10 Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage September 1999 Coming Events October 16, 1999 Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association fall meeting in Milwaukee. Business meeting at 9:30 am at the Milwaukee public library. Lunch cruise on the yacht Edelweiss starting at noon. Contact Tom Villand at 608-221-1996 or email [email protected] November 20, 1999 Gales of November in Duluth, MN. Additional information is available by phone at 218- 727-2497 or by email at [email protected]. December 4, 1999 Sole Survivor program at the Milwaukee public library at 6:45 pm. Dennis Hale's story of the sinking of the Daniel Morrell his survival. Presented by the Wisconsin Lake Schooner Education Association and the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society. To register call Kelly at WLSEA (414) 276-7700. Wisconsin Underwater Archeological Association P.O. Box 6081 Madison, WI 53716 For those interested in the study and preservation of Wisconsin’s underwater history and cultural resources. Wisconsin’s UNDERWATER HERITAGE Vol.9 No. 3 A publication of the Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association September 1999 Bullhead Point Stone Ship Wrecks by Jeff Gray and Danny Aerts or the last several years, in underwater archeology. Each fall, sec- early May (usually just after the ond year students at ECU have the Fice went out), a small group of option of attending a field school to WUAA members routinely congregat- gain hands on underwater archeologi- ed at Bull Head Point in Sturgeon Bay. cal experience. Often facing the spring rains, the Dr. Rodgers wanted to give his stu- team would spend these weekends dents the opportunity to work fin to fin crawling over the remains of three with both state and vocational archeol- vessels located in the shallow water of ogists. Being familiar with the wrecks, Cruise the River Sturgeon Bay. The two-day field ses- SHSW, WUAA and the area (he is a sions produced substantial archeologi- Green Bay native), Dr. Rodgers with WUAA at cal data, but completion of the site believed the Bull Head Point wrecks plans and report lingered due to the were ideal for the field school. the Fall Meeting short field sessions. However, this fall an opportunity arose for WUAA mem- On September 9, 1999, the crew See details on page 2. bers to spend two weeks working the arrived in Wisconsin to begin the pro- wrecks with the State Historical ject that will last until September 27. Society of Wisconsin and East Throughout the project WUAA mem- Carolina University. bers and archeologists from the SHSW will work with the ECU group to build Late this summer, Dr. Bradley off the data previously collected and Rodgers (you may remember Dr. complete the survey of the Ida Corning, Aerial view of Bullhead Point Rodgers as the lecturer from last Empire State, and Oak Leaf. A jointly wreck site, Sturgeon Bay spring’s workshop, "Sail, Steam, and produced report is anticipated for the Profit Margin") sometime next year. approached the State Historical Society and The Empire State was a wooden WUAA with a proposal to steamer built in Buffalo, NY, by Mason bring a field school to & Bidwell in 1862. The dimensions Wisconsin. Dr. Rodgers is were; length 212 feet, beam 32.7 feet, a professor in East draft 12.2 feet, gross tons 1116.53 and Carolina University’s net tons 962.8. The registry number Program in Maritime was 7229. History and Underwater In her prime the Empire State was a Archeology, one of only a well known passenger ship. Operating few programs in the for the Western Transit Company, she United States that offers carried many an immigrant to the new graduate degrees in lands opening up in the midwest. A continued on page 4 2 Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage September 1999 Wisconsin’s Fall Meeting Underwater Heritage is published During the cruise Jim Landwehr will he fall meeting of the quarterly by the Wisconsin speak on the maritime history of Wisconsin Underwater Underwater Archeology Milwaukee. Association, a nonprofit associa- Archeology Association will T Choices for dining include: chicken tion of individuals and organiza- take place Saturday, October 16 in princess, stuffed pork chop or white- tions interested in studying and Milwaukee. (See the flyer enclosed in fish almondine. The cost per person is preserving the underwater cul- this newsletter.) $30. We would like payment by the tural resources and historical The business meeting will be held first of October so we can confirm sites of Wisconsin. at the Milwaukee Public Library, 814 reservations. Payments may be mailed W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee and In addition to publishing this to: WUAA, P.O. Box 6081, Madison, will begin at 9:30 am. newsletter, the Association also WI 53716. Contact Tom Villand at 608- holds semiannual meetings and An important item of business to 221-1996 for more information or to provides support to members’ take care of is the election of officers confirm your reservation. research and publication pro- and directors. The term of office is for The Edelweiss docks at Riverfront jects. Annual membership dues two years. As has been mentioned pre- Plaza, located at 1110 Old World Third are $15. For membership infor- viously, WUAA needs your help, Street, Milwaukee. mation, contact the secretary or whether in an officer’s capacity or oth- write to the address below. erwise. Please let us know if you are After the cruise we have the oppor- tunity to tour the Wisconsin Lake President: interested in helping out. Also during Schooner project. This is the tour we Jeff Gray the meeting, we will be making plans took in April of 1998 when construc- Madison, 608-271-1382 for winter activities that people may want to get involved in, hear reports tion was just beginning. Now things Vice-President regarding activities that have taken have progressed dramatically. Cost of Andy Jalbert place this summer and discussing the tour is $5 per person. The Madison, 608-257-4840 other association business. Wisconsin Lake Schooner shipyard is Secretary: located at the Milwaukee Maritime At noon we will be boarding the Tom Villand Center, 500 North Harbor Drive, luxury dining yacht Edelweiss for a Madison, 608-221-1996 Milwaukee. two hour luncheon cruise of the Treasurer: Milwaukee River and the harbor. Danny Aerts Madison, 608-233-2066 Directors: Dick Boyd Delafield, 414-646-2092 Craig Fink Neenah, 414-722-0051 Bob Korth Shawano, 715-787-4444 Placing the sinker on Janet Defnet the Frank O’Connor. Mukwonago, 414-363-9874 photo by Al Brown Send correspondence to: WUAA PO Box 6081 Madison, WI 53716 email: [email protected] website: www.mailbag.com/users/wuaa/ September 1999 Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage 3 The Path towards Wisconsin’s Maritime Trails W.A.T.E.R. Institute also provided the Side Bar he State Historical Society of project with the 70-foot research ves- One of the greatest strengths of the Wisconsin’s underwater arche- sel Neeskay and crew to lower the Wisconsin’s Great Lakes Shipwrecks ology program has continued T sinker into the water (the Neeskay and web site has been its striking under- its efforts, with cooperation from crew also assisted in the Niagara water images. If you have any images divers, businesses, other governmen- mooring last year). of our featured wrecks that would be tal agencies, and local communities, appropriate for the site, we would to continue the development of mar- Shipwrecks of Wisconsin love to see them. We can not guaran- itime trails. Trails in both Lake web site tee that all images submitted will be Michigan and Lake Superior will edu- The SHSW and University of published on the site, but we will put cate divers and non-divers alike Wisconsin Sea Grant’s Shipwrecks of on as many as possible. If you are about the state’s maritime history by Wisconsin web site interested, please call Jeff Gray (608/ featuring and interpreting ship- (www.seagrant.wisc.edu/shipwrecks) 264-6493) or John Karl (608/ 263- wrecks, lighthouses, historic dock has developed substantially over the 8621). works, and other maritime resources. last few months. The site now fea- Shore-side historic markers, visitors' tures "Sailing through Death’s Door: Dive Guides materials, and shipwreck moorings, Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan Last fall the SHSW and Sea Grant for improved access and safety, will Shipwrecks" and "Ice-Water introduced visitors' guides for seven be incorporated into the trails. The Mansions: Wisconsin’s Lake Superior of Wisconsin’s Lake Superior ship- following is a report on recent devel- Shipwrecks." The latest additions to wrecks. The rugged, waterproof opments that will be integral compo- the site are the Niagara and Frank guides are designed to go along on nents of the trail: O’Connor featured on the Lake dives or to be read for pleasure. The Moorings Michigan page. These sites feature 9.5" x 6.5" slates offer interpretive expanded information on the wrecks tours of the wrecks at the sites or at The SHSW shipwreck mooring effort and their histories, including historic home. Featuring site maps, schemat- started in 1997 with the placement of and underwater photographs. The ics, diving information, vessel data a buoy on the schooner Noquebay Frank O’Connor page features two and histories, the guides are great for located off Stockton Island in the narrated video clips, which take the anyone interested in the Great Lakes, Apostle Islands. The following year viewer on an underwater tour of the shipwrecks, maritime history, or two additional moorings were set: the wreck. Look for similar clips featuring underwater archeology. The SHSW Lucerne, located off Long Island in the Niagara, Pretoria, and Lucerne in and Sea Grant are currently develop- the Apostle Islands, and the steamer the coming months.
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