B 94 Libraries in 100 Oxford AD RO EAD LST PO W OO N DS 88 W TO T O CK RO AD 99 OAD URY R ERB NT CA 68 W 33 I 22 N 45 O 102 C X H F E S OR T 13 E R D R 53 O CA 25, A 41, 82 D N 2 8 A L 96 81 63 14 68� LadyMargaretHallLibrary(E2) 23 69� LinacreCollegeLibrary(F4) 80 44 10 39 70� LincolnCollegeLibrary(D6) 21 69 67 12 71� MagdalenCollegeLibrary(F7) 24 36 16 32 AD S RO 72� MansfieldCollegeLibrary(E5) RK 1 PA H 54 UT SO 73� MertonCollegeLibrary(E7) 8 3 4737 47 72, 52 103 74� NewCollegeLibrary(E6) 51 7 48 11 46 9 75� NuffieldCollegeLibrary(C7) 3, 79 84 107 M 15 A 76� OrielCollegeLibrary(E7) N 85 SF IE 57 LD 77� PembrokeCollegeLibrary(D7/8) 29 RO 89 A 50 D 64 78� Queen’sCollegeLibrary(E6/7) 93 42 49 20 30 79� Regent’sParkCollegeLibrary(C5) 95 4 104 38 19 97 91 74 56 80� SomervilleCollegeLibrary(C4) NEW THEATRE 26 5 81� StAnne’sCollegeLibrary(C3) 65 101 62 66 82� StAntony’sCollegeLibrary(C3) 6 86 70 58 83� StBenet’sHallLibrary(C5) 43 106 55 78 75 90 H 84� StCatherine’sCollegeLibrary(G5) OL 92 LY BUSH 40 71 85� StCrossCollegeLibrary(C5) 76 RO 73 35 W S 86� StEdmundHallLibrary(F6) T E 105 B B 31 60 ES 87� StHilda’sCollegeLibrary(G8) 61 17, 18 88� StHugh’sCollegeLibrary(C2) 98 77 89� StJohn’sCollegeLibrary(D5/6) 59 90� StPeter’sCollegeLibrary(C7) 87 91� TrinityCollegeLibrary(D6) 27 92� UniversityCollegeLibrary(E7) 93� WadhamCollegeLibrary(E6) 94� WolfsonCollegeLibrary(E1) 95� WorcesterCollegeLibrary(C6) 96� WycliffeHallLibrary(C3) Other Libraries 97� InstituteofPaperConservation University Libraries 22� LatinAmericanCentreLibrary*(C3) 44� SirWilliamDunnSchoolof Library(F6) 1� BalfourLibrary(PittRiversMuseum 23� MaterialsLibrary(D4) PathologyLibrary(E4) 98� InstitutoCamõesLibrary(C8) Library)(D5) 24� MathematicalInstituteLibrary 45� SocialandCulturalAnthropology 99� MaisonFrançaiseLibrary(D2) 2� BodleianJapaneseLibrary(C3) (C/D4) Library(C3) 100� OxfordCentreforHebrew 3� BodleianLawLibrary*(F5) 25� MiddleEastCentreLibrary(C3) 46� SocialScienceLibrary*(F5) andJewishStudiesLibrary(OffMap) 4� BodleianLibrary-NewLibrary* 26� MuseumoftheHistoryofScience 47� StatisticsLibrary(E5) 101� OxfordCentreforIslamicStudies (D6) Library(D6) 48� TaylorBodleianSlavonicandGreek Library(D6) 5� BodleianLibrary-OldLibrary*(E6) 27� MusicFacultyLibrary(D8) Library*(C5) 102� OxfordCentreforMissionStudies 6� BodleianLibrary-RadcliffeCamera* 28� 49� TaylorInstitutionMainLibrary*(C6) Library(C3) (E6) 29� OrientalInstituteLibrary*(C5) 50� TaylorInstitutionModernLanguages 103� OxfordCentrefortheEnvironment, 7� BodleianLibraryofCommonwealth 30� OxfordInternetInstituteLibrary FacultyLibrary(C6) EthicsandSociety(E5) andAfricanStudiesatRhodesHouse (D6) 51� TheologyFacultyLibrary(C5) 104� OxfordCentreforVaishnavaand (RhodesHouseLibrary)*(D5) 31� OxfordLearningInstituteLibrary 52� VereHarmsworthLibrary HinduStudiesLibrary(C6) 8� CareersServiceLibrary(C3) (C/D7) (RothermereAmericanInstitute)* 105� OxfordshireStudiesLibrary(C7) 9� ChineseStudiesLibrary*(C5) 32� OxfordUniversityMuseumof (D/E5) 106� OxfordUnionSocietyLibrary 10� ComputingLaboratoryLibrary(D4) NaturalHistoryLibrary(D4) 53� WellcomeUnitfortheHistoryof (D6/7) 11� ContinuingEducationLibrary(C5) 33� PaulingCentreforHumanScience MedicineLibrary*(C3) 107� PuseyHouseLibrary(C5) 12� EarthSciencesLibrary(D4) Library(C2) 54� ZoologyLibrary*(E5) 13� EducationLibrary*(D3) 34� 14� EngineeringScienceLibrary(C4) 35� PhilosophyFacultyLibrary(E/F7) College and Hall Libraries 15� EnglishFacultyLibrary(F5) 36� PlantSciencesLibrary*(E4) 55� AllSoulsCollegeLibrary(E7) 16� ExperimentalPsychologyLibrary 37� RadcliffeScienceLibrary*(D5) 56� BalliolCollegeLibrary(D6) (E4) 38� RefugeeStudiesCentreLibrary(C6) 57� BlackfriarsLibrary(C5) 17� KnowledgeCentre—HealthCare 39� ResearchLaboratoryfor 58� BrasenoseCollegeLibrary(E6) Libraries—OldRoadCampus(Off ArchaeologyandtheHistoryofArt 59� CampionHallLibrary(D8) Map) Library(D4) 60� ChristChurchLibrary(E7) 18� CairnsLibrary—HealthCare 40� RuskinSchoolofDrawingandFine 61� CorpusChristiCollegeLibrary(E7) Libraries-JohnRadcliffeHospital ArtLibrary(F7) 62� ExeterCollegeLibrary(D6) (offmap)(C4) 41� RussianandEurasianCentreLibrary 63� GreenCollegeLibrary(C4) LibrariesaccessibletoholdersofOULS 19� HistoryFacultyLibrary(E6) (C3) 64� HarrisManchesterCollegeLibrary reader’scards(gold,silver,andmauve 20� InstituteofArchaeology(C6) 42� SacklerLibrary*(C6) (E6) cards)throughouttheyeararemarked*. 21� LanguageCentreLibrary(C4) 43� SaïdBusinessSchoolLibrary(A/B6) 65� HertfordCollegeLibrary(E6) Theselibrariesareaccessibletoholders 66� JesusCollegeLibrary(D6) ofgreencardsinOxfordUniversity 67� KebleCollegeLibrary(D4) vacationsonly. 27 87 59 77 98 18 17, 61 ES 60 31 B 105 B E T T S W 73 35 RO 76 71 40 BUSH LY 92 OL H 90 75 106 78 55 43 58 70 86 6 66 62 01 1 65 26 5 E TR THEA W NE 56 91 74 19 38 97 104 4 95 30 20 42 49 93 64 D 50 A 89 RO 29 57 LD IE SF 85 N A 107 27 15 M 79 84 3, 87 9 11 46 48 59 77 7 98 51 103 52 47 72, 18 3 8 17, 47 37 61 ES SO 60 31 B 105 B U E T T T H S W 54 PA 1 73 35 R RO 76 K S S RO 71 A D 40 BUSH LY 32 92 OL 16 H 24 36 90 75 67 12 106 78 55 43 69 58 21 70 86 6 66 62 39 01 1 65 10 26 5 E TR THEA 80 W NE 44 56 91 74 19 38 97 104 4 95 23 30 20 14 42 49 93 64 D 50 A 89 RO 29 57 LD IE SF 85 N A 107 63 15 M 79 84 3, 9 11 46 48 7 51 103 52 81 47 72, 3 8 47 37 SO U T H 54 PA 1 R K S S RO A D 32 16 24 36 67 12 96 69 21 L A 39 2 inside 8 N 82 41, 10 D A 80 44 25, CA O R 53 D 23 Full map map Full R E 14 13 T OR S E F H X 102 C O 45 22 N 63 I 33 W 81 68 C 96 A L N T A E R 2 B 8 N 82 41, D U R Y A R O A 25, CA O D R 53 D R E 13 T OR S E F H X 102 C O 45 22 N I 33 W 99 68 AD C A N T E R RO B U R Y R O A D CK O 99 T TO W AD 88 DS N RO OO CK O T W TO PO W 88 DS N L S T OO EAD EAD W PO RO L S T EAD EAD AD RO AD 100 100 94 B 94 B MAP OF LIBRARIES IN OXFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SERVICES 2008–2009 Broad Street Oxford OX1 3BG T: 01865 277162 F: 01865 277182 E: [email protected] www.ouls.ox.ac.uk See the Guide 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