$ 9.s0 BAILEY'S WeHonor FABRIG WeHonor & SUPPLIES 20L7 -20L8 Wholesale Distributors of Furniture & Automotive Fabrics, Vinyls & Upholstery Supplies Ask about the recycled - Recast Leather ButtonMoldsUEnowavailableinlgrossboxes! 7 J-2000 Steamer ..........-.."'.'page 33 Nail Beeding Nickel..........'.page 24 Scotchgard 9 Ll"li.-t-1!"-I:.::.::,:,.:i...........f,age 31 Seraice is our Business- BlrlByts FanRrc & SupPLrES, INC. PO Box 50107 . Tucson, Arizona 85703 Local: (520)628-7321 . Fax: (520)624-4652 . TollFree: 1-800-528+1882 44T4" MEMBER Ata.ratlra Atl*rr*.t lndurty ltrod.ton 72/16/73 IS OUR BUSINESS- -SERVICE BAILEY'S FABRIC & SUPPLIES P.O. BOX 50107 o TUCSON. ARIZONA 85703 (5201 628-7321 . FAX(520)6244652 WHOLESALE TOLLFREE 1-800-528-4887 DISTRIBUTORS STORE HOURS LOCAL DELIVERIES 8:00am to 5:00 pm Ordcrs received by 11:00am Monday through Friday will be delivered the same day. OIj-T OF TOWN SHIPMENTS Ordcrs received by 3:00pm TERMS OF SALE will usually ship the same day. All orders will be shipped COD RETURNS To save COD Charges We do charge a rest<xking charge You may also pay with on retumed fabrics. However, we cannot your Visa or Mastercard. accept returns of discontinued patterns or doseouts unless they are shown to be usable. IN GENERAL lVe stock a large selection of Furniture and Auto upholstery fabrics and vinvls at tremendous savings for our cu6tomers. In addition to r€gular pattems lve also maintain one of the largest selections of closeouts and promotional fabrics and vinyl in the southwest. We also stock and maintain onc of the largest selections of upholsterv supplies in the soulhwest for the Furniture and Auto Industries. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS! - SPECIAL NOTICE *Our catalog is published every 2 years and is meant to be a general guide. Products and prices are subject to change. Please call to con{irm curent Pricing. * Mail: P.O. Box 50107 Tucson, AZ 85703 *1401 N Bailey Lane BAILEYS FABRIC & SUPPLIES H z E TUCSON INDEX ACIDBRUSHLS DOOR HANDLERDMOVER ....................-. 37 ADHESIVES DOORPANELREMOVER A}AR DOWf,LgWOODEN 43 AU-!'E4() PARTS ....,..............,..,.,,........,....2-s DOWN PROOF TICKING 34 BAKERCLTPS & PL1ERS............................37 D{ING 15 BIAS LISTINC DRILLAITS BIAS TAPE DURGSNAI BUTTONS ............................. 7 EOATTOPPING 7 DYKESWIRECUTTERS BOBBTNS. PRE-WOUIYD 6 DGEROll- BOBBINS, STEEL 29 u|CEWIRE BOBBIN CASES 29 EDCf, Wf RECONNECTORS -. ----. -- -.... 12 BOLSTERS 18 EIASTIC BONDEDDACRON 12 EI,ASTrc lTEBBING 47 .EzE*FILM BT-]CKLES 15 BUNJI CORD 7 EASTENERS 73-15 BURI-AP 34 FEUX. G BUTTON MACHINES 6 FINCFRWELT BUTTONS,METAL 7 FI-EXOLATERSPRING BUTTON MOLDS & DIES ........-....,........-. 6-7 FTOAM RUBBER 16-18 BUTTONS, PI,ASTIC 7 FOAMCUTIER 16 BUTTONTWINE & FOA,M RUBBERCEMENT.......,......,.............. 1 CANINGWOVEN 10 GIMP,SCROLL ...... 1E cAl\\r'As GTJ,SS CLEANER I CARPETAU'IrDMOTI!E 8 GLIDES 18 CARPETBINDING 6 GL[,E&CEMFNT CARPETMOLDED ,8 GTIJEGTNS CARPET PAI) ,6 GLUE SPRAYERS CASTERS GLUESTICKS 1 CHALK CLUE POT ... 1 CHALKHOLDER cRoMMETS & TOOI,S ........................ 19-20 CEMENT,COMACT 1 HEADI-INEFS PRDMADE CHIPBOARI) 9 HEADIJNER II,|.ATER[{L ........,..,............... 19 CT,ASPS,TUFTING HEADUNER LISTING CLEANERS& PROTECTORS,............... 9-10 HEADLU\IERTUCKINGT00L -...............-... 39 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS ... (back cover) HEADREST REMOVER CI,EARVII\YL 2a HEATGI-N CLIPS,BAKER HEELPAIN CLIPS, DOOR PAI\EL 4 HOG RINGS 79 coMMoNSENSEFASTENERS ................. 13 HOG RING PLIERS 38 coNracTCEMENT....,............,.................,.. 1 HULUNFX 8 CONVERTIBLETOPS &ACCESSORIES ...11 HOSES, STAPLE GUNS 32-33 coNlT,RTrBlrTAcKsTRlP,..,................... 11 HYDTM 11 cofrv.ERTrBLE wlNDows.........................11 JUTf,WEBBING ?10 CO]\\'ERTIBLE WIRE ON 71 KLTNCH-tTTOO1S.............................-........ 38 COTTON BATTING 10 [-{NDAUGLtE...,'.........,'....'..,..................... 1 coTToN PTPING ......................,..,...............,41 r-aNDAU &ACCESSORTES ............,.........., 20 CUSHIONSLIDf, LfjATHm ...................... 21 cusHtoN uNlTs ...............,....,.,....................31 LECS.WOODEN cLrRvE-EAStr .......................,......................... 12 LIFT.A-DOT 15 DACRO\BONDED 72 DACRON, LOOSE FIBER 72 DECKING DECORAITVE NAIIS 24-26 DIMMERSWTTCH BOOTS DOOR PANELCLTPS MALLEX, WOODEN SUPPLY FABRICS MAI$ RUBBER SWTVEI-s 30 MOLDING Ru,EASE KEY TACKERS MUSLIN TACK HAMMERS 39 NAIIE DECOR{TI}'E 24.-26 TACI(S, UPHOISTERY NAlrA NG,SAG 31 TACKSTRIP NAIL SPACER TACKSTRIP SLEEVE NEEDLES, }IA]\E TYPE THREAI) 36 NIEDLES' SEMNG MACHiNE................. 30 T-iiUTS 22 NO.SAG CLIPS TOOI,s 37-N NGSAC NAII,S TONIYEAU COVER &ACCESSORIES....... 37 NO,SAC SPRING TRANSNE THREAI) 36 NYIONBUTTON TWINE 40 TRUCK SEAT RIGID CLIP.,............,.,....... 41 PAINI', SEMS TRTJNKLINER 10 PANELBOARD TL'FTING NEEDLES 39 PIGTAIL HO.SES TWNE 40 PILTOW FORMS TWIST PINS rl0 PINS, UPHOI.STIiRY 1l{) IJPHOISTERY PINS ..........40 Pt"ts'uc covER KI fs,............................ 12 vElcRo 15-16 Pt {sTtc "EzE" FIL\,I VEN'IS& WASHTRS PT,ASTIC WINDOWS 11 VINYL PAINT PLY CRIP, CURVE.EASE VINYL REPAIR 18 FOLY.NE'T VIirIYLTEX.......................................-........-....... r14 FOLYSCRIM .... (SEW TOAM) 18 WEATHER STRIP GLLTE 1 POP RI\,'ETS & TOOLS ..............,,.,............ 27 WEATHERSTRIP 43 RAZOR BI,ADES & HOLDERS.................. 38 WEBBIlt.iG 4't REGUI-AI{)RS 38 WEBBINC p|-rERS..,...,......,...,.................... 40 RIPPINC TOOIS 39 WEBBING STR"ETCHER.......,.................... 39 ROCXER SPRINGS PLATFORM............. 31 wEL;r coRD.-.......... 4t-42 ROCKER SPRTNGS w/ LEGS .................... 31 ------ -..........,..,.. wEUrFEET................................,..,...,,.,...,... 30 RUBBER MAT WINDLACE 43 RUI N\ ALI.A4INUT,T 39 wNDOwS, COrWERT|BLE.........-....,...... t1 SCREWSw/WASHERS w|RE CLTTTERS 4A SEATBELI WEBBTNG 41 WIREON 11 SEMS PAINT 24 WOODEN DOWELS SEWING MACHINES & PARTS........... 28-30 WOODEN BUTTONS 43 SHEARS 38 WOODEN PLUGS SHEAR SHARPENINC 39 WOOD FIMSH SCOTCHGARD 9 SILICONE SPRAY 9 ZPPER SKIRT UNING ZIPPER FEET SNAPS SNAPON WINDLACE 43 SNIPPED WEIT SPEAKER CT-oTI] SPONGE ROD SPRING BEI\-DERS SPRJNG TWINE 40 SPRINGS & SWTYET-S 3&31 SPRINC CLIP PLIERS STAPLES & STAPT.ERS ..........-............ STAPLE PULLERS .... 39 STAYSKIRT STAAMERS ADHESIVES & ACCESORIES Stick Glue 6un EZE Spray Gun Easy to clean, Loossn adiustment General Purpose Glue Sticks nut aod slide vacuum tube completely All Temperature out, Dio vacrum tube in solvert and blow out with spraygun. 71L6" x tO" 25 per pack Complete Gun wlPlastic Jar complete €un dMetal Jar Lid only for Plastic.lar Plastic Jar only Dap Weldwood Adhesive High Temp. Automotive Contact Cement - Sprayable Glue Pot Parts l Gallon Can and 5GallonPail Glue Gun S 2100 Red Air Hose Black Materlal Hose Solvent for Dap - Acetone Plastic Tank Linel Gasket tor Tank Gallon " Solvent - Thinner - Cleaner - # 3238 Foam & Fabdc Adhesive Clear or Red - Sprayable Gallon Performance Auto Trim Aerosol - Landau Tops - Headliners - Carpet - 22 oz can 3M - 8061 Plastic & Emblem Adhesive ? For adhedng rigid plaslic interior du*,u.l t;;i: trim & exterior plaslic or melal emblems 5 oz tube (clea0 Bailey's Trim Tack - Aerosol 31tr - 8001 Weatherstdp Adhesive Foam and Fabric Adhesive For adhering rubber weatherstrip '12 oz can <s@dt to automotive doors & trunks. 5 oz tube C- 60 Solvent & De-greaset Fabri - Tac Gimp Adhesive Removes grease,dirt,oil, ink and Permanent Adhesive glues lresh paint instantly. fabric to fabric. 16 oz can 4 oz bottle AU-VE-CO PRODUCTS-MISCELLANEOUS AU-VE-CO PRODUCTS - MISCELLANEOUS Av-7107 Cushion Wire Clips AV- I899 Flat Nuts (Cloth Lined) To fasren spring to border For + 8 Scrcws wire - 7/8" Olerall Lcogth Box o{ lm Box of 1m AV- 11146 Shield Retainer AV- t900 Speed Nul GM, Ford , Chrysler 4 l0 Tapping Srew Sizc Box of 25 Bor of 1m AV- Washer Cap AV-1672 Front Seat H inge 8665 Boll End Fastener S:tud size 1n" I'its t' ll (;Nl Cars Box of lm Box of 1m AV' 7578 Cushion Fastener clip A\'-22118 lnsidc Door Handle Retainer Clips io atLch fabric to frame All (iM & Ford Cars Box of 10O Box of 1m Push Retainer AV-9298 Nut AV-9297 Boh Rctaincr (for bolts O.D. 17132" GM Cars for I'li-Boll Box o{ 10O Box of 1m AV-15543 Wheel Well Retainer AV-9416 ''U" Type Head diam: 7/8" l€n8th: 1-3/32" Snao on Clio Stem Box of 1OO Stem diam: 5/16" Box ot 50 AV-73225 "U" Nut AV-16017 Tril'r Panel Clip - CM Trucks'7./-ON Head diami 3/4" Bor oI 50 Stedlength:1" Stem diant 5/16 ' Box of 1m AU-VE-CO PRODUCTS-GLASS SHOP SUPPLIES jndow 4\'-8941 Window Reveal AV:10622 W Reveal i\lokirng Fastener Molding Cliris ('hn'sl€r Ford I 966 - On Box of 100 Box of Y) AV-10630 Window Rcveal A\',-9b33 (;N4 Window (llip \'lolding Fastener wjndshicld Upler & Windshield & Rcar Wrndotu Lower Molding Clip GM 1970 - On (;M 1967 - Ot Box of 50 Bor of 1m Re\'cal A\'-98i12 Iord windo\ Clip AV- r06l I Window Windshield &RearWindorv NJolding Faslencr Re"cal Molding Clip windshicld Ford 1968 - On G\4 l97l On Box of 50 Box of 1m AV. 18398 Windshield Upper Rear Window Reveal A!'-10243 Gamish clip GM 1978 - 19E6 Molding Fasteners GM, Pontiac, Buick, Olds 1969 - 70 Box of 50 Box of 100 AU.VE.CO PRODUCTS-SCREWS & FINISHING WASHERS AV 1712 Phillips Flathead Screws AV- | 601 I B&ss Countersunk Washers (Black #8 x l/4 #6 hd. @mnm'" Zinc) Box oI 100 For #6 Screw Box o{ lm Phillips Oval Head Tapping Scrers w/#6 Heads av-l60t ) Bmss Countersunk Washers (Blxck Zinc, #E x t8" #6 hd .................,...... BoxoIlm For #8

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