Sun Protection & Skin Care for Divers Red Sea Adventure Saudi Arabia Profile GLOBAL EDITION Bob Evans June :: July 2007 Number 17 Equipment Fins Science Salinity Photography Mastering Macro Tech Talk EGYPT Rebreathers COVER PHOTO BY WOLFGANG LEANDER COVER PHOTO BY MAGNUS LUNDGREN Red1 X-RAY MAG : 17 : 2007 Sea silver cinema of dreams www.seacam.com 2 X-RAY MAG : 17 : 2007 DIRECTORY X-RAY MAG is published by AquaScope Underwater Photography Your Skin is an Organ: Protect It Copenhagen, Denmark - www.aquascope.biz www.xray-mag.com Sun Protection & Skin Care For Divers... page 76 SERIOUS SUNSCREEN ON A CARABINER AVAILABLE IN SPF 15 & SPF 30 FROM ALOE UP AT WWW.ALOEUP.COM PUBLISHER CO- EDITORS & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Arnold Weisz - News, Features Peter Symes Willy Volk - News, Interviews Red Sea Reefshark. Photo by Magnus Lundgren [email protected] Millis Keegan - Opinions, MANAGING EDITOR Brian Keegan - Equipment contents & CREATIVE DIRECTOR Michael Arvedlund - Ecology Gunild Pak Symes Tony White - Photography [email protected] Michel Tagliati - Medicine ASSOCIATE EDITORS Leigh Cunningham - Tech & REPRESENTATIVES: Edwin Marcow - Sharks USA: CORRESPONDENTS Millis Keegan John Collins - Ireland [email protected] Jordi Chias - Spain Enrico Cappeletti - Italy Russia: Tomas Knutsson - Iceland Andrey Bizyukin Gary Myors - Tasmania [email protected] Marcelo Mammana - Argentina Svetlana Murashkina - Russia South East Asia: Amos Nachoum - USA Catherine GS Lim, Singapore Barb Roy - WA, USA [email protected] Michael Portelly, UK Robert Aston - CA, USA ADVERTISING Nonoy Tan - The Philippines International sales manager Harvey Page CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE [email protected] Kurt Amsler Dan Beecham International sales rep: Geoff Mellard (Europe) Liduine Bekman [email protected] Scott Bennett Andrey Bizyukin, PhD International sales rep: David F Colvard, MD Arnold Weisz (Business Directory) Harvey Page [email protected] Jason Heller Millis Keegan SENIOR EDITOR Wolfgang Leander Michael Symes Magnus Lundgren 24 32 34 42 57 plus... [email protected] Catherine GS Lim Edwin Marcow THE RED SEA THE RED SEA THE RED SEA THE RED SEA FINS EDITORIAL 3 ARTED BY OSES ONLINE EDITOR Francesco Ricciardi EGYPT P M MYSTERIES OF EGYPT SAUDI ARABIA & FIN CARE NEWS 6 Willy Volk Cindy Ross BY PETER SYMES BY ARNOLD WEISZ BY BARB ROY BY DAN BEECHAM BY MILLIS KEEGAN DIVE GURUS 4 9 [email protected] Barb Roy Yann Saint-Yves NEW EQUIPMENT 50 TECHNICAL MANAGER Gunild Symes WHALES&DOLPHINS 54 Søren Reinke Michael Symes 62 66 71 76 94 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 92 [email protected] Peter Symes PROFILE: SCIENCE: ECOLOGY SUN PROTECTION PORTFOLIO: Cedric Verdier BOB EVANS SALINITY WHY & HOW & SKIN CARE FOR DIVERS LIDUINE BEKMAN MARKETING MANAGER: Willy Volk BY PETER SYMES BY MICHAEL SYMES BY PETER SYMES & BY GUNILD SYMES EDITTED BY GUNILD SYMES Yann Saint-Yves Further info see contacts page: MICHAEL ARVEDLUND [email protected] www.xray-mag.com Not yet subscribed to SUBSCRIPTION columns... X-RAY MAG? Sign up now! X-RAY MAG International Edition in English is FREE It’s FREE! QUICK! EASY! To subscribe, go to: www.xray-mag.com 79 70 81 83 88 MERMAID MATTERS: MEDICAL SHARK TALES: UW PHOTO: TECH TALK: click here... COVER PHOTO Red Coral, Red Sea, by Magnus Lundgren MASCARA ADVISORY NASAL IRRIGATION BITS & BITES MACRO REBREATHER ADVENTURE (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) BY CINDY ROSS BY DAVID F COLVARD MD EDITTED BY EDWIN MARCOW BY KURT AMSLER BY CEDRIC VERDIER 3 X-RAY MAG : 17 : 2007 Amsterdam Barcelona Cape Town Chicago Copenhagen London Moscow Okinawa Oslo Paris Ravenna Reykjavik San Francisco Sharm El Shiekh Warsaw Editorial Fighting for what we love There is light at the end of the tunnel... Earlier this month, UN delegates reached a The closing deal on combating global warming. Indone- document sian governors have agreed to curb logging to made it reduce climate change. Restaurants in Hawaii clear that are taking bottom fish off their menus. No-take it is still zones show how fish stocks can be protected. within Pacific Nations are banning bottom trawling. our These are just some of the latest headlines I financial have been picking out of the stack and technologi- lately. I guess I have felt starved cal means to avoid ”It is for a positive outlook, and all the disastrous spike in the doom and gloom was temperatures that could possible to starting to get to me as well. wreak economic and eco- I haven’t been feeling good logical havoc on the planet. The stop climate about the way we have been delegates also approved the first managing the planet and road map to curtailing the rise in greenhouse change” worried about whether we gas emissions. could come to our senses in According to AP and CCN, delegates time to steer clear of the impend- hailed the policy statement as a key advance ing apocalypse—a sentiment I think many of toward battling global warming and setting our fellow human beings share. the stage for an even stronger international agreement to replace the 1997 Kyoto Proto- But lately, I have started to feel better about it col on greenhouse emissions when it expires in all. 2012. The delegates at the UN’s climate conference Sounds good to me. Now, we just have to in Bangkok not only managed to reach a stick to the plan and keep our elected politi- deal that pretty much cut through most of the cians accountable. usual political crap that so often sabotages or Growing up, I remember listening to what waters down the experts’ clear recommenda- my grandparents told me about enduring the tions—those days are finally over—as the grav- horrible years of the World War. How the whole ity of the message seems to have finally sunk in sentiment in society changed. Everyone stood across the board. In addition, their conclusion much closer together in the face of hardship was: during those horrible years. Sacrifices were made by individuals, families and society as a ”It is possible to stop climate change.” whole. Priorities were changed, and new in- 4 X-RAY MAG : 17 : 2007 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED Editorial ventions were sped up to face the we’ve got to start somewhere, there’s a lot of threat of an outside enemy. don’t we? At least, it is a start. other stuff that I This time, the enemy is not don’t need. We made of guns and tanks, but in Nostalgia have no car part, our own ignorance. I love the sea, and my love of it in the family, However, I sense that there is goes back a long way. Once in a no expensive a subtle yet undeniable change while, I visit the wonderful, pristine plasma TV’s, in sentiments of the kind that my beach where I spent so many no energy- grandparents talked about. The summers as a little kid with my gulping air- way of thinking is changing—at grandparents. conditioners last. Here, time seems to stand still. (opening the I read about private citizens The waves are still gently lapping windows and changing their entire households the beach, kids are still build- letting in the and the manner in which they ing sand castles with their green breeze works manage them to reduce their buckets and red shovels while just fine) and we’ve got carbon footprint. I hear how Gov- their older siblings try to catch a thermostat on the heater and ernor Arnold Schwarzenegger in small crabs and chase shrimps in warm water and so forth. It is not California pushes through tougher tidal pools. I used to wonder how such a sacrifice, as I never give it legislation on greenhouse emis- this timeless joy and curiosity with a thought. sions, and how Richard Branson of the sea seemed to go on and And that is the issue at hand Virgin Airways now wants to tow on without changing, generation here. It is, to a large extent, down his aircrafts to the runway to save after generation. I want it to con- to the shaping of daily habits to fuel. tinue. have a fairly low carbon footprint. And I have read about all the For me, the And should it come to mak- smaller things people have done, choices and ing a choice, I’d take the like the restaurant owners who priorities are dive gear and give away have taken bottom fish off their clear. I love the new TV any day. Man- menus. that beach tas, manatees and morays I have no idea how much and the are just so much better live, each of these measures actually clear water. in 3-D! counts, but they all add up. And I need it. But —Peter Symes Publisher and Editor-in-Chief X-RAY MAG is distributed six times per Views and information expressed in year on the Internet. © 2004-2006 X- articles are those of the individual author Because you can’t stay underwater forever... RAY MAG. All rights reserved. and are not necessarily representative of Material in this publication may not views held by X-RAY MAG or its affiliates. be reproduced or transferred elec- Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and Join the World’s largest Online Diving Community tronically in any form without written illustrations should be emailed to: and you will never be without a buddy again. permission from the copyright owner. [email protected] Editorial statement regarding News from NAUI in X-RAY MAG: Imagine a resource that will answer almost many dive experts in the World’s largest Online X-RAY MAG accepts no responsibility for This issue of X-RAY MAG and oth- every question you ever had about diving: Scuba Community and find the answers you unsolicited materials sent to its office, nor is ers includes news and press photography, gear, physics, flora, fauna, des- are looking for.
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