An Annotated List of Marine Algae from Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands! E. YALE DAWSON 2 THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT is based largely Inasmuch as this paper can be of greatest upon collections made by the writer at Eni- service as an aid to the identification of the wetok during the late summer of 1955 and algae occurring at Eniwetok, a key to all of the upon collections made on several occasions genera is included as well as an illustration for prior to that time by Dr. Ralph F. Palumbo each species of Green, Btown, and Red Algae of the Applied Fisheries Laboratory, Uni- for which a figure is not to be found among versity of Washington. The object of the work the following accounts of tropical Pacific has been the preparation of a reference collec- marine algae: Taylor, 1950; Dawson, 1954; tion of algae of the atoll for deposition at the Dawson, 1956. If these three papers are em- Eniwetok Marine Biological Laboratory ployed in conjunction with the present list, (EMBL), where it may be consulted by future one should find it relatively easy to identify biological investigators interested in identi- a great majority of the species encountered. fying algal research materials. It should be noted that the key to the There exist only three previous accounts of genera is intended to apply specifically to Eniwetok marine algae, namely, Taylor's those algae recorded here from Eniwetok Plants of Bikini . .. (1950) which treats of 67 Atoll. It does not necessarily apply to species species, Palumbo's (1950) brief listing of a of those genera from other regions. few entities, most identified only to genus, The short glossary of certain special phy- and Odum and Odum's (1955) mention of cological terms is intended to aid those of four species by name. The most comprehen- other disciplines in the use of the key. sive list of Marshall Islands algae to date has just been published by the writer (1956) in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Pacific Science. It treats of 149 species (exclu- Nearly all of the algal collections cited here sive of Myxophyta) for the southern Marshall other than the writer's were made by Dr. Islands. All but 43 of these are again listed in Ralph F. Palumbo, who kindly contributed the present account, which includes 228 spe- much time in preparing them for study in cies and varieties. Of these, 36 are Myxophyta, Honolulu. The list is considerably more com- 79 Chlorophyta, 20 Phaeophyta, and 91 prehensive as the result of the availability of Rhodophyta. his specimens, which provide an excellent 1 Contribution No. 87 from · the Hawaii Marine supplement to mine. Laboratory. Manuscript received January 17, 1956. Dr. Francis Drouet provided identifications 2 Associate Biologist (temporary), University of Hawaii; 18328 Plummer Street, Northridge, California. for all of the Blue-green Algae, so that this 92 .. Marine Algae from Eniwetok-DAWSON 93 parr of the list may be considered entirely his Rujoru = Lujor = Pujiyoru = Rujiyoru own contribution. Eberiru Dr. Harold St. John kindly prepared the Aomon = Aranit Latin diagnoses of new taxa. Bii jiri = Biiziri Special" thanks are due to Dr. Robert W. Rojoa Hiatt for making · all the arrangements for Aaraanbiru = Arambiru carrying out this study, and to Dr. Maxwell Piiraai S. Doty for the use of his library and other Runit facilities in Honolulu. Several others con- Enedrol tributed help in various ways, especially Mr. Chinieero Malvern Gilmartin, Mr. A. Dexter Hinckley, Aniyaanii = Japtan Mr. Robert T. B. Iversen, Mr. James Srewart, Chinimi Dr. Donald W. Strasburg, and Dr. A. J. Japtan = Muti Bernatowicz. Bogen = Boken = Jieroru Photographs are by Mr. George Edelman. Parry Eniwetok COLLECTING LOCALITIES Igurin Mui = Buganegan Inasmuch as a number of variations occur Pokon = Bogan in the spelling and application of the names Ribaion = Libiron = Ribairon of islands in Eniwetok Atoll, a list is presented Giriinien = Grinem here to show the equivalents. The list follows Rigili the succession of islands in a clockwise man- The following is a complete list of the ner, beginning with Bogallua in the northwest writer's collections made during August and part of the Atoll. The first name given in each September 1955·. The inclusive field collection case is that used in the text and in the labeling numbers precede the locality data in each of specimens, followed by some common case. It should be noted that where these variations which may be encountered on numbers are cited in the text they are prefixed United States maps and in geographical pub- by "D." Collection numbers by Palumbo are lications. prefixed by "P.," and, because of their smaller Bogallua number and scattering in time and space, are Bogombogo provided with locality data in the text. Those Eneroul = Eybbiye = Ruchi (often treated collections by Taylor which represent species as a single island with the next) not again collected are cited by his field num- Runo = Eybbiye = Ruchi = Cochiti ber prefixed by "T." Bokanjoio = Sanildefenso A specimen of each of the Dawson and Elugelab Palumbo collections cited here is deposited Lidilibut = Teiteiripucchi in the Eniwetok Marine Biological Labora- Bo gairik = Bo geirik tory, with the exception of the type specimens Bokaniuar of new species and varieties, which are de- Bogon posited in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Engebi Honolulu. Muzin = Mujinkarikku 13607-13654. Parry Island, outer seaward reef Kirinian = Biilee opposite EMBL, Aug. 19. Bokonaarappu 13655-13679. Parry Island, seaward reef flat Yeiri between EMBL and south end of island, Aitsu Aug. 20. 94 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XI, January, 1951 13680-13692. Parry Island, seaward reef flat 13917-13925. Runit Island, on a floating ' at extreme south end of island, Aug. 21. bumper log fastened to the pier, Aug. 25. 13693. Parry Island, drift in front of EMBL, 13926-13936; 13940-13946. Runit Island, Aug. 21. ocean reef flat, Aug. 25. 13694-13712. Parry Island, among coral heads 13937-13939. Runit Island, in the lagoon in in the lagoon near south end of island in 10 feet of water, Aug. 25. 6 to 10 feet of water, Aug. 21. 13947-13954. Parry Island, in the lagoon 13713-13716. Aniyaanii Island, inshore la- among coral heads in 10 to 12 feet of goon near landing, Aug. 22. water, Aug. 28. 13717-13745. Aniyaanii Island, seaward reef 13955-13956. % mile off Aniyaanii Island, on just on or inside of coralline ridge, Aug. 22. lagoon bottom in 90 feet (drift), Aug. 29. 13746- 13781. Aniyaanii Island, under coral 13957-13961. Parry Island, lagoon beach in and rocks in tidal washes at north side of 6- to 8-foot depths, Aug. 29. island, Aug. 22 . 13962-13970. Y2 mile off Aniyaanii Island, 13782- 13798. Aniyaanii Island, lagoon side around and on a dead coral head in the among coral heads in 3 to 8 feet of water, lagoon at 35- to 65-foot depths, Aug. 30. Aug. 22. 13971. Parry Island, off lagoon swimming 13799- 13824; 13855-13858a. Engebi Island, beach in 10 feet of water, Aug. 30. ocean side reef, Aug. 23. 13972-13983. Parry Island, in end of pipe and 13825-13827. Engebi Island, on a boulder in beneath outfall of salt water from generat- middle of ocean side reef, Aug. 23. ing plant opposite EMBL, Aug. 30. 13828. Engebi Island, lagoon side drift, 13984-13995. Japtan Island, reef along pas- Aug. 23. sage opposite Parry Island, Aug. 30. 13829-13854. Engebi Island, . algal mat area 13996-14000. 1Y2 miles off Aniyaanii Island, on dead coral and sand bottom of lagoon lagoon bottom at a depth of 135 feet, side, Aug. 23. Aug. 31. 13859- 13874. Igurin Island, seaward reef, 14001-14020. Rigili Island, seaward reef near Aug. 24. edge at north end of isJand, Sept. 2. 13875- 13877. Igurin Island, at depth of 20 14021- 14032. Rigili Island, sand bottom in feet off edge of seaward reef, Aug. 24. lagoon in 3 to 6 feet of water, Sept. 2. 13878 . Igurin Island, sand flat on sea side, 14033-14039. Rigili Island, at small island Aug. 24. on lagoon side subject to prevailing winds, 13879-13880. Igurin Island, seaward reef Sept. 2. drift, Aug. 24. 14040-14041. Rigili Island, seaward reef, 13881- 13885. Igurin Island, lagoon side drift Sept. 2. near north end, Aug. 24. 14042-14043 . Parry Island, lagoon swimming 13888-13897. Igurin Island, mid-island la- area, Sept. 3. goon in 3 to 6 feet of water, Aug. 24. 14044-14053. Parry Island, on and around 13898-13899. Runit Island, lagoon side bot- tanker wreckage ad jacent to passage, Sept. 3. tom at about 8-foot depth, Aug. 25. 13900- 13908. Runit Island, scraped from a GLOSSARY Tridacna shell from 20-foot depth in the lagoon, Aug. 25. chromatophore: a pigment-bearing structure 13909- 13910. Runit Island, lagoon side drift, within the cell. Aug. 25. corticated : provided with a complete or in- 13911- 13916. Runit Island, from vertical complete layer of superficial cells over the sides of pier piles in the lagoon, Aug. 25. primary axis of the thallus. Marine Algae from Eniwetok - DAWSON 95 distichous: disposed in two vertical rows; KEY TO THE GENERA OF MARINE ALGAE two ranked. OF ENIWETOK endophytic: growing within another plant. 1. Plants unicellular, or apparently so, mac- epiphytic: growing on another plant. roscopic or microscopic, spheroidal, heterocysts: cdls which are uniformly dis- ellipsoidal or club-shaped . .. .. ... 2 similar in shape and (or) size from their neighbors. 1. Plants multicellular, or, if noncellular intercalary: inserted between, as opposed to the thalli macroscopic and not solid terminal or basal. spheroidal, ellipsoidal or club-shaped. 8 medulla: the central or inner tissue of a thallus 2. Plants microscopic, less than 40 Jl in as opposed to the cortex.
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