Coast Guard, DHS § 165.703 board a vessel displaying a Coast Guard the Haulover Canal to the eastern en- Ensign. trance to the canal; then due east to a (4) All vessels and persons within this point in the Atlantic Ocean 3 miles off- regulated navigation area must comply shore at 28°44′42″ N., 80°37′51″ W.; then with any additional instructions of the south along a line 3 miles from the District Commander or the designated coast to Wreck Buoy ‘‘WR6’’, then to representative. Port Canaveral Channel Lighted Buoy (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast 10, then west along the northern edge Guard may be assisted in the patrol of the Port Canaveral Channel to the and enforcement of the regulated navi- northeast corner of the intersection of gation area by any Federal, State, and the Cape Canaveral Barge Canal and local agencies. the ICW in the Banana River at (e) Enforcement period. This section 28°24′36″ N., 80°38′42″ W. The line con- will be enforced from 12:01 a.m. until tinues north along the east side of the 11:59 p.m. on the last Saturday in June, Intracoastal Waterway to daymarker annually. ‘35’ thence North Westerly one quarter [USCG–2008–1119, 74 FR 28611, June 17, 2009] of a mile south of NASA Causeway East (Orsino Causeway) to the shore- SEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT line on Merritt Island at position 28°30.95′ N., 80°37.6′ W., then south along § 165.701 Vicinity, Kennedy Space Cen- the shoreline to the starting point. ter, Merritt Island, Florida—secu- (b) The area described in paragraph rity zone. (a) of this section is closed to all ves- (a) The water, land, and land and sels and persons, except those vessels water within the following boundaries and persons authorized by the Com- are a security zone—The perimeter of mander, Seventh Coast Guard District, the Cape Canaveral Barge Canal and or the COTP Jacksonville, Florida, the Banana River at 28°24′33″ N., whenever space vehicles are to be 80°39′48″ W.; then due west along the launched by the United States Govern- northern shoreline of the barge canal ment from Cape Canaveral. for 1,300 yards; then due north to (c) COTP Jacksonville, Florida, 28°28′42″ N., 80°40′30″ W., on Merritt Is- closes the security zone, or specific land. From this position, the line pro- portions of it, by means of locally pro- ceeds irregularly to the eastern shore- mulgated notices. The closing of the line of the Indian River to a position area is signified by the display of a red 1,300 yards south of the NASA Cause- ball from a 90-foot pole near the shore- way at 28°30′54″ N., 80°43′42″ W. (the line line at approximately 28°35′00″ N., from the barge canal to the eastern 80°34′36″ W., and from a 90-foot pole shoreline of the Indian River is marked near the shoreline at approximately by a three-strand barbed-wire fence), 28°25′18″ N., 80°35′00″ W. Appropriate then north along the shoreline of the Local Notices to Mariners will also be Indian River to the NASA Causeway at broadcast on 2670 KHZ. ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 28 31 30 N., 80 43 48 W. The line con- [CGD 79–034, 47 FR 29660, July 8, 1982, as tinues west on the southern shoreline amended by CGD 7–82–10, 48 FR 11696, Mar. of the NASA Causeway to NASA Gate 3 21, 1983; USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35532, June 30, (permanent), then north to the north- 1998] ern shoreline of the NASA Causeway and east on the northern shoreline of § 165.703 Tampa Bay, Florida—Safety the causeway back to the shoreline on Zone. Merritt Island at position 28°31′36″ N., (a) A floating safety zone is estab- 80°43′42″ W., then northwest along the lished consisting of an area 1000 yards shoreline to 28°41′01.2″ N., 80°47′10.2″ W. fore and aft of a loaded anhydrous am- (Blackpoint); then due north to chan- monia vessel and the width of the nel marker #6 on the Intracoastal Wa- channel in the following areas: terway (ICW), then northeast along the (1) For inbound tank vessels loaded southern edge of the ICW to the west- with anhydrous ammonia, Tampa Bay ern entrance to the Haulover Canal. Cut ‘‘F’’ Channel from Lighted Buoys From this point, the line continues ‘‘3F’’ and ‘‘4F’’ north through and in- northeast along the southern edge of cluding Gadsden Point Cut Lighted 685 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00695 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 165.704 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) Buoy ‘‘3’’ and commencing at Gadsden vise mariners of the intended transit. Point Cut Lighted Buoys ‘‘7’’ and ‘‘8’’ All additional security broadcasts as north and including Hillsborough Cut recommended by the U.S. Coast Pilot 5, ‘‘C’’ Channel. ATLANTIC COAST shall be made (i) For vessels bound for R. E. Knight through the transit. Pier at Hookers Point the safety zone (g) Vessels carrying anhydrous am- includes, in addition to the area in monia are permitted to enter and tran- paragraph (a)(1) of this section, sit Tampa and Hillsborough Bay and Hillsborough Cut ‘‘D’’ Channel to the approaches only with a minimum of southern tip of Harbor Island. three miles visibility. (ii) For vessels bound for the anhy- (h) The Captain of the Port Tampa drous ammonia receiving terminals to may waive any of the requirements of Port Sutton the safety zone includes, this subpart for any vessel upon finding in addition to the area in paragraph that the vessel or class of vessel, oper- (a)(1) of this section, Port Sutton ational conditions, or other cir- Channel. cumstances are such that application (2) For outbound tank vessels loaded of this subpart is unnecessary or im- with anhydrous ammonia the safety practical for purposes of port safety or zone is established when the vessel de- environmental safety. parts the receiving terminal and con- (i) The owner, master, agent or per- tinues through the area described in son in charge of a vessel or barge, load- paragraph (a)(1) of this section. ed with anhydrous ammonia shall re- (3) The floating safety zone is dis- port the following information to the established when the anhydrous ammo- Captain of the Port, Tampa at least nia carrier is safely moored at the an- twenty-four hours before entering hydrous ammonia receiving facility. Tampa Bay or its approaches or depart- (b) All vessels over 5000 gross tons in- ing from Tampa Bay: tending to pass anhydrous ammonia (1) Name and country of registry of vessels moored in Port Sutton, and all the vessel or barge; vessels intending to moor in the R. E. (2) The name of the port or place of Knight facilities at Hookers Point departure; while an anhydrous ammonia vessel is (3) The name of the port or place of moored in this facility, must give 30 destination: minutes notice to the anhydrous am- (4) The estimated time that the ves- monia vessel so it may take appro- sel is expected to begin its transit of priate safety precautions. Tampa Bay and the time it is expected (c) The general regulations governing to commence its transit of the safety safety zones contained in § 165.23 apply. zone. (d) The Sector St. Petersburg will no- (5) The cargo carried and amount. tify the maritime community of peri- ods during which these safety zones [CGD7–85–32, 51 FR 28382, Aug. 7, 1986 as will be in effect by providing advance amended by CGD07–87–07, 52 FR 31763, Aug. notice of scheduled arrivals and depar- 24, 1987; 65 FR 9221, Feb. 24, 2000] tures of loaded anhydrous ammonia vessels via a marine broadcast Notice § 165.704 Safety Zone; Tampa Bay, to Mariners. Florida. (e) Should the actual time of entry of (a) A floating safety zone is estab- the anhydrous ammonia vessel into the lished consisting of an area 1000 yards safety zone vary more than one half fore and aft of a loaded Liquefied Pe- hour from the scheduled time stated in troleum Gas (LPG) vessel and the the broadcast Notice to Mariners, the width of the channel in the following person directing the movement of the areas. Any vessels desiring to enter the anhydrous ammonia vessel shall obtain safety zone must obtain authorization permission from Captain of the Port from the Captain of the Port St. Pe- Tampa before commencing the transit. tersburg. (f) Prior to commencing the move- (1) For vessels loaded with LPG and ment, the person directing the move- bound for the LPG receiving terminal ment of the anhydrous ammonia vessel in Port Sutton the safety zone starts at shall make a security broadcast to ad- Tampa Bay Cut ‘‘F’’ Channel from 686 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00696 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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