SEPT. 21, 1895. THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. 269 THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE MINING INDUSTRY. Visitors find here files of a great number of papers from the mining districts of this and other countries, and books of reference which can be consulted for information on any question in which they may be inter- ested, They can have their letters addressed in care of ‘‘ The Engineering and Mining Journal,” P. O. Box 1833, New York, and will find in the headquarters every convenience for correspondence. The office of the ‘‘ Engineering and Mining Journal ” in Denver, Colo., has been removed to Room 206, Boston Block, where larger and better quarters have been provided to accommodate the increasing business at Entered at the Post-Office of New York, N. Y., as Second-Class Mail Matter, that point. Mr. J. J. Vandemoer remains in charge. Vou. LX. SEPTEMBER 21, No. 12, The improvement in the steel trade has naturally been accompanied by an increase in the demand for spiegeleisen and ferro-manganese, and RIOHARD P, ROTHWELL, 0. E. M. E. Baditor. there has been a very considerable increase in the importations of those ROSSITER W. RAYMOND Ph. D. M. E. Special Contributor articles, and also in the arrivals of manganese ores, the raw material for SOPHIA BRAEUNLIOH, Business Manager, their manufacture here. The production of these ores in this country is so far entirely tuo small to meet the demand, and the main reliance is on THE SCIENTIFIO PUBLISHING 00., Publishers, imported ores. SUBSCRIPTIONS to THE ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL are PAYABLE The chief source of supply recently has been the mines of the Caucasus, in I OB SCRE. Price: For the United States, Mexico and Canada, ¥o per annum; Russia, and the quantity coming here from that country has considerably $2.50 for six months; all other countries in the Postal Union, $7. The address slip on the paper will show date of expiration of subscription. Sub- exceeded that brought from the Spanish or the Cuban mines. In our scribers wishing their address changed will please give the name of the old post- office as well as the new one, market columns this week we note the arrival of a cargo—2,500 tons— Norick OF DISCONTINUANCE.—The JOURNAL is not discontinue? at expiration from Nombre di Dios. This is a fact of interest, as being the first large and is sent to subscribers until an explicit order is received by us, and all pay- ment of arrearages is made, as required by law. The courts invariably hola shipment received from a South American deposit, from which a large a subscriber responsible to the publisher for the subscription price of all papers re- ceived until the paper is_ paid for in full up to date and ordered discontinued. supply is promised. Other cargoes from the same point are expected PAPERS RETURNED ARE NOT NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE, to follow shortly. ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. REMITTANCKS should always be made by Bank Drafts, Post-Office Urders or xpress Money Orders on New York, payable to THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING Co. The Atlanta Exposition was formally opened to the pubiic on Wednes- THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY. day of this week, September 18th, the ceremonies including an interesting OFFICERS : P. O. BOX 184%. address by Judge Emory Speer, as well as shorter speeches by other well 253 Broadway, New York. known gentlemen. In this Exposition special attention is given to the kh, P. ROTHWELL, Pres. & Gen’l Mang. Cable Address: ‘‘Rothwell, New York, display illustrating the mineral resources of the South ; and interest will SOPHIA BRAEUNLICH, SEc’y & TREAS. Use MecNeill’s Cude. be added by the meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers LONDON OFFICE 20 Bucklersbury Rooms 366 and 367), London. in Atlanta next month. E. C., England. Edward Walker, Manager. We expect to present full reports of this important Exposition, from our CHICAGO OFFICE: Monadnock Building, Room 737. special correspondent, from week to week; beginning with a description of the mineral exhibit made by the State of Georgia, to the collection and DENVER OFFICE: Cooper Building, Room 301. arrangement of which much time and care has been given, with a view CONTENTS. of making it a complete illustration of the economic geology of the State Va e, and the possibilities of its mineral industry. The Headquarters of the Mining Industry.............. We rasaunednadeee 269 The Exposition promises to be a notable one in many ways; and those South American Manganese ........... Pas vanseaharis Beene ee . 269 who are unable to visit it personally will find these reports of much in- Ti DUA GR MOON oii ooiso access ccdeactevedeccevssecedececevaes sini glen 269 Water Power WiGCGPic PIAMts, . ois... .cccccccccses csek svoevssdeccscecescs 26 tcrest. fo Leo 1aL2k uluaaieweiichiiains WxN a RaGhETONEN eee buy bans 269 I II, . 5 cco nian sgauesciouydadiaunalovdau@ee. — avevecdeedocs 270 The intending investor in electrical transmission plants, where water The Chlorination of Gold Ores........ a eh utinapeceetaasteseehes o hceias 70) power is the initial squrce of energy, as well as the prospective user of ie MME Pe cava rics sistas Ws wad Gare abv ou Wasa wade and whaleanig meade 270 such transmitted power, should carefully investigate the permanency and pie I RIT 8 Sie tecnica sn apaeaneeeaabw@ nn ERE Row ecnania eed 271 DO A AI TOD gS oso siciccdcceanscnsdsienwadeavanssereedisicccscnsesess 271 reliability of the water supply. A lateexample of the results of disregard- NIN Phe acca, da Sule dainedeay Hive. dolsiehae ins 271 ing this advice comes from Australia. The Hillgrove & Armidale Action of Electric Current on Fused Sulphurets ...................... 271 Water Power Electric Company, of New South Wales, after putting in a What is the Merced Gold Mine Worth? o.oo... oo... 271 plant costing over $125,000, and making agreements to supply the mining *Determination of the Critical and the Boiling Temperatures of companies in the di:trict with power, is unable to carry out its contracts, RR NEININN 8 hore rea sina ON UA as an dite ae Ml tee tae K. Olszewski 272 Abstracts of Official Reports............ Nope Ta aGeenueAead clas eceeaa ere 273 owing to the water supply having given out. ‘True, the past season is the *A Sand Filter for Chlorination Barrels..... ....... John E. Rothwell 274 driest known there for 20 years, but dry seasons will come and power be *The Siemens & Halske Electric Rock Drills .. ..... .....W. Meissner 275 just as necessary then as at any other time. *Water Power and Electric Transmission............................ 277 Recent Decisions Affecting the Mining Industry... ............ 278 If the possibility of obtaing fuel, and other local conditions will permit Patents Relating to Mining and Metallurgy... 278 it, a plant of this kind should besup, lied with a steam relay of a capacity Personal, Obituary, Societies, Technical Schools, Industrial _. 279 equal to at least one-half the ncrmal water power capacity. If it is used Trade Catalogues ...... eA d Og wel iinet tke ar RS 280 ouly infrequently, s0 much the better, but a total shut-down must be Notes: German Exports to the East, 271—Aluminum Works in Norway, 273—The Berliner Telephone Patent, 2'77—Miners’ avoided at any cost. Relief Societies in England, 27'77- New Russian Enterprises, 2777— Iron Ore in Ireland, 278—Ship Mortality, 2'78—Strengthening The article on the manufacture of paving brick in lowa, which was Cyanide Solutions, 278—Petroleum Fuel in Russia, 2’778—Gold in published in the ‘ Journal” of last week, possesses interest as relating to Russia, 278. new industry, which is growing very rapidly. Brick for * Illustrated. a comparatively street pavements in towns was introduced some years ago, and after MINING NEWs: TS. is scnnan ee Chicago....... 285 | Duluth....ccccoe 290 Vermont........ 283] Cleveland... 286) Aspen.. .... ee several experiments and some failures, manufacturers have learned not Alabama, . - 230] Virginia .... 283 | Philadeluniu., 286 | San Francisco.. 29 only what especial qualities are needed for this purpose, but also how to Arizona... 280) Washington.... 283 Pittaburg..... 286, Pittsburg....... 290 Valitorniz . 230} Wyoming ...... 283 | METALS: Baltimore....... 290 make an article which will meet the requirements, and what are the best Colorado . 280] FOREIGN MINING Gold & Silver 286 | St. Louis........ 290 considerably from those made Florida..... 281 News: Otber Metals. 286 Coal Stocks..... 290 materials to be used. These brick differ Idaho,.....,. ee | eee 284 | CHEMICALS AND Ind. and Trust.. 290 for ordinary building purposes and require different treatment in their Illinois..... seeee 281] Br. Columbia... 284 MINERALS. Colo Springs . 250 Ms xeccubwean 281 |} Mexico 284 New York.... 288 Helena oo WD manufacture, as the makers have now learned. It is to be understood Kentucky....... 281' Ontario ...... 284} _Liverpool..... 288 Shanghai........ 290 use of brick for paving the roadway ; ordinary Bs sseceee ae 231 | Queensland..... 284 | MINING Srocks: Salt ‘ Lake City. 290 that we refer here to the Maryland aaa 281| So. Africa...... 284| New York.... 288 London. 290 bricks have been in use for sidewalks for many years, and many such Meeachusetts.. 281 | West Australia 284/ Boston........ 288 Paris .. -» 290 Menigan. vevcee 281] LATEST MINING Colo. Springs. 288 Mexico. 290 walks may be found in old towns, especially in Eastern Pennsylvania and Mere uti. «+42 281 WOO: ciscewas 284 Salt Lake City 288 Valparaiso ...., 290 along the Hudson River in New York. Ontana........ 282 MARKETS } ; Sanfrancisco. 239 Philadelphia.... 290 EID 66.459 arco 282 | COAL: London....... 289 CURKENT PRICES: The use of paving brick hus naturally grown most rapidly in some of new Jersey .... 282 New York.... 284 ee 289 Chemicals ...... 290 ee York +++. £82] Buffalo .-. 285| Aug. Divid... 289 Minerals........ 290 the Western States, where stone suitable for road-making is scarce and ont Carolina.
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