i . fll'5I'< fc!l~<:1 Pc'i~<.11¥-tc:f> 341<-t"I,., ~ 6'~ Bahar _Electricity Regulatory Commission ry ' T V1dyut Bhawan-11 , Bailey Road Patna _ 800 021 Letter N el No . 0612-2505280/2504489/6526749/6457918 Fax 0612-2504488 To o.-BERC-~ "-e ~~II\ n 1 ..._ Website www berc.co in E-mail [email protected] in Th . c:, - .S , '-J Patna, Dated:- J 9 \ 1"2- / l & e Chief Engineer (P Bihar State Power Tr ow_er_Management Cell) Vidyut Bhawan J L aNnsm1 ss1on Company Ltd . ' · · ehru Marg, Patna-21 Sub·. - Add"fl tonal information/ cl 'ti . period of FY 201 t F an ,cation of BSPTCL - Tariff Petition for control 9 -20 o Y 2021-22 Ref: BERC Case No. 51/2018 Sir, l am directed to infor m th at consequent upon tilling of Tariff Petition by BSPTCL for T e up of FY 20 I 7 -18 , APR o f FY 20 I 8-19 and ARR of MYT control period 2019-20 \ t tY 2021 -22 , c ommiss1on· · h as gone through the tariff petition and required additional ~ ,\'\ ). C) information/ on the £o ll owing· . However, the submitted. petition. is still under scruitiny by ~/~ the Commission and further additional informations/clarifications may be sought in due ~'v · course as and when requires. t l . Reply to the letter dated 23 .11 .2018 on the queries raised on Business Plan. 2. Scheme wise and element wise capitalization details for FY 2017-18 may please be furnished. 3. Assets capitalised during FY 2017-18 is at Rs.139 l.30 crore (Table 6) and capitalisation through CWIP is at Rs. I 255 .90 crore (Table 5). Details for the difference may be reported giving particulars of direct additions to assets. 4. Disposal of land of Rs.2.28 crore (Note-\) is shown in the audited accounts for FY 2017-18. Details may be furnished with regard to amount realised vs book value and adjustments made in the accounts. 5. Opening grants (Table 7) is adopted at Rs.1401.47 crore for FY 2017-\8. The Commission has approved closing grants at Rs. 1636.04 crore in true up for FY 20\6- 17 in tariff order dated 07 .03.2018. Reasons for adopting Rs .\ 40 I .4 7 crore may be reported. d . FY 2017-18 (Table 7) is shown at Rs.37 .36 crore. The 6. Addition to grants unng 220 36 crore (Note-14) is received towards consumer audited accounts s h ows R s. · . D tails of the consumer contribution may be furrnshed along with contribution. e k for which the amount is received along with. reason t re of work and status o f wor . f na u l t towards addition to grants for computation o for not considering the tota amoun depreciation, etc. 7. The opening grants for FY 2018-19 was adopted at Rs.1653.20 crore (Table 31), however, the closing grants for FY 2017-18 are at Rs.1438.83 er (Table 7). Similarly, the Opening GFA for FY 2018-19 is adopted at Rs .6385.61 er (Table 31) whereas closing GFA is at Rs. 6372.2 er for FY 2017-18 (Table 7). Reasons for inconsistency may be reported. The discrepancy has consequential effect on computation of depreciation for FY 2018-19 to FY 2021 -22 . 8. Rate of depreciation is adopted at 5.28%. The effective rate of depreciation shall be worked based on the actual depreciation as per audited accounts for FY 2017-18 and the same shall be adopted for FY 2018-19 onwards subject to true up based on audited accounts of relevant year. 9. Interest on loan is claimed at Rs.42.69 crore (Note 24) in truing up based on the audited accounts for FY 2017-18. Reasons may be reported in view Regulation 73 [ read with regulation 71 ( 1)(i)] of BERC Regulations 2007. I 0. The Commission had approved closing equity at Rs .321 .22 er (equity w.e.f. 1.4.2015) in truing up for FY 2016-17 in Tariff order dated 07.03 .2018 the same should have been adopted as opening equity for FY 2017-18. However, the opening equity is adopted at Rs.1239.24 er (equity w.e.f. 1.4.2015). Reasons may be reported. The discrepancy has consequential effect on computation of RoE for FY 2018-19 to FY 2021-22. 11. Mode of financing of upcoming projects (Para 3.2) is shown at 80% loan and 20% equity from State Govt. However, for computation of RoE (Table 45) equity addition is considered at 30% of the capitalisation. Reasons may be reported. 12. Mode of financing of upcoming projects (Para 3.2) is shown at 80% loan and 20% equity from State Govt. However, for computation of interest on (Table 32) loan addition during the year (FY 2018-19 to FY 2021-22 year on year) different values are considered irrespective of capitalisation. Further, repayment of loan is not considered year on year. Reasons may be reported. 13. Details of holding company expenses claimed for FY 2017-18 may be provided alongwith related bills/letter of correspondence claiming the expenses by BSPHCL. Copy of accounts of the holding company may be provided. Further, reasons for incurring huge expenses during FY 2017-18 may also be reported. 14. Copy of the IT assessment for FY 2017-18 (Assessment year 2018-19) may be furnished. 15. The Commission had approved Rs.623.58 crore towards transmission charges for FY 2017-18 in Tariff order dated 09.03.2017, however as per audited accounts for FY E.BERC Letters 2018 docx<SKP> 2017- 18 the transmi ssion charges are shown at Rs. 583 .28 crore. Reasons for the difference ofRs.40.30 crore (623 .58-583 .28) may be reported. 16. Trial balance for 1st halfyear of FY 2018-19 showing revenue and expenses (account/nature of expenditure head-wise) may be furnished. 17. Certificate of assets actually put use may be furnished in respect of assets put to use during FY 2017- 18 and up to November 2018. Further Substation-wise and line-wise energy transmitted/handled during the Year 2017- 18 may be furni shed . 18. The submitted petition does not contain information/data as required under regulation 11 .3 of the Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff and SLDC Charges) Regulations, 2018. Provide the following which are essential to be submitted along with petition for determination of tariff and charges: A.Soft copy of petition with form and formats, spreadsheet etc alongwith all formulas, link and referances. B. Duly signed with complete information strictly in prescribed format of Form no-SI to Form no-Pl2 appended to the Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (Multi Year Transmission Tariff and SLDC Charges) Regulations, 2018. 19. Non of the form are signed and most of them are not in prescribed format with complete information, inconsistencies observed during examination of the submitted information are detailed below: a) Form PI : for FY 2017-18, there is inconsistency in data provided for losses of BSPTCL. For 132 KV , 24573.45505 MU has been shown as input energy while 21049.89204 MU shown as energy delivered; loss has been shown as 3.11%. Again 26760.45 MU shown as input energy for total energy delivered (Row-D) at intra-state transmission system while 25559.38 MU has been shown as energy delivered to Discoms and consequent losses has been shown as 4.49%. However it has not been mentioned in audited account of BSPTCL. This may be clarified. b) For Form Pl , energy handling projection for inter-state system for FY 2019-20, 20-21 and 21-22 is not in consonance with projection done by Discoms in their tariff petition. This may be verified and clarified. c) Form P2, 12765.07 MU has been shown as total energy delivered by BSPTCL to Discoms and Bulk consumers. Again this data is not matching with data provided in form Pl. It may be clarified. d) For Form P3, details for 132 KV and 33 KV may be provided. e) Form P7, data for 220 KV and 132 KV has been provided only for GSS Biharsharif. This may be clarified. E BERC Letters 2018 docx<SKP> ~v 6 I) Form P8, details of force majcure load shedding condition may be provided. g) Form P9, in 132 KV Ki shangang new has zero overloading data. Reason for mentioning Kishanganj GSS may be provided. For FY 2020-21 and FY 21-22, 220 KV Bcgusarai feeders has been shown overloaded by 34% and 132 KV Madhcpura for FY 2021 -22 has still been shown as 80 which is in contrast to huge capital expenditure incurred by BSPTCL in Tariff Petition. This may please be clarified. h) Form PIO may be submitted circle wi se. i) F orm PI 2 has been left blank. Details may be provided. j) Form F3 , prima facie it appears connected load projection is incorrect and not in consonance with Discoms. It may please be verified. k) Form F4, revenue for MYT period from current tariff has been taken same as projected revenue required by the licensee for the MYT period (FY 2019-20 to FY 2020-2 I). This may please be clarified. 1) Form FS-1 , partial details have been furnished. Details of Transmission lines, substations and Transformers details have not been provided for MYT period (FY 2019-20 to FY 2020-21 ). This may please be furnished . m) Form F7- I, details of Loan, Equity, Grants may be furnished.
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