EPISCOPAL,BISHOP OF COLORADO LEADER IN ANn^DIVORCE aUB CIVIL WAR IN HOLY LAND EFFORT PLANNED TO HAVE Pray for the Nat’i Catholic CHURCH FORBID CLERGYMEN r ’ - LIKELY AS RESULT OF MOVE Success of the WeltareCoun. tv- TO GIVE PALESTINE BACK Catholic Press News Service TO OFFICIATE AT MARRIAGE TO JEWISH RACE AS HOME; OF ANYONE WHO HAS WIFE OR 6-7 OF POPULATION OPPOSED HUSBAND LIVING AT TIME Great Britain Tackles Task as Strenuous as 130,000 Couples Are Being Separated Each Any Problem in Europe Today Year, Declares Pamphlet VOL. XV. No. 48. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. JULY 15, 1920. $2 PER YEAR. A great mass meeting waa held will be safeguarded. The conflict is. not (Natl. Cath. Wei. Cl. News Service.) marriage ceremony where either party New York—Bishop Rhinelander of r / in Denver Wednesda7 evening to one betvieen Christian and Jew, but be­ was a divorcee, the Protestant Episcopal diocese of celebrate the fact that the peace tween Bedouin and Jew. The Zion pro­ A leaflet distributed by the organiza­ Pennsylvania, Bishop Johnson of the conference at San Remo had decided ject threatens the revival of a struggle CAMP SITE AT ESTES tion states that much can be done “to First Picture Published in Episcopal diocese of Colorado, Bishop to make Palestine the home land of ages old and might again make of the stem the fearful and filthy torrent Hall of the Episcopal diocese of Ver­ the Jewish race once again. Holy Land a battle ground upon which which is surely undermining family Uft G ffT OF MTHEE TO mont, Bishop Matthews of New Jersey the interest of civilization will center. here in America,” The leaflet appeals to (By N. C. W. C. News Service) U. S. of W onder Crucifix and several prominent clergymen of Washington, D. C.—The meeting of But the truculence of the Arabs is statistics to arouse interest in the eviL CATKEDRAL PARISH their church have organized the “ Soci­ the International Zionist conference in not the only cloud to obscure the Zionist ety for the Upholding of the Sanctity It is pointed out that there has been an London, together with the difficulties dream. At the London Zionist confer­ increase of 30 per cent in the number I One hundred and sixty acres of the of Marriage,” one of whose objects is of divorces every five years. The num­ l facing the powers as a result of the ence the prediction was made that with­ most beautiful land in Estes Park have the placing of a prohibition on minist­ ber for 1916 is said to have been 112,038. Turkish treaty, has focussed the world’s in the next twelve months 50,000 Jewish been given to the Cathedral thru Father ers to prevent them from remarrying Divorces are now being granted at the attention again on Palestine, the cradle immigrants will be settled in Palestine. Joseph Bosetti by William P. MePhee, persons who have been divorced. of religions. While the Zionists are This prediction might be attributed to in memory of the latter’s son, William Rev. Floyd W. Tompkins, of Phila­ rate of 130,000 a year, it is asserted. busy setting up the new national fabric the enthusiasm of the Zionists, who have Cranmer MePhee, who recently died. delphia, a member of the executive com­ Among the means of conducting the which is to be representative of the fought for many years to make a place The site will be used to establish a mittee of the new society, said there warfare against divorce, the officers of Jewish race, advices received in Wash­ for their race in the council of nations. permanent camp for the Cathedral choir would be an effort to amend the canons the society say, will be sermons, articles ington indicate that the difficulties in If it is fulfilled there is little doubt that and sanctuary boys, who are given an of the Episcopal Church so as to forbid in religious and secular papers and the way of the realization of this ideal Palestine will confront feeding and hous­ annual outing of a week by the parish­ a minister of that body to perform a tracts. are multiplying. ing problems as acute as any country in ioners. Each year the lads will ereev a Europe. The country,according to sur­ cabin themselves on the grounds, so Threats of Conflict veys made by experts, is in no condi­ that in time there will be buildings From Jerusalem come threats of con-, tion to sustain a large population. Be­ enough for all. flict of the most disturbing character. Protestant Woman Saves fore the historic valleys can be made to The Arabs, both Christian and Moslem, yield, extensive irrigation projects must who constitute the bulk of the popula­ be undertaken. Not only would the hope­ tion of Palestine, have openly declared ful Zionists be confronted by a decided­ PriesPs Vestments for 23 that they will not submit to the Jewish ly hostile and warlike race, but they ^vem m ent it is proposed to establish. UNCONSTITUTIONAL would in other respects have a struggle The foreign Christians are apprehen­ for existence. sive, in spite bf the guarantees that Lansing, Mich., July 9.—Attorney Gen­ Years in Mining Camp, eral A. J. Groesbeck, in an opinion today, have been given of the fate of the holy American Rabbis’ Position ruled that the proposed amendment to places under a Jewish regime. Accord­ There is still another difficulty to be the state constitution designed to abolish ing to some reports, even the Jews considered. Shortly after the San Remo parochial schools is contrary to the fed­ themselves now residing in Palestine conference issued a mandate to Great Returns Them to Church eral constitution and should not be plac­ are not disposed to welcome the estab­ Britain to take charge of Palestine, the ed on the ballot in November. lishment of a state by their own people Central Conference of American Rabbis, For twenty-three years, an altar years there lias been no resident priest ^nd prefer to let well enough alone. meeting at Rochester, New York, adopt­ BISHOP GOES BY AIRPLANE stone, alb, chasuble and practically ev­ in the place. It is not known just who But the die has been cast, if the de­ ed this resolution: ON EPISCOPAL BUSINESS erything except a chalice needed to cele­ the priest was that left the vestments cision of the allied premiers is to be re­ In the present circumstances we brate Mass, remained in the possession there. Father LaJeuiiesse, pastor now garded as irrevocable. Provision has declare that, while nothing Jewish (Natl. Cath. Wei. Cl. News Service.) of a Protestant woman of Lake City, at Fort Collins, used to visit Lake C3ty been made in the Turkish treaty for the is alien to our Jewish hearts, and Auckland, N. Z., July 14.—One of the Colo., who, not knowing what to do with when he was a Western Slope pastesr establishment of the new Zion and the while we are ready to help in the first episcopal visitations ever made by them, carefully preserved them until the years ago, but the vestments are not his, British are pven the mandate over Pal­ work of rebuilding Palestine for airplane is that credited to the Right Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R., the for he did not know that there was any estine until that can be accomplished. some Jews, we re-emphasize the Rev. Dr. Cleary, Bishop of Auckland, Denver missionary, who has just return­ sacred equipment in the city, and he Now that the stage is set, howe\te, view of Jewish life for which our who recently traveled from Auckland to i ^ ed home after giving eight missions on used to take his own there and Jiack. complications of the most serious char­ Kawhia, more than one hundred miles conference stands—that Israel is the Western Slope, visited the city. She acter are arising. south, in order to exercise his episcopal The odd thing is that a non-Catholie not a nation, but a religious com­ had told Mrs. Robett Stenson,' a Cath­ functions. would go to the trouble of saving the Of the 700,000 people in Palestine only munity; that Palestine is not the olic, wife of the manager of the Hidden The trip was by seaplane and took a vestments for so many _ years. The 100,000 are Jews. The Arabs, meeting homeland for the Jewish people, but Treasure mine, about the vestments, and trifle more tluin two hours. Dr. Cleary equipment is in fairly good condition. recently in Jerusalem, declared not ' that the whole world ought to be Father Geiermann had her bring the remarked that he enjotjed every minute The chasuble is one of the old-fashioned merely that they would oppose the set­ its home. things to the Stenson home, where they of it. Leaving Auckland the plane pro­ reversible type, red on one side and ting up of a Jewish government in the From various parts of Europe come re­ will be kept for the future use of priests ceeded first to Raglanv where mail was white on the other. The name of the country but that, if it came to the worst, ports also that the Jews, in spite of visiting the mission. left, and then continued down the coast, woman who saved the vestments cannot they would exterminate the foreign Jews the hostility they encounter, are re­ taking the watef easily in Kawhia Har­ Lake (?ity was a parish in the early be given, as not all non-Catholics are as who propose, in accordance with the luctant to leave for other parts of the bor, where a large crowd had gathered days, when the ■ mining industry was broadminded as she is and some might This is the first picture published in the United States of the famous crucifix Zionist plans, to make Palestine the na­ world.
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