3338 CONGRESS!ONAL RECORD-SENATE. ·SENATE. · . merchant marine of the United States while in ·foreign ports etc., which was referred to the Oommtttee on Commerce. · ·' Frun.u, March 18, 1910. · Mr. BRISTOW presented petitions of sundry citizens of · Palco., Smith Center, Nat-oma, Downs, Alton, Conway Springs Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Argonia, Mulvane, and McPherson County, all in the Sta~ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ of ~ansas, _praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit proved. ~e m!ers~ate tra~sportation of intoxicating liquors in prohioi­ MESSAGE "FROM THE HOUSE. tion districts~ which were referred to the Committee on Inter­ A. message from the House of Representatives, by W. J. state Commerce. Browning, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed Mr. SCOTT presented a petition of Ritchie Council, No. 2105, a joint resolution (H. J. Res. 172) enlarging the scope of in­ Royal Arcanum, of Wheeling, W. Va., praying fur the enact­ quiry of the schedules relating to population for the Thirteenth ment of legislation providing for the admission of _publications Decennial Census, in whlch it requested the concurrence of the of fraternal societies to the mails as second-class matter which Senate. was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Mr. BULKELEY presented a petition -of the Ruth Wyllyis ENROLLED .BILL SIGNED. Chapter of the National Society, Daughters of the American The message also announced that the Speaker of the House Revolution, of Hartford, Conn., praying for the retention and had signed the enrolled bill S. 1864, an .act to facilitate the strengthening of the Division of Information -Of the Bureau of use for manufacturing purposes of square 328, in the city of Immigration and Naturalization in the Department- of Com­ Washington, as authorized in the act of Congress of February merce and Labor, which was referred to the Committee oh 1, 1907, and it was thereupon signed by the Vice-President Immigration. PETITroNs AND MEMORIALS. ;Mr. PILES presented a petition of the Seattle Ohapter of the Mr. FLINT presented a memorial of the Board -0f Trade of National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution of Redlands, Cal., remonstrating against the enactment of le<>'i,sla­ Seattle, Wash., praying for the retention and strengtbenin;,. of tion transferring to the several States the power to grant rights the Division of Information of the Bureau of Immigration °and of way over unappropriated public lands, which was referred Naturalization in the Department of Commerce and Labot to the Committee on Public Lands. which was referred to the Committee on Immigration. ' He also presented a petition of Arroyo Grande Council No. Mr. BURTON presented a petition of Riverside Council, No. 1375, Knights of Columbus, of Arroyo Grande, Cal., praying for 673, Royal Arcanum, of Clevel::tnd, Ohio, praying for the en­ the enactment of legislation providing for the admission of actment of legislation providing for the admission Qf the publi­ publications of fraternal societies to the mails as second.:.class cations of fraternal societies to the mails as second-class mat­ matter, which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and ter, which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices un.d Post-Roads. Post-Roads. Mr. WETMORE ·presented a memorial of the Board of Trade He also J)resented a petition of Edward Moore Camp~ No. 41, Department of California., United Spanish War Veterans, of Qf Providence, R. I., remonstrating against the enactment of Pasadena, Cal., ·and a petition of Bennington Camp, No. 20, De­ legislation to .create a court of commerce, and to runend the aet partment of California, United Spanish War Veterans, pt:ay­ entitled "An act to regulate commerce," which was ordered to ing. for the enactment of legislation granting travel pay and lie on the table. · · commutation of subsistence to the mustered-out volunteer sol­ 1\1~. BURKETT presented a petition of sun.dry ex-Union diers who served in the Philippine Islands, which were referred soldiers of Tecumseh, Nebr., praying for the passage of the so­ to the Oommittee on Military Affairs. called " per diem pension bill," which was referred to the com­ He also presented a memorial of the Ebell Club, of Los An­ mittee on Pensions. geles, Cal., and a memorial of the Contemporary Club, of Red­ l\lr. BROWN presented a petition of the board of directors lands, Cal., remonstrating against the water supply of the of the North Platte Valley Water Users' Association of Ne­ braska, praying for th-e adoption of certain amendments to the ~etch Hetchy Valley being used by the. city of San Francisco, Cal., which were referred to the Comm1ttee on Conservation of so-called "reclamation project," which was r-eferred to the Oom­ National Resources. .mittee on Irrigation all.d Reclamation of Arid Lands. Mr. GALLINGER. I present resolutions adopted at a mass Mr. NEWLA.NDS presented a petition of the Trade and meeting of citizens of the District of Columbia favoring the Labor C<:>~mcil, American Federation -0f Lab-Or, of Goldfield, passage of Senate bill 5473, for the better regulation of the Nev., pra.ymg for the passage of the so-called "eight-hour bill~" liquor traffic in the District of Columbia; and also resolutions and also for the passage of the so-:called " employers' liability of the Anti-Saloon League of the District of Columbia on the bill," which was referred to the Committee on Education and same subject, together with a large number of letters froiu Labor. citizens of the District of Columbia. I move that the lette.rs Ur. BRADLEY presented a petition of Local Council No. be referred with the resolutions to the Committee on the Dis­ 1377, Knights of Columbus, of Maysville, Ky.~ praying for the trict of Columbia. €nactment of legislation to provide for the admission of the The motion was agreed to. publications of fraternal societies to the mail as second-ela.ss Mr. GALLINGER presented a petition -0f the East Washing­ matter, which was referred to the Oommittee on Post-Offices ton Heights Citizens' Association of the city of Washington, and Post-Roads. praying for the enactment of legislation providing for the in­ l\!r. BRA.J\TDEGEE presented a petition -of Danbury Council, corporation of the East Washington Suburban Railway Com­ No. 1310, Royal .Ar.canum, -Of Danbury, Conn.~ praying for the pany of the District of Columbia., which was referred to the enactment of legislation providing for the admission of publica­ Committee -0n the District of Columbia. tions of fraternal societies to the mail as second--class matter Be also presented a petition of the East Washington Heights which was referred to the Committee on Post--O:ffices and Post: Citizens' Association of the city of Washington, praying for Roads. the enactment of legislation extending the time for the comple­ Mr. CURTIS presented memorials of sundry citizens of New­ tion of the East Washington .Heights Traction Railway, which ton and Augusta, and of members of the Forestry Club of Oak­ was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. land, all in the State of Kansas, remonstrating against the He also presented .a petition of the Georgetown Citizens' .As­ water supply of the Retch Hetchy Valley being used by the · sociation, praying for the adoption of certain amendments to city of San Francisco, Cal., which wer-e referred to the Oom­ the bill J)roviding for the establishment of a probation and pa­ mittee on Conservation of National Re ources. trol system for the District of Columbia, which was referred He a.lso presented a petition of sundry citizens of St Fran­ to the Committee on the District of Colmnbia. cis, Kans., praying that increased pension be granted to all He also presented a petition of the Georgetown Citizens' .As­ the survivors of the Mexkan and. civil wars, which was referred 'Sociation of the District of Columbia, praying for the passn.ge to the Committee on Pensi-0ns. of the so-called " Gallinger-Bouten bill,'' amendatory to the He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Kansas, .l\Iorrill Act, which was ordered to lie on the table. -praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the inter­ Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of Local Division No. 236, state transportation of intoxicating liquors in prohibition dis­ Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employees of tricts, which was referred to the Committee on .Interstate America, of Alton, Ill., praying for the passage of the so­ Commerce. called "eight-hour bill," which was referred to the Committee REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. on Education and Labor. Mr. FLINT, from the Dommittee on Education and Labor, ·He also presented a petition of the Marine Firemen, OUers, to whom was referred the bill (S. 423) to establish in the aml Water Tenders' Benevolent Association of the Great Lakes, Department of Commerce and Labor a bureau to be known as of Chicago, Ill., praying for the enactment of legislation to the children's bureau, reported it with amendments and sub­ abt)lish the involuntary servitude imposed upon seamen in the mitted a report _ (No~ 417) thereon. 1910. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 33'J9 Mr. FRAZIER, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to make the request. However, I am very anxious to have its con­ whom was referred the bill (S. 1119) to authorize the appoint­ sideration concluded. It is a matter of local interest. · ment of Frank de l. Carrington as major of infantry in the Mr. PAGE. I withdraw the objection, Mr. President. United States Army, reported it with an amendment and sub­ There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the mitted a report (No.
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