to 29 January 2010 Development Panel Will meet on Tuesday 9 February 2010 at 12.15 pm in The Wave, Maryport Membership: Councillor Ian Francis (Chairman) Councillor Allan Caine Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Bill Bacon Councillor Peter Bales Councillor Duncan Fairbairn Councillor Carl Holding Councillor Joe Holliday Councillor Ivor Humes Councillor John Hunter Councillor William Jefferson Councillor Peter Kendall Councillor Jim Lister Councillor Heather McIntosh Councillor Jacqueline Mounsey Councillor Alan Smith Councillor Margaret Snaith Councillor Audrey Tinnion Councillor Alan Tyson Councillor Martin Wood Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries simply contact Democratic Services on 01900 702550. Agenda 1. The following Site Visits will take place: 2/2009/0741 - Proposed broiler units (resubmission to 2/2009/0539), Cunningarth, Westward, Wigton (Ward/Parish Reps please be on site by 10.05am) 2/2009/0750 - Temporary consent for the change of use of land for storage of agricultural machinery, Land at Beck Bottom, Beck Bottom Road, Westward, Wigton (Ward/Parish Reps please be on site by 10.50am) Members of the Development Panel will be picked up from The Wave, Maryport and the bus will leave at 9.00a.m. prompt. Lunch will be provided at The Wave, Maryport for Members of the Panel. 2. Minutes (Pages 1 - 4) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2010. 3. Apologies for absence 4. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda, in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 5. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 6. Development Panel - 2 2009 0524 (Pages 5 - 20) 7. Development Panel - 2 2009 0725 (Pages 21 - 24) 8. Development Panel - 2 2009 0726 (Pages 25 - 32) 9. Development Panel - 2 2009 0738 (Pages 33 - 36) 10. Development Panel - 2 2009 0753 (Pages 37 - 46) 11. Development Panel - 2 2009 0797 (Pages 47 - 60) 12. Development Panel - 2 2009 0799 (Pages 61 - 68) 13. Development Panel - 2 2009 0810 (Pages 69 - 76) 14. Development Panel - 2 2009 0811 (Pages 77 - 82) 15. Development Panel - 2 2009 0855 (Pages 83 - 90) 16. Development Panel - 2 2009 0863 (Pages 91 - 106) 17. Development Panel - 2 2009 0864 (Pages 107 - 132) 18. Development Panel - 2 2009 0741 Site Visit (Pages 133 - 142) 19. Development Panel - 2 2009 0750 Site Visit (Pages 143 - 148) Chief Executive Date of next meeting Tuesday 9 March 2010 at 13.00 pm The Wave, Maryport Agenda Item 2 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in The Wave - Maryport on Tuesday 26 January 2010 at 10.30 am Members J Hunter (Chairman) A Caine J Lister J Armstrong H McIntosh B Bacon J M Mounsey P Bales M A Snaith D S Fairbairn A Tinnion C Holding A Tyson P G Kendall Apologies for absence were received from Councillors I W Francis, J Holliday, I A Humes, W H Jefferson, A Smith and M G Wood Staff Present R Evans, S Long, C Tyson and J Ward 471 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 472 Declaration of Interest 5. Solway Coast AONB Management Plan 2009-2014. Councillor Duncan Fairbairn; Personal; due to being a member of Solway AONB. 6. Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework; Consultation. Councillor Audrey Tinnion; Personal; due to being a member of Aspatria Town Council. 6. Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework; Consultation. Councillor Duncan Fairbairn; Personal and Prejudicial; due to being a member of the Port of Workington Board. 6. Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework; Consultation. Councillor Duncan Fairbairn; Personal; due to being a member of Cumbria County Council. 6. Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework; Consultation. Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong; Personal; due to being ward councillor for Wigton. 8. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Page 1 Councillor Alan Tyson; Personal; due to his membership of Cockermouth Town Council. 8. Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Councillor Heather McIntosh; Personal; due to shared ownership of piece of land in Allerdale. 473 Questions None received. 474 Solway Coast AONB Management Plan 2009-2014 The Planning Policy Manager submitted a report regarding the adoption of the Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2009- 2014. The Management Plan was a review of, and replaced, the Solway Coast Management Plan 2004-09 which was adopted by the Council in 2004. The Development Panel had considered a report on the draft Solway Coast AONB Management Plan which had been published for consultation and Allerdale Borough Council had submitted comments on the plan. Members were advised that it is Allerdale Borough Council’s statutory duty to have an adopted up to date Management Plan for the Solway Coast AONB. Recommended – that the Executive be requested to agree that the Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2009-2014 be adopted as the Statutory Management Plan for the AONB. 475 Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework; Consultation The Planning Policy Manager submitted a report detailing Allerdale Borough Council’s proposed comments on the Cumbria Minerals and Waste Development Framework Site Allocations Policies. Members considered each of the sites in turn and considered the proposed highlighted responses. At paragraph 2.4 members asked that the word ‘detrimental’ in the highlighted response be replaced by ‘worsening’. At paragraph 2.6 members felt that rail links were very important to the businesses round the coast and asked that the highlighted response be removed and replaced with ‘Allerdale supports this safeguarding proposal’. Recommended – that the Executive be requested to agree that the comments highlighted in the report be approved as Allerdale’s formal response to the County Council, subject to the highlighted response at paragraph 2.4 being amended so that the word ‘detrimental’ is replaced by ‘worsening’ and the Page 2 highlighted response at paragraph 2.6 being removed and replaced with ‘Allerdale supports this safeguarding proposal’. 476 Statement of Community Involvement The Planning Policy Manager submitted a report asking members to approve the proposed amendments to the Statement of Community Involvement and adopt it as part of the Local Development Framework. In June last year the process by which Local Development Documents were produced was changed. In light of this the Statement of Community Involvement had to be amended to reflect the changes. Members voiced their disappointment that so few Parish Councils had responded when consulted on the draft Statement of Community Involvement. Recommended – that the Executive be requested to agree that the draft Statement of Community Involvement be adopted 477 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) The Planning Policy Manager submitted a report asking members to approve the draft Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for a 4 week consultation. The SHLAA is a catalogue of deliverable sites suitable for potential future housing development. The SHLAA will not be formally adopted, and does not have any official planning status; it sits as part of the evidence base behind policy that will be developed at a later stage. Agreed – (a) that the draft SHLAA be approved for consultation (b) that the draft SHLAA should come back to the Development Panel at the end of the consultation period The meeting closed at 12.20 pm Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 4 Agenda Item 6 Allerdale Borough Council 2/2009/0524 Reference No: 2/2009/0524 Received: 19 June 2009 Proposed Proposed new housing development for 59 No. units, Development: including associated infrastructure and off-site surface water pipe Drawing Numbers: SH066.90.9.SL.PA.C - Site layout planning layout (amendment received 17 December 2009) SH066.90.9.SL.BD - Boundary details and hard surface area details (amendment received 17 December 2009) SH066.90.9.SE.A - Street elevations EXT/T-PLE3 - Planning elevations 3 (amendment received 21 October 2009) SH066.90.9.SL.SW.A - Surface water route (amendment received 21 October 2009) BD-01 - 900mm high fence BD-02 - 1800mm high open boarded fence BD-03 - 1800mm high closed boarded fence BD-04 - 900mm high brick wall BD-05 - 1800mm high brick wall YOR/S-PLE2 - Planning elevations YOR/S-PLP - Floor plans YOR/T-PLE - Planning elevations YOR/T-PLP - Floor plans FAR/S-PLE - Planning elevations FAR/S-PLP - Floor plans EXE/T-PLE1 - Planning elevations 1 (amendment received 21 October 2009) EXE/T-PLE2 - Planning elevations 2 EXE/T-PLP - Floor plans (amendment received 21 October 2009) CHE-PLE - Planning elevations (semi) CHE-PLP - Floor plans (semi) CHE-PLE - Planning elevations CHE-PLP - Floor plans ASC-PLE - Planning elevations ASC-PLP - Floor plans ARU-PLE1 - Planning elevations 1 ARU-PLE2 - Planning elevations 2 ARU-PLP1 - Floor plans 1 ARU-PLP2 - Floor plans 2 APP-PLE - Planning elevations APP-PLP - Floor plans Page 5 SH066/9012 - Schedule of finishes (amendment received 21 October 2009) EXT/T-PLE3 - Planning elevations 3 (amendment received 21 October 2009) EXT/T-PLP2 - Floor plans 3 (amendment received 21October 2009) 2078/001/T4 - External levels (amendment received 17 December 2009) 2078/002/T4 - Site drainage layout (amendment
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