RESOLUTION NO. R-73-2018 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH RW DUNTEMAN COMPANY OF ADDISON ILLINOIS FOR THE 2018 MPI MFT PAVEMENT PATCHING PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $98,681.44 WHEREAS the Village of Bensenville performs annual pavement patching program. in an effort to extend the life of its infrastructure. maximize taxpayer dollars, as well as maintain safe roadways for all those who pass through our Village, and WHEREAS the Village joined other municipalities within DuPage County to in an alliance known as the Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) to jointly bid out common annual maintenance programs; and WHEREAS the Village believes MPI provides potential cost savings; and WHEREAS the Village of Lombard, Downers Grove Sanitary District and Village of Woodridge were the other communities that participated in the joint pavement patching program this year; and WHEREAS RW Dunteman Company submitted the lowest responsible and responsive bid in the amount of$1,334,996.67 on April 19, 2018; and WHEREAS based on bid prices the Village's portion of the bid equated to $49,177.02; and WHEREAS the staff believes additional patching is required throughout other areas of town; and WHEREAS staff feels at this price the quantity should be increased for a contract amount of $98,681.44; and WHEREAS each municipality must enter into an individual contract with the lowest bidder for its portion of the work. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bensenville, Counties of DuPage and Cook, Illinois as follows: SECTION ONE: The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. SECTION TWO: The Village Board authorizes and approves the attached Resolution authorizing a construction award to R W Dunteman Company for the 2018 MP! MFT Pavement Patching Program in the amount of $98.681.44 SECTION THREE: The Village Manger is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Village of Bensenville, and the Deputy Clerk is hereby authorized to attest thereto, the necessary paperwork. SECTION FOUR: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval as provided by law. SECTION FIVE: This Resolution is passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bensenville. Illinois, dated May 22, 2018. APPRO D: ~ • Frank DeSimon , age President ATTEST: AYES: Carmona,Franz,Jaworska,Lomax,Panicola,Perez NAYS: ----------------------------None ABSENT: ----------------------------None ~-Department W of Transportation Tabulation of Bids Date 19-Apr-18 Na1ne oi""Btctde, W. Dun!eman Comp-;;;:;- Brothers As halt_P._~vmg. 1T1C _ Schroe'1_er Asphalt:?.~\:. ----~n PavirlQ C". ___ Local Public Agency; Vrllage of Lomba_i:~ ----·----- ---·- LR East Addison Court o':=.'------------ lime~ Address al Brdder P.O. Bo, 112S 315 S. Stewart Avenue P 0. Box 831 1025 Counly DuP__ Hunlle, IL 60142 Arlin ton Hei htS, IL 60_9~ Section. 18-00000-01 -GM Appropriation __________, i ~.IL 60101 Addison, IL 60101 Est11na1e 1,488,548.65 Proposal Guaran1ee· · i Terms Attendeo By. Approved Engrneer's Est1ma1e -- Total cill Del,ve__rj_ ,oo u,111 Pn;e" I s Iotal _ or; Unit \ s - Total o.sio·oo uri",tP:~c e ~ ~-™ Item No. lte~ l~~1 ___ Ouant1t\l-;, Unit Pfl~e : s To:~-~looo ~ Un,t_Pn~e Total ~ P•7~e 30 00 000 1 00 0 0 9200 00 200 · Ea~h E<cavat;on s ..110000 5:v 50 5000 S 150000 ·- -~J___... J~OOO 400~..)_l.__- 200000~001S __ 1.~2.E.2- .. 4100 Removaland.f>1sposalotUnsv•l~~leMa1e"~' 4•~ 1,480~J }500 S 595()00 50001S 850000 4500 $ 16,000 J5JO,S 595000 An\!:09aroBaseCou,se TypeB 12"{CA·!J CY 170 ~0000 ~.$ ·OQOOO 700 $ 140000 IOOOIS JOOOOO 1Dq S ··-~·~ ... Aoc<e<MlelorTemnorarvAcce~s TN 200 J5l17 010 S 1011n ~01:s J\317 075 $ 264115 B11um,no.,sMa1e"als(TackCoa1 lB 35,317 0101$ 706340 001 s !i500 S 19221?500 . 7000 S 206.£19000 6350 S 18i /6950 (Mach,~a MelhOd). N59 TN 2,957 -~.~~ ------==--\i2~J $ tl)4Bt150 ·- lovel1oa B,nde< ~S 100000 250 S 2,000 100 ~!_- 250000 ,------ 150 1 15000 1000 S 100000 Tern rn,,Ramn SY .. -~ s 45111000 6500 ;JH600G :;s ,01sJaoo -- HMASu~aceCours,,,M,,D,Nso z -- TN.. 6684 .. 65001> 41-l.46006 625il; ,,n~oo s 5% S Jl:?2100 ·- 6%"5 36,61\0 - 600 S Jl4SOOG PortiandCMcreteS,ocwalk5" SF. 5.575 •• ~,!- JJ.•5000 ·- 550_1$ )066250 2 2 1 ::·;~;~~ • ;~~ i ; ~ l~ c--·· ~:, ~~~~: ;: ::~ ~ 1: ~t;; ~ ~ ;;:%~ ; i _2~;~ ~~~;c~:,:c:~~~o:al 2· ~~ rn,~;; /47 1)0'.IEo -- 180 S 121,36940 2 JO_ S '09,76005 -· l 1~ I /tD )0 -- HMA Su,1ace Romo.val 2 5· SY 67~ f----"Tso ~"irn 951 Sil. f---· 200 u______.. ~ ~ '>ls 55%.S '201) s 1051200 100 s g;oca. Drrvewa,P;,v_§'men1Remova1 .1 SY 876 ,oon $ !J_\4000 .. 130015 1752000. 505 S :;:;,moo son S 21,91JOOO 5_00 ; 119\1•100 -·· Cornbrnat<0nCurba"1lGu1mrRemova1 "'i FT 4380 IDOO S 4JOOOOD 40_1!..)___!__ 716250 101 S 586-810 100 I 5,810,10 175 S tOT615iJ S1dewalkRernoval I SF 5.810 200 > 1162000 115'$ S 20000 ·- 210C S :lil600 "100 S IDOOO -· c,assOP~1ches, Tvn,,11.2· IIMASurlac~Course.Mi,D,NSO~y--------t ..... SY 14 51)00 $ 70000 Mod" I 112000 200CT ~ !i 2l80C0 212\00 WOO$ 11800:J 1900 S 1.Gl100 . ClassOPa1ot1os,TYP"lll 2"-HM.~SurlaceCou1so M,,o.NS0,2' 1 SY.... 10 - OGOO I 5.•50~ 2500) 8)81800 1850 I l!5,11850 1600; 73616DO ClassOPatches.hoolV 2•,HMASurlaceCoLJrse M<XO,NS0,2· i SY 4.601 3000 $ 1:IB03000 130011 5981JOO 1800 S S J.24000 ~ S 8\GOOOi --~ ·· 2300 $ 1.!8-400 3000 5_,0000 ~> 1 ClassOPalches,~MASurtaceCourse.M,,D N50,3" SY 108 ··~T.. 2£100 75.00 S 6751){] M,,o,NS0,3" SY 9 ·~r--~ . ~000 S 81GOO 2500 $ nsoo ----~ S Typelll.3"-HMASurtaceCou;se r--- c'tassOPatch<lS, 2500; 10000 • 2soor-r---·- /8400 7500; 1!0000 ClassOPa1ct1es,T IV.3 ·HMASurtaceCourso,MixO,NS0.3" SY 2S Jooor--- 1-4000 -·· 8000 S 22,000 3000 $ 399000 4000 S >)1000 - 3600 I 47$800 3615 5 4JlBI/I [lassOPalches.T 11.4• '· SY 133 sooo S 665000 i- 41'>-l'iO l675 $ 466725 ! 127 .. 'li~ -·· 3400_)_1 4)1800 400G $ 5,0lliJOO ;,tso.s Ci~SSQ_Palch~lil,4" ·sy ~4--__ -· 2B00·$ 921200 )500 $ 11,51500~--JJOO S 10,85100 3675 J; 1200015 <.;rasslJl'alcMs I iV 4· I SY 329 ·-.~-,--·;~ S 2,!00~ 4500 S 1.51500 .4175 S 161115 Class6Palches.TyP<lll._6" SY 3_,; $000 S 115000 .. 3000 I qJOOO _E;i)OG ~ ... ~~:; 16:: 00,;:~ 62:~: ~ :;;;; ~~~~; ~~~ $8~;~~ ~~ 13~: --~+-- 52;:;: ~~:~•:::~~=:~ :~-:. 4760000 10COOS 70,00000 8300$ 5-8.10000 _ 65o-:JS 15~0DCll .-------c1assOPa1chos.Tvn<>IV,1Cf I _SY i'..QO 100GS !~-·- 6800; _ 2323 S 99.424 40 ·-· :/JOO S r;s_,4000 21 00 $ M 06000 n Gor1crole Curb aM ~ulter, Type 86 12 FT 4.280 _ 22 00 S 94 160 on 2300 S 30440 CO L. Comb,nation 500015 1,,0000 3000 S 150000 ~Cornb,na11onConcreteCurt>andGu1ter,Typ<>B624 ' fT 50 J>OO S l.15COO 3700; 1,85000 5050 $ 152500 ~OOC S 1,0COOO ·~s 5,00000 10()00 S SMODO 4500W ' Non-S .craiWasteD,soosa• - · CY 50 10~0~~00000 9000 I 1% •·• 101 S 101 ..............i.~.LS 100 - tOO S .. 1°'.:---11 1 Traff1cCor,t,olandProtecl1M.Slanda1d701006-05 Lombardi LS 1 150000 S 15ciGOQ 1il') ; ~>-- ! :~~~r<itnc\1on ~land,i,d7~1301-~~-1Lombafd_l L~ i 1 1,SOC.00 $ :oo ~; ; ';;; ; I 00 t, .. 01 $ 1 01 .. ~ 1 -~ii',:~~::•1 'rolecl,on. :;;tanoa,d /01311-UJ (LombarOI L:;; 1 I •JUbllU ) --1.000 00 1 /JO I ·-·--------+-%% \ $ 80000DO 49,00000 S 49,0CO 00 21 00000 S 21.002~ ~'-1Zl 6'J I - <l 12tlf11 (_____ T-"•A"•,~ ~v,11,01 - and Protecl,on. S1anda,d 701501-0G (lomtr;afdl l.S 1 15,00GOO :; 15,00liOO BOOOC 00 1,0IOC-!J 10015 100 100 S 100 TtMf1cCon,roiaMProtec1,on Slanda<d701801-06(Lombatdi LS 100000 $ l(lOIJOO ,oo S IOG <OWOO 1i 757SI>? S /57500 ooooor-5 1,00000 1,1soOO s----.. 1110DO_ .... Traft,cCon1rolaodPro1eciaonStanda1d701501,06i8ensenv,llel _LS 250000 S - 2500001---· I.SCOO 5 11-:-000 r /515~ S 751$0 ,oooop S 1,00000 1,20000 S 11~00 L- T1;1n,c0.n1rola,,dProt~~on(DownersGmveSan,1a,yo,su,c11 _ 1:s:t= 2,50002 ~?JOO S ,20000 S ~.OSOOO '.~0000 S 1.00000 11~000 S lt50~0 · TrafficCon1<olaMPr<itoc1,on Woodnd e' LS ' 250000 > 25'.'<IJOO \l51JOO 5 TIS!JOO SOSOOO 00 S -1<!4 DO 111 00 $ ~44 00 ... 4 00 S 444 00 ; 04 S 44~~ • 40 S 48640 ~ !_. ~~op•ast,c PaV<l,!!'~e11ers & Svmbols ! SF ~ ,33610 9.702. - lo:J S 9,1011!Q:~?5 503610 056 S 5,4ll12 0651S 6.30630 055 S __••t1e4" FT ~_••_,_mopiast,cPav~rn-entMark,_,, 39840 OBI 40JJB .085 S 413:JO OlliJ s we•o TMerm~ ,~s1,cPave01en1Mark•n9-L,rieW rr 49B .1.50 s 14700 __ 080 I s 1.2~'.0 151 S 116)11 --·~- IJl<l5 \.50 12,!lSO T~ermopiast,cPavementMar~tnQ L,ne12 FT 831 ... ~~-.. 1,0115[1 \50 I Therrnoplasttc PaV<lment Ma~• L•ne 24" ---I-- FT ~ .. • 1\~1~~ ·--- ---- --- --- SY -~58 ~1 ,~~:: ! :~:~ - ! ,~--~~: 1:~~ ! ,~·:!i~ 4~~ ! § >IMAO,rvewav·ra,e,nem3· 2~: J~: ;~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ;~~~ ; ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ :~: ~~ :~~ ; t--- ~~ . ;;~~ ; ~~~g~:::~~~:~:~:~: S 12.10000 52500 S 11,52500 35[100 s 14J5000 I-------- o,a,naqe&01,trtyS1rue<u,es1obeMllSIM EA •t 50000 S 1050000 ,0000 S 1e4;c,Jo JliOOO SS50_~ · t2C-OOO_ S - 6,00000 .
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