University of Birmingham Introduction to Materials for PEMFC Electrodes Mardle, Peter; Du, Shangfeng License: None: All rights reserved Document Version Peer reviewed version Citation for published version (Harvard): Mardle, P & Du, S 2020, Introduction to Materials for PEMFC Electrodes. in A-G Olabi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Smart Materials. Elsevier. Link to publication on Research at Birmingham portal General rights Unless a licence is specified above, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in this document are retained by the authors and/or the copyright holders. 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Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises care and attention in making items available there are rare occasions when an item has been uploaded in error or has been deemed to be commercially or otherwise sensitive. If you believe that this is the case for this document, please contact [email protected] providing details and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate. Download date: 27. Sep. 2021 Introduction to Materials for PEMFC Electrodes Peter Mardle and Shangfeng Du* School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK *Corresponding email: [email protected] Keywords: PEMFC, Polymer electrolyte membrane, Fuel cell, Electrode, Electrocatalyst, Catalyst support, Platinum, Nanoparticle, Nanostructure, Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Alloy. Abstract • As part of a sustainable energy future, much attention has been drawn to the use of hydrogen fuel as it can be formed renewably through the electrolysis of water. As part of this proposed hydrogen economy, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) play a key role as clean power generators in vehicles, building and portable devices. However, for extensive commercialization, high performance and durable devices need to be produced. This chapter introduces the material used for electrodes and how advanced development can help to address the challenge faced by PEMFCs. 1. Introduction Serious concerns about the sustainability and the environmental consequence of using fossil fuels as our primary energy source have led to several ingenious technologies, such as energy generation from hydrogen through the use of fuel cells. Such a technology provides a clean and sustainable way for producing electricity on-site such as portable power generators or in the transport sector. By avoiding the thermodynamic limitations of the Carnot cycle, fuel cells also have the additional benefits of providing a high energy efficiency while releasing extremely low levels of pollutants (Ramachandran & Stimming, 2015). Among various types of fuel cells, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are favored for automotive and portable applications due to their low operating temperature, flexible scale, and quick start up/shut down. In recent decades, PEMFCs have therefore received the greatest efforts towards their development. However, despite significant progress has been achieved for this technology, PEMFCs still face some big challenges including poor reliability and robustness, and also high cost. In order to meet these challenges and move this clean technology for extensive commercialization, further understanding of the materials and structure of PEMFC components is essential. 1.1. PEMFC History 1 In 1839, William R. Grove constructed what can be considered to be the first hydrogen fuel cell, and published the results as a mere postscript to his investigations of acidic salt solutions (Grove, 1839). The first PEMFC, however, was developed 120 years later by Thomas Grubb for General Electric (GE). After refinements by Leonard Niedrach in the mid of the 1960s, the PEMFC then saw active use by NASA as a power source in Project Gemini. The ‘Grubbs-Niedrach fuel cell’ employed for these missions was used in place of the batteries used in project Mercury as it could be used for longer durations. In over 50 years since the first PEMFC, the basic design and the materials used have barely changed. Initially phenolic membranes were used, but a series of developments led to a breakthrough in 1966 with the development of the NFI Nafion® membrane by DuPont (Zaidi & Matsuura, 2010). The use of the Nafion® membrane effectively tripled the durability of the electrolyte, and as such is still the conventionally used membrane today. It also so happens that the platinum (Pt) used in the Grove cell is inherently the most active single metal catalyst for use in PEMFCs (Nørskov et al., 2004). Interest dropped in PEMFCs until the 1990s where advances in nanotechnology and the understanding of electrode processes led to the common practice of dispersing Pt nanoparticles on high surface area carbon to act as the catalyst. Since then, heavy research and development has been carried out on PEMFCs, not least on the electrode materials leading to the release of commercial PEMFC powered vehicles in the form of the Hyundai iX35 (2013) and Toyota Mirai (2014) fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and more recently; the Honda Clarity (2017) and Hyundai Nexo (2018). However, for the mass adoption of such clean technology, the development of cheaper and more powerful PEMFC systems is required. In recent years, PEMFC development has been guided by the US Department of Energy (DoE) ultimate target of developing the PEMFC system at a 65% electricity efficiency with a durability of 8,000 hours, all at a cost of $30 kW-1 (Papageorgopoulos, 2019). 1.2. PEMFC Principles The fuel cell is a device which can directly convert the chemical energy in fuels to electricity through electrochemical reactions. The scheme of a PEMFC is shown in Figure 1. At the anode, molecular hydrogen is split into two protons and two electrons by the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR), as shown by Equation 1. The protons then transfer though the polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) to the cathode. As the PEM does not conduct electrons, they are forced to transfer to the cathode through the external load, allowing an electrical current to be drawn from the fuel cell. At the cathode, molecular oxygen then reacts with the transferred protons and electrons to form water (Equation 2). This process is called the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The overall chemical reaction (Equation 3) is simply therefore the recombination of oxygen and hydrogen to produce water. <Figure 1 near here> Figure 1: Scheme illustration of a typical PEMFC with electrodes and overall reactions. 2 Under standard conditions the Gibbs free energy of the forwards reaction for the production of liquid water (Equation 3) is –237 kJ mol-1 (Dicks & Larminie, 2003), corresponding to a potential difference of 1.23 V between both sides of the fuel cell. The PEMFC can therefore be thought of as a method of splitting this simple redox reaction into its two half-cell processes. In doing so the change in Gibbs free energy is harnessed in the form of electrical energy. Figure 2 depicts the main components of a PEMFC, where in the center resides the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). In a conventional PEMFC the MEA consists of the cathode gas diffusion electrode (GDE) and the anode GDE hot pressed to the PEM. The GDE comprises of a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) treated carbon paper/cloth-based gas diffusion layer (GDL) with the catalyst layer (CL) deposited on top. Gases are distributed to the GDL through the flow field plate (FFP). In this chapter, we only discuss the electrodes, while leaving the PEM, GDLs and FFPs to next chapter. <Figure 2 near here> Figure 2: The components of a single PEMFC. The power performance of PEMFCs is usually presented by a polarization curve, or voltage-current density curve, as shown in Figure 3a. The polarization curve is usually determined by holding the cell potential at a series of set values for 15-30 minutes prior to recording the current (Gasteiger, Kocha, Sompalli, & Wagner, 2005; Multi-Year Research, Development, and Demonstration Plan: 3.4 Fuel Cells, 2017). It can also be replotted as power-current density curve, representing the power output from the PEMFC to the external load. The durability of the PEMFC is usually tested either by monitoring the power performance over a long-term operation at a specified condition, e.g. holding the cell potential at 0.6 V for a few thousand hours, or by running dynamic load cycles which can accelerate the fuel cell degradation rate, thus reducing the time required for the test (Tsotridis, Pilenga, Marco, & Malkow, 2015). A typical dynamic load cycle for fuel cells in automotive applications is shown in Figure 3b. <Figure 3 near here> Figure 3: (a) A typical polarization curve of a single PEMFC, and (b) dynamic load cycle for testing fuel cells in automotive applications. Reproduced (adapted) with permission from (Tsotridis et al., 2015). 1.3. Electrode requirements and fabrication From Figure 1, it can be seen that in order to get a larger power output from a PEMFC, highly efficient fuel cell reactions (Equations 1-3) are necessary. To achieve this, both reactants and products need to be quickly supplied to and removed from the reaction sites, respectively. Therefore, the electrodes need to be highly electrically conductive to allow for rapid transfer of electrons between the reaction sites and external circuit.
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