St. Columba Roman Catholic Church Corpus Christi Sunday 32%R[5RXWH +RSHZHOO-FW1< June 6, 2021 5HFWRU\ )D[ Website: www.stcolumbaonline.org Rectory Office Hours: Email: [email protected]. Monday - Friday: 9am to 3pm Blog: stcolumbaparish.blogspot.com Saturday & Sunday: Closed Facebook: @StColumbaHJ (photo albums here!) “Love God, Serve Others” Instagram: @StColumbaHJ Soundcloud:StColumbaHJ Flocknotes: www.flocknote.com/columbahopewell Formed.org - Parish Code: Y98H69 SCHEDULE OF LITURGIES NY Catholic Radio: www.newyorkcatholicradio.org THE LORD’S DAY MASSES St. Columba + Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday + 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am & 12 noon St. Denis + Spanish Mass Sunday at 5:00pm St. Kateri + Sunday at 5:30pm Drop your contribution envelope in the collection, It will be returned to your home parish. DAILY MASS St. Columba + M/W/F + 7:00am; SA + 8:00am; T/TH + 12:00pm Noon St. Denis and St. Kateri + 9:00am ADORATION St. Columba + Monday - Friday + 4:00pm - 8:00pm Compline & Benediction + Monday - Friday + 7:40pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION St. Columba + Saturdays 8:30 – 9:00 am & 4:00 – 5:00 pm St. Denis + Saturdays 8:00 – 8:45 am & 3:30 – 4:30 pm St. Columba Religious Education St. Kateri + Monday 7:30 – 8:30 pm & Wednesday 9:30 – 10:00 am Grades 1 - 8 DEVOTIONS 845-221-4900 Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday’s after 7:00am Mass www.stcolumbaonline.org Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am - 3pm SACRAMENTS Director: Sister Marie Pappas, CR BAPTISM + Most Saturdays & Sundays at 1:30 & 3:00pm. Call the Church Office to speak with Deacon Dennis McCormack. To obtain THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS OF HOPEWELL JUNCTION Godparent and Sponsor forms, please call the Rectory and speak to a Priest. St. Denis-St. Columba School Grades K - 8 RCIA CHRISTIAN INITIATION + For more information about becoming a 845-227-7777 member of the Catholic Church or Completing your Initiation in the Email: [email protected] Church, call the Church Office or Deacon Chris Merenda. www.stcolumba.net Principal: Sr. Kathleen Marie Gerritse, CR MARRIAGE + Please call the Church Office to make an appointment with a priest. We generally need about six months to complete St. Aloysius Happy House Learning Center Pre-Cana, Pre-Marital Inventory and necessary paperwork. Nursery, Pre-K & K 845-226-1917 ANOINTING OF THE SICK + After any Weekend or Weekday Mass. Director: Sr. Madeline Soto Please speak to a priest. In an Emergency, call the Parish Office at any time. St. Denis - Ark & Dove Pre-School Pre-K 2, 3 & 4 HOLY ORDERS AND RELIGIOUS LIFE + Please speak to our priests, 845-227-5232 deacons or religious sisters. Director: Jennifer Corsano & Julie Roth ST. COLUMBA PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Mass Intentions for the Week 6W&ROXPEDSDULVKLVD&DWKROLFFRPPXQLW\VWULYLQJWREHD YLVLEOHZLWQHVVRI*RG¶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¶$JRVWLQRDW 7KXUVGD\-XQH:HHNGD\ SP,Q+RQRURI6W$QWKRQ\ )ULGD\-XQH7KH0RVW6DFUHG+HDUWRI-HVXV DP)RUWKH,QWHQWLRQVRI6'6&6FKRRO*UDGXDWHV ORYLQJO\0UV0DUWLQ 6DWXUGD\-XQH,PPDFXODWH+HDUWRI%OHVVHG9LUJLQ0DU\ DP6SHFLDO,QWHQWLRQV Please pray for our recently deceased (OHYHQWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH SP-DPHV0DZQE\%HUQDGHWWH%RGH parishioners, family & friends: 0DULDGH0HORE\5RVH'H&DUYDOKR Thomas Donohue, Geraldine Pantalone, Monica Rouaud & )UDQ$QWRQLROOLE\-XOLH$QJHYLQH The Holy Souls in Purgatory 5REHUW)&RQQROO\E\0DULWD3HOOHWLHU )DPLO\ &RVPR&DVDUHJRODE\KLVVRQ-RH 6W9LQFHQWGH3DXO 6XQGD\-XQH(OHYHQWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH )RRG3DQWU\ Baptisms DP)RU$OO3DULVKLRQHUV Thank you for your Please contact DP&DUO)UHGHULFN+DDVE\5REHUW &KULVWLQH0RUULVRQ continued prayers and Deacon Dennis DP$OH[/HP]DE\ZLIH.DWK\ &KLOGUHQ support throughout the year. With SP7KRPDV 0DU\'XUNLQ 6U7KRPDV-RVHSK McCormack out your help we could never assist E\WKH)HGLJDQ)DPLO\ those in need! If you need to reach at (845) 227-8380 0LFKDHO*XJOLHOPRE\WKH/RXJKOLQ)DPLO\ for information and 0DULDGH0HORE\5LFDUGLQD)HUQDQGHV us, please call us at: 227-7863. 0RWKHU*ORULD&DVWUR arrangements for KƵƌŶĞdžƚŵĞĞƟŶŐǁŝůůďĞ E\$UWLH&KULVWLQD 0DULD&DUR]]D your newborn to be ŚĞůĚŽŶ:ƵŶĞϵ͕ϮϬϮϭ͘tĞ 5DOSK-&LOHQWR-UE\KLVORYLQJ)DPLO\ baptized. ǁŝůůŵĞĞƚŽƵƚƐŝĚĞŝŶƚŚĞ ĐŚƵƌĐŚƉĂƌŬŝŶŐůŽƚďLJƚŚĞ ƉĂŶƚƌLJĂƚϳƉŵ͘WůĞĂƐĞďƌŝŶŐ ĂĐŚĂŝƌĂŶĚǁĞĂƌĂŵĂƐŬŝĨ LJŽƵŚĂǀĞŶŽƚďĞĞŶĨƵůůLJ John Desgranges & Caitlyn McCabe - June 4th, Congratulations! ǀĂĐĐŝŶĂƚĞĚ͘ III Edward Cofino & Jasmine Torres - June 6th I Thomas Orlando & Azra Begonovic - June 26 3OHDVHYLVLWXVIRUGHWDLOVDW II Kyle Brannigan & Kaitlyn Colley - June 18 ZZZVYGSIRRGSDQWU\RUJ UPDATED ST. COLUMBA CHURCH GUIDELINES – May 26, 2021 Worship Aids – They are now back in the pews. Two weeks ago the Archdiocese of New York made many Collections – They have resumed. There will be one collection at recommendations to further “reopen” our churches in line with each Mass, so if there is a special collection, please drop your guidelines from the CDC and NY State. donation in the “first collection.” Most were very well received. A majority welcomed the opportunity No Offertory Procession – No Sign of Peace not to wear a mask. A major concern for most who communicated with us was the separation into two groups of “vaccinated” and Holy Water – Please bring your own bottle filled with water and we “non-vaccinated.” will bless it after any Mass. After receiving many suggestions, and after further discussions with Outdoor Mass? – These Masses were instituted due to an our Parish Council, here are the “next steps” at St. Columba: emergency – a situation that no longer exists. Our parish will continue to have physically distanced seating for Capacity Issues – Both the Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses all throughout the church – “the green tape.” are at capacity. Please consider attending Saturday 5:30 pm, or Sunday 7:30 am or 12 noon Masses where there may be room. Those entering our church are invited to continue wearing a mask during Mass and while at prayer. STATEMENT BY THE MOST REV. GERARDO COLACICCO, D.D., JCL. EPISCOPAL VICAR OF DUTCHESS, SULLIVAN, ULSTER, AND ORANGE The CDC and NYS have made masks not required for some and COUNTIES ON THE RIGHTS OF COMMUNICANTS TO CHOOSE TO required for others. Please follow the CDC and NYS RECEIVE COMMUNION ON THE TONGUE OR IN THE HAND. (This guidelines as you make your decision about the wearing of was issued some months ago but bears repeating based on some masks in church. questions). At weekend Masses we will set aside the far-left section along After addressing the concern of reception of Holy Communion the windows for anyone who wishes to sit in a mask only during the Corona virus pandemic, Bishop Gerardo Colacicco, section – your choice. See an usher when you enter and Episcopal Vicar of Dutchess, Sullivan, Ulster, and Orange Counties, request the “mask only section.” If there is sufficient Archdiocese of New York, the Bishop has restated that the Holy See interest, we will keep this in place for a while. (Please note has specifically informed that Communicants who wish to receive that if we are at capacity and there is room, the back part on the tongue cannot be denied reception of Holy Communion. If of the section might be needed for mixed mask/no mask). the priest, deacon, or extraordinary minister is aware that physical contact has taken place with that communicant, they are to set the Additional notes: ciborium on the altar, proceed to sanitize their fingers/hands, then continue to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful. Given these Adoration – as above. precautions, if someone is still uncomfortable with this safe procedure, then perhaps they could be more comfortable in offering Baptisms – Since it is one family at a time, parents will be asked if a spiritual communion in place of receiving, or to arrive early they will allow the removal of masks by all who fit the CDC and NYS enough prior to Mass so as to sit close to the front so that they criterion. Parents’ choice. would be among the first to receive and so not have to be worried that contact was made. The Bishop also asks that in charity, Weddings – Similar to above. We will speak to the bride and groom. parishioners pray for their priests who are making every effort to Their decision. All must follow CDC and NYS criterion. assure that the Faithful can have safe access and Holy Mass throughout this difficult time. Funerals – Again, as above. The funeral director will speak to the family regarding their preference. LOOKING AHEAD - THE FEAST OF Church Cleaning - We will continue to clean the church in between ST. COLUMBA Masses. Wednesday, June 9 is the Feast of Livestream - We will continue to livestream the Sunday 10:30 am St. Columba, our Parish Patron Saint. Mass and some weekday Masses based on the availability of This year is a special year to honor volunteers, especially in the summer. St. Columba – the world is celebrating the 1500th Anniversary of his birth. On this special occasion, and Music Ministry – This will remain “Status Quo” until the end of the because he is our Patron Saint, the prayers we would use on June summer with just cantors and no choirs yet. In September we will 13 – the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – will be replaced by the discuss any changes we might make. prayers used on the feast of St. Columba. We will keep the readings of the day.
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