% 5*$%!"#"$%&'%(&)"*%+)&#,%6748% % % ! THE STATE OFNORTH BROAD 2017 #THINKBROAD !"#"$%&'%(&)" *%+)&#,%-&."$."%/%0)#'"%'&)%0$123.!! TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents 3 Letter from Executive Director 4 North Broad by the numbers 5 Map of North Broad 6 North Broad Street as a neighborhood connector 7 Housing 9 Jobs and businesses 12 Growth and development 16 Development on the North B road corridor 19 Transportation 34 Crime and public safety 39 Quality of life 41 History of North Broad Renaissance 44 The 2020 vision 44 North Broad Renaissance objectives 45 North Broad Renaissance 2016 accomplishments 45 North Broad Renaissance staff 46 THE STATE OFNORTH BROAD 2017 4 LETTER FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The energy on North Broad is incredible. With projects like the Divine Lorraine, the Metropolitan Opera House and the Beury Building, the community has a nervous excitement about this revitalization and the type of opportunities it could mean for their business, homes and families all along North Broad. The 2017 State of North Broad report provides an in-depth look at the changing landscape of North Broad Street and adjacent areas. From new to proposed development to quality of life, this reports aims to keep stakeholders connected and informed about this corridor, and what its revitalization means to them. Overall, you will see that North Broad is experiencing various highs and lows. You’ll see slight increases in statistics like population growth and income, yet the area still struggles with high unemployment and low educational attainment. Overall, our job at the North Broad Renaissance (NBR) is to take this information and data, determine how we can support the positive and mitigate the negative, and work towards inclusive growth than could positively impact the entire North Broad community – including our most vulnerable population. One way to accomplish this is the proposed idea of creating hubs on North Broad Street. Each hub – a tech hub, an arts and culture hub, a professional service hub and a health hub – will be strategically positioned along the corridor to build on its strengths and provide economic development and sustainable employment opportunities for the communities east and west. And NBR is poised to take on this challenge. The corridor is still at the early stages of development and revitalization and with average income of North Broad’s resident at $15,000 a year; NBR has to be a part of the conversations around inclusive growth. Collectively, we can create positive development opportunities that can be duplicated across the region – we just need to Think Broad. Thank you, Shalimar Thomas, Executive Director North Broad Renaissance THE STATE OFNORTH northbroad.org | #ThinkBroad BROAD 2017 5 NORTH BROAD BY THE NUMBERS (Census Tracts) 49,695 Population5% Growth Residents in North Broad from 2000 to 2021 Source: ESRI Business Analyst Source: ESRI Business Analyst 46% $15,065 Residents 18-34 Per Capita Income of 18.0% years of age North Broad Residents Residents Who Have a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher More than 29,107 1,300 Jobs in North Broad Businesses $2.1 Billion Assessed Value of Real Estate on the North Broad 19,900 ousing Units Corridor 27,000 $91,527 Students along 57% Median Home Value the Corridor Residents Who in 2017 Walk, Bike, or Take Transit to Work Average Walk Score in 89 North Broad Neighborhoods 8% and 64% Eds and Meds Jobs THE STATE OFNORTH BROAD 2017 6 MAP OF NORTH BROAD North Broad Census Tracts (Light Green) and Buildings on the Corridor (Dark Green) The North Broad Renaissance (NBR) target area consists of 14 census tracts along North Broad Street from City Hall to Germantown Avenue and touches eight neighborhoods including Center City East, Center City West, Poplar, Fairmount, North Central, Hartranft, Fairhill, and Allegheny West. THE STATE OFNORTH BROAD 2017 7 NORTH BROAD STREET AS A NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTOR As one of Philadelphia’s most prominent corridors, North Broad Street continues to act as the city’s backbone, anchoring adjacent neighborhoods, supporting businesses and community anchors, and connecting residents to entertainment, retail, and job centers. The North Broad Renaissance (NBR) target area spans from City Hall to Germantown Avenue and touches eight neighborhoods including Center City East, Center City West, Poplar, Fairmount, North Central, Hartranft, Fairhill, and Allegheny West. *',"7!$,'#2!+",&&"!# +!#!*&0M7$',7''2! ) '**&)"', ! % W1%&.$%&'%^*2=#,$=@*2#R1%J&1"%@)&J2.$."%;&))2,&)1E%(&)"*%+)&#,%!")$$"%;&."2.I$1%"&%#;"% #1%"*$%;2":R1%<#;B<&.$E%#.;*&)2.3%#,A#;$."%.$23*<&)*&&,1E%1I@@&)"2.3%<I12.$11$1%#.,%North Broad Residents ;&JJI.2":%#.;*&)1E%#.,%;&..$;"2.3%)$12,$."1%"&%$."$)"#2.J$."E%)$"#2=E%#.,%A&<%;$."$)1>% 5*$%(&)"*%+)&#,%S$.#211#.;$%T(+SU%"#)3$"%#)$#%1@#.1%')&J%-2":%H#==%"&%_$)J#."&O.%The corridor and its adjacent census tracts are home to nearly 50,000 WC$.I$%#.,%"&I;*$1%$23*"%.$23*<&)*&&,1%2.;=I,2.3%-$."$)%-2":%V#1"E%-$."$)%-2":%?$1"E%residents. The current population throughout North Broad census tracts ^&@=#)E%N#2)J&I."E%(&)"*%-$.")#=E%H#)")#.'"E%N#2)*2==E%#.,%W==$3*$.:%?$1">% !is young, with nearly 40 percent of residents between the ages of 20 and 39. The school age population, consisting% of residents ages 10 to 19, is the second largest group and represents*43NO!$3456!,GPJ6GENP nearly 20% percent of the population. ! 5*$%;&))2,&)%#.,%2"1%#,A#;$."%;$.1I1%")#;"1%#)$%*&J$%"&%.$#)=:%Y7E777%)$12North Broad residents are also diverse; 64.8 percent are,$."1>%5*$% black, 24.8 ;I))$."%@&@I=#"2&.%"*)&I3*&I"%(&)"*%+)&#,%;$.1I1%")#;"1%21%:&I.3E%O2"*%.$#)percent of residents are white, 8.8 percent are of Hispanic =:%]7%origin, and @$);$."%&'%)$12,$."1%<$"O$$.%"*$%#3$1%&'%67%#.,%9e>%%5*$%1;*&&=%#3$%@&@I=#"2&.E% ;&.121"2.3%&'%)$12,$."1%#3$1%47%"&%4eE%21%"*$%1$;&.,%=#)3$1"%3)&I@%#.,%)$@)$1$."1%.$#)=:%nearly 10 percent identify as multi-lingual. 67%@$);$."%&'%"*$%@&@I=#"2&.>%(&)"*%+)&#,%)$12,$."1%#)$%#=1&%,2C$)1$Z%f]>`%@$);$."%#)$% <=#;BE%6]>`%@$);$."%&'%)$12,$."1%#)$%O*2"$E%`>`%@$);$."%#)$%&'%H21@#.2;%&)232.E%#.,%.$#)=:% 47%@$);$."%2,$."2':%#1%JI="2M=2.3I#=>%%Population growth estimates in the North Broad Census Tracts have %increased since last year. By 2022 the area’s population is expected to ^&@I=#"2&.%3)&O"*%$1"2J#"$1%2.%"*$%(&)"*%+)&#,%-$.1I1%5)#;"1%*#C$%2.;)$#1$,%12.;$% =#1"%:$#)>%+:%6766%"*$%#)$#R1%@&@I=#"2&.%21%$K@$;"$,%"&%3)&O%<:%Y>]%@$);$."%;&J@#)$,%"&%grow by 5.4 percent compared to 2.3 percent citywide. Overall, while 6>9%@$);$."%;2":O2,$>residents age 20 !'FG35KK;!QOJKG!3GPJ6GENP!5RG!CA!N4!H9!QJKK!3GS5JE!NOG!S4PN!to 34 will remain the most populous group, the corridor, T4TUK4UP!R34UT;!NOG!V433J643;!SUVO!KJWG!NOG!3GRJ4E!5P!5!QO4KG;!QJKK!5KP4! GXTG3JGEVG!NOG!GYYGVNP!4Y!5!35TJ6KZ!GXT5E6JER!PGEJ43!VJNJ[GE!T4TUK5NJ4Emuch like the region as a whole, will also experience the effectsI! of a !rapidly expanding senior citizen population. ! #RG!2JPN3J\UNJ4E!4Y!*43NO!$3456!,GPJ6GENP! Age Distribution of North% Broad Residents ! THE STATE OFNORTH BROAD!! 2017 6 8 Student Population and Education of North Broad versus Philadelphia The large population of young residents along the corridor can largely be attributed to the presence of strong educational and academic medical institutions such as Temple University,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Temple University Hospital, and +NU6GEN!L4TUK5NJ4E!5E6!&6UV5NJ4E!4Y!*43NO!$3456!FG3PUP!LOJK56GKTOJ5!! Hahnemann University Hospital. Over! a quarter of the population in the 5*$North %=#)3$%@&@I=#"2&.%&'%:&I.3%)$12,$."1%#=&.3%"*$%;&))2,&)%;#.%=#)3$=:%<$%#"")2<I"$,%"&% Broad census tracts is 20 to 29 years old, and, of the total population, "*$%@)$1$.;$%&'%1")&.3%$,I;#"2&.#=%#.,%#;#,$J2;%J$,2;#=%2.1"2"I"2&.1%1I;*%#1%5$J@=$%1 c.2C$)12":E%5$J@=$%c.2C$)12":%H&1@2"#=E%#.,%27,000 residents are enrolled in collegeH#*.$J#..%c.2C$)12":%H&1@2"#=>%GC$)%#% or graduate school. Along North PI#)"$)%&'%"*$%@&@I=#"2&.%2.%"*$%(&)"*%+)&#,%;$.1I1%")#;"1%21%67%"&%6e%:$#)1%&=,E%#.,E%&'%Broad Street, more than 50 percent of all corridor residents are students as 4 "*$%"&"#=%@&@I=#"2&.E%68E777%)$12,$."1%#)$%$.)&==$,%2.%;&==$3$%&)%3)#,I#"$%1;*&&=>compared to 12 percent throughout the city overall. Over 12,600 Temple%W=&.3% (&)"*%+)&#,%!")$$"E%J&)$%"*#.%Y7%@$);$."%&'%#==%;&))2,&)%)$12,$."1%#)$%1"I,$."1%#1% ;&J@#)$,%"&%46%@$);$."%"*)&I3*&I"%"*$%;2":%&C$)#==>%GC$)%46Ef77%5$J@=$%c.2C$)12":%University students live in the neighborhoods surrounding the university, 1"I,$."1%=2C$%2.%"*$%.$23*<&)*&&,1%1I))&I.,2.3%"*$%I.2C$)12":E%O2"*%"*$%with the largest concentration residing in the 19121 and 19122=#)3$1"% zip codes. In ;&.;$.")#"2&.%)$12,2.3%2.%"*$%4e464%#.,%4e466%L2@%;&,$1>%addition to a large presence of students, over half ofa.%#,,2"2&.%"&%#%=#)3$% North Broad census tract @)$1$.;$%&'%1"I,$."1E%&C$)%*#='%&'%(&)"*%+)&#,%;$.1I1%")#;"%#.,%;&))2,&)%)$12,$."1%*&=,% #%<#;*$=&)R1E%3)#,I#"$E%&)%@)&'$112&.#=%,$3)$$>%%and corridor residents hold a bachelor’s, graduate,% or professional degree. ! ! ! ! a.%#,,2"2&.%"&%#%=#)3$%*23*$)%$,I;#"2&.%1"I,$."%@&@I=#"2&.E%67%@$);$."%&'%(&)"*%+)&#,% ;$.1I1%")#;"%)$12,$."1%#)$%#3$1%47%"&%4eE%1I@@&)"2.3%"*$%.$$,%'&)%1")&.3%gM46% $,I;#"2&.#=%2.1"2"I"2&.1%#.,%:&I"*M&)2$."$,%1$)C2;$1>%5*$%;&))2,&)%21%*&J$%"&%"*$%In addition to a large higher education student population, 20 percent of ^*2=#,$=@*2#%!;*&&=%021")2;"%<I2=,2.3%#"%]]7%(&)"*%+)&#,%!")$$"North Broad census tract residents are ages 10 to 19, supporting%#.,%(&)"*%+)&#,% the need for )$12,$."1%*#C$%#;;$11%"&%#%,2C$)1$%3)&I@%&'%@I<=2;E%@)2C#"$E%#.,%'#2"*M<#1$,%gM46% $,I;#"2&.#=%2.1"2"I"2&.1>%strong K-12 educational! institutions and youth-oriented services. The ! corridor is home to the! Philadelphia School District building at 440 North Broad Street and North Broad residents have access to a diverse group of public, private, and faith-based K-12 educational institutions. 1 U.S Census American Community Survey 2015 data was used to determine the student population.
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