c TO BASE BALL OONS GUNNING VOLUME 30, NO. 10. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 29, 1898. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CHANGE OF PLASS. ANOTHER LEAGUE FEW LEAGUE TEHMS WILL TRAIfl IS PROJECTED FOR THE \ SOUTH IN THE SOOTH. WESTERN SECTION. Baltimore the ODly Eastern Team Kansas and Oklahoma Towns to be to Go Far Away From Home United in an Inter-State Organiza The Western Teams, However, Will tion According to the Scheme ol Do Some Traveling, tie Ex-Texan, J. E. Alexander. Wichita, Kan., Jan. 24. Editor "Sporting Plans for the spring training season have Life:" There is good reason to believe that been perfected by almost all the National a Kansas-Oklahoma Base Ball League will League Clubs. With but few exceptions be organized next summer, and that Wichi the clubs will call their men together o,n ta will have a franchise in it. J. B. Alex March 1 and keep them at practice until ander, who is now of Wiohita, but who the championship© soheduJe begins. Tiie lived for a number of years in Austin, Giants will train at Lakewootl, Boston and Tex., and was president of the Texas State 3©liilacielpliia will also seek quarters in New League Club there, is the principal promo Jersey. The Quakers have settled on Cape ter of thefproject. He propose* to have May niid the Beaneaters will be at Prtice- the league operate under the National 1mi. Brooklyn©s team, will probably also Agreement. Newton, Winfleld. Wellington, train at Lakewood. Hutchiuson, Arkansas City, Guthrie, Okla THB BALTIMORES homa City, Enid and El Renp will be other rvill be the only Eastern team to go South, towns that will be asked to join, the league. as the Washiut©stcKi team will as usual ALEXANDER©S IDEAS. train at home. \ed Hanlon and his Orioles Mr. Alexander spoke enthusiastically of have all plans, made to spend March down the chances of success of the proposed ID ThomasvilJe, Ga. Hanlon mis always league when seen this morning by your been an ardent advocate of Southern trips reporter. "I have just begun work on the in the spring, and ridicules the pretensions idea," he said, "but I am already receiving of the Jersey resorts. Still, the success letters offering me substantial encourage achieved by the Giants last year has tended ment. A meeting of representatives of the to shake his convictions. towns that wish to enter the circuit has THE WESTERN CLUBS been called for Feb. 5. and I have assur LOUIS MAHAFFY, ances that it will be well attended and the fire more liberal. The Cincinnati Reds will preliminaries to the launching of the scheme go to San Antonio, Tex., and will play ex The Young Pitcher Drafted by Louisville From Cedar Rapids. arranged. The season would probably be hibition games in Texas aud Mexico. Pitts- Louis Mahaftv. whose picture is given above, is an excellent pitcher, whose fine record has In gin about April 1, and it should last at burg and Cleveland will go to Hot Springs duced the Louisville League Ciub to draft him from the Cedar Rapids Club. He is a Dative of least five months." aud Chicago -will probably go there also, Madison horn in 1874. weighs 170 pounds in playing form, and is 5 feet 9 inches in neignt. uy especially if Auson continues as manager. trade he is a shipbuilder, being now at work for the winter in Cincinnati. He first came into THE LOCAL OUTLOOK. The Louisville players may go South, but prominence br his splendid pitching for the Ben son team, of Madison, defeating crack amateur In gpeakmg of the local situation. MT. ere more likely to train at West Baden nines from Indianapolis. Cincinnati and other cities with ease; One feat of his was to strike out Alexander said: "I arn sure I can get to Springs. Ind.. where they practiced last 25 batsmen of an Indianapolis team in nine innings. His tirst professioial engagement was with gether a fast club for Wichita. I already year. The Browns will have to hustle at the Indianapolis team two seasons ago. ajid from that club he went to Burlington and Cedar have two locations for the local ball park !h n me to train off the winter©s accumulation Rapids He is an intelligent, hard-working player, of good habits and disposition, and if he does in view. Each is less than a mile from tli« of flesh. not succeed it won©t be througfc any lack -of effort on his own part. _________ corner of Main and Douglas, and each would be easily accessible by car line. It THE SCHEDULE. is my intention also to build an eight-laps- According to present indications the sche- MONTGOMERY ^MENTION. LOOKS LIRE A GO. to-the-mile biovcle track in connection with fluip will open on April 15, with games be the diamond. "We would obtain regular cir tween the Eastern clubs in the East and the Outsiders to Put up the Money For Canandaisua Pretty Certain of a cuit dates here and secure the presence of Western clubs in the West. The first trip the fastest professionals and amateur rao- v.-i!) be made by Bastern clubs into the the Local Club. Club For Next Season. West, it is said, about April 26. where Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 24. Editor "Sporting Canandaigua. N. Y.. Jan. 25. Editor "Sporting Mr Alexander will have the co-operation they will remain for two weeks. Upon re Life:" The season Is drawing nearer every day L,ife: "-_H. D- Ramsey. manager of the cham of a number of well-known business men turning there will be another short Bast vs. and finds Montgomery virtually dead as to base pions of the State League last year, is in town looking over the base ball situation. If satis in the foundation of the local club, and Kast series, followed by a visit of two ball for the coming season. The street car there is but little doubt that it would hare weeks here by the Western clubs. President company will Dot offer to do a thing, conse factory arrangements can be made he will be quently an outsider proposes to put up the coin glad io come back here and sign many of his ample financial backing. Young©s schedule drafts will be ready for team of last year. He has three young pitchers the inspection of the moguls on Feb. 15. and run the team. I will venture to stake my life that he will make money, for this is a good on the string, and he thinks they would develop RESERVATION ABUSED. ball town, and with outsiders at the head of well in the State League. SMUTS OVERLOOKED. it it is sure to be a success, but let home peo Ganandaiguans are anxious to have a strong Henry Chadwick Points Out the Ex ple take hold of it and it©s a frost. Why? team in the State League nest season, and it Because they think home people ought to get only requires a man like Ramsey to procure tremes the Clubs Are Going to. Quite a Goodly Number of Them in Rusie and the pick of the whole country, lour money. Within the past few days the enthusi In commenting upon the abuses of the re correspondent had a lengthy conversation with asm has increased wonderfully, so that now a serve privileges League clubs are gradually Base Ball. large majority of the inhabitants are more or f> St. Louis contemporary, the "Xews," the backers of the team ever since there was being drawn into Mr. Henry Chadwick a team here and they are perfectly willing to less afflicted with the base ball fever. writes: thus refers to the Smith family in base put up again providipg they get some other peo ball: "The League began Us reservation rule early ple to help them out. but they don©t propose to SAN ANTONIO©S TEAM. in the eighties, by reserving live player*, anil "Tliere are a few Smiths to the business. stand all the loss year in and year out. fire only. Then the number was yearly in There©s Eiuit-r. of Pittsburs; Alexander and The new street car company is a frost and Eight Bronchos Corralled by Mana creased ©up to fourteen: since then clubs have© George, of Brooklyn, and Harvey, of Washing consequently the Sunday games will be out out. ger Tom Farley. not been limited in their reservation of play ton. During the past few years a host of other Of course the yellow fever had lots to do with er* and now it lias come to be an abuse ol the Smiths have come and gone. Hke old Pop Smith, tho game, but Mobile had .lust about twice as San Antonio. Tex.. Jan. 24. Editor "Sporting first maguitude. uulust alike to the players anil the infielder; Ollic Smith, of Louisville: Tom many cases of fever as did Mon©tszornery. still Life:" San Antonio has put in a claim for also to the clubs which are not wealthy enough Smith, of the same town;© Phenomenal Smith, it don©t hold them back any. and they bare Louie Kriau. Kight Bronchos have already been to stand the consequent financial pressure. Ins the pitcher quite a bundle of Smiths, in fact." about signed all their team. Birmingham has corraled for ©08. viz.: Tom Farley, first base reserve list should not exceed fifteen at the out signed old Dick Godraan. and that©s a guarau- aud captain; T. M. O©Dounell. catcher; Harry side That would admit of the regular nine, That excellent catcher with Buffalo.
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