FORTFort ROBINSONRobinson22013 0 HISTORYHistory 0 9 CONFERENCEConference sschedule c h e d u l e oof f eevents v e n t s THURSDAY,T H U R S D A Y, APRIL A P R I L 25 2 3 1:30–1:30 3 p.m. – 3 p.m. 1– 4 p.m. PlenaryPlenary Session Session,: “U.S. cont. Army Forts and Camps,” continued Preconference Tour to Warbonnet1 p.m skirmish – 4 p.m. site “After the Indian Wars” Led by Paul Hedren, weather permitting 3– 6 p.m. Preconference tour to Warbonnet skirmish site 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. led by Paul L.(No Hedren, fee, departs weather from Fort Robinson permitting Museum, Free Time carpooling in personal vehicles.) Free Time No fee, departs from Fort Robinson Tour Fort Robinson or visit the Museum of the Fur Trade, Chadron (on your own.) FortMuseum, Robinson carpooling Museum (1905in personal Post Headquarters) vehicles. Tour historic Fort Robinson venues 5 p.m – 75–7 p.m. p.m. 6:30–7:306:30 p.m. p.m. Registration & Reception Registration and Reception, ReceptionReception Fort Robinson Museum 7:307 p.m. p.m. F R I D A Y, A P R I L 2 4 BanquetBanquet Address: “Winning the West Revisited” FRIDAY, APRILFort Robinson Museum26 Address by Thomas Powers, South Royalton, VT, author of 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. SherryThe Killing L. Smith of ,Crazy professor Horse of (2010) history, “Crazy Southern Horse: Methodist Looking for University,the Deep Dallas Story” 8 a.m.Registration – 5 p.m. Registration, Fort Robinson Museum RecognitionRecognition of of Conference Conference Honoree Honoree Col. John Herbert D. McDermott M. Hart, , USMCRapid (ret.) City,, author, SD. Old Forts of the West series, secretary/ editor, Council on America’s Military Past, 1971–2008 8 a.m. – 108– 10a.m. a.m. Plenary Session: “U.S. Army Forts and Camps” Plenary Session: PRESENTERS “AfterModerator: the Indian Brent Wars”Carmack Assistant Director, Fort Collins (Colo.) Museum P Brent R E Carmack S E N (Fort T E Collins, R S CO) Moderator 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Anne W. Bond—Soldiers, Consumptives, Lunatics, and Criminals: Independent Historian, Denver Motorcoach Tour, Wounded Knee FortPaul Lyon, L. Colorado,Hedren (Omaha, 1860–2005 NE). 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. “Custer, Crazy Horse, and the Legacy of an Indian War” Massacre site and Museum of the Fur Trade Thomas R. Buecker—Military Powder Magazines on the Northern Motorcoach Tour to PlainsThomas. Curator, R. Buecker Fort Robinson (Lincoln, Museum, NE) Nebraska State Historical Fort Laramie National Historic6 p.m. Site Society“ Pretty Well Fixed for Defense: Enclosed Army Posts on the Northern Plains” Buffalo Stew Dinner Gayle Carlson—Material Culture of the Early Western Military Douglas C. McChristian (Tucson, AZ) 6 p.m. Frontier: Nebraska’s Engineer Cantonement and Fort Atkinson, 7:30 p.m. 1819–1827.“At Cross State Purposes: Archeologist, The Army Nebraska after StateLittle HistoricalBighorn” Society Buffalo Stew Dinner Reception and Authors’ Book Signing Dr. Brian W. Dippie (Victoria, BC) Ephriam“The Changing D. Dickson Image III—Shutterbugs of George and Armstrong Solldiers: Photographers Custer” 7:30 p.m. at Frontier Army Posts. Curator, Fort Douglas Military Museum, Authors’ Book-signing & Reception SaltR. Lake Eli Paul City (Kansas City, MO) SATURDAY, APRIL 27 “General Hugh Scott and the Indians” Paul Hedren—The Brief and Sometimes Tumultuous Life of Camp Sheridan,Jerome Camp A. Greene Robinson’s (Denver, Curious CO) Neighbor. National Park 8:15 a.m. – 12 Noon Service“ On the(ret.), Brink: Omaha The Pre-Wounded Knee Army S A T U R D A Y, A P R I L 2 5 Deployment of 1890” Plenary Session, cont. JohnBrian D. McDermottShellum (Alexandria,—Forts on the VA) Plains: The Harsh Environment. Independent Historian, Rapid City, S.D. “After the8:15 Indian a.m.–12 Wars” noon “Charles Young and the Buffalo Soldiers after the Indian Wars” Plenary Session: “U.S. Army Forts and Camps,” EliPanel Paul— DiscussionAnton Schonborn, Overlooked Artist of the Western Forts. 12 Noon – 1:15 continuedp.m. Director,“ The Next National Campaign: World War The One Futur Museum,e of Frontier Kansas CityArmy/Indian Lunch Wars Research” 12 noon–1:15 p.m. Tracy M. Potter—The Rebirth of Fort Abraham Lincoln. Executive Lunch Director, Fort Abraham Lincoln Foundation, Mandan, N.D. A paid registration is required of everyone attending. REGISTRATIONr e g i s t r a t i on FORM f o r m A paid registration is required of everyone attending. Deadline Apr. 6 Registration/Conference Fee Fee Name(s) ______________________________________________________ $ Name(s) ___ Regular Regular Preregistration Preregistration ... .$10090 FormForm ofof payment:payment: $ check (made payable to the Affiliation _____________________________________________________ ___ Student Student Preregistration Preregistration . ... .$7060 ❏ check (made payable to the NebraskaNebraska State State Historical Historical Society) Affiliation ___ Registration(Includes sessions, (after receptions, Apr. 6) . .$110 ❏ cash Address ______________________________________________________ Registrationtwo lunches, fee includesrefreshment sessions, breaks) receptions, cash bus tour, museum admissions, Friday & ❏ credit card: Motorcoach Tour .......$20 credit card: Address Saturday lunches, and refreshment breaks. ❏ Mastercard ❏ Visa ❏ Discover City __________________________________________________________ (100-seat limit) Mastercard Visa ___ Friday Buffalo Stew meal. $10 card # ________________________ Friday Buffalo Stew Meal. .$10 card # State _______________________________ Zip ______________________ ___ Saturday Banquet . $20 City State Zip exp.exp. date date _____________________ Saturday Banquet ......$20 Telephone (daytime) ( ) __________________________________ $ _______________________________ E-mail TotalTotal $ _________ signaturesignature In emergency, contact ___________________ ( ) _____________ SendSend this this form form with with payment payment to: to: Telephone (daytime) ( ) FortFort Robinson Robinson History History Conference Conference ForFor further further information information Space for the plenary sessions, bus tours, & banquet is limited. NebraskaNebraska State State Historical Historical Society Society call 402-471-3272 15001500 R R Street, Street, P.O. P.O. Box Box 82554 82554 call 402-471-3272 In emergency,Return contact Registration by April ( 6, )2009 Lincoln,Lincoln, Nebraska Nebraska 68501-255468501-2554 and specify that you are with the Fort Robinson History Conference. History Robinson Fort the with are you that specify and reservations lodging make to 665-2900, (308) Park, State Robinson Fort call Please and specify that you are with the Fort Robinson History Conference. History Robinson Fort the with are you that specify and Historical Society Foundation Society Historical Historical Society Foundation Society Historical Electrical hookups and shower/latrine facilities are available. are facilities shower/latrine and hookups Electrical Donors to the Nebraska State Nebraska the to Donors Please call Fort Robinson State Park, (308 Park, State Robinson Fort call Please )665-2900, to make lodging reservations lodging make to )665-2900, Donors to the Nebraska State State Nebraska the to Donors Campground The Dawes County Travel Board Travel County Dawes The The Dawes County Travel Board Travel County Dawes The Rooms for one to eight persons. eight to one for Rooms Electrical hookups and shower/latrine facilities are available. are facilities shower/latrine and hookups Electrical has been provided by provided been has been provided by provided been Campground Quarters) Officers’ Bachelor (1909 Hall Comanche Funding for the conference the for Funding Funding for the conference has conference the for Funding Rooms for one to eight persons. eight to one for Rooms Each duplex half has baths, kitchen, utensils, dishes, and linens. Number of beds varies. beds of Number linens. and dishes, utensils, kitchen, baths, has half duplex Each (1909 Bachelor Officers Bachelor (1909 Quarters) ’ Comanche Hall Hall Comanche Quarters) Officers’ 1887 and –75 (1874 Adobes Cabin Each duplex half has baths, kitchen, utensils, dishes, and linens. Units sleep 10 or 12. or 10 sleep Units linens. and dishes, utensils, kitchen, baths, has half duplex Each with private baths. private with (1874 Quarters) ’ Officers 1887 & 75 – Cabin Adobes Cabin rooms 22 and restaurant, Inn Robinson Fort office, park the include Facilities with private baths. private with Facilities include the park office, Fort Robinson Inn restaurant, Howard Dodd Hall, and 22 rooms 22 and Hall, Dodd Howard restaurant, Inn Robinson Fort office, park the include Facilities Lodge The The Lodge The Limited lodging has been reserved in the following historic structures: historic following the in reserved been has lodging Limited lodging has been reserved in the following historic structures: historic following the in reserved been has lodging Robinson. Fort historic of grounds the on stay to opportunity the have will Registrants Registrants will have the opportunity to stay on the grounds of historic Fort Robinson. Limited Robinson. Fort historic of grounds the on stay to opportunity the have will Registrants Accommodations Accommodations evening meals are additional charges. additional are meals evening Saturday evening meals are additional charges. additional are meals evening Saturday Saturday and Friday The fee. registration the in included are lunches Saturday and Friday Friday and Saturday lunches are included in the regular registration fee. The Friday and Friday The fee. registration regular the in included are lunches Saturday and Friday The
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