iimai ijmmiiMMlmty oriti A Fowler man has been charged He is survived by his parents, Services were to be held at with involuntary manslaughter Mr. and Mrs. Victor Volz and a 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Lee R. il5th'Ye<HVNo„43 " ST;^WhfS,5y!lCH!GAN-,WEDMESDAY, FEBRUARY 24/1971:, 30 PAGES 15QENTS following the death of an 18- brother, Richard G„ all of. Rummell Funeral Home, DeWitt, year-old DeWitt youth Saturday DeWitt. with burial In DeWitt Cemetery, afternoon. George William Goerge, 20, ' % !-_*'•*."* ' ,"*?' * !>"" 330 Pine St., Fowler, surren- - * - „• j " " .' dered voluntarily to policeTues- day morning after a warrant for i -i his arrest was issued Mdnday. i He is charged in the death of Lee Volz, 1680 W. Cutler Road, DeWitt. Sheriff reports indicated that George, along with a passenger, was driving along Price Road when they saw two boys riding State aid appropriations for Public Schools, $21,728. bicycles on each side of the road. four Clinton County school dis­ Trezise said the cutbacks were tricts will be slashed by more figured on a three-quarter-per Goerge told deputies that he than $51,000, according tofigures cent reduction rather than the saw Volz jog his bicycle out into released by R. Douglas Trezise original proposal issued by Gov. the road. Goerge said he applied (R-Owosso), 87th district state William G. Milliken of two per the brakes but lost control of his representative. cent vehicle. Trezise also released the esti­ Trezise revealed the cutback mated state aid for the four figures for all of the schools in rihools which will total $4,378,- More photos his district, including DeWitt, 582.70. DeWitt's aid will be Bath, Ovid-Elsie and St. Johns $788,064.25; Bath's is $764,831.- schools. 38; Ovid-Elsie's is set at $1,- on page 3A The exact amount of money 102,586.03; and St. Johns is $1,- According to deputies' reports, cut from the four schools' state 723,101.04. the Goerge auto dragged the youth aid allotments totals $51,913. • "I want to make it clear to through a fence and into a water- educators and the general public flooded field about 300 feet from in our district that these cuts the original impact point, Volz DeWITT PUBLIC SCHOOLS are made betweenthesetwocom- was killed Instantly. will lose $9,189; Bath Community mittees (Senate and House Ap­ Schools, $7,770; Ovid-Elsie Area propriations Committees) and the Reports indicate that Volz and Schools, $13,226; and St. Johns governor's office," Trezise said. a companion, Mike Cornell, 2515 "The legislature has no vote W. Pratt Road, DeWitt, were DEATH SCENE , \ on these cuts," he added. "The gathering discarded bottles to be committees recommended a turned over to a 4-H group for three-fourths per cent reduction a recycling project. across the board," An 18-year-old De Witt youth died Sat­ The passenger in the Goerge urday when he was struck by this auto operated "**, 0" •*»* M •Iff" «I BELIEVE that this whole vehicle was identified as Forest by George William Goerge, 20, of Fowler, budget cutting business this year R. Conley, 20, 108 1/2 Main St., should give this legislature an Fowler. The youth was dragged several hundred feet indication of how it should act before the car finally came to a halt in a in their deliberations on this Volz, a senior atSt.JohnsHigh year's budget," the Owosso law­ School, had lived in DeWitt all water-soaked field. Business* iTo£8B»* JL4JJ maker said. his life. He was a member of "We must plan for the un­ Redeemer United Methodist Photo by Ed Cheeney v expected, such as the economi­ Church. Ghurcli'Page , . ,%2% cally-crippling strikes of last fall. Had I had ah opportunity to putWifti. i * i i M$ express myself-on the issue of cutbacks 1 believe that there are many areas where cuts could be more .effectively made than in the ..•-. , LIFE IS CRUEL .SOMbTlMES, FELLA f; . O^iifeeies*'. } .'•At* area of education," Trezise said. ' ' This little puppy didn't find Clinton County's weather very agreeable School NeWS, f v* A. "I' can. only hope that the bud­ .Society ";;• 9 get for the coming year makes last week, and so latched on to News photographer Ed Cheeney. Rover consideration for the unex­ paused long enough to pose for this rain-drenched study. cat acquisition Sports . »>«it pected," he added. number of parcels. &SKS: By BOB GAVIN ican Oil Company, when contacted News Staff Writer The oil companies keep con­ In the Register of Deeds office, I Close-up interview: o new leads stant track on acquisitions of appeared reluctant to state any­ Clinton County is in the center their competitors, according to thing further than "I am just of "wildcat acquisitions" accord­ Willard Krebel, Deeds office. checking the areas out. If they I in Harrington ing to Shell Oil Company repre­ "The information is public and are wide open then we go In. sentative David Corbut. they come in here with equip­ I just sent the information in to 1 Recently the county has had ment to determine who owns the" company. Sometimes they I murder case the attention of a number of oil what," he said. I companies, operating under a A representative from Amer- Continued on Page 2A Michigan State Police spokes­ subterfuge of local representa­ men reported Friday that they tives, who are leasing a record have not uncovered any new leads number of oil and gas rights. Bath group St. Johns man connected with the murder of According to Register of Deeds John Harrington, a St. Johns figures, approximately 116,000 stockyard employee, Aug. 4 on a acres have been "acquisitioned" lonely stretch of Stoll Road in in the last three months by at plans new sens DeWitt Township. _ least six major oil companies. First- in a continuing series Harrington, 49, was found The usual procedure is for a *>-•.., first day slumped over the steering wheel representative to go into an area all try ple decide on local issues on the of his auto on Stoll Road near and attempt to obtain as much rec v , By BOB GAV4N basis of how it is going to af­ Chandler Road. Police said he land as possible for oil and gas in News News Staff Writer fect them rather than party as­ died of multiple stab wounds. rights. The company will pay on A group of Bath Township res­ sociations." Cpl. Dale Welton of the State the average one dollar an acre idents intend to continue efforts Gerald. Shepard has dedicated Commenting about theboardhe Police told News reporters per year for ten years. to recall Duane Smith from his i-r Friday that they do not have any township supervisor post despite want dds 28 years' to local and county said —"I believe any board mem­ l The owner will receive one ' government. ber has the right to speak for . /if, ' ; . i >L * definite suspects and that "no­ barrel of oil for every eight a recent State Election Board In an interview in his office themselves and their convictions. thing substantial has been found produced if they strike oil. ruling that the petitions cir­ Waiter Hbteti of Sti Johns, sold located at his home, Shepard It is good to have different points in our investigation." It is difficult to determine who culated were not valid. * tils; 1966 Mercury' station wagqhj v '-and an oil. space neater after put­ explained why he has served for of view. I become somewhat "W e won't disclose any in­ owns the oil rights. For example, The group, Citizens for Bettei so many years. afraid if everyone votes yes or formation until enough concrete one piece of land was leased to ting theitems in theClintonCounry Government, through St Johns $&wpr. Classified, advertisement "I enjoy working for the public, no on an Issue, If you don't evidence has been gathered to an individual, then assigned to attorney Timothy Green, plan : ; have different points of view, issue a warrant," Welton said. Patrick Petroleum Corp. /who •' s.0 ctlbn''iasty/eeki-•.,.•. _•'.': \ once in awhile. Someone pats me a circuit court fight to review ..'He. said "be-Warited fast feting on the" back and that makes it you're in trouble." Harrington had been working at assigned it toWhitneyOIlandGas the ruling. a Future Farmers of America Corp. who then assigned it to results-if hfe .advertised: .in the worth the effort," he said, Asked about any problems with ;NeWs-^ and fast results'he're- Shepard's career in public of­ the 11-man board as compared livestock sale at the Wolverine Basin Petroleum Corp. in Okla­ Eugene Rounds, chairman of Stockyards In St. Johns on the homa City, Okla. citizens committe, Indicated that icgiyed.. Mr. Hpt;en sold; both the fice started in 1942 when he was with the 22-man board he said, ;'aytdh)obile and'heater me.same a young farmer and ran for the "It's about the same, except that day of his murder and had at­ This company owns a sizable Green told the group the petitions tended a banquet that evening at were legal and valid and that "'day; his advertisements _ap' - James Couzens School Board, it costs more now. Townships number of leases in western peared.. ••. - ' :• ' , presently known as the Bath Com­ used to pay part of the sal­ Daley's Restaurant. Clinton County. he would seek "a circuit court munity Schools Board. He was a ary, but now the county pays the Witnesses told investigating When contacted, Shell OilCom- date as soon as possible." .
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