VolumeFifty-eight ARNPRIOR, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 Number Twenty-nine Four DaysConvention Entrance Results Reunion of Hunt Family Tripp Family Reunion — In Baptist Church Arnprior School Held At Galetta HeldDominion Day — The German Baptist Association of Ontario Assembly opened in (Candidates successful on written & convention in the First . Baptist axamination—Name in order of ehurch, Arnprior, last Wednesday, The original site chosen ‘by the f-- .. Some.200 descendants of the late Lieut. merit: ‘ Po & and after a four days session con- pioneer, John Hunt and his wife _ Samuel Sumner Tripp and his wife, Sarah ~Honors—Irvin Woermke, Beryl bluded on Sunday evening with a Letitia Gillan, as a home for them- Storey, assembled Dominion Day in Robert McLean, Colleen Guinan, Marguer- gpecial service conducted by Prof. ite Geroux, Mabel Neill, Gerald selves and their descendants when _A. Laughlin’s grove, north of Kinburn, Din- | WEDDED| A, A. Schade of ‘Rochester, N-Y. Neumann, Manfred Oelsner. they came from Ireland 105 years ner was served at noon on long tables at 1 Delegates were present from six Pass—Bernice Ring, Muriel Fer- ago, now the home of Mrs. Fred “which Mrs. Harriett (Tripp) Laughlin, aged ehurehes, Sebastopol, Lyndoch, Hunt, was the scene of the sixth guson, Francis Carron, Wesley BAKER—GILMOURE 85, asked the blessing. During the afternoon Neustadt, Calvary and First Baptist Swant, - Martin Oelsner, Eunice reunion of tha Hunt family on the a softball game was played and races enjoyed churches of Killaloe and Arnproir. Cardiff, Erma Neumann, Weldon A marriage of interest to a large afternoon of Friday of last week. ‘by the younger members. Prizes weregii ven (Riev. A. EH. Jaster, pastor of First -Bahm, Mildred Hackey, Leo Mar- circle of friends took place at high Almost 100 descendants, many of to the oldest members present, Mrs. H. Baptist, Armprior delivered the ad- tin, Gordon Bautz, James Hayes, noon on Friday in Ottawaof Laura them coming from Montreal, Toron- o O Laughlin, of Kinburn, and James Weir f t- dress of Welcome, which was re- Lucy Derochie, Margaret Bimm, Jean Gilmour, youngest daughter of to, Sydenham, Newboro, Ottawa - tawa. sponded to by Rev. George Zing of Jean, Moir, Maurice Schnob, Leona Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gilmour of and other points registered at noon _ . Youngest members were Baby Airgue, Neustadt. L’Aibbe, Mary Denault, Melvin Braeside, and William A. Baker, and ‘were received by Fred Hunt as- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Maynard Argue, : During the sessions song services Ferguson, Robert Duncan, Cather- son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker sisted by Mrs. J. L. Hunt, Galetta; Ottawa, and Baby. Wilson, son of Mr. and were conducted by Leslie Kauf- of Arnprior. Mr. Eber (Caldwell, (Carp; Miss K. " Mrs. Allen Wilson of Carp. ine Lamorie, Theresa Hahn, Hugh feldt of Arnprior. MiccKie, Isabel Brunette, Kenneth The ceremony was performed ‘by Gillan, Pakenham; Mrs. Geo. H.- _A short program was in charge of the pre During. the convention addresses Rev. Alps of Chalmers United. Caldwell, Carp; and Miss Ruth sident ,Robert H.. Laughlin, and secretary, St. Pierre, Wilbert Okum, Orlette Mrs. Harriet Laughlin were given by Rev. George Zinz of church. The young bride looked Ellis, Ottawa. Mrs. Arthur Trippon the platform. Robert Rayeraft, Roy Lytle, Lucille Bahm, charming in a navy ensemblesuit- Mrs. W. W. Buttle, Pakenham, . G, Tripp of Fitzroy Harbor, was Neustadt and Professor A. A, James Stewart, Jean Burns, Cath- presided at the luncheon which was ehairman..: | a oe Schade of Rochester, N.Y. The erine Campbell, Cathelda Duncan, ably. trimmed and made in redin- Arnprior BYP.U., led by Miss served in the garden. The toast to “Those taking part in the program Raymond Carriveau, Willie Mullin, gote style with white accessories. Hilda Kauffeldt, cooducted the de- FBelen ‘Clift, James LeBlanc. The large picture hat was of white the King was proposed by Lt. Col. were R. A. Laughlin, Georeg Tripp, Arnprior Tennis R. D. Hunt, Montreal, and the toast of Irma, Sask.; Kenneth Laughlin, wotional exercises. Under (Regulations 10-5—Flor- net and she wore a shoulder knot of Interesting papers were given by to the (Hunt family Iby Mr. Bber RobertHenry Laughlin, William enice. Cameron. Talisman roses in pink shade. Miss Magdalene Jahn and Miss Lois Mr. and Mrs Baker will spend Caldwell, Carp, Ont. The greetings _ Payne and David: Tripp, Forester’s Players Winners Under doctor’s certificate—Alice theirhoneymoon in Montreal and from absentees were read by the Falls; ‘Little Wilma Argue, Ottawa; Woermke of Arnprior. Dahms. (On Friday evening the conven- Eastern Townships and on their secretary-treasurer, Mrs, S. Fulton, Miss"iDoris: Tripp of Fitzroy Harboz; The players who went to Smiths tion delegates and members of the return will reside in Arnprior. (Both Pakenham, Ont., who also gave the ‘Miss Helen. Wilson of Woodlawn; Falls on July the first area to be Baptist church were in attend- Mr. and Mrs. Baker havea large historian’s report prepared by W. Frank Moore, Toronto; Robert congratulted, upon the fine playing First ance at a banquet in the basement Gathering Of The circle of friends in their home town. H. Hunt, Winnipeg, Man. An in- . Moore, Carp; Mrs. Allen Wilson, against keen competition, teresting exhibit was a map of the M. Argue, Ottawa... of the church. , Carp, and Mrs. - Playingin his first major toumna- On Sunday, services were held Mohill district in Ireland showing Officers flor 1938 are: President, ‘ment, Tommy Iveson, red-thatched morning and evening in First Bap- Campbell Clan BEATTIE—BOND the orginal holdings of the Hunt . Andrew Wilson Woodlawn; vice-. pride of local jumior tennis ranfks, tist church with sev. George Zinz The marriage of Phyllis Dorothy family in Ireland as prepared by _. presidents, ‘Robert Tripp, Jr., provided the peak performance of and Professor A. A. Schadeofficiat- On Thursday, July ist, an inter- Bond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the historian. Woodlawn, and William Kedey, Arniprior’s invasion of Smiths Falls ing at both services. Fred Bond, Sr., Landrigan street, The election of officers for 1938 Fitzroy Harbor; secretary-treasurer, fourthinvitation tennis tournament esting picnic ‘was held at Stewart’s Bay, Sand Point, when the descend- Arnprior, to Donald Beattie, son of was as follows: President, Lt. Col. Miss Helen Wilson, Woodlawn. held in Smiths Falls on Dominion ants of. the late Major Dunican Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beattie, Flor- R. D. Hunt, Montreal; vice-presi- “Guests were from Ottawa, (Carp, Day. Displayinga fanciful reper- MRS. ALEXANDER WATTS Campbell gathered for a reunion, at ence street, Ottawa, was solemnized dent, Mrs.| George Caldwell, ‘Carp; North Gower, Arnprior, Forester’s toire of strokes, Iveson captured HAS 80th BIRTHDAY Thursday evening, July ist at Si. secretary- treasurer, for three year Falls, Cobden, Saskatchewan, Fitz- the original site of the ancestral the junior men’s singles crown with Andrew’s Presbyterian ehurch term, Mrs. Sedley Steen, Pakenham. roy Harbor, Woodlawn and Los a 6-4, 6-2, triumph over Ted Salter Mrs. Alexander Watts, mother of home. Ower one hundred attended, and manse, Arnprior, Rev. Thos. Mc- A sulbseription funa was estab- Angeles. of Smiths Falls. Iveson, who is Mrs. H. E. Clarke of Fitzroy Har- a memory book was signed by those Afeeofficiating. lished to erect a cairn in the priv- playing his last year in junior com- bor, celebrated her eightieth birth- present. The oldest descendant pre- The bride was dainty in a gown ate cemetery of the family, located pany, gain ed confidence with every day, on July 4th, in Kingston. sent was Mrs. Jame Hyde of McNab, of white chiffon with wide white on this property) and which the stroke and had his opponent under Three other daughters reside in the aged 76 years, formerly Priscilla pictured lat, accessories to match, company ‘visited! following the Annual Reunion comiplete control after a careful Limestone City. She has fifteen Jane Campbell, daughter of the and carried her bouquet of bridal Juncheon. Flowers wereplaced on start. His victory was a popular grandchildren, twenty great grand- late Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of roses and baby breath flowers. the graves and a silent tribute paid one and congratulations are deser- children and one great great grand- Of McBride's McNab. The youngest, the three Miss Dorothy Beattie, sister of to the departed. vedly his. child. The venerafble lady retains months old daughter, Elizabeth thegroom, was bridesmaid and her A program of sports umder the Arnprior delivered another final- all her faculties and her health is Mary of Duncan Campbell, Braeside gown was flowered yellow chiffon direction of Norman ‘Clark, Geo. The annual McBride reunion was ist as Miss Frances Baker fought excellent The Kingston Whig- and his wife Mina Watt, formerly with yellow hat and white access- Moreton, Wm. Needham, Arnprior; . held Dominion Day at M®erguson’s through three qualifying rounds to Standard publishes a fine picture of of Fraserburgh, Alberdeen, Scotland. ories. She also carried a bouquet Eber (Caldwell, Carp, and Miss Bay, on the Ottawa, with albout 85 gain a berth in the ladies’ singles the octogenarian. Dinner and supper were served of roses and baby breath flowers. Edith Hiunt, Toronto, was carried representatives of the late John final, Miss Baker put ulp a force- in the open and during the day Clifford Bond, brother of the out duvting the afternoon for which '-McBride and his wife, Annie Jief- ful game but faltered in the piniches races, ball games, bathing and com- bride, acted as bestman.. Miss Eva handsome (prizes and! souvenirs were frey, who came from Belfast, Tre- and acknowledged submission to rease munjty singing were enjoyed. Burke of Arnprior played the wed- distribrited,.
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