૐϗἊ܇ଉᖗԓল દู Ϧ߇䉰⎼䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䛸ᄋ◴κᎠ रੲఎѿκᎠᰴᬑ͙ᕧц䃚ࢱघᐬ㖀ፙц䃚喏Ꭲκ ᰴᬑऽ྾ѿ䔻䱞喏ᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒጞ㣣 цऺघᐬ䬧ࣽጯц喏ࣽጯੲ⩸ᄥᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒ⮰⿷౦Ƞ㖀ፙ цц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ࣶ᪳侘Ბ㺫φ㏦㏳ژ䬭䕆䓳喏Ꭲ࢟ᄲॴцȠ ц䃚⩝侘Ბ㺫φൽ᫅ࢮੲڱ ፙЏ㶔ͦ䷈᪳ܦݢ䕌ੲࡻцц䪫ᠫⲏ䛸䭴๕ԉ㖀ऴͧᠭȠ͙ᕧ Ƞ⩋ٴ仂Ⱔᠫⲏ䛸㏟वκᎠᰴᬑࣽ 䧒 ᪳ॶጯ喏ᩫᏈ۟Ꭰᰴᬑ喏㥩 ࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ䯳ͧ㖀ऴцڔᅝ͆ԉ䮕ݢᏒ喏䃕䗏χࣧ҈⮰ 䬧ࣽጯц⩝͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ 㖀 %BUVL)K4IBNTVEEJO#BSEBO ន㵸㦏ηᠫⲏᆝ㟻̭ .&' 䃙㏯⮰ᱦڹ喏㣣ᓃ⩋≧䉥⮰ፚߕ喏Бࣶ ц喏Бࡳ҈㘩߇ࣶᄧឪ⮰҈Ƞ ऴͧᠭȠ͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔࠱᠘じθޛᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴࣶ͙๚⤲η Ƞ⩋ٴₐݢᏒ̷喏䯳ͧস䯳䰬सふ⮰ᰴर ䷈᪳䧒 ц⩝ڑ㏟㑠ϐ㫖Ⅰ⮰̬⮪ܲ℀喏Б सദ䛽Ƞ ᩛᠭ㖀㒞᪳ॶఎѿ䬧ࣽጯцघᐬᬢ䓪ݜ͖喏Ꭲ䒯ऺ්ڝԉ䮕ᱦᲰネ⤲⮰ ٷፙц䃚ࣶ䬧ࣽጯц⮰ੲఎѿ喏Бࣶ᱖ܦߌ㜟͖喏䔅࠱᠘ 䔅䶥∁ᵴ䶰䃍ᰴ⮰цॴȠ ܦፙц䃚喏Ѳ㐅δएࣶΒ䲎ఊู⮰ੲఎѿȠ ܦፙ䬧ࣽጯцͷੲఎѿЏ㶔Ƞ Representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Trade Organisations attended ,ݹᢾጒ䊣喝ᠫⲏ䛸䭴๕ԉȟᠫⲏ the Media Conference. Front row (from left) were Dato’ Sri Tan Thian Poh ȟ Datuk Lim Kok Boon, Datuk Hj. Shamsuddin Bardan, Dato’ Low Kianڔ᳃᪳ȟᠫⲏᆝ㟻̭ȟᠫⲏࢎ ȟげ㐕⤲ Chuan, Mr. Davies Danavaindran, Mr. Samuel Cheah, Mr. Foo Chek Lee and⩋ٴȟ䅎⦊⛅⩋ٴᝠ㐠 .ࣶᠫⲏ↋ࡺᑦȠ Datuk Michael Kang⩋ٴ ᠫⲏᆝ㟻̭喋ጒθ喌 喋ጒڔᠫⲏࢎ̺ ̵喌㖀 ऴͧ ᠭ 䬧 ࣽጯцȠDatuk Hj. Shamsuddin Bardan (2nd from left) and Dato’ Low Kian Chuan (3rd from left) jointly chaired the media conference. 4M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights ጟḗ≨ٻ๖ ຮ䯳ࣶͧ䯳ᓱ䶧ᰴᠭ㐙㑠ϐ喏⇍ᰵ ⮰Ὅᐻ喏䯳ͧস䯳ᰴ䰬रݗ Eܦ ຮᵥᢚϦ߇䉰⎼䘔ᬕݹ B ܦ㑠ϐ㫖䚘⮰0.25%҈ͦԉ䉥喏䔅ᄥ䯳ͧস䯳䘩᭛䷉โ䉋៱喏 䶢䭼⮰ᗱ̷ۡ喏ᝬ㉛⼛⮰䶥ᄲ䔈䔈䊱 सᬢ䃕䉋䉏Ч⮰䯳ࣶͧ๓䘔ܲ⮰䯳喏ᓱ䶧ឫ៱̹䉋䉏Ч⮰ 䭱ᝬ䰬Ƞ ̹㞛䯳ͧᝬᏀ䉋⮰䉏ЧȠ ഥ䃙ȟឬ㘩ڹ⮰ܦ ᅝ͆ԉ䮕Ὅᐻ͙ᝬ F 侘Ბ㺫φߟ∁Аጞᰵ∁㻰ԉ䯈㷗䖏⮰⺻ݕ喏䯳ͧᓱ ࡳ䃙㏯ࣶ㕸͆䙹ᄥふ喏ጞᰵᩫᏈᱦᲰࣶ䘔 C 䶧ᵥᢚ䯳ߍᎠ䉰㐅δ䖏䉥(Employment Termination 䬔䉋䉏喏䯳Ꭲᬌ䰬ͦₐ㑠ЄЧҁ䉥⩔Ƞ Ⱊڢand Lay-off Benefi ts – ETLB)Ƞఌₐᝬᐦ䃚⮰ᅝ͆ԉ䮕喏 ⮰Ꮐ䄑᭛ԉ䯈䗏χఌͦ䯳̹ͧ䉋䉏Ч⮰䖏㔸᱖㣣ᓃЧҁ䊀 G ੲ⩸䃐स䃪⿷цԉ័㑽(social safety ⮰Ƞ net)⮰䛹㺭ᕓ喏Бԉ䯈㷗䖏ࢠ⇍㣣ᓃ䊀֫ ⮰喏Ѳ̹䃐सᩫᏈᐦ䃚⮰ᅝ͆ԉ䮕֫ D ᵥᢚ侘Ბ㺫φߟጮ౦ࢲᎠᢚ᭪喏࢟ҫ1997-98Ꭰ㏻≺ Ὅᐻ喏ጸ᱇ᩫᏈ㘩๋̺ੲ⩸ੲ䃔喏ᷬ䃔ᝬ ䷺ᯠ䬠喏᱖㣣ᓃ䖏䉥⮰ϱࢌߟጮ౦⮰0.03%喏Б ᐦ䃚⮰Ὅᐻ喏Ꭲᣎ䃔БႄᐻंЏ喏⩝ᩫ सឫ៱喏䃪⿷㑠㏟䶢ڝRM2,800ᰴ㫖䃍ッ喏ᝬ䰬䷉ͦ1,713̳АवጒटȠछ᭛Ϧ߇ Ꮘȟ䯳ࣶͧ䯳̵ 䒧䯳ͧ䉋៱喏䯳㘩๋䔬нऺ㉎ۻ䉰⎼䘔ᝬॴ⮰Ὅᐻ喏Ꭰᄲᩢं倄䓪ϫАव⮰䶥Ƞη 䭼喏 ᄽȠ ఊ᱘䏗ᝬ㑠ϐ⮰ԉ䉥喏҈ͦ䔬нദ䛽Ƞۻ喏1997-98Ꭰͷऺ喏᱖㣣ᓃ䖏䉥⮰Ⱊጞ๓፱̶ JOINT INDUSTRY PRESS RELEASE Industry groups unanimously reject the EIS effectively only 0.03% of the total workforce) were left in the lurch. If the intent purpose of the EIS is to look after the Kuala Lumpur, Thursday, 23 March 2017 – 94 industry interest of these 5% of the retrenched workers who were not organisations have unanimously objected to the Ministry paid retrenchment benefi ts, the structure of any proposal of Human Resource’s proposal to set up the Employment should be proportionate to the potential pay out to these Insurance Scheme (EIS). workers. However, on the basis of the EIS being implemented, the contributions by 100% of the entire workforce from both It is understood that the Minister of Human Resources YB employers and employees would amount to a staggering Dato’ Sri Richard Riot Jaem plans to table the proposed EIS RM1.142 billion (based on 0.5% x 6.8 million private sector Bill in Parliament in July this year.
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