TREXTOX EYEXrxr, TTMFR. AYF.DNT.SP \ Y. JCr.Y -~. 15 _______ ._ ' • i PERKINS SELLS THREE' ,/ HUDSON SUPER-SIXES -rkins. !ri'-al representa- ' Jornery -Schwartz Com- . I'urs of thi- Hudson car, -,! a Hu'Wm super-six l.andon. ><t Kordentown. -.-< ha.s il"'! d'-llvered six . in r.,. JT. McKee and -© . fnriPdy. >.n-h of ;:<7*:^^ thn piist wrek. ^ ASHTON DISPOSES OF CHAMPIOPION LIKELY TTOO Ql/L'KT ACCIDENT VICTIM .ROUNDSMAN KELLY TAKES NORMAN FOSTER SELLS OLD SPECIAL TEN OVERLAND CARS BE DIXON ENTHUSIAST olMr.iN WELL KNOWN HERE LONG TRIP ON MOTORCYCLE CAR AND BUYS CADILLAC f Crescent Slater-Driven Elec- Ten Overland cars have been dis- Twenty-two of the most rf-lphratr-d (Just a few breozy observations collected while driving in this vicin- 'pilots of i he nu'inpr cars that run posed of by Joseph H., Ai-M'ttM. incnl ity. If-^^ou have any, send them in to the Auto Editor and v, ': • • u L - K , 1 ', tric Horns, complete ial.ri'ust of leather Tune ar<- in ,-,,m- agent for t-he cut' during iho pis! ^ help the cause alonq.) .11 , i,1, !.• i- i::, :i I .' . .- I'ptiiiim for thfl Bo«.-h Silvt-r Trophy ,two weeks. >1no of the numb, r waa ! and ru---h uwarrt*. Th,-.-u> are t.i ho ,,i,o ,,f Tienton's autoisis a Iniost | a |,a i i to s.,,, « IS 'IM II I, :..e.: .',,-, , . ., . <if the hands,:,roe litnoii.-ine t\p<- ni.il , mplovi ,! i.\ I . i: . i .- v$ o» 5^<»3 tifstiiwi-il on that fortunate tndivid- 1 r--vi'iiie,l a bunk robbery e.nly last j « 11' -Mat t!ia •was purchased l,y John liohnvhy, o( J-UM'lay in.irniiif,-, that is. he w nulS j i a r." I--, ,! d; .-r-l.-r ., . >• . E75 Fair Street. i ual who shall qualify for tho title ui' 1 nu\e pie\'«uted it had there been one, j ' li.i, M ,," I •li.-.l .d>n No 1 ! oi.n p i n v a n- i i i . ' i .. Midler's Auto Supply f- The others bought w,-re touring |['hanipion motor ear drivi-r o£ Amer- I tea by lifting tha eup- but there \\asn't. j ''H.i, Ma-il ." v.id John No 2 cars. Joseph V, Lr-njjox obtaining & r When thu "sprint; II-K" rjo^ed. Iiario H %\'as during the wee-small hours; '.\-> ,,:i" ,,r,l, I'M-..- work ,lon,' " >' i o - -1 • • \ . ' i o' 11 • , j i •-.•.. NEW WILLYS-OVERLAND' 117 E. Hanover St. six-cylinder, st'vcn-p;is^,-ni;i-r car. 1 Rf«ta wa.s hi the )cu,l, taavlni; ac- - di.'iu: novi.-Is \\ujiild say, "« !.--n tiie 'n,, ,, ,A|,i;,. l:-i No 1 v .1 . ;:, ttinj" The 'others who bought ears were mull n u.le.s of the t;i'eat city were as- ' j,, .,, a, n, .,,'.•. MODEL IS ANNOUNCED I'umul.'H'-il 1.SOO points an a result, of •-• !•.:.<• ,ii Mi-.\ii ,, 1,'. George Forker, Henry <'.n-eubcrKcr. 1, .;," .uiyvvay n was time lor all tl. ', .,,.. t|' : hi< recent lAug siring'uf sueersn'-- li',-n t,, bu in" bed Jle was passing ',,,.',,',.'",,,, ,.X1' "' •;' . "«' • • " •' K3S South Broad Sin-ei; .M. 1'. Im- Ki- ki-nb.i.-her. *' li'Alene. I ><.-!'.ilmu. Mi, l-'irst Nutintial Hank when he -,u',,', •',,,.,, '.',,,,,.,, ,; ,,. • pray, Aleda apartment: William CMn.ritiaens. Mulfunl. I Hdtield. (l'Di)ll- :..u,I a tap-la,,-tap on the window. l,.,la,,. .',.',,, "y if,.,..,.', ,„ V.'n.'i'.i i l',,hn 7,817 EXAMINATIONS Boydell. Mercer Sir,-et; (Charles J. t.ell and all 'th,, oth'T well-known . :.d _<aw a. nun crouched up i.ose 1,. -s-,, ., ,,,.,, ,,,,,,_ ,,-,. ,, ,,...,.,,,, ,,,,,„,„' Barnford, Rutherford Avenue; oni'.s hail ..n'ciimulated Kmvfi-totals and ; I.e bundiiu: w'.lth a sat, he. in his,, .lM, , ,,,,, , K^,,,,. , j,.',., \-., 3 ' FOR DRIVERS' LICENSES f HE BEST EQUIPPED REPAIR AND Charles A. Reed. -Monraotith Street; Wt-lV well up ill tile standing. J ll M ll 1 ! N J J llM ' Richard Hopwced, "•-- Brunswick Inxup.'^ accumulated pretty near \\'hat more ivould an imaginative' , ,',' " , - ^' ' '!'' '" " '" " -V'- SERVICE DEPARTMENT IN THE *[ Avenue and James II. Clayton, Allen- enough j.oiiits to call in the services I-vi .sou want to suppose, that robbers:-; «i.l you |,,e;1:... ..,v ,,„• h;,lancinK, ll.i.-,-,i; ,1 II"'. 7 - 7 '. were about and that hl.s chance to be ""' •" ''"unis ..I ,,;ir , ,,,,'ern .1,1,1 com-: h, !r: f,,!- :|t|lo',. !•-! ,' - , town. of an lidding machine to tind tin 1 1 v in llr I ' , • I ' t, M .- 1 O ' i ,' • • ' \ > .' ! ',' . ' CITY. u hero had at last arrived. , I- ' "- ^ " Hivx,-r. • | ( firund total. For. with one exception, 1 1 1 1 i.. Hill :• i-- :•• i "i •• i !••'•• every driver of tho "famous twenty-i Sneakmy into a nearby doorway "V '- , sir, ' sai 1 .John No 3 to John n't-Ml RESTA WINS CONSISTENTLY two" constantly used En'xon's in the he li.stein d. Again he heard the tap- | Xo. L' , i'i'<- cr, ^t* !•• . ;,' -. t • !" ; .... n , : 'i -,.,'••• WAGONS AND AUTOMOBILE I big races all over thi; country And tup-tup and ;i low mutterint;. His ! In, i-b-niallv 1 >• brent,',r Juhn No. Sli'i •.-'. ,it:il l-i- ' ',' t ,i !'•.,, all of these men are champions of knees lieiTiin to shake, his teeth chal-|.( \\n:i him. who \\oik- 'o- John Xo. Dario Resta is winning so manv •Dixon's Graphite Automobile Luhri- t'er and his heart poutided louder than I ', \\h,, labors fur John No- ! and 2 • t: • , MM -,- ? ,-ai uf .,: •:,, BODIES REPAIRED AND PAINTED. trophies these days that he will soon •c.mts. th« champion among various I.is dollar watch. [ Am one v. ho iai: ticure this out | need a motor truck to haul them brands. • ' ' Sne.ikiim si'iith-llke he crawled i'P ' ran t;,-t a ve.u'-< siib-ci ip' i,m to this MADDOCK HAS BUICK around. He is piling' up winning i When Uip curtain is rung down upon the sujiposed robber and w-as , t'ape1 i !->• uj'pi.N'ity lo Joi.n N.,. 1. No i performances at a clip that's pretty on thf- IStlti racing season, no matter just about to make a tiger-Ilk,• leap! L . No ;i aiM No -I. and JMJIIIH' the near as fast as the pace he set-s when who wears the diadem uf the racinc upon hl.s victim when thu door ni ! prl, e . „ Wioiani II M.id.l,. ho whirls around the track in tin- hit; •^kin^', he's almost sun- to be u l)i\»n th.- bank opened and. the. watchman j -ion Si rf '•'. i- dr; ^ ri. motordrome contests. He has become enthusiast. Jnxon's have already es- appeared. I'p-tO-date cars aie C'|lllpped Wlfllj ro-id-t, r. which he r, so consistent a winner that, a cred- tablished the rlsrht to wear the crown ' "\Vliat d" ye want'.'" he asked. all t h I'r.-im ihc .1, 1.. lirnck' .i-^eiic\ itable performance hy "ResJa, with a as the ideal lubricant to ui-e where no "What the. Ham Hill are you asleep place in the front rank or always chanc'PS*,v,rrenTTiiTrl5rlTlK with friction for. I've been knocking far you for ft" Slack. wi»o l.inors Repair and Service Dept. right among the leaders, is becnmmsi call be taken. To paraphrase a well- liiiif an hour--I want 'to put this ci t v i.n i''i,' ,-ML-in,-": ' J ollic". KUSER BUYS FORD V 1!,l:ltl< V V 111 MICK \ \'I's. a matter of course, almost as sure as known saying, "He. who runs—tour-: money in the. bank." alternoon p,-<l,''st i l.i n s on l''ie \ nii'V., ,IM M 111 .i/ rat ion n "I: I sunrise. 1 It. was handed over and our "al- -tale Str-'i.'t .\ ,-j-r- cnt , -rt a ined BANK STREET Mm,' car, taxi or truck—may read" and. Ktldti'.ph Kui" r, son of I1;,,! KII-. r. One of the factors in Resta's suc- 1 profit accordingly. : most a hero" diickmi. berated his bu-k a "I I.OVP th,- cess, aside from .his wonderful skill snd trod his weary way homeward. «f I i i ni 11-o ,n Tow us hi],. re- , 11:1 •. ;rj r- and darinR as a driver and the ex- , h.im d .1 K,,:-d lo.id.-tei Mi "K !-• :• cellence of his Peugeot car. has been ' GUERNEY BOYS CHEVROLET i "Where you [joiner, John," said John "Many Sun'dav afternoon stroller nl.-n li.i-, a Merc, r touritm' car. Jiifl freedom from friction, which No. 1. who recently bought a new th,,u<lvt a. i-in-is p,:a.le ••• is . umia-r might have put .his car out nf the Sol Guerney, Market Street real machine. i but they were "all wroncr" f I,KAXI><; rvi,iNi>i:iis. running had it made itself evident. "Home," said John Xo. 2, who lives i "Skeet" wus just kiliiiiK two birds After erllldlni; vilv.s :ill,| s c.iji.s Hesta'a car in ail the bii; races is lu- estate dealer, is the latest 'purchaser • of a Chevrolet. Mr. Huerney made in the country, but refuses to mort-iwith one stone. ,\t his home on ', brlcated throughout with Dixon's L-acre his city house for a flivver.
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