BAŞAR BAYSAL BAYSAL BAŞAR CONSTRUCTING SECURITY IN COLOMBIA: THE CASE OF FARC CASE THE COLOMBIA: IN SECURITY CONSTRUCTING CONSTRUCTING SECURITY IN COLOMBIA: THE CASE OF FARC A Ph.D. Dissertation by BAŞAR BAYSAL Department of International Relations Bilkent University 2017 University Bilkent İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara June 2017 To Cihan Barış CONSTRUCTING SECURITY IN COLOMBIA: THE CASE OF FARC The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by BAŞAR BAYSAL In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA June 2017 i I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Ajsoc. flof .Dr.Murat Önsoy Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. Dr. Hasan Tolga Bölükbaşı Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. ssist. Prof. Dr. Berk Esen Examining Commiffee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Taşkale Examining Commiffee Member Approval of the Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTING SECURITY IN COLOMBIA: THE CASE OF FARC Baysal, Başar Ph.D., Department of International Relations Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Onur İşçi June 2017 This study introduces a new framework for critical security studies to examine the production of security issues, particularly in hybrid democracies. Like the other critical security approaches, this new framework has a constructivist ontology and an interpretivist epistemology. On the other hand, this new framework addresses the critics of the already existing approaches. As novel features, the new framework, regards the process of (in)securitization as a whole process and examines it in three phases: definition, construction, and (in)securitization-in-action; it takes both bottom-up and top-down characteristics of the process of (in)securitization into consideration and examines both macro-level decision-making processes and discursive efforts and micro-level security practices; it takes rival voices into consideration and provides a dual framework for analysis which examines non- violent opposition and counter-(in)securitizations; it integrates new units like the opposition and sufferers; it examines the context of the process of (in)securitization iii by particularly focusing on the historical background and the level of democracy; it divides the security professionals into three levels: strategic, operational and tactical; it examines the insecuritizing consequences of (in)securitization as well as its process; finally, and most importantly, it eliminates the state-centric approach and it can problematize non-state actors too. In addition to these theoretical contributions, the dissertation applies this new framework to the case of dual (in)securitization of FARC and the Colombia state. By that way, it both present the functioning of the framework and examines one of the longest and deadliest internal conflicts of the last century through the lenses of (in)securitization framework. Keywords: Colombian Conflict, FARC, Hybrid Democracies, (In)securitization, Securitization iv ÖZET KOLOMBİYA’DA GÜVENLİĞİN İNŞAASI: FARC MESELESİ Baysal, Başar Doktora, Uluslararası İlişkiler Tez Danışmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Onur İşçi Haziran 2017 Bu çalışma eleştirel güvenlik çalışmaları için yeni bir analiz çerçevesi önermektedir. Diğer eleştirel güvenlik yaklaşımlarında olduğu gibi bu teorik çerçeve de inşacı bir ontoloji ve yorumsamacı bir epistemolojiye sahiptir. Diğer taraftan bu analiz çerçevesi mevcut yaklaşımlara olan eleştirileri karşılayabilmektedir. Yeni özellikler olarak, bu çalışma, güvenlik(siz)leştirmeyi bütün bir süreç olarak görerek bu süreci tanımlama, inşa, güvenliksizleştirici sonuçlar olmak üzere üç safhada analiz etmekte; güvenlik(siz)leştirmenin hem yukarıdan aşağıya hem de aşağıdan yukarıya olan özelliklerini dikkate alarak hem makro seviyedeki karar alma süreçleri ve söylemsel çabaları hem de mikro seviyedeki güvenlik pratiklerini analiz etmekte; güvenlik(siz)leştirme surecindeki karşıt görüşleri dikkate alarak, şiddet içermeyen muhalif hareketleri ve karşıt güvenlik(siz)leştirmeleri de içine alan iki taraflı bir analiz çerçevesi sunmakta; muhalefet ya da güvenliksizleşenler gibi yeni aktörler ortaya koymakta; güvenlik(siz)leştirme sürecinde, özellikle tarihi süreç ve v demokratik seviye gibi, bağlamsal faktörleri analiz çerçevesinin içerisine almakta; güvelik profesyonellerini taktik, operatif ve stratejik olmak üzere üç seviyeye bölmekte; güvenlik(siz)leştirmenin güvenliksizleştirici sonuçlarını da analiz çerçevesine almakta; ve son ve en önemli olarak devlet merkezli analizi kenara koyarak, devlet dışı aktörleri de sorunsallaştırabilmektedir. Bu teorik katkılara ek olarak, bu çalışma ortaya konulan bu teorik analiz çerçevesini FARC ve Kolombiya Devletinin iki taraflı güvenlik(siz)leştirilmesi meselesine uygulamaktadır. Böylece, hem teorik çerçevenin uygulanırlığı gösterilmekte hem de son yüzyılın en kanlı ve uzun iç çatışmalarından birisi güvenli(siz)leştirme çerçevesinde analiz edilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: FARC, Güvenlikleştirme, Güvenlik(siz)leştirme, Kolombiya İç Çatışması, Melez Demokrasiler vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I owe my deepest gratitude to my dissertation supervisors Dr. Can E. Mutlu and Dr. Onur İşçi. Without their support and guidance, this dissertation would not have been completed. I also express my warmest gratitude to my thesis committee members, Dr. Nil Şatana, Dr. Berk Esen, Dr. Tolga Bölükbaşı, Dr. Murat Önsoy, and Dr. Ali Rıza Taşkale. I am extremely thankful to my friends in the Department of International Relations, Uluç Karakaş, Erkam Sula, Çağla Lüleci-Sula, Rana Türkmen, Buğra Sarı, Toygar Halistoprak, and Minenur Küçük. They provided an unprecedented academic and social atmosphere for four years. I am also particularly grateful to Fatih Erol and Alperen Özkan for their support and friendship. I owe a great debt of gratitude to my colleagues, Salih Zengin, Doğan Aksoy, Samet Gökkaya, Hasan Okçay, Ertuğrul Dön and Gökhan Altın for providing an excellent environment at work. They always supported my academic studies patiently. I am also deeply thankful to TUBİTAK BİDEB, which supported me during my doctoral education. vii Above all, I am extremely grateful to my wife Nurten Baysal for her encouragement and support. Without her love and patience, I would not have finalized this study. I am thankful to my mother Hamiyet, my father Hüseyin and my brother Barış for their unending love and support. I have always felt their reassuring presence at my back in all phases of my life. Finally, I am thankful to my son Cihan Barış for his sweet smile and providing cheerful atmosphere at home. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. iii ÖZET ......................................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................xiii LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................xiv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1 1.1 Gaps, Research Questions, and Contributions..............................................2 1.2 Methodology.................................................................................................7 1.3 Presentation Order.......................................................................................12 CHAPTER 2: CRITICAL SECURITY STUDIES: A LITERATURE REVIEW....14 2.1 Critical Security Studies..............................................................................15 2.1.1 Traditional Security Studies and Critical Security Studies.............17 2.1.2 Beginnings and Ends: A Time-Based Explanation.........................22 2.1.3 An Explanation Based On Different Approaches...........................26 2.1.4 Insights from the General Literature on Critical Security Studies…..................................................................................................30 ix 2.2 Securitization Theory..................................................................................32 2.2.1 The Units of Securitization.............................................................37 2.2.2 Normative Standing
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