Everywhere It's Junior Chess NEW SCHOLASTIC ~~ OSIAS BAIN WINS ST

Everywhere It's Junior Chess NEW SCHOLASTIC ~~ OSIAS BAIN WINS ST

• ess 1 e Volume T Tuesday. N umber 18 om clnl PubUcati on of jf)e Unl teel Stutes (oess federcltl on M~)' 20, 1947 Everywhere It's Junior Chess NEW SCHOLASTIC ~~ OSIAS BAIN WINS ST. PETE (FLA.) CHESS LEAGUE QUEBEC CITY HAS 26th ANNUAL BOOSTS JR. CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP SOUTHERN MEET F UI' ther strldes woro mnue In In Quehflc (Canadll) 0 81ns Bain, .Iuly 3 at 51. Pe tersuurg (1" 10..) Penllsylv[luin.- scholasllc chess and a. studenl of chemistry a t Laval wIll IJe the scene of tho 2601 An­ lllla l TOllrn:lluent of the S Oulhel'lI allow o. l Hlgos chess club OI"gan ­ llniverlllly. \\'011 It th ree·cornered bled In Allooll[l with a "Ingle ~l\' e ll t ro lny·olT with Marcel 1)1011 :uul Hllg· Che"s AssoclnUon. " he SL Pe ters· In tlHll Slnll) r cctm Uy. u:tJ by m' Lemelin 10 become City Cha",· Iml'/! Chess Cluh 1\'111 1)lny hU lll 10 \\,i l11 :1I1I ;\1. Hyland (I"W"lml'J:h). I.inn or Qllehel'. III lir e Illay'on: Ihill hb,torlc cl'('lIt II'hl".. hnd 14 ", ~ lale ~'('tl e rnIi Q II ]'rOllltlnlll [lild ]t(\in WOII [l'<lm Dloll nnd tire\\' humble heglunillg-5 in the (J co!·!("I:. USCii' Vlce'P"\lllhlenl, 11 mUI,-1I l,e­ ,vilh L\: m e lin. while L omelln lost l" h ... hla C hess As ~· II. urg",,17.('d h. twcell Celliral Penllsylvania. Pi Ul>­ 10 Uion. III tile regllial' I.ont'llft· J!l22 by l\lrtjol' J ohn ll. 11 11 11, edltol' hut'g ll and Altoona hIgh schools IIlenl. [jilin, l ..olllelill a lld DI(l 1l wei'e t heu or a chess collllllll ill I h ~' was UI'I"[I,II/iCti in the laUer elly. lied fill' 11 1'1,1 with 6·1 eaCh. Savan nah Mornh\g News. alld D, PltlalJuq:"h's sll'Oug cllll) waUled Quebee Clly Ch_m"lonlhl" J'. WitHe (deceased). odltor of !I 0.\". Unl" _ ........ 6·1 column 111 the Jacksonvitre Times off with ull honors. defeating tho Itnl'<"'1 III"" ............ _ 6-1 Union. 'I'hl ~ flJ'fll tOlll'llamelll \\'I\S now AUoona Cluo 1:-0 and turtling l!"l<~r l.e "",IIo, .... __.. 6.] ,:.,,,,,,1 -" ~ . I , · "". _._ .. ____ .. __ .. __ ...... _ 4 . ~ won hy Ne!!lnr IIerllantiC7. o ( 'l'um· hnck t he c (mlrnl Sinler!!. :\.J . The " . I). Yen,,,,,,,,, . __ .__ .............__ .. _ .____ 21 -4~ la ~ l llall1ed olllu lucluded IJllIyen .\,11"" 1... , ,,,,,/ _ .. __ .. _. __ .... __.. _ .. 2-6 IHl who receh'ed a Ri hC!' cup f rom ) , ,\. /oI ",-i_Il.· ~ ___ ___ .• __ •. _________ 1.6 from I1l1nl!l1,urg. YOr'k lIJ1(1 n CRd· Ihn Jacksollvlllt TIr"es Union. The 1Ii"",,,,1 'I' ..~ I~ r ._ __ .~ __ .. _ ... ___ .. _.___ .~ " j.6A 1:\1'<,01ld tUl1rnlllrrelit W:I", l\'tlll hy ing. lInrrlshl!!'g nlHl Altoona drew In '1'01'01110 I ~. II . ,\mtel'f<l)1I le:J(If< I' ..1 . Walker whl.l r ecch eli U 8111·cl· theil" mald\ 2-2 l .. I,h• •! e Ihe ncw In Ihe current cil), chf\mptllilshill CU ll f"Olll the Savannah MornIng club 111 las t l llace. wllh :J score IIf 5-0 bill. mllst Illeet News. Uy land. ntJsIsle (J by USCF DI. the l'unner'UII, H. Jlldout, In Iho The Georgla·Florlda Ass'n grew rector John D. J ~rtnch (Harris· final \'IIund. Ridout willi "·1 to his in lo tile Southeaatern C lt CSII As,J'n burg), llcl d an organiZation m eet· credit Ilo\da tJl e tJ l rent or a lie. ami In 1927 t h is ber.ame t he SOIl OI ' Ing ca lled by Durwooll B. Halch n. D. Cody with H· l~ And It bye m'lI CheRs lIaA ·II. Marthl Soulherll (Altoona) lit t he RCCll e ()t tile schol. ft)1' Ihe tlnnl ,·01l11l1 nwallH tho reo (I{lIoxvll1o) Is ,Iresillent; Major J. astlc matciles, lIle Al tooll!l. Under· suit with Interes t. a s It vlclory by n. Jlolt (Long nC!lch), IIcc·y -trclls. : g radUate Center. Wllh Ha tch all 1'(,"" "'01 him with 1(,ll1 pnr/lt'y "hlllrl1lll" IIn,1 (lo(ln::t. :> • .,t. OllJII'J11 I' r nmp,,/. I1rlll VIC-C, plrlll,Jflnf; 111111 K A. 1"'Oku,) tWlnl· 1'('ll>le,· ni' :,,·tlll):' ~"'· I · "tl1ry. th,' 1.1111 0111;:11) . !:!oco lI,1 \·1ce·l.rcslde nl. 1'. new R(l nlu r clul! 1Y1l ~ r"l'IlIcd w ILl, V. Grnhll.m. d lrllctor ur recre!lUIIIl 61;,: BClIlo l' rnemllers and lwelvo ILL. STATE CHESS school players. fol' St. Petersburg, and J a cob Swld, HOLDS MEETING IOllrli'urnellt dh·tlctnr ( 0 1' the St , Pel· III addItion to the n'ree·shled c"~IJ\lrl': Chess Cillb IIro Col1a bomt· mat.ch as un In lerest ~eUe,·. By· PLANS TOURNEY III/! III lund ," T:l1Ig'! !llf\II' " ror Ihe InlHl 1:":11' (, U Sl llllltl ~II"'Jll II l!:o' lIl hI. The IlIiIl1.if' RIal<' C hil f'~ ,\,*'" 1111','1 I,, !!. 1;011, 1-"'''I'l ,,1': 15·2, 11 ... I,,~I uIII}' tu h.'ltl H,; a ll"u:ll lU(!elillJ.; "" " IllY I ',.ul 1"1 11'11,. I'ill!lllllrgh ,1 unil.lr ·1 Hml clN:j(·.1 a U<.llY .; lnle or nm­ C hamIJiU\l. IJla )' llI l~ in consull OliO n emf;. ~arl U a\' i d~un (ChiC(I,I!n, EDWARD TREEND'S w ith olher 101' hoard membe rR uf "'as c hose" II1'U";,lo,,l: H lI l<"t!1l SERVICES FETED lois hm m, illid yie l.l t... l a 1)()lr ur Cockrell Ilto(:krul'Il ). Jfflnll L y lm r g­ ,Iraws. {)I' (Peol'la), AIlJm'l C. IIInrgolis AT EDISON CLUB . A return eHmt mnlle final to ( C hicago ). l<~lrrar Mlchclllen (Chi· In honv" of tho ten consecntivo IIIallS ror lhe Penl1!:\ylvnnla IlIler. ens,,). Homer 'J'. Orsho l'1l (1~lglll). years o f Rcrvice or r':dwanl 1. schulastic LeaplC IHI !:! heen 1If'! (o r :11111 Alhert S;olld";" (l!hic(,~"l. '1'''I'elHt nR "II . )nl~·el·. "'''''J' .,r tllp'lI Ila1Tl~hurl-\', l\'HY li' ii't. Wilh 1" :1111 " .. i<'''·I .... '~ IoI''III . ~: l'lllli Ada",,. { !""r­ ill Il, p ",.,1'1011 1< 1'1.1,· "I' ''''''1' 1> 1''''1'. f1'0 1t\ l'!tr :< llu" gh { ~). l ' Ioll;"I"I .. Io;a. (\ ~ I I'ilrk \' ~'·''I' .. ' I''I·y: lIml C1I",·I,·" Ih!' 1':dI RoT1 Ch,,-"!< :llId ('''''''''''1' t'I,,1o \ 11(\ on:1 . Allpn!{lwn ('1'10,· 1,(' 101 1:1 1 I'. ,\ da",,, (l'u!'>:'''t 1',,1'11).11"':',\111·"1'. (U,'lr"il ) tunl"11 Ih,) ~\!I IH,,,I rowe!.· 1',llley C!lIh), alld Ceu lr:rl 1'01111' Plans wero imllletllll(.e ly luiUnlcd illg Inlo a g:tla ev allt 1.0 cole hralc ~ ylvatlJ!l. (2) lucludlng juuil)l' play· 10 hold the illinois Slate .JunIO l· tbe event. There wel'e al'OeehcR, 1'6 (rom Harrisburg, Yor]l, Head· Chells Ch~mplonshllJ "UUrtlllllleut the presentation or a scr() 11 of I\p. lug. J.. uncullter Rnd the ClllLlherlulld KOLTANOWSK1, WATCH OUT FOR YOUR. l.AUREl.S! UPOII Memorial Ony woekllll(L Ad· I)reclation :anti the gl(t. of n lenlhel' Vlllley Club. A match bctWlltlll lhe Y"''''s A/bul S,mJ,;", /o,mn 111;" o;~ S I,,', CI,~ ,>t"io", 8"'''"' "T<>~<;~'" 41 Ih. dress Paul Adams, 1063 Troost travollng bag to COIIJllIOrn o rate the Pittsburgh Downtown "Y" Chess b/i"dj,,/d gm".. Th ~ J~lIj"g js " (tUtll ~x"jbi/io" tI/ I"~ Mid .. 'r !/ Athl.t;< Cl"b Ave .. Forest Park, Ill. (Chi<ago, I/I;"o;s). occaalcn. :Iul) and the Lehigh Valley C hells ~ lub will complete lIle highly 'hesll ed weekend. All events will le In tile Ccntral YMCA a t 11111" IlI bu,·g. Tile junlol' e vents will be directed ly Jack Costello" (Hummelstown) M.ry JO·lr"'~ 1 May lO'}"nr 1 }""" 28·}"ly J """,I<JI 11l·2J ' ho recently woo '" USCF LICe Oak Ridge Open Tournament illinois Junior Championship 1947 Open Tourna m e nt of the 48th U. S. Open Champions h Ip leOlberllhlp Ilnd I s now dlrec t()r Oak Ridge, T enneuee Chicago, illinois New Jer sey State Chtss Tournament Jt illterllcholasllc C hess for the Feder ation Open to all ches s 1)layeI'R: k~ntJ'y Open to all Illinois 1)lllyers 1111· Corpus C hrlltt, Tt)u'ls 'CUliBylvRnlrt Stn.te Federation; Venlnor City, N.J. fee $3.00, under 21 uge $Z.\IO ; nd· del' 2J; e ntry fee all(1 IJla ce 11.1 ho O]len to all chess \llaye rs; l'Jntry vhlle lhe senIor Illatch nnd gen. Open to all; entry fee $6.00; all· dress Gf'Ol'ge W. S" m c l' ~. Ii:! ' nllnuu1l('ed. "dllrl'~s Panl A(lnms. f ee to he Illlnonn<:et\ Inter: mldrl"I's 'ml <.' hl1irnr:lnshlp ot t.ho ",nllre Itr. Ilrl':<" Jl khanl W. Wayne. 2:18 No. l'enn l:\y lvmlia Avenue. Oak 1t!.lgc. 111[,;\ 'l'I~",!;1 An'" l~ore1>1 l'ar ][. 111. Harry E. Grahnm, 326 Lallr!'I, "II' will ile directed by John D. Uudley Ave .

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