224 Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Williamsburg10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Photo courtesy of Nina Mustard Homes on this nine-property tour span in age from the beginning of the 18th century to a 21st century Colonial Revival. All are conveniently concentrated in two neighborhoods located near each other. Visitors will appreciate interiors that sparkle with floral designs by the Williamsburg Garden Club complementing spectacular antiques and artwork. Not to be outdone, the gardens of featured properties are prime examples of 18th century to current landscaping styles and include a city farm garden, shade gardens, a school garden, as well as formal and cottage gardens that represent the Williamsburg style. This year’s tour features five private properties in the College Terrace neighborhood that are opened for the first time for Historic Garden Week in addition to Historic Area properties and gardens - a full day of touring with 11 sites total. Start at the William and Mary Alumni house, which serves as tour headquarters, and walk or use the tour shuttle, included in the ticket. Enjoy lunch at the many establishments in Merchant’s Square and Colonial Williamsburg. Hosted by The Williamsburg Garden Club Chairmen Tickets: $50 pp. Cash/Check/Credit Card Dollie Marshall and Linda Wenger accepted at the following locations. Tick- [email protected] ets available at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitors Center on Monday, April 24, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Tuesday, April 25, 9 Advance and Tour Bus Ticket Sales Chairman a.m. until noon. Tickets are also available on tour day beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Tour Cathy Adams (757) 220-2486 Headquarters, William & Mary Alumni [email protected] House, 1 Alumni Drive (at the traffic light 217 Southpoint Drive on Richmond Road at Scotland Street and Williamsburg, VA 23185 Alumni Drive, and across from Zable Sta- dium), and at the Bruton Parish Rectory, Tour Headquarters: William & Mary Alumni House, 1 Alumni Drive 314 Prince George Street. Williamsburg 225 Advance Tickets: $40 pp. www.vagarden- bark at the Capitol/Christiana Campbell’s week.org. Cash and check only through Tavern bus stop. To visit the West-end Saturday, April 22, 4 p.m. at the following properties, disembark at the Governor’s Williamsburg locations: Seasons of Wil- Palace or Merchant’s Square bus stop. liamsburg, Wild Birds Unlimited, Settlers To Tour Headquarters and the College Terrace Market or by contacting Cathy Adams di- Neighborhood from the Historic Area Neigh- rectly (contact information noted above). borhood, look for directions to a HGW The James River Historic Plantations Tour Shuttle stop near the corner of Prince Tour is a separate tour. Advance tick- George Street and N. Henry Street, and at ets are available at www.vagardenweek. Colonial Williamsburg bus stops. org, or at the Plantations on the day of Hourly and fee parking lots are avail- their tour. able in and around Merchant’s Square, Two-Day Combo Ticket: Tour Tuesday in as well as the City of Williamsburg Parking Williamsburg and Wednesday in Hamp- Garage (hourly fee) in the 200 block of ton/Newport News for a combo-ticket re- N. Henry Street. duced price of $60 pp (saves $15 per tour), Facilities: The Colonial Williamsburg available only at www.vagardenweek.org. Visitors Center and at Tour Headquarters. Three-Day Combo Ticket: Add the Thursday Norfolk tour to the above for a total of $85 pp (saves $15 per tour) available only Your ticket includes admission to the at www.vagardenweek.org. following properties and gardens, an HGW ticket holders may board Colo- escorted Walking Tour of selected nial Williamsburg buses for transpor- Colonial Williamsburg Gardens, Colonial tation to and from the Visitors Center and Williamsburg Buses, and a special around the Historic Area. A special HGW Historic Garden Week Tour Shuttle - Shuttle provides additional service between 11 properties in total. Tour Headquarters and the Historic Area on a route linking the two neighborhoods. Directions and Parking: To Tour Headquar- Tour Headquarters ters and the College Terrace Neighbor- William & Mary Alumni House hood, from I-64 East or West, take Exit 1 Alumni Drive 238 (Camp Peary/Colonial Williamsburg) and follow the Colonial Williamsburg The original portion of the house, signs to the Visitors Center where parking formerly known as the Bright is available for cars and buses. HGW ticket House, c. 1860 was built on a tract of land holders may board the Colonial Williams- once called “New Hope.” At various burg buses at the lower level of the Visi- points in its history, the Bright House tors Center for transportation to and from served as an infirmary, College faculty the Historic Area. To connect to the HGW apartments and home to Kappa Alpha fra- Tour Shuttle, disembark at the Merchant’s ternity. As the function of the House Square bus stop. Walk one block north on changed, so did its exterior appearance, N. Henry Street to the Prince George Street which underwent several renovations, HGW Tour Shuttle stop. while retaining its mid-19th century archi- To Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area Neigh- tectural identity. Rededicated in 1997, the borhood from Tour Headquarters/College 21,000 square foot House is a careful ad- Terrace Neighborhood, look for a shuttle aptation of the historical building, preserv- stop for the Historic Garden Week Tour ing the elegance and grace of the original Shuttle. structure. The two-acre property of lawn and garden includes native trees and To Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area Neigh- shrubs, and many exotic species selected borhood, from I-64 East or West, take Exit for interesting flower, berry and bark char- 238 (Camp Peary/Colonial Williamsburg) acteristics that provide seasonal interest. and follow the official Colonial Williams- The sweeping front lawn is edged with burg signs to the Visitors Center where mixed perennials augmented with annuals. parking is available for cars and buses. Side gardens include a patio for entertain- Historic Garden Week ticket holders may ing and woody plant border with spring board the Colonial Williamsburg buses at blooming rhododendron, azalea and dog- the lower level of the Visitors Center for wood. The House is the center for all transportation to and from the Historic Alumni activities. College of William & Area. To visit Coke-Garrett House, disem- Mary, owner. 226 Williamsburg College Terrace the red, tan and brown decor, while the Neighborhood daughter’s rooms have been turned into a fairyland by a local artist. Megan and Williamsburg Manor Demetrios Florakis, owners. Bed & Breakfast and Garden 600 Richmond Road 605 College Terrace Step back in time at this stately Gardens and Kitchen Only The six-bedroom brick Colonial home City of Williamsburg’s architectural built in 1929 during the reconstruction of records name College Terrace as the best Williamsburg’s Historic Area. Jewel tone collection of Dutch Colonial architecture accents highlight the pottery, paintings and in Virginia. Homeowners of this example, collections of art glass accumulated over who own a landscape design firm, have the 25 years that this bed and breakfast created garden rooms that lead guests has served Williamsburg guests. A wide across varied hardscapes and patterns. dining table doubles as a sunny place for Defined by a picket fence, the front yard is board games. A cozy office is equipped divided into a shade garden with a bird with a computer as well as oversized chairs bath, and a sun garden filled with a mix of for reading. Pick up a snack in the wine herbs, vegetables and herbaceous perenni- nook before heading to the entertainment als given structure with a circular brick room that is brightened by an expanse of walkway. Just past the garden shed, shrub- double hung windows. Kitchen cabinets bery defines hidden spaces and secret hand built in Mississippi have a distressed rooms on their adjoining lot. The wide cream-colored finish and cutting board backyard contains a fish pond that is counters that contrasts dark gray walls. An viewed from the porch daybed and dining open-shelved pantry is a caterer’s dream. area. Guests are invited to tour the kitch- The caterer’s spirit is also captured in the en, which was remodeled in 2014. A retro back yard gardenscape that is divided into Frigidaire stove was purchased at the es- rooms for cooking, dining and relaxing. tate sale of the original homeowner’s sister The spaces are softened by Japanese and completes the mid-century farmhouse maples, fig trees, roses, hydrangea and design. Linda George and Joe Hertzler, various shrubs. More examples from the owners. extensive pottery collection overflow with herbs and scented flowers. Strings of lights add ambience in the evening. Reeves Farm Garden Laura and Craig Reeves, owners. 616 College Terrace College Terrace Gardens Only The densely layered, 601 neatly proportioned symmetry of The glass pane in the front door the front yard landscape design allows the transom includes symbols honoring Dutch Colonial architecture, with its yel- the past of this landmark Greek-revival low front door and gray shingles, to shine. home built in 1929. It was converted to a Visitors will be inspired by this in-town private residence in 2004. Originally built “farmette” that can be viewed from the for Sigma Nu Fraternity, the property has kitchen windows or from a raised island served as U.S.O. housing for women, dor- entertainment area that sports comfortable mitory and classrooms for students at couches, an outdoor fireplace, and is large Walsingham Academy, and as the rectory enough to serve as a dance floor. Three for St. Bede Catholic Church. The trans- farm structures line the property and serve formation to a single-family home began as nesting rooms, perch, run and coop for with removing walls and restrooms.
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