t Baseball Fresno CÍty Co Back on to¡ - page 6 Elect fc=p5n-,rltl -l-- Studenr gov't elections setJor end of April By Poua Her ' Rampage reporter The Associated Student Govem- ment elections will be heldApril 26- 28, in the Campus Mall on the Fresno City College campus. Students who are elected to positions in ASG will repre- sent the student voice ofthe FCC campus ln school Photos by Sergio Cortæ trustee PatrickStumpf Abrat Øt i-rr""i¡tnt;ÌroU. artd ,*þ' Magdakno speak to the center møtagers of Anerica's Cash Eryress abour possibte job opportunities dt the meetings Fremo Cù¡* College's ørual lob Fair þril 13. An FCC student will fill one out of every four positions attailable at the Job Fair. and other school fimctions that hap pen tbroughout the school year. ElectedASG re,presentatives will begin their service in the fall of the next school year and will continue for one vear. Employment Re sourc e C enter In this el ecti on, hosts FCC'y annual Job Fair allnll candi-c¡ndi- dates with the exception of the oÊ By Mona Lisa Mccormick pated in the job fair were given a fice of the presidency will be run- Rampage reporter survey to complete. According to survey results, an The Fresno FCC student will be hired for one City College out of every four jobs that were 2005 Spring offered by participating compa- Job Fair helped nles. to lower Fresno "We, (the Employment Re- und'erwaY ¡i¡ti, County's un- source Center), have been orga- öffi, IIon ou campus employment nizingjob fairs for many years as the ASG election comes closer. ¡ate, April 13. here at the College and this was Henderson . Currently running forASG 2005 FCC stu- one of the best," said ERC Coor- office a¡e: Ch¡is McKinley, forleg- dents have the potential ofbeing dinator Sean Henderson. islative vice presi- hired for one of the l, I 74 jobs that The Job Fair was an occasion dent; Tan were offered. for students to meet with compa- Santiago, for The companies who partici- Seererlq PagÞ 4 More than 50 companies cat¡æ to FCC's Job Fair in search offunre employees. ecutive vi president Christian Ramp age awarded at state conference Castellon, i1,,, for presi- Student publication receives General Excellence tabloid design dent pro- for tempro; Zyanya Bejarano for stu- By All Sadoian tabloid desip for the 2004 calen- profession. ture photo urrfr"diro, in chief dent tustee; and Tianisha Waggoner, dar year. Awa¡ds were given for mail-in, Rebekah Miranda received two for News editor senator. ' Approximately 600 joumalism bring-in, and on-the-spotphotos and honorable mentions, for on-the-spot PahickStumpf, Six Fresno Cþ College Ram- students from commr¡nity colleges news articles. news writing and tabloid desigrr. who is currentlya page staffmembers haveledto Sac- from California andA¡izona partici- Business manager Teresa The JACC is an association of 2004 student ramento April7-9 to participate in pated in the workshops and compe- Dawson received first place for a Califomia and Arizona commurity government the annual Journalism Association titions at the conference. bring-in advertisement. Sports edi- college journalism progranis de- senatoç will of Community Colleges state con- Speakers from newspapers and tor David Witte received a second- signed to provide continuing edu- be running ference. colleges from around the state place award for a news article. cation forjoumalism instucûors and for the office The Rampage received an over- hosted the workshops giving stu- ,Former photo editor Bryan Borror extended educational opportunities ofpresident. 'I know how student all General Excellence Awa¡d for dents an insight to the joumalism received third place for a sports fea- for joumalism students. See ASG, Page 5 2 Aprit 20,2005 News Rampage lnilex Uniuelsal coueraUe '$inTully Uood .Two reporters dispute social: reviews "Sin City"' ized health care in f,eulews, Pagell -$ee Photo by Daisy Rosas Thomas field Rtyrnanda (23) BlealinU and field teams ..signal"s Chad . Poua Her three in Fresno lnvi- Rothford(lelt) liketo lose hernative 14. in{ter a -$eeUiews, -$ee$[ons, Pagel Reedlcy player committedan efTor. llews bfiefs AFT union upset with petition Students are taprped in the middle of apolitical battle betweenpaid sig- nature collectors and the American Federation ofTeachers. - Fliers placed on campus by the AFT are students not to sþ their signatures regarding four particrfar initiatives that with enough suprport could appearonthenextCali- fomiaballot. Initiatives involving public pen- sions, reapportionmeirt consent for political contibutions, andpublic em- ployee rmion dues are all ûopics the AFT a¡e encouraging students not tro $pport According to the AFT's fliers BilI Andcrsonß signoture-collection booth, lefi, stood 20 away placed on the Fresno Cþ College feet from Atncrican Federation of Teachers'flier condcmning the initiatives cÍrmpus, These initiatives are part of the effort by Gov. Arnold Andcrson's petition supported on þril 15 at Carnpus Lav'n at FCC. Schwarzenegger and his ideological Glue ilood the needs ofüe valley. allies ûo'leform" govemme,nt by at- To registeras ablood donor, a so A blood drive will take place at øcking the people who work for the cial securitynumberis required- First- Fresno City College onApri[ 27. The public. In order to obfinc¿te ttre fact time donon must present photo ide,n- Cental Califomia Blood Ce¡úer in- üat urderüre fthwazenegger admin- tific¿tion Donors mustbe at least 17 vites studenb as well as the commu- isnation the staûe now faces a record yinrs old, in goodgeneral health and nity to come to the StrdentActivities deficit. weigh at least'l l0 pornrds. Within fou Center from 9 am. ûo 3 p.m. All do Abotú 20 feet away ûlom ûreAFT's horus priorto donatior¡ donors should nors willreceive acommemorative T: poster, BillAndenon sat and collected &ink plenty of water and eat a good shirtalongwiúrva¡iowdiscor¡nßû,om signatles from sh¡denß on April 15. meal. Valley businesses for dining, recre- "We're not tying to sway people's The need forblood increases this ation, ente,ïtainment and services. opinior¡" saidAnderson.'1V'e collect time ofüe yea since wilhmore people The Cental C.alifomia Blood Csn- signatures to get initiatives on the bal- outdoors, the nrunber of accidents on teis are the sole prcvider ofblood and lot When someone signs their signa- and offthe road increases, according bloodprcducts forüe 3l hospitals in ture, they aren't voting for anytlúng. to Chris Sorrnseq Drector of Com- Fresnq Nfader4 lvfaripos4 Tulare and '"The just receive litsr¿turc about mmity Relations and Developmeirt King counties andmrst collect abotú the initiative in the mail." fortlre Blood Center. 6,000 pinß ofblood monthly to meet uge - Ali Sadoian -Christine Haeussling R ,rño."" Letters to the editor and sub- Fn¡sNo Crrv Correcp missions to the calenda¡ will be accepted via e-mail or in ll0l E. UxrvpnsrvAvr. person noon-l p.m. Monday, ' Fnrsuo,CA9374l Wednesday and Friday, at The Rampage, Room SC- 211, Editor in chief: Rebekah Mi¡anda above the bookstore. News editor: Ali Sadoian Entertainment editor: Quinn Robinson Newsroom: (5 59) 442-n63 Sports editor: David Witte Business : (5 59) 442-8262 Photo editor: Daisy Rosas Sporfs editor: David Witte Adviser: Jeremy Martin Fax: (559) 265-5783 Operations manager: Samuel Yuk E-mail: Circulation manager: Will Tranquilli [email protected] Business manager: Teresa Dawson Rampage is an awa¡d-win- ning. newspaper published Reporters biweekly by the Fresno Cìty Christine Haeussling, Poua Hèr, College Journalism 5 pro- gram and is a member of Mona Lisa McCormick, Ryan McHenry, Journalism Associatio¡ of Will Tranquilli Community Colleges. Views expressed in The P h o to gr ap hy/ Gr ap hic s äffi,f 'ffi $:'åf*""î necessarily reflect those of Val Condoian, Sergio Cortes, Fresno Cþ College, its stu- Teresa Dawson, dents. adminisfration or the Ashli Moore State Center Communitv College Diskict. Rampage News Sruosrvr ro TEACI{ERaID BA Becoming a student helps instructor relate to clas By Mona Llsa McGormick Rampage reporter Linda Vang, Ieft, teaches a A Fresno Cþ College sociolory inshucûor can relate to her students bettsr '. sociology class since she went back to school for her doctomte degree. at FCC and is '1 now realize what studenb are dealing with on adaily basis: working åmi- also a doctoral lies, goingûo schoolandstudying" saidLindaVang 51, who in2004 decidedto retum to school for her degree. student at CSU 'I have always wanted to complete my doctorate degree since the Fresno 1970s," saidVang. studying Vang graduated with ¡¡ro masær's degrees, in sociology and in social work, educational fiom the Univenity of Pitbburglr- After completing her social wor* master's leadership. degree in 1980, Vang decidedto.work. From time to "(Aftermytwomast€tr's inthe time Vang can wortfield,soldroppedout inthe be found in the social work field-" FCC library h üe fall of 2004, Vang sørted the Joint Docúoraûe program in Educational studying. Leadership at Califomia State University, Fresno wittr UC Davis. She is a first year, second sernester student. The sociology instucûor is in a four ûo five year progran\ Photos by Sergio Cortes depending rryon when stre completes her dissertation. Vang andhertwo sons lorowthetimes aheadmaypresent challenges butthey are willing to deal wiü it "(My two sons) realize that we all have to make some sacrifices, like not too many home cooked meals and the house is messy unless we all pitch rq', Vang said 'tsut they've helped me with the computer, power points and they reqpect mytime when I needto study or finishpapers." Like other studelrß, Vang faces challenges wittr her schoolwork and home life. But she feels her erçeriurces in life help her in the classroom.
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