I n s i d e MICHIGAN W e a t h e r Governor’ s Wife Held In Jail, Cloudy with possibility of p. 3; Aid Sought To Stop STATE scattered thunderstorms. Locker Larcenies, p. 6; Sub­ r Turning warmer with high stitution Change HelpsState, UNIVERSITY TAT in the middle 50’ s. Satur­ p. 7. day, cloudy and colder. Vol. 55, Number 116 Friday, April 3, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10* Bias Group Studies Open Housing Goulart Flies Into Exile 6-3 Vote Denies E .L. Afler Anti-Red Revolt Discrimination Proved Commission Tables Motion RIO.DE JANEIRO i/P—-Ousted in the finale of Brazil's anti­ Goulart has arrived in Montevi­ President JoaoGoulart, abandon­ communist revolution. deo, Uruguay, with his family and To Recommend JailTerms ing his vow to fight to the death, The Uruguayan charge d’af­ some of his associates. By SUE JACOBY flew into exile Thursday night faires in Rio De Janeiro said More than a million Brazil­ ians poured through Rio De Ja­ State News Staff Writer neiro’s main street in tumul­ tuous celebration of Goulart’s A proposal for an open housing ordinance downfall and victory for politico- which could impose crim inal sanctions on m ilitary leaders who acted to prevent a Cuban-style takeover. persons practicing racial discrim ination in C o n g re s s , early Thursday real estate transactions was introduced at a morning, had sworn in Paschoal Ranieri Mazzilli, president of meeting of the East Lansing Human Relations the Chamber of Deputies, as his Com m ission Wednesday. successor. Earlier, a motion by Dr. H. C. Tien that Goulart's last redoubt in the southern state of Rio Grande Do the Human Relations Commission Sul, where he was born 47 years go on record as being convinced ago, apparently collapsed under that sufficient and conclusive evi­ relentless pressure fro m the dence of racial discrimination generals who launched the up­ has been established in East CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY--Students pause between classes in front of Berkey Hall to examine rising Tuesday. Lansing was defeated by a 6 to In a voice choked with of the many campaign pos ers on Campus Elections for cl ass officers will be held April 3 vote. emotion. Mayor Sereno Chaise Photo by George Junne The ordinance re co m m e n ­ dations would prohibit property BOLZANI MALFERRARI of Porto Alegre announced over the radio that Goulart and a party owners, realtors and financial of 15 had left, that resistance offices from discriminating was all over and told the people against potential customers on .o go home. N ew Form s U sed Elections the basis of race, color, religion Informants in Porto Alegre, or national origin. Rio, Grande Do Sul's capital, The Human Relations Com­ Brazilian Students For AUSG mission would be empowered to said it was believed Goulart knew he faced a debacle and decided In C ourse C hange investigate formal complaints to leave to prevent the blood­ and turn over its findings to the shed of a futile resistance. 'Crucial1 city attorney for prosecution if Approve Ousting A new form will be used this office to process drops and adds evidence of racial discrimi­ With the first rebel columns This term’s All-University Goulart had stayed in power be­ from rhe North marching In tr i­ term for dropping and addirig n data processing equipment. nation is established. By FAYE UNGER Student Government presidential cause he had not defined himself umph through Rio De Janeiro, the courses, Registrar Horace C. 'Only those class changes made on Persons convicted of racial State News Stoff Writer election could be one of the most and his position, Carlos Bolzani, rebel, generals announced they King announced Thursday. the form will be accepted. discrimination in the Municipal .Brazilian students on campus crucial elections in the history Caxius Dosul, Brazil, graduate had arrested the 3rd army’ s com- The new form, which is in trip­ The drop and add period is Court of East Lansing would be favor the ousting of former Pres­ Monday through Wednesday in of AUSG, a c c o rd in g to Gary student, said. Lately, however, (continued on page 5) licate, will enable the registrar's guilty of a misdemeanor and Falkenstein, Sturgis sophomore ROBERT LEE GREEN ident Goulart, but they feel that he had been leaning toward the the first floor Union concourse. subject to a maximum $300 fine n e w ly inaugurated President and AUSG electionscommission- left in initiating the reform pro­ If the change affects a student’s or 30 days in jail. er. M azilli will need the support of grams Brazil so desperately fees, then he must go through Thomas B. Schepers, chair­ the Brazilian congress to initiate needs. the process in 106 Administra­ He said that AUSG is present­ man of the Human Relations Com­ ly held in low regard by both stu­ the needed reforms. This tendency to the left wing, tion Building. mission, adjourned the meeting dents and administrators, and Await FHA Bolzani said, was the immediate A student dropping a course after a hot debate erupted over that the person who is elected reason for ousting Goulart, but and adding another must get two a motion by Tien that the com­ president must be able to create International Club the shaky economic conditions of the new forms. On the first mission submit the ordinance Ruling In in« Brazil are an underlying fac­ he w ill mark an "X ” in the box respect and prestige for the or­ recommendations to the City To Greet Students tor. marked "D rop" and fill out the ganization. Council for final approval. other information. Elections for AUSG president The Rev. Wallace W, Robert­ "The Brazilian people want re­ U.S. Must Support World Unity The International Club will hold form, but reform without On the second form he will and class officers will be held son, p a s to r of East Lansing Bias Case A pril 16. a welcome night at 8 in the Union Goulart or another Cuba,” Carlos BERKELEY, Calif, (fl—Americans must grasp with new strength mark an "X ’ in the space marked People’ s Church, proposed that No presidential c a n d id a te s Ballroom. Malferrari, a graduate student the "audacious dream" of world unity, Adlai Stevenson, U.S. "Add" and fill out information Tien’ s motion be tabled until An MSU faculty member and an have officially filed petitionsyet, Syed A. Hassan, club presi­ from Sao Paulo, Brazil, said. ambassador to the United Nations, said Thursday. about the course he is adding. At committee members had a chance East Lansing realtor involved in but there are two who have filed dent, said that all students are . "Another cause of the move­ " If the United States does not press on” in support of world the Union, he will be given ama­ to examine thoroughly the ordi­ one of the first cases in Michi­ for class offices.. Arthur Block, welcome, especially American ment against Goulart was the un­ policing and world law, said Stevenson, "the world, I believe chine scoring pencil to blank out nance recommendations. Wed­ gan under a Presidential order Brooklyn, N.Y., junior, is run­ i students. The evening is co­ dermining of the m ilitary author­ without rhetoric or exaggeration, is lost.” his student number and his sched­ nesday was the first time the barring racial discrimination in ning for senior class vice-presi­ sponsored by the International ities power by his constantly for­ Both Stevenson and U Thant, secretary general of the United ule seqiience num ber of the full committee had seen the open federal housing have both de­ Club and the International Co­ giving the military mutinies," Nations, were featured speakers at the 96th charier anniversary courses he is dropping and add­ dent, and Judy Keyser, Mansfield, housing report. Debate on the clined to comment after a hear­ operation Committee. Malferrari added. ceremonies at the University of California. ing on the two forms. Ohio, sophomore, has filed for ordinance will be re-opened at ing before the regional director junior class vice-president. Admission is free and refresh­ The Goulart administration If a student is dhly dropping a the next meeting of the Human of the Federal Housing Adminis­ course or adding one, he will Falkenstein said candidates Relations Commission May 6. tration. (FHA). ments will be served. (continued on page 3) Gemini Test Flight Postponed only use one of the forms. One are allowed to place A-frame ■ The subcommittee’s proposed Robert L. Green, a Negro in­ CAPE KENNEDY, Fla., I/P)—The long-awaited first test flight form will be required for each displays near the walks from ordinance w ould prohibit dis­ structor in education, and Rex J. in the two-man gemini program, an attempt to orbit an unmanned course dropped or added. Beaumont Tower to the Union crimination in financial terms of Frink, an East Lansing property spacecraft, Thursday was postponed one day until next Wednesday. Students wanting to change and between the Union and Ber­ real estate contracts as well owner, both said they would make So The Sig E p B u s Project officials put the blame for the delay on a short circuit sections in the same course will key Hall. as the selling or leasing of prop­ no statement before they were no­ in emergency electrical power equipment on the launching pad. complete this process within the A-frame displays may also erty.
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