We’re about five years into the 2008 Presidential begins with a blanket statement: “We all know race now and I think this is the phase when it that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have it really starts to get very, very old. Hillary Clinton wrong on immigration.” Of course, we don’t all called me this morning and woke me from a very know that, but he’s just said it like it was a fact, fruitful slumber with a very important pre-re- so it must be true. He does have leadership expe- corded message. Yes, for my loyal readers, THEY rience and I’m sure he’s a nice guy. But starting HAVE STARTED. Those fake phone calls that get this early with a campaign that clearly shows no massive negative voter points on my scale. Based willingness for achieving unity or at least coop- on my previously featured point system, the only eration is not a good thing, at least to me. And viable candidates left who have not yet invaded I worry that people just absorb that message my personal time are Mike Gravel and Dennis without realizing what is being said. Actually Kucinich. Since Dennis poked fun at himself on Tom Tancredo had an ad that essentially said “Be the Daily Show, I guess I have to caucus for him. afraid, be very afraid because terrorists ARE go- (No, not really.) I guess I could. Then when he ing to kill you.” But that was just funny because doesn’t get enough votes in the room to earn an he’s crazy. So he doesn’t count. electoral vote, we’ll all have to choose from the viable candidates in the end anyway. Please don’t take this as a rant on Republicans. I hope it’s not. I have my trust issues with Hillary. Unless you got your degree from the University of And she had to run that “Hillary saved my son’s Miami, you’ve probably figured out by now that life” ad about 87 times during my enjoyment of I’m a registered Democrat. Not that there’s any- The Godfather Part I & II on cable last weekend. thing bad about you GOPers. It’s just that I can’t I have experience issues with Obama. I have sil- seem to find with your views on, well, just about ver spoon issues with John Edwards. Kucinich everything. Some of the candidates seem like all is just goofy. Joe Biden has been in the Wash- right guys on the conservative side. Mike Huck- ington political game for a long, LONG time. abee is one guy who has taken a firm position Is that good or bad? Chris Dodd looks mad all on issues I do not agree with, but still, he comes the time. Mike Gravel, uh.... I think Bill Richard- through as being a genuinely nice guy. Despite son seems like a level-headed guy, but he ain’t our differing views, I feel like I could trust him. sexy on stage in the election of rock stars like That means a lot. Hillary and Rudy Guiliani. That was fun. Should we do the Republicans? Giuliani has one big But alas, I won’t be caucusing for the Republi- issue and he’s a little too liberal for some on cans. And despite the daily phone calls asking, the right. Huckabee is half the man he used to I’m not telling the Democrats who I am caucusing be (lost a lot of weight) and is real likable, but for either. his unabashedly conservative views on some is- sues scare liberals. Alan Keyes is preachy, John I think you need to believe in a person, not just McCain commands respect but generates zero look at his or her list of issue stances. I have voted spark. Ron Paul doesn’t like anybody, it seems, Republican a number of times in my life. Mostly on either side. Mitt Romney, well, you know. because I believe someone in office who does not Tom Tancredo wants you to fear everyone who exactly agree with me is better than an idiot or wasn’t born here. Fred Thompson can act like an angry single-issue candidate, even if they are President, but George Clooney can act like a in my party. You have to find someone you trust. doctor too. I don’t think anyone knows who There are good people on both sides of the aisle. Duncan Hunter is. I just have this thorn in my side that is getting to Regardless of your party, this is just my call to me and I gotta talk about it. There is one candidate vote with more than a checklist or by counting who has come to the forefront of my worry meter yard signs. Of course I’m not going to base my and it’s not because he’s Mormon. Mitt Romney’s voting on who bugs me with the least amount TV commercials really get me upset. First there of telemarketing calls. I believe that, right-wing was an ad about all the Republicans who have or left-wing, we all have passionate reasons for been involved in scandals recently. He said that making our choices. I just urge you to listen those people were acting like Democrats and a little closer. Repeat the words they have in Republicans need to stop acting like Democrats their commercials after the commercial is over. and start acting like Republicans. Huh? Transla- Is it rhetoric? Is it genuine? Is it pandering, is it tion: Perverts and deviants are Democrats. It was wise, is it fear-mongering, is it what you would really kind of genius. With one sentence he com- say if someone asked you that question? One of pletely wiped the Republican slate clean of all these people will be president. How does what wrongdoing and dumped it on the liberals. With they are saying now affect the way our country that off his conscience, he can launch into his operates after they take office? They all mean ideas for creating a very divided nation. I say this well. I believe that. But are their convictions as because of his next commercial, where he again right for our future as they hope they are? The 365ink crew... faces you already know! Tim Brechlin Mike Ironside Tanya Tjarks Jeff Stiles Kelli Kerrigan Ralph Kluseman Gary Olsen Matt Booth L.A. Hammer Chris Wand Pam Kress-Dunn Joey Wallis In this Issue of 365ink ... NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBERISSUE # 4412 Local Candy Makers: 4 Community Events: 5-6 Arts shorts & more: 7 Writing the troops: 8 Snowbiz: 9 Holiday Music: 10 Fine Art & Calendars: 11 Yoga & Thai Massage: 12 Meet Chef Moose: 13 Multi-Author Book Signing: 14 Jingle Bell Hop / Art Auction: 15 Mayor Roy Buol: 16 America’s River Phase II: 17 Budweiser True Music: 18-19 Wando’s Movies : 20 Mattitude: 22 Eating Healthy: 23 Life Stiles: 24 The A Factor: 26 Pam Kress-Dunn: 29 Bob’s Book Reviews: 30 Crossword / Sudoku: 31 Trixie Kitsch: 32 Dr. Skrap’s Horoscopes: Comedy: 34 32 The Inkwell Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) Editor: Tim Brechlin ([email protected]) Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan ([email protected]) 563-451-9365 Ad Design: Tanya Tjarks ([email protected]) Photography: Mike Ironside, Joey Wallis, Ron TIgges, Bryce Parks Writers & Content: Mike Ironside, Tim Brechlin, Ellen Goodmann, Bryce Parks, L.A. Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor Roy Buol, Matt Booth, Robert Gelms, Angela Koppes, Pam Kress-Dunn Graphic Design & Layout: Bryce Parks, Mike Ironside, Tim Brechlin Special thank you to: Bob & Fran Parks, Kay Kluseman, Bob Johnson, Todd Lo- cher, Dave Blake, Everett Buckardt, Julie Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Tom Miller, Christy Monk, Katy Brechlin, Jim Heckmann, Ron & Jennifer Tigges and all the 365 friends and advertisers for all your support. You are all 365. Dubuque365 • 210 West 1st Street, Dubuque, IA, 52001 Office Phone or Music/Events/Movie Hotline 365 @(563) 588-4365 All contents (c) 2007, Community, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Roy Buol Ron Tigges Robert Gelms Brad Parks Angela Koppes Bryce Parks We’ve hidden 365’s WANDO somewhere in this issue of Dubuque365ink. Can you find the master of movies buried within these pages? Hint: He’s tiny and could be anywhere ! Good Luck! Win ners get a free warm fuzzy feeling in your belly! - SUGARY SWEETS, AIN’T THEY SWEET? 4 NOV. 29 - DEC. 12 One such establishment is the Kandy Kitchen of Galena. The Kandy Kitchen was established way back in 1974 by George Paxton, a Chicago businessman who had originally been involved in computers. But, as fate would have it, Paxton would soon trade in chips for chocolate. by Tim Brechlin Candy. It’s an inextricable part of our lives, if you think about it. As kids, heck, we had Halloween: A veritable festival his father to help ensure a smooth opera- of costumed candy. At Easter, Cadbury tion, and it’s been a ride ever since. brings out its annual cavalcade of Cad- bury Crème Eggs (also known as the most “George’s goal from the start was to be delicious concoctions ever produced by making small batches of hand- human hands). M&Ms. Snickers. Can- “George and his wife made candy,” says Ettleman. dy’s everywhere, really. Of course, here came to Galena on a “A lot of candy comes out of in the Tri-States, we’re extra lucky. trip,” reports Kandy factories or what have you, but Kitchen manager Melis- it’s the complete opposite here.
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